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Jurnal Akuatika Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Akuatika Indonesia (JAkI)
Publisher : Direktorat Sumber Daya Akademik dan Perpustakaan Universitas Padjadjaran, Grha. Kandaga (P

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (27.83 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jaki.v3i2.20482


Kitin merupakan biopolimer yang tersusun atas unit N-asetil-D-Glukosamin. Struktur kitin sangat mirip dengan selulosa yang membedakan pada gugus asetaminda diganti oleh gugus hidroksil pada atom karbonnya. Kitosan sebagai polimer yang tersusun dari 2-amino-2-deoksi-β-D-glukosa dapat diperoleh dengan cara ekstraksi kitin. Pengubahan molekul kitin menjadi kitosan diperoleh dengan cara mengubah gugus asetamida (–NHCOCH) pada kitin menjadi gugus amina (–NH3) pada kitosan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkarakterisasi kitosan limbah kulit udang meliputi perhitungan rendemen, analisis proksimat dan logam berat. Tahap penelitian terdiri atas proses deproteinasi, demineralisasi, dan deasetilasi. Kitosan yang dihasilkan selanjutnya dianalisis proksimat, kadar logam berat, dan derajat deasetilasi. Hasil analisis karakteristik kitosan menunjukkan rendemen 14%. Nilai kadar air 12,29%; kadar abu 0,99%; total nitrogen 2,20%; kadar lemak 3,13%; dan karbohidrat 81,39%. Viskositas 1713,04 cps; derajat deasetilasi 98,65%. Kandungan logam berat merkuri 0,00001±2,7735 ppm, kadmium 0,00079±3,4641 ppm, tembaga 0,01105±1,7320 ppm, timbal 0,00316±2,3094 dan arsen  0.00098±1,7320.
REAKSI INVESTOR DALAM PASAR MODAL TERHADAP PENGESAHAN UNDANG-UNDANG PENGAMPUNAN PAJAK (Studi Peristiwa Pada Perusahaan Sektor Keuangan Subsektor Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia) Eko Cahyono
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FEB Vol 6, No 2: Semester Genap 2017/2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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Penelitian ini merupakan studi peristiwa yang bertujuan guna menguji dan menganalisis reaksi investor terhadap variabel average abnormal return dan average trading volume activity pada saat, sebelum, dan sesudah pengesahan Undang-Undang pengampunan pajak. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada perusahaan sektor keuangan subsektor perbankan yang terdaftar di BEI sejumlah 18 sampel dengan metode purposive sampling penentuannya. Teknik analisis penelitian dengan menggunakan paired sample t-test dimana periode pengamatan yang digunakan adalah selama 7 hari menggunakan alat bantu SPSS 21. Hasil penelitian yakni tidak terdapat adanya perbedaan average abnormal return dan average trading volume activity  pada saat, sebelum, dan sesudah pengesahan Undang-Undang pengampunan pajak.Kata kunci: abnormal return, trading volume activity, pengesahan Undang-Undang pengampunan pajak
Analisis Mutu Bakso Ikan Home Industri dan Komersil Di Babakan Raya Bogor Stevy Imelda Murniati Wodi; Eko Cahyono; Nurfaida Kota
Jurnal FishtecH Vol 8, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fishtech.v8i1.7912


Fish balls is a food product that popular and favored by children or adult. Fish balls usually produced as a home industry or commercial product. The aims of this research are to figure out the quality of the home industry or commercial fish ball at Babakan Raya Bogor. This research using a descriptive method. The best score for home industry category, water content analysis for sample A (51.20%), ash analysis for sample A (2.13%), for commercial category, the best fat content is for sample A (0.27%), protein content is for sample A (12.52%) and for carbohydrate by difference is for sample A (18.62%). 
Aktivitas Antibakteri Kitosan dari Tulang Rawan Cumi-Cumi (Loligo sp.) Terhadap Bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli Laode Muhamad Hazairin Nadia; La Ode Huli; Waode Nilda Arifiana Effendy; Frets Jonas Rieuwpassa; Imra Imra; Nurhikma Nurhikma; Eko Cahyono
Jurnal FishtecH Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fishtech.v10i2.14386


Squid (Loligo sp.) is one of fisheries commodities export in Indonesia. Squid has cartilage that can be utilized in the food and non-food sectors. The inner skin of the squid cartilage contains chemical compounds are chitin and chitosan. The objectives of this research are to produce chitosan from squid cartilage and tested the antibacterial effectiveness of chitosan in bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The research method was carried out in twophase; the manufacturing phase of chitosan from squid cartilage and the testing phase for the antibacterial activity of chitosan. The results of the first phase of this study indicate that the chitosan produced meets the quality standards of chitosan with water content 7.82% (bk), ash content 0.57% (bk), nitrogen content 3.18% (bk) and degree of deacetylation 87.43%. Further more the results obtained in the second phase showed that the higher of chitosan concentration, the greater of inhibition zone in the tested bacteria. The best antibacterial activity was found at 0.8% chitosan concentration, with an inhibition zone of 12.8 ± 0.06 mm in E. coli and 11.1 ± 0.12 mm in S. aureus. At a concentration of 0.8% showed a greater inhibitory value when compared to 70% alcohol.
Rancang Bangun Dan Pengujian Alat Pengering Solar Dryer Sederhana (Constructing and Experiment of Simple Solar Dryer) Frets Jonas Rieuwpassa; Stevy Imelda Murniati Wodi; Eko Cahyono; Rolando Pangumpia
Jurnal FishtecH Vol 8, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fishtech.v8i2.7226


Solar dryer is a device that use solar energy to try substances. Using a solar dryer is more hygiene than drying directly into the sun. This experiment aims to construct a solar dryer device and to examine product water content. There are some steps in this experiment which are constructing a solar dryer device and examination of the product water content of two different solar device construction. Products that examined are mackerel tuna dried with salt and without salt. Water content examination is established every 4 hours and 12 hours. All data are examined descriptively. Results showed that temperature in device type 1 are between 40-45 0C dan device type 2 are between 44-45 0C. Results for water content in salted dry fish showed a score of 37.99% in device type 1 and 30.27% in device type 2. For water content in non-salted dry fish showed a score of 38.4% in device type 1 and 27.35% in device type 2. Base on this it can be concluded that device type 2 able to lower water content in products better than device type 1.
Mesin Vol. 21 No. 2 (2006)
Publisher : Mesin

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The sound quality of a gong is influenced by its dynamic characteristics (its structural eigenmode). By controlling natural frequency ratio of the gong to a certain value, we can expect to obtain the optimum gong design. The subject of the present research is to establish an analysis of the application of design optimization in obtaining an optimum gong design. The optimum gong is defined as a gong that has a certain natural frequency ratio. The natural frequency ratio adopted in this reseach is based on those of English bell [1]. The Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Techniques from Ansys 5.4 is used to perform the optimization process. The design optimization method has been successfully applied on the optimization of the gong. The results obtained from the three case studies show that the most sensitive part of the gong is at its around free end. This indicates that in manufacturing gong, this part must be carefully treated.
Pengenalan Kegiatan Peregangan Tubuh Sebagai Aktivitas Fisik Dalam Menunjang Pembelajaran Efektif Siswa Sekolah Dasar Dhito Dwi Pramardika; Meityn Disye Kasaluhe; Wendy Alexander Tanod; Ferdinand Gansalangi; Yana Sambeka; Eko Cahyono; Destu Ayu Hapsari
Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Volume 3 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/jurnalempathy.v0i0.119


Background: Teachers as educators have challenges in their student's learning during the transition from a pandemic to a COVID-19 endemic. Therefore, strategies and innovations are needed to improve effective education, especially in increasing concentration and body fitness. This is also a problem faced at SDN Inpres Enemawira, Tabukan Utara District, Sangihe Islands Regency. Based on this, the team aims to introduce body stretching training as a physical activity to support learning more effectively. Methods: This service uses an educational approach with 11 stages of health planning. The data collection technique is an observation method with a success indicator of 80% of students' ability in body stretching developing as expected. This program targets students in grades 4, 5, and 6, held on July 23, 2022, by the service team of the Nusa Utara State Polytechnic. Results: The results of this activity were as many as 18 students participated in the activity. Then the evaluation results showed that the completeness of 88.9% of participants had developed in following and repeating body stretching movements for three repetitions. Conclusion: The introduction of body stretching activities can support learning more effectively than before being introduced to body-trying activities. It can be seen by increasing students' concentration power and physical fitness.