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Journal : Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Uji kekerasan fiber reinforced composite dengan e-glass fiber dental dan non-dentalHardness test of dental and non-dental e-glass fiber reinforced composite Febriani Leni Purnamasari; Widya Puspita Sari; Dewi Elianora
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 31, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (350.743 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v31i1.18048


Pendahuluan: Salah satu alternatif bahan yang digunakan sebagai gigi tiruan cekat adalah fiber reinforced composite (FRC) yaitu kombinasi fiber dan matriks resin. Fiber yang sering digunakan di kedokteran gigi adalah e-glass fiber. Kekurangan e-glass fiber dental adalah modulus tensile rendah, self abrasive, ketahanan fatique rendah, dan harga relatif mahal. E-glass fiber non-dental dipilih sebagai alternatif karena kompisisinya hampir sama dengan e-glass fiber dental. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil uji perbedaan kekerasan fiber reinforced composite antara e-glass fiber dental dan e-glass fiber non-dental. Metode: Jenis penelitian eksperimental murni. Sampel berbentuk silindris dengan diameter 4 mm dan tinggi 2 mm, terdiri dari 3 kelompok; kelompok e-glass fiber dental, e-glass fiber non-dental, dan kelompok tanpa fiber sebagai kontrol negatif; masing-masing terdiri dari 4 sampel. Kelompok e-glass fiber non-dental dan e-glass fiber dental diberi silane. Uji kekerasan dilakukan dengan Vickers Hardness Testing Machine dengan beban 294,2 N selama 10-15 detik. Analisa statistik menggunakan independent sample t-test. Hasil: Nilai kekerasan e-glass fiber dental 60,83 VHN, e-glass non-dental 53,56 VHN, dan kelompok tanpa fiber 48,23 VHN. Nilai signifikasi yang diperoleh adalah p = 0,000; di mana p < 0,05, artinya terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kekerasan FRC dengan e-glass fiber dental dan FRC dengan e-glass fiber non-dental. Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan kekerasan antara FRC dengan e-glass fiber dental dan non-dental, di mana kekerasan FRC dengan e-glass fiber dental lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan FRC dengan e-glass fiber non-dental.Kata kunci: Kekerasan, fiber reinforced composite, glass fiber dental, glass fiber non-dental ABSTRACTIntroduction: One alternative material can be used as fixed denture is fiber reinforced composite (FRC), from a combination of fiber and resin matrix. Fiber often used in dentistry is e-glass fiber. The disadvantages of dental e-glass fiber are low tensile modulus, self abrasive, low resistance to fatique, and relatively high prices. Non-dental e-glass fiber was chosen as an alternative because the composition is almost the same as dental e-glass fiber. The purpose of this study was to determine the hardness difference test result between dental and non-dental glass fiber reinforced composite. Methods: This research was true experimental research. The samples were cylindrical with a diameter of 4 mm and the height of 2 mm, consisted of 3 groups; the dental e-glass fiber group, non-dental e-glass fiber group, and non-fiber group as negative controls; each consisted of 4 samples. The group of non-dental e-glass fiber and dental e-glass fiber was given silane. The hardness test was carried out with the Vickers Hardness Testing Machine with a load of 294.2 N for 10-15 seconds. Statistical analysis was performed using independent sample t-test. Results: The hardness value of dental e-glass fiber reinforced composite was 60.83 VHN, non-dental e-glass was 53.56 VHN, and non-fiber group was 48.23 VHN. The significance value obtained was p = 0,000; and p < 0.05, means that there was a significant difference between the hardness of dental e-glass fiber and non-dental glass fiber FRC. Conclusion: There is a difference in the hardness between dental and non-dental e-glass fiber FRC, where the hardness of e-glass dental fiber is higher than non-dental e-glass fiber.Keywords: Hardness, fiber reinforced composite, dental glass fiber, non-dental glass fiber
Pengaruh jumlah glass fiber non dental pada reinforced resin akrilik (polimetil metakrilat) terhadap perlekatan Candida albicansEffect of the concentration of non-dental glass fiber on reinforced acrylic resin (polymethyl methacrylate) on the attachment of Candida albicans Intan Mardhiyah Jaelani; Widya Puspita Sari; Okmes Fadriyanti
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 31, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v31i2.23450


Pendahuluan: Glass fiber non dental merupakan bahan yang digunakan sebagai penguat gipsum dan komponen otomotif dengan komponen yaitu Na2O dan K2O dapat meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap asam dan meningkatkan penyerapan air. Glass fiber non dental banyak tersedia di Indonesia dengan harga yang terjangkau dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti dari E-glass fiber dental yang ketersediaannya terbatas di Indonesia dan harga relatif mahal. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh jumlah glass fiber non dental pada reinforced resin akrilik terhadap perlekatan C.albicans. Metode: Jenis penelitian yaitu Eksperimen laboratorium dengan rancangan Posttest Control Group Design  yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah glass fiber non dental pada reinforced resin akrilik terhadap perlekatan C. albicans  dengan 12 sampel yang dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kelompok yaitu glass fiber non dental 0,9 %, glass fiber non dental 1,8 %, dan tanpa fiber. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji Oneway ANOVA dengan nilai p < 0,05. Hasil:  penelitian menunjukkan bahwa glass fiber non dental 0,9 % ( hasil rata-rata: 1,10),  glass fiber non dental 1,8 % (hasil rata-rata: 1,125), dan tanpa fiber (hasil rata-rata: 1,525) memiliki efek berbeda tetapi tidak bermakna. Simpulan: Penambahan glass fiber non dental pada lempeng resin akrilik tidak berpengaruh terhadap perlekatan C. albicans.Kata kunci: Glass fiber non dental,  fiber reinforced resin akrilik, Candida albicans ABSTRACTIntroduction: Non-dental glass fiber is a material used as gypsum reinforcement and automotive components with components namely Na2O and K2O can increase acid resistance and increase water absorption. Non-dental glass fiber is widely available in Indonesia at an affordable price can be an alternative substitute for E-glass dental fiber whose availability is limited in Indonesia and the price is relatively high. The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of the amount of non-dental glass fiber on reinforced acrylic resin on the attachment of C. albicans. Methods: This type of research is a laboratory experiment with a Posttest Control Group Design that was conducted to determine the effect of the number of non-dental glass fiber on reinforced acrylic resin on the attachment of C. albicans with 12 samples grouped into 3 groups, namely 0.9% non-dental glass fiber, non dental glass fiber 1.8%, and without fiber. Statistical analysis using the Oneway ANOVA test with a p-value <0.05. Results: The study showed that non-dental glass fiber was 0.9% (average yield: 1.10), non-dental glass fiber was 1.8% (average yield: 1,125), and without fiber (average yield: 1,525) has a different but not significant effect. Conclusion: Addition of non-dental glass fiber to acrylic resin plates did not affect the attachment of C. albicans.Keywords: Non-dental glass fiber, fiber-reinforced acrylic resin, Candida albicans
Pengaruh penambahan silane terhadap kekuatan fleksural reinforced composite yang diperkuat dengan glass fiber non-dentalThe effect of silane addition on the flexural strength of non-dental glass fiber reinforced composite Farahdina Maulida; Widya Puspita Sari; Darmawangsa Darmawangsa
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 31, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.355 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v31i1.18095


Pendahuluan: Fiber reinforced composite terdiri dari gabungan resin komposit dan fiber. Kandungan tersebut dapat meningkatkan kekuatan fleksural. Kekuatan fleksural sangat diperlukan pada material kedokteran gigi supaya tahan terhadap tekanan oklusal. Ketersediaan e-glass fiber dental masih terbatas dengan harga yang cukup mahal sehingga dibutuhkan alternatif dengan glass fiber non-dental. Pemeriksaan komposisi glass fiber non-dental dengan teknik X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) menunjukkan bahwa glass fiber non-dental memiliki komposisi yang hampir sama dengan e-glass fiber dental. Aplikasi dengan silane coupling agent dibutuhkan agar glass fiber non-dental dapat meningkatkan ikatan dengan resin komposit supaya tidak menimbulkan fraktur awal dalam komposit. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh penambahan silane terhadap kekuatan fleksural fiber reinforced composites pada gigi tiruan cekat. Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental laboratorium. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan glass fiber non-dental dengan silane dan glass fiber non-dental tanpa silane masing-masing 4 sampel dengan ukuran sampel balok 25 x 2 x 2 mm. Sampel dilakukan uji kekuatan fleksural menggunakan alat universal testing machine. Uji ini dilakukan dengan meletakkan spesimen melintang pada papan penyangga, kemudian pada sumbu vertikal diberikan gaya tepat di tengahnya dengan kecepatan konstan hingga terjadi fraktur, analisa menggunakan uji independent sample t-test. Hasil: Rerata kekuatan fleksural dengan nilai tertinggi pada kelompok fiber non-dental dengan silane dan terendah pada kelompok fiber non-dental tanpa silane serta tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pada penambahan silane terhadap kekuatan fleksural glass fiber non-dental pada fiber reinforced composite. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat pengaruh penambahan silane terhadap kekuatan fleksural glass fiber non-dental pada fiber reinforced composite.Kata kunci: Kekuatan fleksural, silane coupling agent, fiber reinforced composite, glass fiber non-dental. ABSTRACTIntroduction: Fiber reinforced composite is a combination of composite and fiber resin which fabricated to improve the flexural strength. Flexural strength is needed in dental materials to be resistant towards occlusal pressure. The availability of dental glass fiber is still limited at a quite high price thus needed an alternative of non-dental glass fiber. Examination of the composition of non-dental glass fiber using the X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) technique showed that non-dental glass fiber had a structure similar to e-glass fiber dental. Application of silane coupling agent is needed so that non-dental glass fiber can increase the bonding with composite resin thus not causing any fracture site in the composite. This study was aimed to analyse the effect of silane addition on the flexural strength of fiber reinforced composites on the fixed denture. Methods: The research design used was an experimental laboratory. The study was conducted using non-dental glass fiber with silane and non-dental glass fiber without silane; each consisted of 4 block samples with a size of 25 x 2 x 2 mm. The sample was tested for the flexural strength using a universal testing machine. This test was carried out by placing the specimen across the suspension board; then a force was given right in the middle of the vertical axis with constant speed until a fracture occurred; data analysis was performed using the independent sample t-test. Result: The average flexural strength with the highest value was found in the non-dental glass fiber groupwith silane addition, and the lowest was found in the non-dental glass fiber group without silane. There was no significant effect of silane addition to the flexural strength of non-dental glass fiber reinforced composite. Conclusion: There is no effect of silane addition to the flexural strength of non-dental glass fiber reinforced composite.Keywords: Flexural strength, silane coupling agent, fiber reinforced composite, non-dental glass fiber.
Perbedaan lama perendaman glass fiber non dental reinforced composite dalam saliva buatan terhadap perubahan dimensiThe difference in immersion time of non-dental reinforced composite glass fiber in artificial saliva on dimensional changes Deby Anzules; Widya Puspita Sari; Okmes Fadriyanti
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 31, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v31i2.18133


Pendahuluan: Kehilangan gigi salah satunya dapat diganti dengan gigi tiruan cekat untuk mengembalikan fungsi oklusi dan estetis.  Bahan gigi tiruan cekat antara lain porcelain fused to metal (PFM), namun PFM memiki beberapa keterbatasan diantaranya memerlukan preparasi gigi abutment cukup banyak yang dapat mempengaruhi vitalitas pulpa, salah satu alternatifnya digunakan fiber reinforced composite (FRC). Paparan saliva terhadap resin komposit menimbulkan proses penyerapan air yang mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan dimensi. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis perbedaan perubahan dimensi glass fiber non dental reinforced composite antara setelah 7 hari dan 14 hari perendaman dengan saliva buatan. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental laboratorium.Bahan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu FRC dengan matriks berupa resin komposit flowable (Master Flow, Brazil) dan glass fiber non dental. Sampel penelitian berbentuk balok ukuran 25x2x2 mm, sampel disinari menggunakan LCV selama 20 detik. Sampel berjumlah 8 buah dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu lama perendaman 7 dan 14 hari. Sampel direndam dalam saliva buatan dengan pH 7. Perubahan dimensi dihitung dengan dimensi akhir dikurang dimensi awal, diukur menggunakan caliper. Hasil: Analisa statistik menggunakan mann-whitney diperoleh nilai p= 0,017<0,05 artinya terdapat perbedaan perubahan dimensi glass fiber non dental reinforced composite. Simpulan: Semakin lama glass fiber non dental reinforced composite direndam dalam saliva buatan maka semakin besar perubahan dimensi yang terjadi.Kata kunci: Perubahan dimensi, glass fiber non dental reinforced composite, lama perendaman, saliva buatan ABSTRACTIntroduction: One of the lost teeth can be replaced with fixed dentures to restore occlusion and aesthetic function. Fixed denture materials include porcelain fused to metal (PFM), but PFM has several limitations including the preparation of abutments that can affect the vitality of the pulp, one of the alternatives is to use fiber-reinforced composite (FRC). Exposure to saliva to composite resins causes a process of absorption of water which results in dimensional changes. The purpose of this study was to analyse the differences in the dimensions of non-dental reinforced composite glass fiber between 7 days and 14 days of soaking with artificial saliva. Methods: This research is experimental laboratory research. The research material used is FRC with a matrix in the form of flowable composite resin (Master Flow, Brazil) and non-dental glass fiber. The research sample is in the form of a beam size of 25x2x2 mm; the sample is irradiated using LCV for 20 seconds. A total of 8 samples were divided into 2 groups: 7 and 14 days immersion. The sample is immersed in artificial saliva with a pH of 7. Dimensional changes are calculated with the final dimensions minus the initial dimensions, measured using a calliper. Results: Statistical analysis using Mann-Whitney obtained p-value = 0.017 <0.05 meaning that there are differences in the dimensions of the glass changes in non-dental reinforced composite glass fiber. Conclusion: The longer the non-dental reinforced composite glass fiber is immersed in artificial saliva, the greater the dimensional changes that occur.Keywords: Dimensional changes, non-dental reinforced composite glass fiber, immersion time, artificial saliva