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TSAQOFIYA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (955.869 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/tsaqofiya.v2i1.12


المعهد هو البيئة التي تصدر الإتصال اللغوي بين اللغات، خاصة بين لغة الأم التي اكتسبها الطلاب مند صغارهم ولغة الأجنبية التي تعلمها واستخدمها في الاتصال بينهم داخل المعهد. وإحدى المعاهد الذي يقرر طلابه في استخدام اللغة الأجنبية (العربية والانجليزية) في الكلام هو معهد تعمير الإسلام سوراكرتا. الاتصال اللغوي في هذا المعهد يؤثر تأثيرا هاما في استخدام لغة الطلاب يعني في كلامهم. من تغيير النظام الصوتي، والنظام الصرفي، والتركيبي أو ما يسمى بالتدخل اللغوي. ونخص البحث بالتدخل الصوتي. وتقرير المسئلة في هذا البحث هو: 1) كيف إجراء التدخل الصوتي في محادثة الطلاب بمعهد تعمير الإسلام سوراكرتا؟. 2) ما الدوافع في التدخل الصوتي عند محادثة الطلاب بمعهد التعمير الإسلام سوراكرتا. لبحث عن الإجابة، استخدم الباحث طريقة البحث النوعي بمصادر البيانات محادثة طلاب معهد تعمير الإسلام وطريقة جمع البيانات يعني تسجيل المحادثة بالمسجل. وبعد أن تجمع البيانات يحللها بطريقة التقسيم. يعني تقسيم البيانات إلى الفروع المختلفة حسب نوعه. وبعد أن جرى البحث، وجد النتائج التالية: 1) أن إجراء التدخل الصرفي بمعهد تعمير الإسلام سوراكرتا في ثلاث خطوات، وهي تبديل الصوتي، وتزويد الصوتي، وتطويل الصوت. 2) الدوافع في ظهور التدخل الصوتي في محادثو الطلاب باللغة العربية بأسباب تالية: استخدام اللغة العربية مبكرا للطلاب، والفهم الناقص عن اللغة العربية في نطق الحروف والكلمات، وثقافة نطق حروف لغة الأم التي حملها الطلاب في نطق حروف العربية، وتعليم اللغة العربية الناقصة في تصحيح نطق الحروف
The Problems in Translating A Short Story "Arinillah" by Taufik Hakim in Terms of Grammar Lutfhian, Muhammad Daud; Rauf, Shofwan Anwar Abdul; Kholis, Muhammad Nur
Asalibuna Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/asa.v5i1.3224


The problem in this study is the problem of grammar contained in the translation of a collection of short stories Arinillah by Taufik Hakim. This study aims to determine the number of grammatical issues and the types of grammatical problems in the translated text of Arinillah's short story with the theme of love. This research is included in library research with the primary data in the form of words, sentences, and expressions contained in Arinillah's short story collection. The data obtained were then categorized according to their type and then analyzed. From the study results, it was found that there were grammatical problems at the level of phrases and sentences contained in four short stories with the theme of love. This study resulted in 63 grammatical problems in translating a collection of short stories by Taufiq Al-Hakim arinillah. The issues can be classified into several types: tarkib washfi, tarkib idhafi, atahf mathuf, taukid, simple sentences, complete sentences, and complex sentences.
Tasmim al-Wasail al-Ta’limiyyah li Maharati al-Istima’ khilala Android Muhammad Nur Kholis; Abdul Ghofur; Muhammad Zaenuri
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 12, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1115.691 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v12i1.5692


Listening is a skill that has not received much attention in Arabic learning and teaching. This can be seen that only a small number of media is made for teaching listening. Whereas media such as sound recordings are very important for students to get used to listen to Arabic utterances.The purpose of this study is to determine the ideal android application design for Arabic learning focused on listening in the IAIN Surakarta language development center. And then the research method is  research and development follow Sadiman model:1. Needs analysis, 2. Setting goals, 3. Developing material, 4. Developing evaluation tools, 5. Products, 6. Validating material and design experts, 7. Final results. The result of this study are the discovery of an ideal design based on Android learning applications with design expert validation of 93.75 and the results of material expert validation of 87.5%. The results of the validation explained that the application of learning skills in Arabic listening was appropriate to be used as a learning media. The application consists of the main components, namely the strategy page, material page and training page. The strategy page contains strategies to answer listening questions about TOSA (Test Of Standart Arabic). The material page contains four audio material related to the type of questions in the TOSA. while the practice page contains the question exercises in accordance with the types already discussed on the material page.
Taṭwīr Lu’bah al-Mugāmarah al-Lugah al-Arabiyyah SI UJE al-Qāimah ‘ala Android li Talāmīż al-Ṣaf al-Ṡāmin fi al-Madrasah al-Ṡānawiyyah. Hafidah Hafidah; Witri Lestari; Muhammad Nur Kholis; Moh Nurul Huda
Jurnal Alsinatuna Vol 7 No 1 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Arabic Education Program IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/alsinatuna.v7i1.3903


The implementation of Arabic learning activities at State Islamic Junior High School of 2 Jakarta, especially during the Covid-19 period, was carried out online or distance learning. But in addition, the problem faced is that the teacher uses the lecture method so that learning becomes boring because students are only listeners. As a result, it affects students' interest in teaching Arabic because it is considered monotonous. The purpose of this research is to developing the SI UJE Arabic Adventure Game based on Android and to find out its validity, practicality and effectiveness. This type of research is research and development with the ADDIE research model. The results of the validation questionnaire by media experts are 88% and material experts are 97% and both are in the very good category. Then the teacher's response was 92% and the students of grades 84 and 85 were 98% and 95% and all of them were in the very practical category. The test results for students in grade 84 are 100% and 88.8%, while for students in grade 85 are 100% and 83% are categorized as very effective.
Strengthening Religious Moderation to Counter Radicalism at IAIN Surakarta Moh Ashif Fuadi; Fuad Hasyim; Muhammad Nur Kholis; Abraham Zakky Zulhazmi; Rustam Ibrahim
AL-TAHRIR Vol 21, No 2 (2021): Islamic Studies
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v21i2.3102


Abstract: Religious moderation discourse in Indonesia has recently attracted the attention of many parties, especially academics. Moderation means in the middle-center, neither to the right nor the left. In religious issues, religious moderation does not involve radicalism, fundamentalism, and liberalism. It is congruous for religious higher education to be a laboratory of religious moderation. It embeds national ideas, critical thinking constructs, multiculturalism values cultivation, and the peaceful delivery of spiritual messages. This research discusses the implementation of religious moderation at IAIN Surakarta. The internalization of moderation values to students is channeled through Bilik Moderasi Islam dan Adab (BIMA) of the Faculty of Adab and Language. This study employed descriptive qualitative methods with progress reports. It concluded the existence of several channels of moderation at the institutional level. BIMA became one of the pioneers of the religious moderation movement in the faculty. The prevention of radicalism was done in some ways. They establish moderation insight courses, conduct monthly studies on moderation, and create moderation digital creative content. Not only that but also BIMA certificates became the requirement of munaqosah. Besides, the progress report of the moderation index measurement showed the effect of BIMA coaching on the increase in the student moderation index. Based on the survey, most students also suggested maintaining the religious moderation education.الملخص: استحوذ الحديث عن الاعتدال الديني في إندونيسيا مؤخرا على اهتمام العديد من الأطراف والأحزاب، خاصة  الأكاديميين. تحتوي كلمة الاعتدال على معنى الوسط، ولا يتعدى إلى اليمين أو إلى اليسار. عندما يرتبط الأمر بالقضايا الدينية، فإن ممارسة الاعتدال الديني هي السلوك والتصرف الذي لا يتبع التطرف والأصولية والليبرالية. الجامعة الإسلامية مناسبة جدا لتكون مختبرا للاعتدال الديني. فالجامعة الإسلامية هي المكان تصدر ة تنمو منه  الأفكار الوطنية، وبناء التفكير النقدي، وتنمية قيم التعددية الثقافية، والتسليم السلمي للرسائل الدينية. يناقش هذا البحث تنفيذ الاعتدال الديني في جامعة سوراكارتا الإسلامية الحكومية. من خلال وحدة Bilik Islam Moderasi dan Adab (IMAB) التابع لكلية الآداب واللغات، يتم توجيه استيعاب قيم الاعتدال للطلاب. مع أساليب وصفية نوعية مع تقارير مرحلية،أدى هذا البحث إلى الانتهاء  من عدة قنوات للاعتدال على المستوى المؤسسي وأصبح BIMA  أحد رواد  حركة الاعتدال الديني في الكلية. أصبحت الجهود المبذولة لمنع التطرف من خلال إنشاء دورات رؤية الاعتدال ، والدراسات الشهرية تحت عنوان الاعتدال ، وإنشاء  منتجات المحتوى الإبداعي الرقمي الاعتدال  وشهادات IMAB شرطا لجلسات مناقشة البحث العلمي.  ويبين التقرير المرحلي لقياس مؤشر الاعتدال تأثير تدريب IMAB على الزيادة في مؤشر اعتدال الطلاب، واستنادا إلى مسح غالبية الطلاب الذين يرغبون في الحفاظ على تعليم الاعتدال الديني.Abstrak: Diskursus moderasi beragama di Indonesia belakangan ini menyita perhatian banyak pihak khususnya kalangan akademisi. Kata moderasi mengandung makna tengah-tengah, tidak ekstrem ke kanan atau ke kiri. Jika dikaitkan dengan persoalan agama, praktik moderasi beragama itu bersikap dan berperilaku yang tidak mengikuti radikalisme, fundamentalisme dan liberalisme. Pendidikan Tinggi Keagamaan sangat tepat menjadi laboratorium moderasi beragama. Perguruan tinggi keagamaan sejatinya menjadi lahan tersemainya gagasan kebangsaan, konstruk pemikiran kritis, penanaman nilai-nilai multikulturalisme dan penyampaian pesan agama yang damai. Penelitian ini membahas tentang implementasi moderasi beragama di IAIN Surakarta. Melalui unit Bilik Moderasi Islam dan Adab (BIMA) Fakultas Adab dan Bahasa, maka internalisasi nilai-nilai moderasi kepada mahasiswa disalurkan. Dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan progress report, penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan adanya beberapa saluran moderasi di tingkat institusi dan BIMA menjadi salah satu pelopor gerakan moderasi beragama di fakultas. Upaya pencegahan radikalisme dilakukannya melalui   penetapan mata kuliah wawasan moderasi, kajian bulanan bertemakan moderasi, pembuatan produk konten kreatif digital moderasi dan sertifikat BIMA menjadi syarat untuk sidang munaqosah. Adapun progress report pengukuran indeks moderasi menunjukkan aadanya pengaruh pembinaan BIMA terhadap kenaikan indeks moderasi mahasiswa dan berdasar survei mayoritas mahasiswa menginginkan edukasi moderasi beragama terus dipertahankan.
Google Form ka Wasīlah at-Taqyīm fīTa’līm al-Qirā`ah wa al-Qawā’id bi al-Jāmi’ah Muhammad Nur Kholis; Achmad Jakfar Sodik; Jamaluddin Shiddiq; Hafidah Hafidah
LISANIA: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1919.353 KB) | DOI: 10.18326/lisania.v4i1.80-107


This paper tries to explain the process of using google form as a assessment instruments for Arabic reading skills (qirâ`ah) and arabic grammar (qawâ’id). The purpose of this study is to find out the features that can be used as a assessment instruments for qirâ`ah and qawâ’id, and their proficiency assessment instruments. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research. The objects of this study were students at IAIN Surakarta who participated in the Arabic Practicum Program organized by the Language Development Center (P2B). The results showed that the features of google form that can be used as a medium for evaluating the competence of  reading Arabic texts and Arabic rules are short answer, multiple choice, checkboxes and dropdown features.
The Problems in Translating A Short Story "Arinillah" by Taufik Hakim in Terms of Grammar Muhammad Daud Lutfhian; Shofwan Anwar Abdul Rauf; Muhammad Nur Kholis
Asalibuna Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/asa.v5i1.3224


The problem in this study is the problem of grammar contained in the translation of a collection of short stories Arinillah by Taufik Hakim. This study aims to determine the number of grammatical issues and the types of grammatical problems in the translated text of Arinillah's short story with the theme of love. This research is included in library research with the primary data in the form of words, sentences, and expressions contained in Arinillah's short story collection. The data obtained were then categorized according to their type and then analyzed. From the study results, it was found that there were grammatical problems at the level of phrases and sentences contained in four short stories with the theme of love. This study resulted in 63 grammatical problems in translating a collection of short stories by Taufiq Al-Hakim arinillah. The issues can be classified into several types: tarkib washfi, tarkib idhafi, atahf mathuf, taukid, simple sentences, complete sentences, and complex sentences.
Taṭwīr Lu’bah al-Mugāmarah al-Lugah al-Arabiyyah SI UJE al-Qāimah ‘ala Android li Talāmīż al-Ṣaf al-Ṡāmin fi al-Madrasah al-Ṡānawiyyah. Hafidah Hafidah; Witri Lestari; Muhammad Nur Kholis; Moh Nurul Huda
Jurnal Alsinatuna Vol 7 No 1 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Arabic Education Program IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/alsinatuna.v7i1.3903


The implementation of Arabic learning activities at State Islamic Junior High School of 2 Jakarta, especially during the Covid-19 period, was carried out online or distance learning. But in addition, the problem faced is that the teacher uses the lecture method so that learning becomes boring because students are only listeners. As a result, it affects students' interest in teaching Arabic because it is considered monotonous. The purpose of this research is to developing the SI UJE Arabic Adventure Game based on Android and to find out its validity, practicality and effectiveness. This type of research is research and development with the ADDIE research model. The results of the validation questionnaire by media experts are 88% and material experts are 97% and both are in the very good category. Then the teacher's response was 92% and the students of grades 84 and 85 were 98% and 95% and all of them were in the very practical category. The test results for students in grade 84 are 100% and 88.8%, while for students in grade 85 are 100% and 83% are categorized as very effective.
Analisis Soal TOSA (Test of Standard Arabic) Mengacu Pada CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference For Language) Muhammad Zaenuri; Muhammad Nur Kholis; Anisatul Barokah
An Nabighoh Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Vol 22 No 02 (2020): Jurnal An Nabighoh
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/an-nabighoh.v22i02.2219


This study aims to explore and analyze the TOSA (Test of Standard Arabic) questions as an instrument to measure the Arabic language competence of students at IAIN Surakarta. This research uses a qualitative approach. The results of the study showed: 1) TOSA was prepared using an integrative, communicative and pragmatic approach; 2) TOSA is a type of standard test used to measure the Arabic language competency testee, not the testee's mastery of the material that has been taught; 3) TOSA competency standard refers to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Language) according to its part, so fahmu al-masmu 'is equivalent to A1-C1 CEFR, fahmu at-tarakib al-lughawiyyah is equivalent to A1-B2 CEFR, and fahmu al-maqru' is equivalent to A1-C1 CEFR.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Website Profil Madrasah di MTs Ma’arif Darul Hasan Polokarto pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Muhammad Nur Kholis; Hafidah; Maslamah; Abdul Ghofur
Transformatif : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/tranformatif.v3i1.4949


Pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda dunia termasuk Indonesia saat ini sangat berdampak terhadap berbagai sektor kehidupan masyarakat termasuk sektor Pendidikan. Pandemi mengubah sistem pendidikan yang semula mayoritas dilakukan secara tatap muka, berubah menjadi daring. Bagi Sebagian sekolah yang mempunya kemampuan finansial yang tinggi, perubahan ini dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang tidak terlalu mengejutkan, karena sekolah tersebut mempunyai fasilitas yang lengkap untuk menjalankan kegiatan secara daring. Sedangkan bagi sekolah yang belum mempunyai kemampuan finansial yang kuat hal tersebut menjadi sesuatu yang baru apalagi bagi sekolah yang baru berdiri. Sekolah yang baru berdiri hendaknya mempunyai fasilitas website untuk publikasi dan sosialisasi secara daring mengingat situasi saat ini sedang terjadi pandemi Covid-19. Maka kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan web profil madrasah media sosialisasi di masa pandemi Covid-19 di MTs Ma’arif Darul Hasan Polokarto mempunyai urgensi yang tinggi. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan tiga langkah yaitu analisis kebutuhan, tindakan dan evaluasi. Peserta dalam pelatihan ini adalah para guru yang berjumlah 24 orang. Hasil dari pengabdian ini berupa terselenggaranya pelatihan pembuatan web profil madrasah kepada para guru di MTs Ma’arif Darul Hasan Polokarto dengan minat dan antusiasme peserta yang tinggi dalam mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan tersebut.