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Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 11, No 3 (2024): Volume 11 Nomor 3
Publisher : Prodi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jikk.v11i3.13161


Abstrak: Pengaruh Gerakan Yoga Gaya Balasana (Child Pose) Dalam Pengurangan Dismenorhoe Pada Remaja Putri Di SMK Pasundan Jatinangor. Dismenore adalah keadaan nyeri yang terjadi akibat terjadinya keram pada otot uterus saat terjadi menstruasi. Dampak yang dapat terjadi akibat dismenore adalah aktivitas sehari-hari terganggu. Upaya yang dilakukan dapat berupa secara non-farmakologis. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh gerakan yoga gaya balasana (child pose) dalam pengurangan dismenorhoe setelah dan sebelum diberikan gerakan gaya balasana (child pose) Pada Remaja Putri. Metode : one group pretest-posttest design. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dengan consecutive sampling, jumlah sampel 33 responden dengan tingkat skala nyeri sedang. Analisis data menggunakan wilcoxon. Hasil : didapatkan bahwa rata-rata sebelum dan sesudah diberikan senam dismenore ρ-value 0.000 <0.05. Artinya terdapat pengaruh gerakan yoga gaya balasana (child pose) dalam pengurangan dismenorhoe pada remaja putri. Kesimpulan : yoga gaya balasana efektif dalam menurunkan tingkat nyeri dismenore.
HUBUNGAN STATUS IMUNISASI DAN SIKAP RESPONSIVE FEEDING TERHADAP KEJADIAN STUNTING Zuhrotunida, Zuhrotunida; Sriyanah, Nour; Wulansari, Meinita; Kartadarma, Supriyatni; Indriani, Ririn
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 6, No 2 (2024): Vol. 6 No. 2 Edisi 3 Januari 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v6i3.2224


Stunting in toddlers needs special attention because it can cause inhibition of physical growth, mental development and health status in children. Based on data on the distribution of stunting in the Pekanbaru City District area, it is known that the Limapuluh Community Health Center area has one of the largest numbers of stunting incidents, namely 50 toddlers out of 1,642 toddlers measured.This study aims to determine the determinants of stunting in toddlers in the working area of the Limapuluh Health Center, Pekanbaru City. This study used a quantitative analytic research design with a cross sectional study design. The sampling technique in this study was random sampling, so that the sample in this study was 94 respondents. The measuring tool used was a questionnaire and data analysis used the chi square test. The results of the univariate analysis showed that the immunization history description was mostly complete (51.1%), the status of exclusive breastfeeding was not given (73.4%), then the mother's responsiveness to feeding was in the less category (47.9%). This is consistent with the large number of stunting incidents (67%). The results of the bivariate analysis found that there was a relationship between the completeness of immunization under five and the attitude of responsive feeding of the mother and the incidence of stunting (p-value = 0.000). This study provides suggestions for health workers to make efforts to improve health services through socialization or counseling on the importance of immunization completeness, the process of providing breast milk and food to toddlers in reducing the incidence of stunting.Keywords: Exclusive Breastfeeding, Immunization, Responsive feeding attitude, Stunting Incidents
IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM POSBINDU PENYAKIT TIDAK MENULAR Fitriyani, Dian; Dewi, Siti Utami; Wirawan, Susilo; Kartadarma, Supriyatni; Purnomo, Heru
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 6, No 3 (2024): Vol. 6 No. 3 Edisi 2 April 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v6i3.2312


Deaths from non-communicable diseases are expected to continue to increase worldwide. More than two thirds (70%) of the global population will die from non-communicable diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. In total, it is predicted that by 2030 there will be 52 million deaths per year due to non-communicable diseases, an increase of 9 million from 38 million at present. Lubuk Ambacang is one of the community health center in Kuantan Singingi Regency which in the last 3 years has increased hypertension to 59.2%, and diabetes mellitus to 21.5%. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health in the Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Non-Communicable Diseases, one of them is the implementation of PTM Posbindu. The purpose of the study was to find out the implementation of the Posbindu Program for Non-Communicable Diseases in the Work Area of the Lubuk Ambacang community health center, Kuantan Singingi Regency in 2021. The study used qualitative analytical methods conducted the Lubuk Ambacang community health center, Kuantan Singingi Regency used 7 informants. The results showed that in general the implementation of Posbindu PTM in Lubuk Ambacang community health center has been running, but there are several obstacles such as Human Resources not in accordance with SOPs or PTM implementation guidelines according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Limited availability of funds, availability of infrastructure that does not meet the 100% requirements and community support that has not been maximized. It is suggested to Lubuk Ambacang community health center to increase the type of PTM Posbindu from the basic PTM Posbindu to the main PTM Posbindu so that people are more enthusiastic about utilizing the PTM Posbindu.Keywords: Implementation, Posbindu, Hypertension, Human Resources
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 6, No 3 (2024): Vol. 6 No. 3 Edisi 2 April 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v6i3.2332


The prevalence of ARI in toddlers has decreased when compared to the 2013 riskesda, the prevalence of acute respiratory infections decreased from 25.0% in 2013 to 9.3% in 2018. Based on case report data, during January - August 2021 in Pekanbaru City, 9,169 cases of visits by toddlers with difficulty breathing were reported, 7 toddlers died from ARI and 3,147 were estimated to have severe pneumonia. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between knowledge about air pollution and maternal attitudes towards the incidence of ispa in toddlers in the Pekanbaru City Health Center working area. This study used a type of quantitative research with a cross sectional design. The instrument in this study used a questionnaire. Data analysis was univariate and bivariate using chi square test. The results of the study were that there was a relationship between knowledge about air pollution with the incidence of ARI of toddlers in the work area of the city Pekanbaru health center with a p value of 0.004 and there was a relationship between maternal attitudes about air pollution with the incidence of ARI of toddlers in the work area of the city Pekanbaru health center with a p value of 0.034.  It is recommended for mothers to increase knowledge by always following counseling about health, especially nutritional status in children, as well as for health workers to further improve counseling for families, health counseling, and improve health services. to the Puskesmas to determine the right strategy in providing health services.Keywords: Toddler, ISPA, Maternal Knowledge, Maternal Attitude 
FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KEPATUHAN ODHA DALAM MENJALANI TERAPI ANTIRETROVIRAL (ARV) Rondonuwu, Rolly Harvie Stevan; Karlina, Nonok; Fitriana, Nur Gilang; Kartadarma, Supriyatni; Askur, Askur
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 6, No 3 (2024): Vol. 6 No. 3 Edisi 2 April 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v6i3.2334


ARV treatment adherence is necessary for successful treatment. Non-adherence in treatment can lead to failure of low virology first-line treatment regimens. This study aims to determine the factors associated with adherence of PLWHA in undergoing Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy at the VCT Clinic of Selasih Hospital, Pelalawan Regency. The study was quantitative in nature with a cross sectional approach. The population was all PLWHA who received ARV therapy as many as 116 people. The sample size of 54 respondents was taken using accidental sampling technique. Measuring instrument research questionnaire. Data analysis with chi square test. The results showed that the majority of high knowledge 41 respondents (75.9%) negative motivation as many as 34 respondents (63%), family did not support as many as 28 respondents (51.9%), There is a relationship between motivation (p=0.006) and family support (p=0.014) with PLWHA compliance in undergoing ARV therapy. It is concluded that the variables associated with adherence of PLWHA in undergoing ARV therapy are motivation and family support. It is recommended to respondents to be able to increase motivation and compliance in undergoing Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy by picking up drugs on time to the hospital and taking ARV drugs in a disciplined manner.Keywords: Antiretrovirals, Motivation, PLHIV, Knowledge 
Hubungan Hipotensi Intraoperatif terhadap Kejadian Post Operatif Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) pada Pasien Pasca Spinal Anestesi Seksio Seksarea Valiani, Cici; Sugiarti, Ina; Kartadarma, Supriyatni; Widayanti, Lastri; Ramadani, Anisa
Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal Vol 15 No 1 (2025): Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal: Januari 2025
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kendal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32583/pskm.v15i1.2015


Kejadian hipotensi pada anestesi spinal untuk seksio sesarea sendiri mencapai 30%, yang umumnya terjadi pada saat awal induksi: sekitar 80% pasien. Hipotensi pada spinal anestesi disebabkan oleh mekanisme patofisiologis, yang paling signifikan terjadi pada saat kehamilan yaitu sensitivitas serabut saraf meningkat hal tersebut mengakibatkan onset simpatolisis menjadi cepat (Tatang Bisri, Wahjoeningsih, and Suwondo 2013). Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan Hipotensi Intraoperatif dengan Kejadian PONV Pasca Spinal Anestesi Pada Pasien Seksio Sesarea di RSUD Subang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan Cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah 38 responden . Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan non probability sampling dengan accidental sampling, Pada penelitian menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Pada data primer diperoleh dari observasi respon mual muntah pasca operasi. Dan pada data sekunder diperoleh dari kartu anestesi seperti tekanan darah prainduksi dan tekanan darah selama durante oprasi untuk melihat hipotensi pada responden.  dimana  uji yang digunakan adalah uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian dari analisis data didapatkan 23 (60,5%) responden mengalami hipotensi intraoperatif dan 20 (52,4%) responden mengalami kejadian PONV. 18 (52,4%) responden mengalami hipotensi intraoperatif dengan PONV. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya hubungan antara hipotensi intraoperatif dengan kejadian PONV pada pasien seksio sesarea dengan spinal anestesi. Sebelum dilakukannya spinal anestesi, untuk menghindari terjadinya hipotensi intraoperatif berikan terapi cairan terlebih dahulu seperti loading ataupun coloading cairan.
ACCELERATION OF THE DECREASE OF STUNTING EVENTS THROUGH HEALTH PROMOTION MEDIA AT DESI MIDWIFE PMB CLINIC Kartadarma, Supriyatni; Yusita, Intan; Rofiasari, Linda; Kaniawati, Marita; Valiani, Cici; Agustina, Agustina
Indonesian Journal of Community Development Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Community Development
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijcd.v1i2.40545


During this Pandemic, we must prevent the spread of Covid-19 but still pay attention to efforts to reduce morbidity and mortality in infants. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia that affects health service activities, one of which is not holding the posyandu program, brings its own concerns for all sectors related to health policies, especially for parents who have infants under five in their growth and development period who require supervision. Based on data from the Bandung City Health Office in 2019, it was reported that there were 9 toddlers with malnutrition in Derwati Village.