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DESIGNING FOR ERGONOMIC GAWANGAN BY USING A ROLLER Novrianti; Chandra Dewi, Diana; Handayani, Corry; Bayhaqi, Imam
Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Vol.12, No. 1, April 2024
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46964/jkdpia.v12i1.560


Batik craftsmen needed a tool to help them while writing on the carving fabric (covering the motif on the fabric) with wax. They use gawangan for buffering the writing fabric for the sake of the easiest way for the writing process and the fabric is not folded. This is because if the fabric is pleated, the wax on the fabric will harden, break off, and come off the fabric. For this long time, the craftsmen still used the wooden gawangan, and only wrote a unit of batik once a time in the production process. The main problem is how to make the fabric after the wax process saving safely. Gawangan that using roller is a kind of innovation that has never been made before, in Jambi, moreover in Indonesia or maybe in the world. The dimension of the design will use anthropometric data so that the gawangan is ergonomic. The main purpose of this design is to ensure that the fabric that has been long waxed is safe, without any anxiety about the motif on the fabric breaking due to broken wax. Further, this gawangan is designed to accommodate rolls of fabric up to 100 meters.
POLITIK IDENTITAS MELAYU MALAYSIA DAN MULTIKULTURALISME PADA FILM UPIN & IPIN : Politik Identitas dan Multikulturalisme di Film Upin Ipin wahyudi. S, fazril wahyudi.s; Widia Ierdiana; Siti Badariah; Rindi Wulansari; Nadilla; Fitri Nurzana; Novrianti; Aditya Padini Syah
Jurnalika : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): Jurnalika : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : STISIP Widyapuri Mandiri Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37949/jurnalika82130


This research aims to see how Malaysian Malay identity politics and multiculturalism appear in the film "Upin & Ipin".  The method uses a qualitative approach with content analysis as the main method. Data was obtained through in-depth observation of the narrative, characters and cultural symbols that appear in the film. The results of the research show that Malaysian Malay identity politics in the film Upin-ipin are Malay language, Malay culture, Islam, Malaysian Malay genealogy. Multiculturalism in the film Upin and Ipin is a combination of Malaysian Malay culture, Indian culture, Chinese culture, Indonesian culture. Malaysian Malay identity politics and multiculturalism exist in educational institutions in Malaysia which introduce the values ​​of tolerance and respect for cultural diversity. This film successfully promotes a message of unity and harmony through positive representations of the various Malaysian Malay ethnic identities and other ethnic cultures, such as Malays, Chinese and Indians, who live side by side in Malaysia.  
The Utilization of Aluminum Sulfate Doses with Jar Test at Local Water Treatment Company in Jambi City Handayani, Corry; Indrawaty , Novi; Novrianti, Novrianti
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/ijce.v1i1.459


Surface water before being used for certain purposes should be treated by special treatment. This process such kinds of procedure reducing the turbidity, color, and bacteria effect on the water. A kind of attention to the source water is cultivating the water by installing water treatment for the sake of the water that is produced is proper to be consumed and distributed to the society. The local company that does this kind of treatment in Jambi city is the local drinking water company, Tirta Mayang. By using the coagulant, aluminum sulfate, at the treatment processing, this company cultivates the source water from the Batanghari river. Three factors determine the success of the coagulant that is used, listed various chemicals, doses of chemicals, and the mixture of chemicals that are used. By using the jar test, this research yielded that the utilization of aluminum sulfate in the dry season is more than in the rainy season.
 Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Multidisiplin Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Agustus: JURNAL ABDI MASYARAKAT MULTIDISIPLIN
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Muda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56127/jammu.v3i2.1608


Kacang tanah adalah tanaman yang dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan ternak, sementara bijinya digunakan sebagai sumber protein nabati, minyak, dan lainnya. Namun, kulit kacang tanah saat ini belum dimanfaatkan secara efektif oleh masyarakat Riau dan umumnya hanya digunakan sebagai pupuk organik. Untuk itu, Tim Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat menyampaikan secara langsung kepada siswa SMK Migas Bumi Melayu Riau bahwa limbah kulit kacang tanah dapat digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan yang berguna dalam pemboran sumur minyak. Hal ini didasarkan pada hasil pengujian di Laboratorium Teknik Perminyakan, yang menunjukkan bahwa zat aditif yang diperoleh dari kulit kacang tanah memiliki kualitas baik dalam menutup rongga batuan, sehingga dapat mencegah hilangnya lumpur selama proses pemboran. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bersifat interaktif, meliputi diskusi dan tanya jawab dengan menggunakan sarana pendukung, serta penyampaian langsung kepada siswa/siswi SMK Migas Bumi Melayu Riau. Para siswa juga diberikan contoh hasil percobaan yang telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknik Perminyakan, sehingga mereka dapat memahami proses pembuatan aditif dari kulit kacang tanah dan pembuatan lumpur pemboran dengan menggunakan aditif hasil ekstraksi kulit kacang tanah.
Pendampingan Peningkatan Kompetensi Menggunakan Quizizz Sebagai Asesmen Digital Bagi Guru SMA N 2 Bayang Lisa Candra Sari; Martin Kustanti; Rezki Amelia; Novrianti
JURNAL AKADEMIK PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Juli : Jurnal Akademik Pengabdian Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61722/japm.v2i4.1914


Abstract. This assistance aims to increase competence in using Quizzizz as a digital assessment for teachers. The method used in this mentoring is the service learning method which follows three stages, namely "preparation stage, serving stage, and reflection stage." The activity took place over 1 meeting with the material being assistance in using the Quizizz application as a digital assessment. The object of this research is the teacher at SMA N 2 Bayang. The results of this assistance show that (1) quizizz is very easy for teachers to use in class and outside of class, (2) quizizz helps teachers prepare questions or assignments to evaluate students' understanding of the material that has been taught, (3) students cannot copy each other , because the questions displayed on Quizizz are randomized, (4) helps teachers analyze student learning outcomes, because Quiziz provides data and statistics about students' work results directly, and (5) makes it easier for teachers to provide homework. So it can be concluded that this mentoring activity is useful for increasing competence in using Quizzizz as a digital assessment for teachers.
Development of Resin Handicrafts (Crude Oil Derivative Products) for Students at MTs Negeri 7 Kampar: Pembinaan Kerajinan Tangan Berbahan Resin  (Produk Turunan Crude Oil) Bagi Peserta Didik di MTs Negeri 7 Kampar Novrianti; Richa Melysa; Irwan Anwar; Teguh Sahibillah Alfajri; Ochi Willya Chevrananda
Journal of Community Service and Application of Science Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY SERVICE AND APPLICATION SCIENCE (JCSAS)
Publisher : KPN Kopertis X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62769/jgwqa624


The program for promoting the creation of resin-based handicrafts (a byproduct of crude oil) is conducted at MTS Negeri 7 Kampar,  the village o Kuntu in the Kampar District. This village is known for being one of the places of religious tourism attraction, particularly the tomb of Syekh Burhanuddin. The community service activity (PKM) aims to introduce students to various resin-based handicrafts and to provide them with direct hands-on experience. The methods for this activity involve preparing equipment and materials and creating sample handicrafts at the Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Riau. The implementation includes educating and training the students, with evaluations carried out through pre-tests and post-tests to measure the students' knowledge improvement in relation to resin, as well as evaluating the success of the students' crafted handicrafts. The results of this community service activity have successfully increased students' knowledge and skills by 100%, as shown by a questionnaire survey conducted both before and after the resin-based handicraft creation mentoring.
Socialization of Study on Application of Water Hyacinth Extract as an Inhibitor to Prevent Corrosion: Sosialisasi Studi Penerapan Ekstrak Eceng Gondok Sebagai Inhibitor Untuk Mencegah Korosi Novrianti; Ayyi Husbani; Yolly Adriatic; Richa Melysa; Irwan Anwar; Muhammad Iqbal
Journal of Community Service and Application of Science Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY SERVICE AND APPLICATION SCIENCE (JCSAS)
Publisher : KPN Kopertis X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62769/q2n40589


Corrosion or rusting usually occurs in metal-based equipment due to a decrease in the quality of the metal due to electrochemical reactions with the environment. Metals are widely used in life, from household appliances to health equipment. This Community Service Activity has a theme Utilization of water hyacinth extraction as a corrosion inhibitor to overcome corrosion problems. Socialization of the method or process of corrosion, the losses that occur due to corrosion and the process/method of extracting water hyacinth to become a corrosion inhibitor and its application to reduce the rate of corrosion was carried out with the youth of Muhammadiyah Kampar, Batu Belah Village because the use of water hyacinth plants is still not optimal and is even considered to disturb the environment because it can reduce water discharge. This community service can increase insight and can be applied in life to prevent corrosion that occurs on equipment used in everyday life
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Figma Pada Mata Pelajaran Informatika Kelas VII SMP Pangestu, Dwi Maulan; Novrianti; Zuwirna; Meldi Ade Kurnia Yusri
Journal of Pedagogy and Online Learning Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): JPOL Volume 2 Nomor 3 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jpol.v2i3.49


This study aims to develop figma-based learning media in class VII informatics subjects and aims to test the feasibility of learning media products that have been used by seventh grade students of Angkasa Lanud Padang Junior High School with a total of 14 students conducted in July 2023. This type of research is R&D (Research and Development) development research using the 4-D model which consists of 4 stages namely Define, Design, Development and Disseminate. The results of validation from media experts obtained an overall average of 3.85 with a very valid category. While validation from material experts with an average score of 3.92 categories is very valid. The results of the practicality test on students get an average score of 3.7 with a very practical category. Based on these results, the figma-based learning media in informatics subjects in class VII SMP is valid and practical for use as a learning media in the classroom.