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Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction Vol 9 No 2 (2021): Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction
Publisher : Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/tourism.v9i2.1613


Special interest dark tourism menawarkan perjalanan wisata ke tempat atau situs yang berkaitan dengan bencana, kematian, dan tragedi untuk memberikan pengalaman yang tidak biasa dan edukasi yang dapat merubah emosional wisatawan secara psikologis. Goa Gudawang yang berada di Kabupaten Bogor memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan special interest dark tourism. Namun empat tahun terakhir jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Goa Gudawang mengalami penurunan, oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan sebuah konsep baru dengan menganalisis potensi dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan Goa Gudawang sebagai special interest dark tourism. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan alat analisis fishbone dan analisis SWOT. Hasil analisis fishbone memberikan potensi dark tourism Goa Gudawang melalui lima aspek yaitu atraksi, aktivitas, aksesibilitas, amenitas, dan akomodasi. Kemudian hasil analisis potensi digunakan untuk merumuskan empat strategi pengembangan dengan menggunakan matriks SWOT. Special interest dark tourism dipilih sebagai grand strategy pengembangan wisata Goa Gudawang karena karakteristik special interest dark tourism tidak berfokus pada mass tourism namun menitikberatkan pada daya dukung wisata (carrying capacity). Strategi ini dipilih dengan mempertimbangkan bahwa Goa Gudawang termasuk Kawasan Lindung Geologi terkait fungsinya sebagai kawasan yang memiliki fungsi lindung hidrologi dan ekologi. Selain itu, Brand awareness dark tourism diambil sebagai langkah awal yang tepat untuk memperkenalkan dark tourism yang dianggap masih tabu dan untuk meningkatkan eksistensinya di masyarakat.
Model Optimasi dan Manajemen Risiko pada Saluran Distribusi Rantai Pasok Sayuran Dataran Tinggi Wilayah Sumatera Yuviani Kusumawardhani; Muhammad Syamsun; Anggraini Sukmawati
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 10 No. 1 (2015): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (677.744 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.10.1.34-44


Agricultural sector, especially in highland vegetables are considered to have the potential and prospects to support diversification. It should have a comparative value advantage. Comparative advantages are obtained with supply chain management and risk management therefore needs a model of optimization. But often the common agricultural activities appear particularly at risk of supply chain distribution channel. Risk management is essential to minimize the risks and part of the supply chain management. The purpose of this study are (1) analyze how the supply chain flow in highland vegetable Agam District, West Sumatra and Karo District, North Sumatra, (2) knowing the model optimization and risk management in the vegetable supply chain distribution channels in Agam District, West Sumatra and Karo District Karo, North Sumatra, and (3) analyze how to minimize risk in the highland vegetable distribution channels in Agam District, West Sumatra and Karo District, North Sumatra. In analyzing the model optimization and risk management in the supply chain distribution channel highland vegetables in Agam District, West Sumatra and Karo District, North Sumatra used AHP (Analysis Hierarchy Process) and for risk minimization used the ISM (Intrepretive Structural Modeling). The results of the study will provide a model optimization and risk management in the supply chain distribution channel highland vegetables in order to have a comparative value.
Kajian 14 Pillar Pada Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) Sebagai Indikator Daya Saing Pariwisata Suatu Negara Yuviani Kusumawardhani
Tourism Scientific Journal Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Vol 6 No 1 Desember 2020
Publisher : STIEPAR YAPARI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32659/tsj.v6i1.129


The concept of competitiveness is undergoing a revolution. The revolution of competitiveness theory becomes a new paradigm. Initially, competitiveness theory discusses the ability of a company to survive in a dynamic market. The new paradigm regarding the theory of competitiveness that has become normal science is currently being defined as a concept of competitiveness between countries. One of the competitiveness of a country can be obtained from the tourism sector. Why tourism? Because tourism has developed into a major and mainstay industry in the world. The World Economic Forum (WEF) as an international institution issued a report measuring the travel and tourism competitiveness of its 136 member countries. The report in question is better known as the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI), in which there are 14 pillars that are indicators of a country's competitiveness. This study uses a qualitative approach with a literature study method, which aims to examine the 14 pillars as an indicator of the competitiveness of a country's tourism. These indicators are actually quite good in describing the competitiveness of a country in travel and tourism, but in developing countries there are several indicators that are still difficult to achieve because development in certain sectors is still in the process of development and takes a long time to be assessed to reach the minimum value of the TTCI indicator. This has an impact on the assessment based on indicators on TTCI for developing countries that is not optimal.
Sosialisasi Pengenalan dan Penerapan Clean, Health, Safety dan Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) pada Masyarakat Desa Wisata Sukajadi, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat Yuviani Kusumawardhani
ACADEMICS IN ACTION Journal of Community Empowerment Vol 3, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33021/aia.v3i2.1690


Tourism development can stimulate an increase in the number of tourist visits to tourist destinations. The benefits and advantages of tourism development can be felt from an economic, socio-cultural and environmental perspective as well as an alternative to poverty alleviation. Tourism village is a tourism product with cultural value by considering carrying capacity factor. Tourist villages with the principle of carrying capacity are considered.  Tourist villages with the principle of carrying capacity are considered suitable to meet tourism needs during the pandemic. Sukajadi Village is one of the villages located in Bogor Regency. Sukajadi Village has natural potential and strong cultural elements. In addition to local uniqueness, tourist villages must be able to adapt quickly to global developments, especially during a pandemic like today. Tourism villages with the CHSE principle are able to accommodate health protocols so that tourists can feel safe when visiting. The Sukajadi Tourism Village community does not yet have the competence, knowledge, awareness, and motivation to go to a CHSE-based tourism village. Based on these facts, the socialization of the implementation of CHSE in the Sukajadi Tourism Village was given to the village community and Pokdarwis. The outcome of this activity is to increase the competence, knowledge, awareness, and motivation of the village community to jointly coordinate, integrate, and synchronize through a commitment to involvement, communication, and leadership in building a CHSE-based tourism
Enhancing Repurchase Intention at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok: The Role of Customer Experience Maidar Simanihuruk; Yuviani Kusumawardhani; Lovita Susan Audilla
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 9 Number 1 (March 2022)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v9i1.82285


The most important stage in winning customers' hearts is through experience, building a customer experience is an essential part of any marketing strategy. The higher the impact on customer pleasure and the willingness to return and acquire the products sold, the better the customer experience. Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok has various advantages despite its less-than-ideal location. It provides guests with comfort and a peaceful rural setting. The purpose of this research is to see how customer experience affects repurchase intent at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok. Quantitative methods were employed in the research to gather more comprehensive, valid, reliable, and objective data. A total of 101 customers who visited the café were included in the sample. Both factor and regression analysis was employed in the data analysis. Customer experience had a substantial impact on repurchase intention (t = 8.356 > t table with a significance of 0.000 (? < 0.05). With its interior design and unique style, the customer experience at Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok has a dominant influence on influencing repurchase intention, and consumers are interested in returning to this place. The author makes a suggestion, advising that more attention be paid to and development of the website be done in order to establish direct contacts with clients. This cafe has to improve its services, offer new menu items, and keep its facilities clean. Then Warung Kopi Tepi Sungai Depok will be the top option of the customers. Keywords: Repurchase Intention, Customer Experience, Revisit Intention
A Conceptual Human Resource Strategy Framework for Rural Tourism After Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study in Sukajadi Village, Bogor District, Province of West Java Yuviani Kusumawardhani; Tiurida Lily Anita; Maidar Simanihuruk
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 8 Number 2 (September 2021)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v8i2.77440


The Covid-19 pandemic demands that all industries adapt quickly, and the tourism industry is no exception. Tourism as an industry that contributes significantly to a country’s GDP must be able to respond to changes in tourist interest. Tourism village is one of Indonesia’s tourism potentials and has a big influence on economic development. However, the level of awareness of village community tourism in Indonesia is still lacking. The stigma that the production process only comes from the agricultural production process is still very much attached. The purpose of the study was to find out how the conceptual framework of the Human Resources (HR) development strategy in the tourist village of Sukajadi, Bogor Regency, West Java, after the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is a qualitative approach with Soft System Methodology (SSM) analysis tools with expert respondents who are included in the tourism village stakeholders. This study produces a conceptual framework for the human resource development strategy of Sukajadi Tourism Village, which is integrative and holistic in nature to form an HR management system. Results show that, three strategies for developing human resources in tourist villages were found to increase the capacity of human resources in tourist villages. These strategies include a policy strategy for developing tourism village communities and tourism awareness groups, a strategy for standardizing MSME products, and an approach strategy for tourism awareness groups and institutions.
Analisis Pengukuran Daya Saing Destinasi Wisata Berbasis Tourism and Travel Competitiveness Index Yuviani Kusumawardhani
Journal FAME: Journal Food and Beverage, Product and Services, Accomodation Industry, Entertainment Services Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Journal Food and Beverage, Product and Services, Accommodation Industry, Enterta
Publisher : Akademi Pariwisata Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/fame.v2i2.1987


ABSTRACTPorter's theory of international competitiveness departs from his belief that classical economic theory that explains comparative advantage is inadequate. A country's competitiveness is determined by the ability of industries to innovate and improve their capabilities. Tourism is currently the star for countries to improve their performance. The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index can provide support for countries that want to improve their tourism competitiveness. Literature study in a journal entitled "Measuring Competitiveness Objectives: Application of the Competitiveness Index for Travel and Tourism (2007)" can be a benchmark for measuring Indonesia's tourism power. The advantages of Indonesian tourism so far are still based on the low price factor, but the low price factor is an effective competitiveness factor. This makes Indonesia need to improve other factors that can become more effective competitiveness factors, such as ICT Readiness, Air Transportation Infrastructure, Environmental Sustainability, Land and Port Infrastructure, and Tourist Services Infrastructure.Keywords: Competitiveness, Tourist Destinations, TTCI, Tourism ABSTRAKTeori Porter tentang daya saing nasional berangkat dari keyakinannya bahwa teori ekonomi klasik yang menjelaskan tentang keunggulan komparatif tidak mencukupi. Daya saing suatu negara ditentukan oleh kemampuan industri melakukan inovasi dan meningkatkan kemampuannya. Pariwisata saat ini menjadi primadona bagi negara-negara untuk meningkatkan perekonomiannya. Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index dapat memberikan gagasan bagi negara-negara yang ingin meningkatkan daya saing pariwisatanya. Studi kepustakaan pada jurnal yang berjudul “Measuring Destination Competitiveness: An Application of the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (2007)” dapat menjadi sebuah tolak ukur bagaimana mengukur daya saing pariwisata Indonesia. Keunggulan pariwisata Indonesia selama ini masih bertopang pada faktor harga yang murah, namun faktor harga murah pada kenyataannya bukan menjadi salah satu faktor daya saing yang efektif. Hal ini membuat Indonesia perlu melakukan peningkatan pada faktor lainnya yang dapat menjadi faktor daya saing yang lebih efektif, seperti pada ICT Readiness, Air Transportation Infrastructure, Environmental Sustainability, Ground and Port Infrastructure, dan Tourist Service Infrastructure.Kata Kunci: Daya Saing, Destinasi Wisata, TTCI, Pariwisata
Peran Faktor Pendorong Pada Keputusan Berkunjung Ke Kebun Raya Bogor Yuviani Kusumawardhani; Alma Alviana
Journal FAME: Journal Food and Beverage, Product and Services, Accomodation Industry, Entertainment Services Vol 4, No 1 (2021): JOURNAL FAME Journal Food and Beverage, Product and Services, Accommodation Indu
Publisher : Akademi Pariwisata Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/fame.v4i1.2746


Bogor Botanical Garden is one of the icons of the Bogor City. Bogor Botanical Garden is a tourist site that has a forest concept but is located in the center of Bogor City so that access to Bogor Botanical Garden is easily accessible. Bogor Botanical Gardens is located in Ir. H. Juanda number 13, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. This study was conducted to determine the effect of the Motivation Driving Factor on the Decision to Visit in Bogor Botanical Garden.This research uses quantitative research, with descriptive methods. Many of the samples studied were 100 respondents who had visited Bogor Botanical Gardens.Based on the results of the study it was concluded that from the results of the hypothesis test (T-Test) conducted by the researcher produced a tcount of 10.463> Ttable 1.98447. This shows that there is a significant influence between the Motivating Factors for Visiting Decisions. The influence of motivating factors on the decision to visit Bogor Botanical Gardens with a strong correlation coefficient of 0.726 because it is between 0.600-0.799. The coefficient of determination or the percentage of influence of the Factors Driving Tourist Motivation (X) Decision to Visit (Y) is 52.8%. Meanwhile, the remaining 47.2% is influenced by other variables not examined in this research.
Jurnal Hospitality dan Pariwisata Vol 8, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Hospitality dan Pariwisata
Publisher : Program Studi Hospitality dan Pariwisata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/jhp.v8i1.3211


Traveling activities can increase creativity, eliminate saturation, relaxation, shopping, doing business, learning about history, culture, and language from certain ethnicities, health, and spirituality. Indonesia is a country that has considerable natural tourism potential and has become an attraction for visitors from all over the world. Gunung Bunder Nature Tourism is one of the natural attractions located in Bogor Regency with pine tree attractions. But the management of tourist attractions is still carried out independently by the community, causing a lack of tourist facilities to be provided to visitors. This is behind this research to analyze the role of facilities on visitor satisfaction in Mount Bunder Natural Tourism.In research procedures, quantitative approaches with simple linear regression analysis tools are used. Nonprobability sampling with a purposive sample technique was utilized to collect data from as many as 100 people. The findings revealed that facility variables influence visitor happiness, implying that facilities have a role in visitor pleasure and that if the manager improves the facility, tourist contentment will rise. The findings of the determination coefficient test revealed that facilities had a 71.9 percent effect on visitor satisfaction, with the remaining 28.1 percent influenced by factors not addressed in this study.
PUDING TALAS, CEMILAN DARI KOTA BOGOR Julia Ratnawulan Skawanti; Yuviani Kusumawardhani
Jurnal Hospitality dan Pariwisata Vol 6, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Hospitality dan Pariwisata
Publisher : Program Studi Hospitality dan Pariwisata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/jhp.v6i2.2414


Makanan tradisional dapat dijadikan sebagai suatu wisata kuliner yang dapat mengangkat citra dan pendapatan masyarakat dari daerah tersebut. Bogor adalah salah satu daerah di Indonesia yang terkenal dengan pengahasil tanaman talas. Talas bisa dijadikan sebagai pengganti nasi terutama pada saat kritis ketersediaan beras di Indonesia karena talas banyak mengandung karbohidrat. Talas dapat diolah menjadi berbagai makanan tradisional seperti talas kukus,lapis talas, keripik talas, puding talas, bolu gulung talas dan sebagainya. Puding talas salah satu makanan yang banyak dicari konsumen karena teksturnya lembut dan rasanya yang banyak disuka. Pada hari Sabtu dan Minggu bahkan pada saat long weekend, kota Bogor kebanjiran pengunjung dari luar daerah untuk berwisata kuliner.Kata Kunci: Bogor, Talas, Puding, Makanan Tradisional.