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Evaluation Of Mining Safety Management System Implementation In PT. ANTAM UBPN Sultra Suwarto; Ahmad Tarmizi Abd Karim; Andri Estining Sejati
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 26 No. 2 (2021): July 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonom dan Bisnis, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/je.v26i2.747


Occupational safety and health in the mining sector is an important aspect of mining business activities because it has a high risk of occupational accidents or occupational diseases. This research aims to examine the success rate of SMKP that has been implemented by companies at PT. ANTAM. This type of research is a survey with a quantitative approach. The research sample consisted of representatives from 26 work units with a total of 613 employees. Data were collected using field observations, questionnaires, and guided interviews. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive with percentages. From the results of the internal audit and questionnaire as a whole, it was found that the success of implementing SMKP was 89%. Evaluation Results of the Application of Safety Management Systems at PT. ANTAM has been implemented in line with the regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree Number 26 of 2018.
Analysis of Mining Engineering Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Occupational Safety and Health in Mining Industry Field Sunandar, Suwarto; Yodang, Yodang
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6, No 1: March 2021
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.882 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6i1.461


The mining industry has booming all over the world including developing countries such as Indonesia. Occupational safety and health was the main issue related to mining industry workers. As mining engineering students who will work in the mining industry field, it was important to identify the readiness of the students work in the mining industry field. This study aims to investigate students’ knowledge, attitude and practices on OSH in the mining industry field. This study conducted with a cross-sectional survey method, and mining engineering students who actively during the semester as the target population of the study. There are 56 students who participate in this study and all participants recruited voluntarily online. Data analyzed used the Chi-square and Mann-Whitney test. The study finding that there are 73.2% of participants have adequate knowledge, 96.4% have a positive attitude, and 51.8% have good practices on OSH.  For the knowledge domain, the student's level (p=0.047), fieldwork experiences (p=0.040), interest in OSH issue for research (p=0.032), and webinar attendance (p=0.049) are significantly associated with students’ knowledge on OSH. For the practice domain, fieldwork experiences (0.013), interest in OSH issue for research (p=0.021), and webinar attendance (p=0.022) are significantly affecting the students’ practice on OSH. In conclusion, improving students' knowledge, attitude and practices on OSH in mining industry fields was crucial and essential in order to reduce work-related accidents and diseases.
Kajian Pengolahan Air Asam Tambang Menggunakan Kapur Tohor (Ca(OH)2) di Kolam Pengendapan Lumpur (Settling Pond) Daerah Kalimantan Selatan Ika Sartika Ambarsari; Suwarto Sunandar; Muhammad Dedin Setiawan
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2021/minetech journal.v2i2.482


Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dikenal sebagai salah satu daerah penambangan batubara terbesar di Indonesia, yang dilakukan dengan sistem tambang terbuka. Penambangan batubara dimulai dengan pembersihan lahan, pengupasan tanah penutup (overburden), hingga penggalian batubara. Akibat kegiatan penggalian batubara mengakibatkan mineral - mineral sulfida seperti pirit (FeS2) akan mengalami oksidasi sulfidasi, dimana terjadi reaksi antara mineral sulfida dengan oksigen dan air sehingga menghasilkan air asam tambang (AAT). Dalam memenuhi baku mutu lingkungan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang – undangan yang berlaku maka perlu dilakukan pengolahan AAT sehingga dapat memiliki kualitas yang sesuai dengan pemanfaatannya di lingkungan. Teknologi pengolahan AAT telah banyak dikembangkan, salah satunya adalah metode aktif menggunakan bahan kimia yang bersifat alkalin (bahan penetral kalsium dan ammonia). Penelitan ini difokuskan pada penggunaan dosis kapur tohor (Ca(OH)2) untuk menaikkan pH air asam tambang di Kolam Pengendapan Lumpur/KPL (settling pond). Pengkajian dilakukan pada skala laboratorium dan pengamatan langsung dilapangan. Dari hasil analisa laboratorium dan pengujian lapangan didapat dosis kapur tohor (Ca(OH)2) yang efektif untuk menaikkan pH air asam tambang dari pH awal 4 yaitu 0,4 gr/l.
Penanaman Mangrove di Pesisir Pantai yang Terdampak Kegiatan Penambangan Nikel di Desa Sopura, Kecamatan Pomalaa, Kabupaten Kolaka La Ode Dzakir; Rina Rembah; Sahrul Poalahi Salu; Suwarto Sunandar; Arif Arif; Syahrul Syahrul; Isramyano Yatjong; Rizki Kumalasari; Nurfasiha Nurfasiha; Hasriyanti Hasriyanti
ANOA: JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT FAKULTAS TEKNIK Vol 2 No 01 (2023): Edisi Desember Tahun 2023 ANOA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51454/anoa.v2i01.350


Mining activities that take place around Pomalaa District, Kolaka Regency, cause water pollution and sedimentation processes on the coast of Sopura village. Seeing these conditions, the mining engineering study program at Sembilanbelas November University aims to carry out mangrove planting activities on the coast in Sopura village which is affected by nickel mining activities. Based on the results of the activities carried out, it can be concluded that the mangrove planting activities carried out by the mining engineering study program are going well. This is proven by the success of the mining engineering study program in planting 200 mangrove trees on the coast in Sopura Village, Pomalaa District, Kolaka Regency.