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Journal of Management and Business Vol 13, No 2 (2014): SEPTEMBER 2014
Publisher : Department of Management - Faculty of Business and Economics. Universitas Surabaya.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (578.175 KB) | DOI: 10.24123/jmb.v13i2.247


Entrepreneurial Marketing is a marketing activity conducted by small and medium-sized enterprises with an entrepreneurial approach. The Businessmen who able to respond market conditions quickly and anticipate market changes can be called an entrepreneurial marketer. It is very necessary, especially for start-up business that must keep innovates in order to develop brand and boost demand. Generally, start-up businesses are still not trusted by the market because of their new brand, especially for online start-up businesses which market trust is still not obtained yet. The people still not believe in it, because online start-up business doesn’t have a physical store, so they can’t see, touch or feel the product directly. These obstacles can be overcome through a pop-up store so that prospective customers can be sure before buying the product. Based on this phenomenon, researcher want to identify what is the barriers to business start-ups in developing markets. This research conducted with qualitative method by interviewing 8 project group business students at Ciputra University, Surabaya. This research has provided an entrepreneurial marketing strategy through the development of pop-up stores that fits with the needs of Ciputra University students’ business projects. Hopefully, it can be applied for business start-up to strengthen brand and increase consumer demand.
Faktor-Faktor yang Merefleksikan Family Business Brand dalam Perspektif Generasi Penerus Perusahaan Keluarga Pada Family Business Community Universitas Ciputra Annisa Aisyah Fayola; Metta Padmalia; Junko Alessandro Effendy
Management and Sustainable Development Journal Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Management and Sustainable Development Journal
Publisher : Department of Management - Institut Shanti Bhuana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46229/msdj.v3i1.243


This research in done to find out the factors that can reflect family business brand in the perspective of family business next generation. Research data collection is distributed as many as 135 respondents to the next generation of family companies that join seventh, eight, and ninth batch of Universitas Ciputra in which majority are those who have involved in family business. Sampling is done with non-probability sampling technique method and purposive sampling method. Data analysis method that is used Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (SEM PLS) with the help of smartPLS 3.0 program. The results of the analysis in this research indicate that Family Business Brand can be reflected by the factors of Family Firm Identity, Family Firm Image, and Family Firm Reputation. Family Firm Identity factors consist of family influence, family goal value, company origin, name of family business / company, and overlapping family business value. The Family Firm Image factors consist of the description of family agreement, the channel or channel that is used, the behavior of members that reflect values, and the history of family business sacrifice. Family Firm Reputation factors consist of the company's leadership vision, workplace environment, and company financial performance. The results of data process show that the factors that reflect the Family Business Brand in the perspective of next generation are if it is sorted from the highest that is, family firm identity factor, family firm image factor, and family firm reputation factor. Key words: family business brand, family firm identity, family firm image, family firm reputation, next generation, family business
Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha Vol. 17 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (616.955 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/jmm.v17i2.795


The study was conducted to identify the characteristics of consumers for products with a green label, analyzing the influence of aspects of green product and word of mouth to the label green product purchasing decisions. The sampling method using a convenience sampling, involving 100 respondents who are students in Surabaya with a minimum age of 17 years and they’ve bought green labels products. Data were analyzed using the Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results of PLS analysis shows that there is impact of green input, green output, and word of mouth to purchasing decision with coefficient value 0.2444, 0.2461, 0.4664 for each, while green process doesn’t have impact to purchase decision. These results indicate that consumers consider important aspects of green input and green output that can be felt directly, while green process can’t be felt immediately. Moreover, in deciding to buy a product green label, recommendations from others considered important by consumers.Keywords: Green Label, Green Product, Word of Mouth, Purchasing Decision
Journal of Business & Applied Management Vol 10, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (544.18 KB) | DOI: 10.30813/jbam.v10i1.867


Entrepreneurial Intention can be influenced by demographic factors (gender, age, work experience) and external factors, such as family background. One characteristic of an entrepreneur looked when he faces obstacles in managing the business, he is likely to survive and find a way out and not stop halfway. Individual ability to transform obstacles into opportunities is known as the Adversity Quotient (AQ/ adversity intelligence). Connectedness between adversity intelligence with the intention of entrepreneurship, as well as differences in the intentions of entrepreneurship by differences in gender, work experience and family background (family business and non-family business) are described in this study. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling of 126 students of the Ciputra University. Results showed the Sig. coefficient of Spearman’s rank correlationis 0.000 and the correlation coefficient is0.502; which means that there are significant linkages between adversity intelligence with the entrepreneurial intention. Independent sample test results show that the intention of entrepreneurship do not differ between male student with the girls. However, the intention of entrepreneurship students who have not experienced lower job than work experience. In addition, students who have a background in family business have higher entrepreneurial intention than students of non-family business.Keywords: entrepreneurial intention, adversity intelligence, family business
PEMBINAAN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ATLET KONI JATIM DALAM PROGRAM “UC SPORTPRENEUR” Christina Whidya Utami; Metta Padmalia; Christina Sudyasjayanti; Yosef Evandro Ernantyo
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jbmi.v4i3.13495


The success of Indonesian athletes at the 2018 ASIAN Games shows the size of the potential of Indonesian youth in various sports. The young generation as the foundation of the nation's hope, a big responsibility for the development of the Indonesian nation to the young Indonesians are able to compete and be dynamic in this 4.0 era, so they must have thoughts that can increase competitiveness, such as persistence, strong leadership, desire to continue to excel (need of achievement), responsive to various changes that will occur (calculated risk taking). Ciputra University through the UC Sportpreneur Academy coaching program has succeeded in providing answers to these challenges by providing training to outstanding athletes from KONI East Java. UC Sportpreneur Academy as a form of collaboration between KONI East Java and the Faculty of Management and Business, University of Ciputra, is a form of activity that will depart from the results of athletes in Indonesia. The aim of the program is to improve the entrepreneurial competence of outstanding athletes who are nearing retirement and develop business ideas from them as a source of income in the future when they finally retire from the world of sports. The UC Sportpreneur Academy activity is a good and beneficial activity for both parties, both Ciputra University and KONI of East Java Province. However, there are still many things that need to be improved from this activity, for example the entrepreneurial atmosphere that can still be improved.ABSTRAK:Keberhasilan atlet Indonesia di ajang ASIAN Games 2018 menunjukkan betapa besarnya potensi kaum muda Indonesia di berbagai bidang olahraga. Generasi muda sebagai tumpuan harapan bangsa, memikul tanggung jawab besar akan pengembangan bangsa Indonesia ke depannya. Kaum muda Indonesia dituntut mampu bersaing dan berdinamika di era 4.0 ini, sehingga mereka harus memiliki pemikiran yang dapat meningkatkan daya saing, seperti pantang menyerah (persistence),  leadership kuat, keinginan terus berprestasi (need of achievement), cepat tanggap terhadap berbagai perubahan yang akan terjadi (calculated risk taking). Universitas Ciputra melalui program pembinaan bertajuk UC Sportpreneur Academy telah berhasil memberikan jawaban atas tantangan tersebut dengan memberikan pelatihan pada para atlet berprestasi dari KONI Jatim. UC Sportpreneur Academy sebagai bentuk kerja sama antara KONI Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan Fakultas Manajemen dan Bisnis Universitas Ciputra, merupakan bentuk kegiatan yang berangkat dari keprihatinan akan keberlanjutan atlet di Indonesia. Tujuan program tersebut adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi berwirausaha atlet berprestasi yang mendekati masa pensiun dan mengembangkan ide bisnis dari mereka sebagai sumber penghasilan di kemudian hari ketika mereka akhirnya pensiun dari dunia olahraga. Kegiatan UC Sportpreneur Academy merupakan kegiatan yang baik dan bermanfaat bagi keduabelah pihak, baik Universitas Ciputra maupun KONI Provinsi Jawa Timur. Akan tetapi masih banyak hal yang perlu diperbaiki dari kegiatan ini, misalnya atmosfer entrepreneurship yang masih bisa ditingkatkan lagi.
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, June 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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Entrepreneurship and business have become the main colors in the tertiary curriculum in the last 10 years. The government through BEKRAF and ministerial regulations on graduate standards encourage a curriculum that increases the number of young entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Students who are currently being forged to become young Indonesian entrepreneurs are the millennial generation who have their own character. The amount of information circulating, the rapid development of technology and life in an era of high individuality, make this generation have weaknesses in leading their groups, low ability to communicate effectively, lack of resilience to accept failure and ability to work in teams. This is what causes the lack of performance results and the low sustainability of the business that is being pioneered. This research was conducted to find out how the type of situational leadership and communication patterns in the group can affect the performance of members of the millennial business group. The method used in this research is quantitative by distributing 285 questionnaires to student business startups that have been established for more than 3 months and have a monthly turnover. The results showed that situational leadership and communication patterns had a significant influence on group performance.
DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen Vol 17, No 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/derema.v17i2.4995


This research focuses on the fast-growing family business in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to discuss the performance of family companies that are in a state of inertia, where Top Management Team (TMT), namely the executive ranks of the company's leaders is needed to influence the management of cynicism to commitment to move in organizational change. The theory of leadership by comparing the perception of ideal change in organizations is the reference we use, namely the implicit change leadership theory (ICLT). This research method uses a non-probability sampling method where the probability of being selected as a sample is not the same. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and qualitative analysis of the organizational performance points of 31 family companies in Indonesia. The findings show that the paternalistic attitude of family culture reflects the commitment of TMT to make changes and performance that supports the company's success to move from inertia. The novelty in the article is the relationship of TMT in family businesses that supports the role of change through strong commitment, so that cynicism in family companies does not have a significant effect on organization. Abstrak dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bisnis keluarga yang berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membahas kinerja perusahaan keluarga yang sedang dalam keadaan inersia, dimana Top Management Team (TMT) yaitu jajaran eksekutif pimpinan perusahaan sangat dibutuhkan untuk mempengaruhi sinisme manajemen terhadap komitmen untuk bergerak di perubahan organisasi. Teori kepemimpinan dengan membandingkan persepsi perubahan ideal dalam organisasi adalah acuan yang kami gunakan, yaitu teori kepemimpinan perubahan implisit (ICLT). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode non-probability sampling dimana probabilitas terpilihnya sebagai sampel tidak sama. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan analisis kualitatif terhadap poin-poin kinerja organisasi 31 perusahaan keluarga di Indonesia. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa sikap paternalistik budaya keluarga mencerminkan komitmen TMT untuk melakukan perubahan dan kinerja yang mendukung keberhasilan perusahaan untuk beranjak dari inersia. Kebaruan dalam artikel tersebut adalah hubungan TMT dalam bisnis keluarga yang mendukung peran perubahan melalui komitmen yang kuat, sehingga sinisme dalam perusahaan keluarga tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap organisasi.
COVIT (Community Service of Health) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/covit.v2i2.6158


Entrepreneurship education must be carried out from an early age. The imbalance in the number of productive labor forces with the availability of jobs will cause unemployment. One way to reduce unemployment is to create entrepreneurs through entrepreneurship education from an early age. SMAK Frateran is a school that strives to create graduates who are able to answer the challenges of the future. SMA Frateran specifically makes entrepreneurship education taught from an early age through learning with gradual materials, especially with the design thinking method. The design thinking method starts with redefining the problem and creating innovative solutions for prototyping and testing. It is hoped that the design thinking method will provide entrepreneurship education learning by looking at environmental problems and solutions by making a business project as an output of learning. Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, design thinking
Parsimonia - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 10 No 1 (2023): Parsimonia: Jurnal Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Bisnis
Publisher : Ma Chung Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33479/parsimonia.v10i1.699


The development of the Internet is increasing day by day, and more companies are trying to create products and services to meet people's needs. So the company must continue to work to create a strategy that attracts consumers. This study aims to determine sales promotion, perceived ease of use of DANA e-payment with customers as an Intervening Variable in Generation Z. The population in this study are active users of DANA e-payment for transactions. The number of samples used as many as 120 respondents through purposive sampling with data collection (questionnaire). The media analysis used in this research is the SmartPLS program. The results showed that Sales Promotion had a significant positive effect on Customer Satisfaction, Perceived ease of use had a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction, Customer satisfaction had a significant positive effect on Continuance Intention to Use, Sales Promotion had a significant positive effect on Continuance Intention to use through Customer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable, and Perceived Ease of Use has a significant positive effect on Continuance Intention to Use through Customer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable.
PELATIHAN MANAJEMEN PEMASARAN PADA SISWA SEKOLAH CITRA BERKAT SURABAYA SEBAGAI PERSIAPAN CALON ENTREPRENEUR GENERASI MUDA Liliana Dewi; Metta Padmalia; Dewi Mustikasari Immanuel; Christina Sudyasjayanti; Irantha Hendrika kenang; Romauli Nainggolan
Jurnal Abdimas Sosek (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sosial Ekonomi) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat Perkumpulan Dosen Manajemen Indonesia (PDMI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.261 KB)


Adanya ketertarikan siswa Sekolah Citra Berkat Surabaya utamanya SMA kelas XI dan XII terhadap berwirausaha yang sukup tinggi. Namun strategi marketingnya belum cukup tajam. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah untuk membekali peserta berkaitan dengan manajemen pemasaran. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah tahap penjelasan, tanya jawab, studi kasus, dan simulasi. Hasilnya adalah siswa mampu mendekripsikan data base konsumen, data base komplain dan memahami perlunya menjaga hubungan baik dengan konsumen. Harapannya bisa membuat bisnis menjadi sustain.