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Journal : Jurnal Riset Pendidikan dan Pengajaran (JRPP)

KARAKTER SISWA DALAM LITERASI RELIGIUS Fadillah, Ahmad Arif; Jannati, Ahmad Rafaeli; Awaludin, Anas Farhan; Khairunnisa, Aura Zahrotun; Aini, Farasyanti Azahratul; Wardana, Ferdian Putra; Sukma, Frizori Rendy; Ningrum G., Nuryati Widya; Sabilah, Sahla; Sundari, Lilis; Utami, Ragil; Widiati, Wilda
Publisher : Transpublika Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.736 KB) | DOI: 10.55047/jrpp.v1i1.209


The character of children or students in religious literacy is described in this study. This research attempts to shape students' characters in order to help them become more religious and to develop their linguistic abilities. The Qualitative Method was used to acquire the data for this study. The findings of this study indicate a positive effects on the character development of students. To ensure that students' learning processes are supported, literacy implementation must be done in a supportive environment. It is well known that students' character can comprehend what has been done and what would be done after using reading literacy. The quantity of kids who are uninterested in reading is the study's main barrier.
PENDIDIKAN INKLUSI DI SEKOLAH DASAR ISLAM Fadillah, Ahmad Arif; Sulaiman, Abdul Mugni Saudi; Ayumi, Anis; Saharani, Aura Luthfia; Putri, Chika Meiliana; Nuraulia, Dhea; Aziz, Dhilla Shafirra; Najah, Mia Alfiatun; Pertiwi, Nabila Putri; Rizki, Nabilla Oktaviani; Kamilatun, Nur Ahya; Fadiniyah, Qiromah
Publisher : Transpublika Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.867 KB) | DOI: 10.55047/jrpp.v1i1.210


Education is a major milestone in supporting a person's success and success, which is obtained from early childhood until the person enters adolescence or adulthood. Inclusion education is an educational service that arranges for students who have disabilities, special needs or disabilities to be served at school together with their peers, without having to be assigned classes, where the student can carry out teaching and learning activities with other children normally with adequate accessibility. The application of inclusive education in Islamic elementary schools has a positive influence on children who have disabilities or special needs, so that they get the opportunity to be able to enjoy learning activities in schools as well as other children, where they are also a priority that must be considered without being discriminated against. This study discusses the role or importance of inclusion education applied in Islamic elementary schools. The results showed that inclusive education can be said to be effective and beneficial for children who have a special need or disability for the implementation of their rights in obtaining a fair and decent education so that they can become successful individuals in the future.
TEAM WORK DALAM KINERJA GURU Fadillah, Ahmad Arif; Hadi, Awal Septian; Shafarida, Nurul Afni; Sari, Alfina Amanda; Luthfia; Nursabila, Putri Rizky; Asyifa, Syaqila Nur; Supriyanti; Utami, Angelia Fitria; Ramadini, Cantika
Publisher : Transpublika Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (197.807 KB) | DOI: 10.55047/jrpp.v1i1.211


One of the things that must be developed in the current era is teamwork. The success of the school is determined by each component in the school. Principals and teachers and staff must work in teams that are appropriate for their roles. This study aims to determine the effect of teamwork in teacher performance. The technique adopted is a literature review, in which the findings of several research publications conducted in the United States, the Netherlands, and Slovenia will be compared. Several articles, one of which discusses the respective roles between principals and teachers from several journal studies that they researched using literature studies. The findings of this article are that teamwork can be carried out by transformational leaders who have advantages in speaking and are able to stimulate teachers and others. Urgency in carrying out roles in a clear and coordinated manner with the framework of developing and working team functions (teamwork).
IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM PEMBINAAN PESERTA DIDIK Fadillah, Ahmad Arif; Putri, Khilda Jumhadi; Nurafifah, Vianti Dinda; Safitri, Santi; Aisyah, Nanda; Aulia, Rahmatul; Salimah, Sumayya Mujahidah; Febriyani, Nur; Oktapiani, Rizka; Marctines, Gabriella Sinthia
Publisher : Transpublika Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.485 KB) | DOI: 10.55047/jrpp.v1i2.212


According to Government Regulation No. 87 of 2017 Article 3 regarding strengthening character education (PPK), namely PPK is carried out by applying the values of Pancasila in character education, especially including religious values, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, independent creativity, democracy, curiosity, enthusiasm nationality, love for the homeland, appreciate achievements, communicative, love peace, love to read, care for the environment, care about social, and be responsible. This study aims to find out how the implementation of character education management in coaching students. This research is a literature study. In literature studies, researchers determine the research topic and determine the formulation of the problem, before they go into the field to collect the necessary data. In the National Long-Term Development Plan 2005-2025 (Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2007) states the realization of a strong, competitive, noble character and moral nation based on Pancasila which is characterized by the diverse character and behavior of humans and the Indonesian people, have faith and fear of God Almighty, tolerant virtuous, mutual cooperation, patriotic spirit, dynamic development, and science and technology oriented.
DAMPAK POSITIF SOSIAL MEDIA DALAM PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER ISLAMI Fadillah, Ahmad Arif; Putri, Lisa Denanda; Malika, Delfina Laura; Khoirunnisa, Siti; Mutiara, Rahma; Jihan, Nabilah Nur; Khoirunnisa, Elita; Nur’aini; Melati, Suci; Ramadhani, Hardika
Publisher : Transpublika Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.712 KB) | DOI: 10.55047/jrpp.v1i2.219


The development of social media is getting more and more advanced day by day. The development of social media, which is increasingly popular with everyone, has reached its heyday and is used in several kinds of fields, namely in the field of education and religion (Islam). Social media is used to help students' learning activities. However, the use of social media in students fosters an impact, whether it is a good impact or a positive or negative impact. Social media is a social structure that comes from individuals and organizations that are bound by the similarity of their users. Social media is an online media (online media) that is used as a means of socializing online on the internet. On social media, users can interact with each other, communicate, share networking and various other activities online. Social media was created to qualify humans because humans are social creatures, created to socialize. Because the development of the times is increasingly advanced, the main purpose of which is to facilitate users or users of social media so that they can connect with someone in one country, even between countries and between continents practically and do not waste time or make it easier for users to socialize. However, in today's modern era, social media does not only function as usual, it turns out that social media has an influence on the character education of the students who use it. Whether it's a positive influence or a negative influence such as showing off on social media. Talking about strengthening the character building of students through character education in the context is now very relevant to overcome the moral crisis that is happening in schools and colleges. Admittedly or not recognized there is currently a real crisis that is worrying in the school environment involving students.
PENDIDIKAN DASAR SEBAGAI PERINTIS TERDEPAN DALAM PENGUATAN KARAKTER MUSLIM Fadillah, Ahmad Arif; Rafida, Aura Rahmatun; Wulandari, Cahya; Yuliawati, Dea; Ningrum, Dwi Rahayu Kusuma; Aen, Kurotul; Sahrurosi, Putri Adinda; Maulidya, Sarah; Wahdania; Nurzahro, Yufaida; Aulya, Zahra
Publisher : Transpublika Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (170.69 KB) | DOI: 10.55047/jrpp.v1i2.220


Basic Education as a leading pioneer in Strengthening Muslim Character has a relationship with character education. The implementation of Strengthening Character Education is carried out with the principle of school-based management which is the responsibility of school principals and teachers, as the fulfillment of the workload of teachers and school principals (Article 6 paragraph 3,4,5 PP 87/2017). According to President Joko Widodo's directive, character education at the basic education level gets a larger portion than education that teaches knowledge, for Elementary Schools by 70% while for Junior High Schools by 60%. The point of this research is management of strengthening characters education in elementary schools are includes planning, implementation and evaluation. The research method is descriptive qualitative through observation, documentation and interview.The result of this research obtained depiction that the first,the reinforcement of character education students have been implemented well through the preparation of goals, strategy and policy mapping and procedure mapping and program improvement using RPP and syllabus design; second, the implementation of character education runs well through activities of religious activities, nationalism cultivation, social care and environmental awareness; third, evaluation of the strengthening of character education management students through supervision activities on the implementation of activities by carrying out reflections, analysis and follow-up plans.
PENERAPAN METODE PEMBELAJARAN SQ4R UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN MEMBACA SISWA DASAR Fadillah, Ahmad Arif; Rosadah; Fazriah, Nurul; Ilyasa, Nabila; Nahzifa, Nanda; Nurahmah, Suci; Pratami, Santika Vidia; Putri, Ratasya Salsabilla; Uthantry, Zuanita Hershifani
Publisher : Transpublika Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.477 KB) | DOI: 10.55047/jrpp.v1i2.221


This study aims to analyze the application of sq4r learning methods to improve the reading skills of basic students. The design of this study is PTK. Research activities are carried out in 2 (two) cycles, each cycle lasts 2 hours of lessons (2 x 45 minutes). Each cycle includes stages: 1) planning, 2) execution of actions, 3) observation and evaluation, 4) analysis and reflection. This research was carried out at SDN Negeri 1 Gadang. The class studied was class V with a total of 36 students. Based on the results of the research described, it can be concluded that by applying the stages of the Survey, Question, Read, reflect, Recite, Review (SQ4R) learning model in the learning process can increase teacher learning activities and student learning activities during the learning process in class V of SDN Negeri 1 Gadang. Changes in the learning process that occur encourage the improvement of student learning outcomes related to reading comprehension material in Indonesian subjects in class V of SDN Negeri 1 Gadang.
PERKEMBANGAN PSIKOLOGI ANAK KARENA DAMPAK BULLYING Fadillah, Ahmad Arif; Meidanty, Cindy Arlinda; Haniifah, Fiilzah; Utami, Nabela Kanti; Amalia, Novia; Endjid, Prissis; Hasanah, Rihlah; Rahman, Rif’an Maulana; Kausar, Rizky Ahmad; Setiawan, Thoni Putra
Publisher : Transpublika Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (162.348 KB) | DOI: 10.55047/jrpp.v1i2.225


This research is motivated by the large number of mass media reporting on acts of bullying committed by children and adolescents today. This research was conducted by the education management course. The bullying experienced by the victim is in the form of verbal and physical bullying. The purpose of this study is to find out how the psychosocial impact of bullying victims in everyday life, as well as to provide education to parents of victims to be more sensitive to the developments and problems faced by children, especially to continue to monitor children's interactions. The results of this study can be concluded, namely that bullying cases have a negative impact on victims of bullying, namely first, children who are victims of bullying are anti-social towards the playing environment, victims withdraw from the social environment and to interact socially. Being indifferent to what is happening in the surrounding environment. Second, the impact on the victim's psychology is that there is a deep depression that begins with a sense of trauma experienced and then turns into depression.
Co-Authors Aen, Kurotul Afiyah, Azzahra Dhiya Aini, Farasyanti Azahratul Aisyah, Nanda Amalia, Novia Amalya, Laura Anggraeni, Ani Nur Aprilia, Delia Asyifa, Syaqila Nur Aulia, Rahmatul Aulya, Zahra Awaludin, Anas Farhan Ayumi, Anis Aziz, Dhilla Shafirra Cahya Wulandari Endjid, Prissis Eni Nuraeni Fadiniyah, Qiromah Fazriah, Nurul Febriyani, Nur Gugum Gumilar Hadi, Awal Septian Hafidzoh, Siti Haniifah, Fiilzah Hasanah, Rihlah Ilyasa, Nabila Jannati, Ahmad Rafaeli Jihan, Nabilah Nur Kamilatun, Nur Ahya Kausar, Rizky Ahmad Khairunnisa, Aura Zahrotun Khoirunnisa, Elita LUTHFIA Malika, Delfina Laura Marctines, Gabriella Sinthia Maulidya, Sarah Meidanty, Cindy Arlinda Melati, Suci Melyana, Angel Mutiara, Rahma Nahzifa, Nanda Najah, Mia Alfiatun Ningrum G., Nuryati Widya Ningrum, Dwi Rahayu Kusuma Nurafifah, Vianti Dinda Nurahmah, Suci Nuraulia, Dhea Nursabila, Putri Rizky Nurzahro, Yufaida Nur’aini Oktapiani, Rizka Pertiwi, Nabila Putri Pratami, Santika Vidia Putri, Chika Meiliana Putri, Khilda Jumhadi Putri, Lisa Denanda Putri, Ratasya Salsabilla Rafida, Aura Rahmatun Rahman, Rif’an Maulana Ramadhani, Hardika Ramadini, Cantika Riski Pratama, Riski Rizki, Nabilla Oktaviani Rosadah Sabilah, Sahla Safitri, Santi Saharani, Aura Luthfia Sahrurosi, Putri Adinda Salimah, Sumayya Mujahidah Sari, Alfina Amanda Setiawan, Thoni Putra Shafarida, Nurul Afni Siti Khoirunnisa, Siti Sukma, Frizori Rendy Sulaiman, Abdul Mugni Saudi Sundari, Lilis Supriyanti Utami, Angelia Fitria Utami, Nabela Kanti Utami, Ragil Uthantry, Zuanita Hershifani Wahdania Wardana, Ferdian Putra Widiati, Wilda wulandar, Sri Yuliawati, Dea