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Increasing The Productivity Of Palm Sugar Through High Degree Of Crystalline Sugar Production Deni Faisal Mirza; Devi Alvionita Alindra; Khomeiny Yunior
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): January 2022
Publisher : Publisher Cv. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46729/ijstm.v3i1.433


One of the victims of Covid-19 is micro industry. The research team attempts to find the community of original palm sugar (sugar from sugar palm tree) industry which will be process to become gula semut (crystalline sugar). The location where the research and the public service are done is Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatera. It seems that the farmers of palm sugar industry are decreasing in number in Deli Serdang so that the research team is interested in increasing the community of palm sugar farmers and industry in developing their micro business. Another objective of the research is to increase the welfare of the palm sugar farmers in Deli Serdang, North Sumatera, with good and qualified crystalline sugar so that its sales price increases and it can enter domestic and international markets. The research employs descriptive qualitative method. The data are gathered by conducting interviews and using Focus Group Discussion with stakeholders. Specifically, the sugar palm trees are used for hand-handle sap tapping which yields water that flows from the stem of sugar palm tree. The water is called palm water (juice of the sugar palm which when fermented turns into toddy and vinegar). It has numerous kinds of palm sugar and one of them is crystalline sugar processing. In this research, crystalline sugar is used as the innovation from palm sugar processing in the form of slabs because its sales value is very promising. The concept of marketing strategy applied in this research is the online and offline marketing.
BAHAS Vol 31, No 3 (2020): BAHAS
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v31i3.20199


AbstractThis study aims to explain the functional categories that apply to Chinese compound sentences and to explain the structure of Chinese compound sentences. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The findings in this study are that the complementary and conjunction functional categories have characteristics that must be present in every compound sentence in Chinese. Chinese compound sentences are grouped into two types, namely coordinative and subordinative compound sentences. Chinese coordinative compound sentence structure is: Spes + I + Pm + Komp + Pm + Komp; Komp + Spes + I + Pm + Komp; Spes + I + Komp + Spes + I + Pm + Komp; Spes + I + Komp + Pm + Komp; while the Chinese subordinative compound sentence structure is: Spes + I + Komp + Pm + Spes + I + Komp; Spes + I + Pm + Komp + Pm + Komp; Pm + Komp + Spes + I + Pm + Komp; Pm + Komp + Spes + I + Komp; Spes + I + Pm + Komp + Spes + I + Komp; Pm + Spes + I + Komp + Pm + Komp.Keywords: functional categories, Chinese compound sentence structure, x-bar theory. Abstrak                Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kategori fungsional yang berlaku pada kalimat majemuk bahasa Mandarin dan untuk menjelaskan struktur kalimat majemuk bahasa Mandarin. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Temuan dalam penelitian ini yakni kategori fungsional komplemen dan konjungsi/pemerlengkap memiliki sifat yang wajib hadir pada setiap kalimat majemuk bahasa Mandarin. Kalimat majemuk bahasa Mandarin dikelompokkan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu kalimat majemuk koordinatif dan subordinatif. Struktur kalimat majemuk koordinatif bahasa Mandarin yaitu: Spes+I+Pm+Komp+Pm+Komp;Komp+Spes+I+Pm+Komp;Spes+I+Komp+Spes+I+Pm+Komp;Spes+I+Komp+Pm+Komp; sedangkan struktur kalimat majemuk subordinatif bahasa Mandarin yaitu:Spes+I+Komp+Pm+Spes+I+Komp;pes+I+Pm+Komp+Pm+Komp;Pm+Komp+Spes+I+Pm+Komp;Pm+Komp+Spes+I+Komp;Spes+I+Pm+Komp+Spes+I+Komp;Pm+Spes+I+Komp+Pm+Komp.                                                                            Kata Kunci: kategori fungsional, struktur kalimat majemuk bahasa Mandarin, teori x-bar.
Transivitas dan Struktur Skematika Teks Narasi Pada Cerita Anak Berbahasa Mandarin Devi Alvionita Alindra; T. Thyrhaya Zein; Eddy Setia
BAHAS Vol 29, No 4 (2018): BAHAS
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v29i4.13336


Abstrak Teks bacaan yang dijadikan bahan penelitian artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui bagaimana teks bacaan buku berbahasa Mandarin yang berjudul公主童话 Gōngzhǔ Tónghuà  terbitan Zhongguo banben tushuguan  tahun 2010 dalam mengekspresikan pesan. Dari hasil identifikasi, maka masalah yang dibahas meliputi transitivitas dan struktur skematika. Di dalam penganalisisan transitivitas dan struktur skematika digunakan teori Linguistik Fungsional Sistemik dengan metode kualitatif. Tesis ini berfokus pada konteks budaya yakni pada struktur skematika genre, oleh karena itu, setiap klausa diidentifikasi dan dianalisis transitivitasnya. Dari hasil analisis transitivitas bahasa tersebut, dilakukan uji analisis terhadap struktur skematika. Dengan demikian, dapat ditemukan peran transitivitas terhadap struktur skematika teks narasi cerita anak berbahasa Mandarin. Jenis proses transitivitas yang ditemukan terdiri atas proses material (48,53%), proses relasional identifikasi (2,27%), proses relasional atribut (12,66%), proses kepemilikan (0,98%), proses mental persepsi (7,27%), proses mental kognisi (2,99%), proses mental afeksi (7,20%), proses mental keinginan (3,33%), proses verbal (11,59%), proses tingkah laku (0,98%) dan proses wujud (2,20%). Proses material dan proses relasional atribut berada pada tingkat persentase yang paling dominan di antara proses yang lain. Unsur struktur skematika memunculkan orientasi/abstrak, komplikasi, resolusi, evaluasi dan koda. Berdasarkan sistem transitivitas yang terdiri dari proses, partisipan dan sirkumstan tenyata ditemukan peran positif sistem transitivitas tersebut terhadap struktur skematika yang terdiri dari orientasi, abstrak, komplikasi, resolusi, evaluasi dan koda. Peran transitivitas dalam sebuah teks narasi mempresentasikan pengalaman manusia dan mengisi setiap unsur-unsur pada struktur skematika.  Kata Kunci: transitivitas, struktur skematika, teks narasi cerita anak berbahasa Mandarin
Fungsi dan Peran Bahasa Tionghoa di Indonesia Devi Alvionita Alindra; Elly Romy
Jurnal Asosiasi Program Studi Mandarin Indonesia (Jurnal APSMI) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Cakrawala Mandarin
Publisher : Asosiasi Program Studi Mandarin Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36279/apsmi.v6i2.14


AbstrakBerbicara mengenai fungsi dan peran Bahasa Tionghoa di Indonesia sangat eratkaitannya dengan perannya Bapak Gus Dur menjadi presiden RI tahun 2000 yakni denganditerbitkannya Keppres no.6 tahun 2000 tentang diperbolehkan orang Tionghoamenjalankan segala bentuk kebudayaan Tiongkok, termasuk mempelajari BahasaTionghoa. Beberapa Negara maju dan berkembang seperti Indonesia percaya bahwadengan menguasai bahasa Tionghoa yakni bahasa nasional Tiongkok akan membantuNegara Indonesia memahami norma, budaya dan kebijakan Tiongkok yang akanmembantu mereka berinteraksi dengan negara tirai bambu tersebut yang erat kaitannyadengan hubungan ekonomi antara Indonesia dengan Tiongkok. Rumusan permasalahanyang dibahas pada penelitian ini yakni (1) Apakah pembelajaran Bahasa Tionghoa diIndonesia sudah terlaksana dengan baik?; (2) Apakah Pemerintah Indonesia melaluiKemendikbud sudah memberikan kebijakan mengenai menjadikan Bahasa Tionghoasebagai bahasa Asing yang wajib untuk dipelajari oleh pelajar Indonesia?; (3) Apa strategiPemerintah dalam menghasilkan SDM tenaga pengajar Bahasa Tionghoa diIndonesia?Pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiolinguistik dengan metodepenelitian kualitatif.Kata Kunci: Fungsi; Peran; Bahasa Tionghoa; Indonesia
Utilization of Coffee and Aren Cultivation in Producing Non-Alcoholic Wine-Flavored Aren Coffee Products to Improve the Economy of the People of Kutalimbaru, Deli Serdang Deni Faisal Mirza; Devi Alvionita Alindra
International Journal Of Community Service Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): February 2023
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijcs.v3i1.166


This community service aims to utilize the cultivation of Coffee (Coffea Sp.) and Aren (Arenga Pinnata) plants in the manufacture of Aren Coffee with Non-Alcoholic Wine Flavor as an alternative to plants producing raw materials for innovative processed coffee products in Suka Makmur Village, Kutalimbaru District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra. The benefits obtained are increasing positive acceptance responses in the Suka Makmur Village community so that this area becomes an alternative for the use of coffee and aren Aren plants as raw material for coffee innovation products. Non-Alcoholic Wine Flavor which can be a new variant of coffee product innovation and increase people's economic income, as well as increase people's knowledge and skills on how to make Non-Alcoholic Wine-Flavored Aren Coffee. The result of the program is the achievement of many understandings and perceptions from the people of Suka Makmur Village who agree and are enthusiastic about becoming a center for the development and planting of coffee and sugar Aren plants. The formation of a technical team for making Non-Alcoholic Wine Flavored Aren Coffee to produce a mainstay product in Suka Makmur Village. The formation of an “IT” team that produces video tutorials and a marketing team (how to make Non-Alcoholic Wine-flavored Aren Coffee and how to cultivate coffee and sugar Aren plants, as well as sell products on social media). Producing ready-to-drink processed products of three in one size of 20 gr, 100 gr, 250 gr, 500 gr and 1000 grams for sale thereby increasing the community's economic income and planting from the availability of 1000 seeds of coffee and sugar Aren plants to the community so that the forest in Suka Makmur Village becomes productive forest.
Pelatihan Digital Marketing Media Pemasaran Madu dalam Meningkatkan Perekonomian Masyarakat Kampung Baru Ina Namora Putri Siregar; Devi Alvionita Alindra; Winda Sri Astuti Doloksaribu; Maisara Batubara; Lasma Ria Tampubolon; Esther Praja
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (ABDIRA) Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Abdira, Januari
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdira.v3i1.297


Marketing techniques are now developing very rapidly, these marketing techniques are now called Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing has increased and has begun to compete with the existence of traditional marketing techniques. Digital marketing is considered more effective because it can reach a wider market and allows anyone to access and obtain information and carry out the buying and selling process more easily. This Sharing Session and digital marketing training in an effort to develop local products through social media networks aims to train honey small business players in Kampung Baru Village, Medan Maimun District, in maximizing the marketing of honey products. The stages of this activity are the preparation stage and the training stage as well as the Sharing Session. The result of this activity is that business actors obtain information about the usefulness of various features in the WhatsApp Business application and Facebook Marketplace, the use of advertising language, and product distribution techniques.