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Jurnal As-Salam Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal As-Salam
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37249/assalam.v8i1.680


English students who focus on tourism translation face unique challenges that require special methods in practice. Tourism translation requires specific methods in practice. This study aims to investigate translation methods applied in the English translation of the Tourism Brochure 'Borobudur: Inspiring Historical Heritage' and identify the most frequent and least frequent translation methods in the brochure 'Borobudur: Inspiring Historical Heritage'. The results of the analysis discovered that the most frequent method used is equivalence (28%), followed by adaptation (19%), transposition (17%), modulation (16%), calque (11 %), and borrowing (9%). The equivalence method is applied because the source text is reformulated as necessary to give the reader an impression of the text's naturalness. Adaptation is used to adapt the culture in the target text. In the meantime, transposition is used to replace the word class to make it efficient. Modulation is used to change the form of the message. Calque is used for phrases that need no major replacement of the structure and word choices. Borrowing is used when the source text has no proper translation in the target text. Therefore, English students studying tourism translation require unique learning methods that include aspects of language, culture, and technology. By integrating this approach, students can comprehensively prepare themselves to become quality tourism translators responsive to the dynamics of the global tourism industry.
Pemanfaatan Alat Peraga Matematika Kotak Perkalian Dalam Meningkatan Minat Belajar Numerasi Di Sanggar Belajar Kampung Bharu Malaysia Simamora, Suryani Parningotan; Sari, Suci perwita; Nasution, Ismail Saleh; Saragih, Mandra; Nasution, Dewi Kesuma; Syamsuyurnita, Syamsuyurnita
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 24 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10438761


Numeration is the ability to apply the concept of numbers and mathematical operations in everyday life. Such research is a qualitative descriptive method with case studies. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation. Many students still do not understand arithmetic. things. This is because students are less trained in various things in the form of arithmetic. It could also be one of the causes of the low numeracy skills of Grade 4 students at the Guidance Center of Kampung Bharu Malaysia. Students need to understand multiplication learning because it is needed in everyday life. As a teacher, it is therefore important to apply what you have learned to numbering at a minimum: one day and one hour to add up the number of students. This being an important reason for teachers to innovate learning to count means being a facilitator and observer, from teacher to student. user, developer, and maker; The teacher's innovation process in the three stages of learning to count through: introductory concepts, transitions/stages and symbol stages; and the impact of teacher innovation. The multiplication box learning method to increase logical-mathematical intelligence in the sense of logical thinking, can add storage, can categorize, can add numbers, can learn to act, to become a problem solver, to understand cause and effect and to be able to do it to increase accuracy. (1) this environment includes aspects such as: interesting, fun and increases student creativity (2) The quality of quantitative media in learning Visual Figures is "very good" with an average of 3.3. (3) Student test scores using supporting media to solve open-ended questions after learning the number of degrees related to numbers increased by 128.2% and students participated more actively in the learning process.
Pelatihan Digital Assessment Berbasis Kahoot Dan Quizizz Dalam Pembelajaran Daring (Online) Untuk Guru SMP Muhammadiyah 61 Medan Nasution, Dewi Kesuma; Manurung, Yayuk Hayulina; Arda, Mutia; Handayani, Susi
IHSAN : JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Ihsan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Oktober)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/ihsan.v4i2.10486


SMP Muhammadiyah 61 Tanjung Selamat is located on Jalan Perjuangan No. 18 Dusun II-B Tanjung Selamat, Sunggal sub-district, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province. Tanjung Selamat Village is a suburb of Medan City as well as the border between Medan City and Deli Serdang Regency is a partner school of FKIP UMSU who was accompanied by lecturer facilitators in the Tanoto Foundation PINTAR program for the past 3 years where previously internship had been carried out using the Zoom application as an online learning medium during the pandemic by the previous team in April 2021 to October 2021 at SMP Muhamamdiyah 61 Medan. However, the improvement in teacher skills must also be in line with their ability to provide digital assessments to students, then digital assessment training through the Kahoot and Quiziz applications is the solution offered in this PKM activity. By being provided with digital assessment training based on Kahoot and Quizziz for the teachers of SMP Muhammadiyah 61 Medan, this program is expected to reduce the additional workload of teachers, such as correcting student assignments that are part of the assessment task, such as the final assessment of students not only depending on daily assessments, mid-assessments. semester and end of semester assessment. Quizziz and Kahoot as a form of digital assessment become authentic because the teacher can create contextual question materials and the teacher can insert images and videos from their own recordings into the Kahoot and Quizziz platforms.
Jurnal As-Salam Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal As-Salam
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37249/assalam.v8i1.680


English students who focus on tourism translation face unique challenges that require special methods in practice. Tourism translation requires specific methods in practice. This study aims to investigate translation methods applied in the English translation of the Tourism Brochure 'Borobudur: Inspiring Historical Heritage' and identify the most frequent and least frequent translation methods in the brochure 'Borobudur: Inspiring Historical Heritage'. The results of the analysis discovered that the most frequent method used is equivalence (28%), followed by adaptation (19%), transposition (17%), modulation (16%), calque (11 %), and borrowing (9%). The equivalence method is applied because the source text is reformulated as necessary to give the reader an impression of the text's naturalness. Adaptation is used to adapt the culture in the target text. In the meantime, transposition is used to replace the word class to make it efficient. Modulation is used to change the form of the message. Calque is used for phrases that need no major replacement of the structure and word choices. Borrowing is used when the source text has no proper translation in the target text. Therefore, English students studying tourism translation require unique learning methods that include aspects of language, culture, and technology. By integrating this approach, students can comprehensively prepare themselves to become quality tourism translators responsive to the dynamics of the global tourism industry.
Academy of Education Journal Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): Academy of Education Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47200/aoej.v14i2.1908


The purpose of this study was to determine the Strengthening of the Affective Domain in the Implementation of Pancasila Student Profiles in the Kepong Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah Guidance Center, Malaysia. This research is a qualitative field research. The method or approach used is descriptive research, which means the researcher tries to find the elements, characteristics, characteristics of a phenomenon. This research was carried out by the Muhammadiyah Kepong Malaysia Guidance Center. Determination of informants in this study using a purposive sampling technique, namely how to determine informants who have been determined deliberately according to predetermined criteria. Researchers will record, record, and observe the behavior of these informants. The informants in this study were school principals, educators, and students of the Muhammadiyah Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio. The types and sources of data are in the form of Primary data and Secondary data. Primary data was obtained directly through interviews with sources from research informants, namely school principals, education staff and students of Muhammadiyah Kepong Malaysia Learning Studio. Secondary data is research supporting data such as documents, activity results reports, through words and actions from research informants and research subjects related to the implementation of the Merdeka Learning Program Through Pancasila Student Profiles at the Kepong Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah Guidance Center, Malaysia. Data collection techniques in this study are through observation, interviews, and documentation. The interview technique in this study used a structured interview technique, in which the interviewer determined the problems and questions to be asked, in other words, the researcher already knew the information would be obtained and had written down the questions in the interview guide. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile in the Muhammadiyah Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio is implemented through the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) using a project-based approach. Students are invited to identify problems that exist around them and create projects to solve them. The Implementation of the Project to Strengthen Pancasila Student Profiles Muhammadiyah Kepong Malaysia Guidance Workshop consists of 3 themes, namely: Local wisdom, sustainable living, and entrepreneurship. Factors supporting the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile in the Kepong Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah Guidance Center, Malaysia, namely: 1). Collaboration of all school parties, 2). Student participation. The inhibiting factors for the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile in the Muhammadiyah Kepong Malaysia Guidance Center are: 1). Different characteristics of students, 2) Number of student ratios, 3). Lack of accompanying teachers, 4). New curriculum.
Academy of Education Journal Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): Academy of Education Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47200/aoej.v14i2.1922


The purpose of this study was to determine the teacher's role in applying the 3R-based learning model to the creativity skills of grade 1 students at the Kepong Malaysia Guidance Studio. This research is a qualitative research. Namely research produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people whose behavior can be observed. The subject of this research is the principal and teacher. Data collection techniques in this study using observation techniques, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the role of a teacher in the learning process in the classroom is very important, especially in developing students' creative skills. So in developing creativity skills the teacher must be able to act as a model or example, as a motivator, guide, facilitator and educator, especially in developing the 3R learning model and 3R-based learning methods (reduce, reuse, recycle) Grade 1 students at the Kepong Guidance Center Malaysia in reuse activities namely using a notebook where the paper is still blank and not there for notes or scribbling. Donating clothes that are still usable, and used for rags or mops, in activities to reduce waste, namely using electricity as needed. Bring your own shopping bag to reduce plastic bag waste and process waste into new products. Recycling activities for example: Sorting waste into organic and inorganic waste. Recycle all items that can be recycled, for example plastic, paper, cardboard, glass and cans into pencil cases
Investigating the Effect of Internet Assisted Sight Translation on the Students’ Speaking Fluency at University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara Nasution, Dewi Kesuma
Aksaqila International Humanities and Social Sciences [AIHSS] Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Aksaqila International Humanities and Social Sciences [AIHSS] Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/aihss.v2i1.472


This paper seeks to investigate the effect of internet assisted sight translation on the students’ speaking fluency. Students at the third year of English Education Department were involved in this study. The data were collected using audio-recording and questionnaires. As a form of tasks, students were asked to translate orally Indonesia’s tourism destinations texts which are derived from the internet for the course of eight meetings. Students’ speaking fluency was assessed through the criteria of excellent, good, average and poor are used. The findings revealed that students at the experimental class gained a significant effect in terms of their speaking fluency. Upon the treatment, students at the experimental class showed an effect in terms of their speaking fluency. Approximately 90% of students are rated good, and the remaining 10% is rated average. Hence, it can be concluded that internet assisted sight translation gives effect the students’ speaking fluency.
The Effect of Think-Talk-Write Strategy in Writing Procedure Text Nasution, Dewi Kesuma
AlAdzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v4i1.197


This study was concerned on the significant effect of the students’ ability in writing procedure text by using think talk write strategy. The research was conducted in quantitative research that used experimental group and control group. The population of this study was 60 students at SMP Sinar Husni Medan. In this study the sample was divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group.  T-test was used as formula to analyze the data. The data were calculated by using t-test formula. The writer used T-test formula to analyze the data. The data were calculated by using t-test formula. The result of the analysis shows that t-observed (9,35) was higher than t-table (1,67) and the degree of freedom (df) 58. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. There was a significant effect of Think Talk Write (TTW) strategy in writing procedue text
A Probe into the Impact of Teachers Assessment on Students Engagement in EFL Learning : Views From EFL School Teachers Tarihoran, Widya Amalia; Nasution, Dewi Kesuma
Journal of Education and Teaching Learning Vol 6 No 2 (2024): Journal of Education and Teaching Learning (JETL)
Publisher : CV. Pusdikra Mitra Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51178/jetl.v6i2.1841


Teacher assessment is a crucial factor in fostering students' motivation to improve their foreign language skills and language competency during the learning process. Engaging students in active learning has been proposed as a means to enhance learning outcomes, motivation, and attitudes towards learning. Although previous research acknowledges the significance of assessment in shaping these factors, there is a lack of specific investigation in this area. The objective of this study is to elucidate the intricate correlation between teacher assessment and student engagement in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. This research uses a qualitative research design by conducting direct interviews to collect and analyze data. There are 3 of the 4 English teachers at SMP Swasta Al-Muslimin Pandan were included in the study at random as participants. The results of research perceived by EFL school teachers reveal that involving students in the assessment process, such as through self-assessment and peer assessment activities, further enhanced their engagement and ownership of their learning journey.