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Hematology Profile of Tuberculosis Lymphadenitis Patients at Siti Rahmah Hospital, Padang, Indonesia Debie Anggraini; Meta Zulyati Oktora
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v27i3.1719


Tuberculosis (TB) is a progressive granulomatous infectious disease caused by Gram-positive acid-resistant bacilli classified in the genus Mycobacterium. Tuberculosis in humans is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and it mainly infects the lungs, although it can also infect intestines, meninges, bones, lymph nodes, skin that cause extra-pulmonary TB. Tuberculous lymphadenitis is an inflammatory process in lymph nodes as a result of MTB activity. The inflammatory process caused by MTB activity is often associated with anemia as the most common complication. Anemia in TB is caused by an inflammatory process associated with bone marrow suppression due to pro-inflammatory cytokines, thus inhibiting the proliferation and differentiation of erythroid progenitor cells. This chronic TB infection also affects iron hemostasis, thus further affecting the hematological profile of TB patients. This study aimed to determine the hematology profile of TB lymphadenitis patients in the Siti Rahmah Hospital, Padang, Indonesia. This was a descriptive study, with a population of patients diagnosed with TB lymphadenitis based on the results of a fine needle biopsy in the Colli region. The samples of this study consisted of 24 patients who have tested the hematology profile. Tuberculosis lymphadenitis patients in females were higher than males, the mean age was 26.75±19.53 years old dominated by an adult (54%). The mean of 3 hemoglobin levels was 11.8±1.522 g/dL, with 62.5% anemia patients. The mean leukocyte count was 10400±3018.926/mm , 3 with 54.2% of patients had normal levels of leukocyte. The mean of thrombocyte count was 334750±74440.668/mm , with 83.3% in normal levels and the mean of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) was 35.25±31.489 mm/h, with 54.2% patients in high ESR. Hematology profile in TB lymphadenitis patient was anemia, normal levels of leukocytes, thrombocyte, and increased levels of ESR.
Validitas dan Reliabilitas Kuesioner Penilaian Pembelajaran Skills Lab Secara Daring pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Baiturrahmah Padang Muhamad Jefri; Debie Anggraini; Meta Zulyati Oktora
Scientific Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): SCIENA Volume I No 1, January 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (121.315 KB) | DOI: 10.56260/sciena.v1i1.16


Background : Lecturing with the online method is the main means as well as a solution so that the teaching and learning process continues in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in learning lab skills for medical students who need direct practice in order to achieve the goals of the clinical skills needed, online methods are not fully profitable. Objective : This study aims to determine the validity and reliability of the online skills lab learning assessment questionnaire at the Faculty of Medicine, Baiturrahmah University, Padang. Methodes : This research is a research on the scope of medical education which was conducted in April 2020-February 2021 for students of the Faculty of Medicine at Baiturrahmah University. This type of research is a non-experimental, quantitative descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique was carried out by simple random sampling and a total sample of 86 people.. The research measuring instrument used a likert scale and data analysis of validity and reliability tests used the SPSS program. Results : The validity test on 46 questions on the questionnaire showed that 13 questions were declared invalid because they had a value of rcount <rtable of 0.276. The results of the reliability test of the research questionnaire had a reliability coefficient of 0.920 with a very high interpretation. Conclusion: The results of the validity test research were in the form of questions that were declared valid as many as 33 questions and the results of the reliability test in the reliability category were very high.
HUMAN CARE JOURNAL Vol 5, No 4 (2020): Human Care Journal
Publisher : Universitas Fort De Kock

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32883/hcj.v5i4.761


Tumor yolk sac merupakan keganasan pada testis yang berasal dari sel germinal dan paling sering terjadi. Angka kejadiannya mencapai 90-95% dari seluruh keganasan pada testis. Tumor yolk sac tipe murni sering ditemukan pada usia muda. Diagnosis tumor yolk sac secara mikroskopis sering meragukan karena gambaran histopatologinya bermacam-macam. Ada sekitar 10 macam variasi pola histopatologis yang  bisa  muncul,  baik  dalam  bentuk  tumor  yolk  sac  murni  maupun  campuran  dengan  tumor  sel germinal yang lain. Artikel ini merupakan suatu laporan kasus pasien laki-laki usia 31 tahun yang datang dengan keluhan benjolan yang bertambah besar pada testis kanan. Pasien didiagnosis secara klinis menderita tumor testis dan dilakukam orkidektomi oleh dokter bedah urologi. Kemudian jaringan operasi dikirim ke laboratorium patologi anatomi dan didiagnosis sebagai suatu tumor yolk sac tipe murni pada testis dewasa. Secara mikroskopik tampak potongan jaringan (testis) dengan stroma mengandung proliferasi sel – sel dengan inti besar, pleomorfik, vesikular, kromatin kasar, nukleoli nyata, mitosis atipik dapat ditemukan. Sel – sel ini ada yang tersusun papiler, retikular, ada yang berbentuk struktur kelenjar dan ada bagian yang padat (solid). Ditemukan adanya hyaline globule dan Schiller- Duval Body. Tampak pula bagian dengan nekrosis luas. Stadium pada pasien ini juga belum dapat ditegakkan, karena belum diperiksanya AFP.
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32539/JKK.V10I1.19847


Karsinoma payudara invasif adalah keganasan terbanyak di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Karsinoma payudara invasif merupakan keganasan yang berasal dari sel epitel kelenjar payudara. Pada kasus dugaan keganasan dibutuhkan tambahan modalitas selain mammografi. Salah satunya dengan frozen section intraoperatif. Tindakan frozen section berguna mengkonfirmasi diagnosis keganasan dan penentuan tatalaksana selanjutnya. Kesalahan interprestasi sediaan frozen section bisa terjadi karena adanya artefak sehingga menghalangi patolog melihat perubahan arsitektur dan detail morfologi sel tumor. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan Prosedur tambahan untuk menilai morfologi sel seperti sitologi imprint. Telah dilaporkan kasus seorang perempuan usia 68 tahun dengan keluhan benjolan di payudara kiri. Benjolan tanpa disertai nyeri dan tidak ada nipple discharge. Benjolan berukuran 4 cmx3cmx2 cm, warna kulit tidak ada kelainan, ulkus tidak ada, kosistensi padat, agak terfiksir. Pasien didiagnosis sebagai tumor mammae sinistra suspek ganas. Pasien menjalani tindakan operasi mammae sinistra, dengan analisis frozen section intraoperatif bersamaan dengan sitologi imprint. Hasil pemeriksaan mikroskopik imprint sesuai dengan frozen section yaitu carcinoma mammae. Frozen section adalah prosedur yang bermanfaat untuk mengkonfirmasi diagnosis yang diduga ganas secara klinis. Penggunaan sitologi imprint bersamaan dengan frozen section dapat mengatasi kesulitan menilai morfologi sel sehingga meningkatkan akurasi diagnosis. 
Perubahan Gambaran Histologik Paru Mencit (Mus Musculus) yang Terpapar Asap Rokok Meta Zulyati Oktora; Sherena Meilia Setiamurti; Khomeini Khomeini
Health and Medical Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2023): HEME May 2023
Publisher : Universitas Baiturrahmah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33854/heme.v5i2.1286


Pendahuluan: Asap rokok merupakan hasil dari proses pembakaran rokok yang mengandung berbagai zat iritan dan menjadi penyebab utama kerusakan organ paru. Menurut data Riset Kesehatan Dasar prevalensi merokok di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan pada tahun 2013 (7,2%) dan pada tahun 2018 (9,1%). Menurut data Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia melaporkan terjadinya penyakit kardiovaskular serta berakibat kematian dini yang terjadi pada perokok aktif maupun pasif. World Health Organization (WHO) telah melaporkan 6 juta dari 7 juta kematian/tahun disebabkan oleh penggunaan tembakau secara langsung, dan kematian yang disebabkan oleh paparan asap rokok sebanyak 890.000 orang. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologi paru mencit yang terpapar asap rokok. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Farmakologi Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas dan untuk pembacaan hasil di Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Baiturrahmah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental laboratorik dengan menggunakan 34 sampel mencit (Mus musculus) dengan 2 kelompok sampel. Mencit berusia 10-12 minggu dan berat badan 25-30 gram. Pemaparan asap rokok secara langsung didalam kandang kawat dengan dosis 3 batang rokok selama 30 menit pada sampel kelompok perlakuan I, dan sampel kontrol negatif tidak diberi perlakuan. Pada hari ke-15 dilakukan terminasi dan kemudian jaringan parudibuat preparat histopatologi. Hasil: Dari penelitian ini didapatkan sebanyak 76,5% sampel penelitian mengandung infiltrasi sel radang dan tampak tertutupnya alveoli oleh makrofag alveolar. Sebanyak 64,7% terjadi perubahan struktur membran alveolus sebanyak 88,2%
Hematology Profile of Tuberculosis Lymphadenitis Patients at Siti Rahmah Hospital, Padang, Indonesia Debie Anggraini; Meta Zulyati Oktora
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v27i3.1719


Tuberculosis (TB) is a progressive granulomatous infectious disease caused by Gram-positive acid-resistant bacilli classified in the genus Mycobacterium. Tuberculosis in humans is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and it mainly infects the lungs, although it can also infect intestines, meninges, bones, lymph nodes, skin that cause extra-pulmonary TB. Tuberculous lymphadenitis is an inflammatory process in lymph nodes as a result of MTB activity. The inflammatory process caused by MTB activity is often associated with anemia as the most common complication. Anemia in TB is caused by an inflammatory process associated with bone marrow suppression due to pro-inflammatory cytokines, thus inhibiting the proliferation and differentiation of erythroid progenitor cells. This chronic TB infection also affects iron hemostasis, thus further affecting the hematological profile of TB patients. This study aimed to determine the hematology profile of TB lymphadenitis patients in the Siti Rahmah Hospital, Padang, Indonesia. This was a descriptive study, with a population of patients diagnosed with TB lymphadenitis based on the results of a fine needle biopsy in the Colli region. The samples of this study consisted of 24 patients who have tested the hematology profile. Tuberculosis lymphadenitis patients in females were higher than males, the mean age was 26.75±19.53 years old dominated by an adult (54%). The mean of 3 hemoglobin levels was 11.8±1.522 g/dL, with 62.5% anemia patients. The mean leukocyte count was 10400±3018.926/mm , 3 with 54.2% of patients had normal levels of leukocyte. The mean of thrombocyte count was 334750±74440.668/mm , with 83.3% in normal levels and the mean of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) was 35.25±31.489 mm/h, with 54.2% patients in high ESR. Hematology profile in TB lymphadenitis patient was anemia, normal levels of leukocytes, thrombocyte, and increased levels of ESR.
Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks dan Edukasi Kegunaan Pemeriksaan Pap Smear Nana Liana; Nurwiyeni; Meta Zulyati Oktora; Anandia Putriyuni
AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Cervical cancer is the second largest malignancy after breast cancer in Indonesia. The incidence is increasing every year. In the United States and several other countries, the incidence of cervical cancer has decreased due to public health services and lifestyle changes as well as early implementation through pap smears. In developing countries, the mortality and incidence of cervical cancer has also decreased by 34-80% in the last 50 years. This is sufficient because the period of occurrence of cervical cancer is long and 90-95% of pathological changes in the epithelium can be determined through the Pap smear test. However, in developing countries, health services are still limited and there are no screening programs, cervical cancer is still the leading cause of death in women. Cervical cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage and the survival rate is low. On the other hand, the cure rate for early cervical cancer is very high. Therefore, it is important for women to undergo regular pap smears test so that the health condition of the cervix can be monitored and cervical cancer can be detected early.
Penyuluhan Sosialisasi Tips Pencegahan Infeksi Covid 19 Debie Anggraini; Yuri Haiga; Meta Zulyati Oktora
Abdika Sciena Vol 1 No 1 (2023): JURABDIKES Volume I No 1, Juni 2023

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). SARS- CoV-2 merupakan coronavirus jenis baru yang belum pernah diidentifikasi pada manusia.Kegiatan penyuluhan Sosialisasi Tips Pencegahan infeksi COVID 19 penting dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengurangi angka morbiditas dan mortalitas akibat infeksi COVID 19. Kegiatan ini merupakan pengejawantahan dari butir Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi, yaitu pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dimaksudkan sebagai bagian tidak terpisahkan dari rasa tanggungjawab terhadap lingkungan sekitar dimana kita bekerja, dan keinginan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan dengan upaya promotif dan preventif serta rehabilitatif menjadi latar belakang para pengusul untuk mengadakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini.