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Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan Vol 8, No 3 (2016): Edisi Khusus September 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan

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Tindakan operasi merupakan tindakan invasive yang hasilnya dapat menyebabkan respon kecemasan pada pasien. Salah satu hal yang bisa digunakan untuk menurunkan kecemasan adalah pemberian informasi informed consent, ketika proses persetujuan dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh antara pemberian informasi informed consent terhadap perubahan kecemasan pasien yang akan menjalani tindakan operasi di SMC RS Telogorejo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasy eksperimen (eksperimen semu) dengan rancangan one group pre and post test design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 responden yang dipilih dengan tehnik acak (purposive sampling). Hasil penelitian, Dengan responden 30 orang didapatkan penurunan kecemasan dari 24 responden (80%) menjadi7 reponden (23,3%) setelah pemberian intervensi. Dalam penelitian ini ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara pemberian informasi informed consent terhadap perubahan kecemasan pasien yang akan menjalani tindakan operasi di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang. Rekomendasi hasil penelitian ini adalah agar perawat tetap memperhatikan kebutuhan informasi terhadap pasien yang mengalami kecemasan, terutama pasien yang akan dilakukan tindakan operasi.
Pembuatan Alat Komposter Dalam Pemaksimalan SDGs Desa Peduli Lingkungan Darat dan Mengatasi Permasalahan Sanitasi Lingkungan di Desa Kencong Wonnink, Riqbal Fauzi Salman; Arsita, Selly; Setiawan, Ardhi Harry; Dini, Widya Septian; Hidayah, Siti; Triningsih, Jessica Septina; Hakim, M. Arief Rahman; Qibtiyah, Mariyatul; Imamah, Alfia Nur; Pramesty, Intan Budi; Agustin, Almaidah Sela; Aulia, Dita; Andriana, Fany Septi; Dwiguna, Ratnanda Kresna; Hidayat, Moh. Masyrofi; Yasin, Mohammad Zeqi
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 10 No 5 (2024): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10545191


The KKN-Collaborative Group #2 004 Kencong Village has a focus on maximizing the village's SDGs on the points of Village Care for the Land Environment and Village Consumption Production Villages that are Environmentally Aware. This is because the KKN 004 Kencong Village group sees the potential for processing wet and organic waste which can be utilized to become zero waste with the theme of environmental sanitation. In line with this goal, we found that there was a scarcity of fertilizer availability and a significant increase in the price of chemical fertilizers, without any reduction in demand. from farmers who do not decrease and tend to increase. It is necessary to make alternative fertilizers that can be made at home, namely by using a composter. This research was conducted using the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method. PAR is a method of raising public awareness about existing potentials and problems and encouraging community participation or participation in change activities that will be implemented. The implementation stage of the composter work program activities begins with the procurement of materials and tools as well as the assembly of composter tools which are carried out at KKN posts, then socialization and training are carried out aimed at the Kencong Village community, especially village officials, PKK, Posyandu Cadres, and farmers. The presence of the KKN-K 004 student work program in Kencong Village provided ideas and encouraged the community in terms of managing organic waste as well as household waste. So that it is hoped that the Kencong Village community will be able to become a sustainable society.
PENDAMPINGAN KELOMPOK PKK DALAM PENGOLAHAN KRIPIK RUMPUT LAUT CRISPY DI DESA SUKAJADI, KECAMATAN CARITA, KABUPATEN PANDEGLANG Wahyiah, Ita Rosita; Pratiwi, Diah Ayu; Akbarudin; Sam, Maulana Suprihatin; Rendiyani, M; Ina Sabrina, Ina; Aulia, Dita; Sefriyandi, Andi; Agustina, Anggi Ratna; Vinoza, Veranica Febrilla
Jurnal Akselerasi Merdeka Belajar dalam Pengabdian Orientasi Masyarakat (AMPOEN): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2024): AGUSTUS-NOVEMBER 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2114


Sukajadi Village, Carita Sub-district, Pandeglang Regency, has great potential in the development of processed seaweed products. With the availability of abundant raw materials and high public interest in local processed products, the development of crispy seaweed chips can be one of the community's economic empowerment efforts. The PKK group as one of the active community organisations in the village has an important role in this effort. Through proper assistance, PKK groups can increase production capacity, produce quality products, and develop sustainable businesses. Objectives of Assistance Improving knowledge and skills Improving the PKK group's knowledge of seaweed processing techniques into quality crispy chips. Assist PKK groups to produce crispy seaweed chips with good flavour, crunchy texture, and attractive appearance.
PENDAMPINGAN DESAIN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PACKAGING KERUPUK IKAN PINDANG DI DESA SUKAJADI KECAMATAN CARITA Wahyiah, Ita Rosita; Rahayu, Luis Fiska; Arasid, Mohamad Ikrom; Arifin, Suherman; Rendiyani, M; Ichwana, Cahya Tri; Sabrina, Ina; Destriana, Halizah; Aulia, Dita; Arif, Khaerul
Jurnal Akselerasi Merdeka Belajar dalam Pengabdian Orientasi Masyarakat (AMPOEN): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2024): AGUSTUS-NOVEMBER 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/ampoen.v2i2.2130


KKM UNIBA Group 63 provided assistance in the design and development of packaging for pindang fish crackers in Sukajadi Village, Carita District, Pandeglang Regency as part of efforts to empower the local community economy with a focus on increasing the added value of local products. Pindang fish crackers, as one of the leading products from the village, has a wide market potential, but the main challenge faced is the packaging design that is less attractive and not in accordance with modern marketing standards. This service aims to provide support in terms of packaging design and development of pindang fish crackers to increase market attractiveness and expand distribution reach. The methods used include packaging design needs analysis, packaging design training, and new packaging implementation. The training process involved understanding the design concept, selecting appropriate packaging materials, and printing techniques. The results of the mentoring showed that the new packaging design successfully increased the visual appeal of the product, clarified product information, and improved quality perception in the eyes of consumers. The newly designed packaging also provides better protection to the product during the distribution process. With the attractive and functional packaging, sales of pindang fish crackers have increased significantly, and the product has successfully entered a wider market both at the local and regional levels.
Eksistensi Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara (PTUN) Sebagai Media Pengawasan di Lingkungan Masyarakat Aulia, Dita; Anggelina, Devina; Handayani, Holinda; Hikmah, Nurul; Anwar, Muhammad Syaiful
JURNAL PENELITIAN SERAMBI HUKUM Vol 17 No 01 (2024): Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum Vol 17 No 01 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59582/sh.v17i01.867


Negara Indonesia adalah negara hukum yang dinamis bertujuan untuk mencapai kehidupan negara yang sejahtera,aman,damai, dan tertib.Dengan cara tata kehidupan yang demikian , persamaan warga negara didepan hukum dijamin.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebutdi atas sesuai dengan sistem ketatanegaraan yang dianut dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, pemerintah harus bertindak secara aktif dan positif melalui aparatur penyelenggara negaranya.Sebagai negara hukum, negara Indonesia menganggap hukum penting, pelaksanaan yang dilakukan oleh negara melalui pemerintahannya harus dilaksanakan dengan baik dan menurut saluran yang ditentukan oleh undang -undang. Hukum berfungsi sebagai badan kontrol dalam masyarakat.Salah satu bentuk pengawasannya adalah Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara (PTUN). Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode yuridis normatif yang dilakukan melalui penelitian kepustakaan yang mengkaji informasi sekunder berupa peraturan perundang undangan yang berkaitan dengan hukum administrasi negara, undang-undang dan penelitian serta referensi lainnya. Prinsip tata pemerintahan yang baik berdasarkan AAUPB menjadi standar dasar aparatur negara dalam pelaksanaan perbuatan hukum atas berhasil atau tidaknya dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Dalam praktiknya, tentu saja ada beberapa hambatan yang menghalangi PTUN sebagai sarana check and balance untuk mewujudkan good governance di masyarakat.
The Influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at the Youth and Sports Department of North Sumatra Province Aulia, Dita; Tupti, Zulaspan
Proceeding International Seminar of Islamic Studies INSIS 6 (February 2024)
Publisher : Proceeding International Seminar of Islamic Studies

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This research aims to examine the influence of organizational culture, leadership and work discipline on employee performance at the Youth and Sports Department of North Sumatra Province . This research uses associative research with a quantitative approach to determine the relationship or influence between one variable and another. Quantitative data is data expressed in the form of numbers. This research was conducted to examine the influence of organizational culture, leadership and work discipline on employee performance and test hypotheses with a sample size of 91 employees at the Youth and Sports Department of North Sumatra Province. The results of this research show that the Organizational Culture Variable (X1) is known to have a Sig value. 0.001 0.05 and calculated t value = 7.345 t table = 1.663. So it can be stated that Organizational Culture has a positive and significant effect on the Employee Performance variable, the Leadership Variable (X2) is known to have a Sig value. 0.013 0.05 and calculated t value = 5.601 t table = 1.663. So it can be stated that Leadership has a positive and significant effect on the Employee Performance variable, the Work Discipline Variable (X3) is known to have a Sig value. 0.000 0.05 and calculated t value = 6.244 t table = 1.663. So it can be stated that Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on the Employee Performance variable and the Organizational Culture, Leadership and Work Discipline variables. It is known to have a Sig value. 0.000 0.05 and the calculated F value is 7.342. So it can be stated that Organizational Culture, Leadership and Work Discipline have a positive and significant effect on the Employee Performance variable.