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Implikatur Percakapan dalam Tayangan “ Tiga Bacapres Bicara Gagasan” Simanjuntak, Dairi Sapta Rindu; Wulan, Eka Putri Saptari; Gustianingsih, Gustianingsih
eScience Humanity Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2024): eScience Humanity Journal Volume 4 Number 2 May 2024
Publisher : Asosiasi Ide Bahasa Kepri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/esci.v4i2.88


The context of conversation in a discourse, especially political discourse which is currently trending, is very interesting to discuss. The context of conversation in pragmatics studies can be observed from the concept of implicature. Therefore, this research aims to explore the form of implicature utterances and the meaning of implicatures contained in the dialogue between the 2024 presidential candidates on the "3 Presidential Candidates Talk Ideas" program hosted by Najwa Shihab. This research uses a qualitative approach with content analysis method. The data source is a conversation video obtained from the YouTube channel. The research data is in the form of speech spoken by the speakers and presenters. Data presentation is carried out using an interactive model, namely data collection, data reduction, data verification and drawing conclusions. The findings of this research are that there are 14 implicature utterance data in the conversation. Implicature utterances are used by each presidential candidate. Even though implicature speech is used in the dialogue, the conversation still runs smoothly because both speakers understand the context and meaning of the speech being conveyed. The most important thing that determines the success of utterers in understanding the meaning and context of each utterance is the existence of similar experiences or perceptions even though it is not stated explicitly.
The Structure of Interrogative Sentences in Langkat Malay: An Analysis of X-Bar Theory Mellya Miranda Putri; Mulyadi, Mulyadi; Gustianingsih, Gustianingsih
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Ilmu Linguistik Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55637/jr.10.2.9296.585-593


This research discussed the structure of interrogative sentences in Langkat Malay. Langkat Malay is one of local language in Indonesia which is still used in Langkat but the Langkat Malay just understand by the old people because this language doesn’t teach to the younger population in Langkat. Beside that the problem of this study is how the structure of interrogative sentences in Langkat Malay. This research is analyzed using X-bar theory. This research was done because of there is question words have function as complemetizer but question words usually as a specifier. This research used a qualitative approach. Data collection was done by observation and interview methods. Data analysis used the Agih method. which is a determining tool that refers to the language or part of the language such as words, syntactic functions, clauses, word syllables, pitch, etc (Sudaryanto, 2015). The presentation of data results is done using formal and informal methods. The results showed that rules are produced in interrogative sentences in Langkat Malay are: 1) C + Spec + I + Comp, 2) Spec + I + Comp, 3) Spec + Comp, and 4) C + Spec + Comp.
Kekerabatan Bahasa Jawa, Bahasa Nias, dan Bahasa Batak Toba di Kota Medan Sidabalok, Dindasari; Ayuanda, Winda; Nasution, Khairina; Gustianingsih, Gustianingsih; Syarfina, Tengku
Aksara: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 25, No 2 (2024): Aksara: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra (in procces)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/aksara/v25i1.pp376-387


This study aims to describe the percentage of kinship and separation time between Javanese (J), Nias (N) and Batak Toba (BT) in Medan. This study used a combined qualitative and quantitative method. The type of data studied refers to the 200 vocabulary lists put forward by Swadesh. Data sources are obtained through written sources and in-depth interviews with informants. From written data sources, research reference data were obtained in Proto Austronesian (PAN) and Indonesian language versions. Then interviews were conducted with informants from each language speaker. The data collection method used is the listen and cakap method. Data analysis techniques are carried out using lexicostatistical formula calculations and glotochronology. The results of this research show that the percentage of kinship between BJ and BN is 25%, with the separation time being 3193 years ago (calculated in 2024). The percentage of BJ and BN kinship is 34% with an estimated separation time for these two languages being 2486 years ago. Then, BJ and BN have a kinship percentage of 29%, with an estimated separation time between these two languages being 2852 years ago. Based on the percentage of kinship, these three languages can be classified into the family group of One Family (Stock).Keywords: lexicostatistic, glottochronology, Javanese, Nias, Tobanese
Analisis Metode Read Aloud (Membaca Nyaring) Terhadap Pemrolehan Fonologi Anak Usia Dini: Kajian Psikolinguistik Purba, Tasya Debora; Gustianingsih, Gustianingsih; Ritonga, Parlaungan
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 7 No. 3 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v7i3.11067


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya metode read aloud sebagai sarana pemerolehan bahasa anak dengan aspek membaca dan menceritakan kembali isi dongeng. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendekripsikan hasil analisis metode read aloud (membaca nyaring) terhadap perubahan bunyi dan pemerolehan bunyi vokal dan konsonan. Teori perubahan bunyi yang menggunakan teori Blumstein, sedangkan teori dalam pemerolehan bahasa adalah teori genetik kognitif Chomsky. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa data tulis yang bersumber dari lima dongeng dan data lisan bersumber dari bunyi ujaran anak-anak. Data akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode padan dengan teknik dasar teknik pilah unsur penetu yaitu daya pilah fonetis artikulatoris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan bunyi yang sering terjadi dari 10 sampel penelitian yakni perubahan bunyi konsonan [r]?[l], [s]?[c], [r]?[y], [b]?[d], dan [j]?[c], sedangkan perubahan bunyi vokal yang sering terjadi adalah bunyi [i]?[e], [e]?[i], [u]?[o]. Bunyi vokal yang sudah diperoleh dengan sempurna yaitu bunyi vokal [a] dan [o].
Implikatur dalam Iklan Tokopedia Waktu Indonesia Belanja: Kajian Pragmatik Rifasyah, Zahra; Gustianingsih, Gustianingsih; Siregar, Asrul
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v8i2.14919


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis implikatur dalam Iklan Tokopedia Waktu Indonesia Belanja. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik dasar simak bebas libat cakap dan dilanjutkan dengan teknik pencatatan dan pengklasifikasian data. Analisis data menggunakan metode padan yang didukung dengan teknik pilah unsur penentu (PUP) dan dilanjutkan dengan teknik hubungan banding menyamakan (HBS). Penelitian ini menggunakan teori H. Paul Grice. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ditemukannya 10 data implikatur yang diantaranya termasuk ke dalam 2 jenis implikatur yaitu konvensional dan non konvensional.
ANALISIS PROMINENSI UJARAN PRESIDEN JOKOWI TERHADAP KONFLIK PALESTINA – ISRAEL: KAJIAN FONETIK AKUSTIK Ayuanda, Winda; Syarfina, Tengku; Gustianingsih, Gustianingsih; Muskar, Rahlina; Erwina, Emmy
MEDIASI Jurnal Kajian dan Terapan Media, Bahasa, Komunikasi Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): January
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46961/mediasi.v5i1.1022


The aim of this research is to represent the prominence contained in President Jokowi's statements regarding the Palestinian and Israeli conflicts, as well as to find the values of frequency, duration, and intensity as characteristics of the sound. This research is quantitave research with an instrumental approach. The research data is an audiovisual form, and it is analyzed using the Praat application. The result shows that the prominence of President Jokowi's statement is found in the words 'indonesia' and 'war', namely in the rightmost syllables: -sia and -rang. When communicating, speakers tend to pay more attention to words that they think are important.  It has also been proven that the factors that influence the formation of prominence are pitch, loudness, and duration, with values of F0, intensity, and duration for stressed syllables is higher than unstressed syllables. Apart from that, prominence can also occur when speakers want to highlight words that are considered important.
Analisis Kepribadian Tokoh Utama Wira dalam Novel Cinta 31.000 Kaki Karya Dokter Gia Pratama Kajian Psikologi Sastra Lubis, Shinta Noviana; Gustianingsih, Gustianingsih; Riyanto, Bambang
Journal on Education Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Journal on Education: Volume 7 Nomor 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v7i1.7073


A novel is a story or story carried by certain actors with various background roles and stages and a series of stories obtained from the author's imagination so that a story is woven. The novel tells a picture of the character's life as a result of almost the entire journey of life. In the novel there is also a personality that includes all thoughts, feelings and behavior, consciousness and unconsciousness. This study aims to describe the personality structure of the main character in the novel Cinta 31,000 Kaki by Dr. Gia Pratama. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data in this study are in the form of quotations taken from the content of the novel Cinta 31,000 Kaki by Dr. Gia Pratama which describes the personality structure of the main character. The data in this research is analyzed by using content analysis technique and using literary psychology approach. The data is presented in narrative form because each data is described based on the results of the research conducted. From the results of the research, the personality structure of the main character in the novel Cinta 31,000 Kaki by Dr. Gia Pratama was found. The personality structure consists of: id, ego and superego.
Inheritance of consonant phonemes from Proto-Austronesian language into Acehnese: A comparative historical linguistic study Dardanila, Dardanila; Widayati, Dwi; Gustianingsih, Gustianingsih; Harahap, Nur Hayati
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 14, No 2 (2024): Vol. 14, No.2, September 2024
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijal.v14i2.74906


Acehnese is a member of the Austronesian language family. As a descendant language, it retains significant vocabulary from Proto-Austronesian, while some vocabulary has evolved uniquely in Acehnese. In Comparative Historical Linguistics, such inheritance is termed linear inheritance, the direct preservation of phonemes from the ancestor language to the descendant language without significant change; and innovative inheritance, phonological modifications that occur as languages evolve over time. Despite the abundant of studies on Austronesian languages, there is only small portions discussing the preservation of specific consonant phonemes from Proto-Austronesian in its descendant languages. This study describes the inheritance of Proto-Austronesian consonant phonemes in Acehnese. It aims to contribute to the development of Comparative Historical Linguistics. In order to track the transmission of consonant phonemes from Proto-Austronesian to Acehnese, the study used the Comparative Historical approach. It is anticipated that this method will reveal patterns of phonological innovation and retention. By examining the evolution of consonant phonemes, this study reveals the mechanisms shaping the Acehnese language and offers insights into the historical phonology of Austronesian languages. It used a list of 200 Swadesh vocabulary items to demonstrate that many Proto-Austronesian consonant phonemes are inherited linearly in Acehnese (e.g., *b → b, *c → c, *d → d), while others show innovative changes (e.g., *p → t, *s → h). Our knowledge of the preservation of consonant phonemes during the history of Austronesian languages is anticipated to grow as a result of this work. Furthermore, it is anticipated that this research would shed light on certain linguistic mechanisms, such as phonological innovation and retention, that have shaped Acehnese's evolution as a descendant language. The study's findings also provide insights into more comprehensive language theories that differentiate between inventive and linear inheritance. These results give a framework for examining the phonological evolution of additional Austronesian languages, in addition to advancing the reconstruction of Proto-Austronesian phonology.