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Jurnal Pengajaran Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol 15, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v15i1.296


Chemistry learning based on the intertextuality of chemistry demands relationship among chemistry representsation on three levels, which are macrocospic, microscopic, and symbol level with the daily experience of students and the social interaction developed by teachers. Through the research entitled “Pengembangan CD Pembelajaran Interaktif Kimia SMA Berbasis Intertekstualitas sebagai Alternatif Model Pembelajaran”, we will have a learning CD for teachers using competency standard and basic competency; concepts and indicators; the representation of chemistry materials on three levels macroscopic, microscopic, and symbol; learning description; and student work sheet. Before making the learning model, we will execute a standard analysis on the content of KTSP 2006, so we will get the concepts and indicators; potray the learning process of teachers in class and analyse the reference books both text books and hig school books. The data source for this research is the table of according to concept and indicators with competency standard and basic competency; the observation of learning process in class; the analysis table of three levels; hydrolysis materials from text books in high school and university; and the descriptive table of hydrolysis concept learning. The supporting instruments used are quistionaires to know the students expereince and essay texts to know the concept understanding the students have after the learning process. From the standard analysis of the content of KTSP 2006, we have three concepts and eight indicators. The first concept is classifying salt according to the forming compounds with the indicators (1) explain salt coming from strong acid and strong base; (2) explain salt coming from strong acid and weak base; (3) explain salt coming from weak acid and strong base; (4) explaining salt coming from weak acid and weak base. The second concept: hydrolysis is the ions reaction with water molecul producing ion H+ and or OH- with indicators (1) describe salt hydrolysis and (2) explain various kinds of salt hydrolysis. The third concept is salt undergoing hydrolysis can be acid base, or neutral with indicators (1) measure qualitatively the characteristic of acid, base, and neutral of salt by using some indicators and (2) count the ph of hydrolysied salt condensation. The observation result will be recorded on video then transcribed into text and smoothed to be a basic text. After that, we will do propotition degradation to gain global structure. Then, this data will be classified based on the intertextuality of chemistry. From the result of the data analysis we can conclude that the model teacher has not used the learning based on the intertextuality chemistry yet. The learning process of the model teacher is dominated by the symbol level and the social interaction developed by the teacher is not optimal; besides, there is no aspect of daily experience discussed in the learning process. The development of learning model based on intertextuality begins by making hydrolysis material representation in three levels. The compilation of hydrolysis material representation is executed in three steps: analysing high school books and university; making representation device; conducting validation to experts and practitioners; and final revision. In macroscopic level we do demonstration of the condensation and litmus test on soaps, alum, and salt and also the determination pH of the salt by using pH meter. In microscopic level we demonstrate pictures of species salt solutionbefore and after hydrolysis process. Then in symbolic level we demonstrate the formula of salt molecul, ionisation reaction equation and hydrolysis on salt, and mathematic formula in determining the concentration H+ and OH- to count pH and pOH. Later on, we make a description of the learning process equiped with learning media; clarify the demonstrations; present the model in front of experts and practitioners; record it in a learning CD. Meanwhile, the application of the learning CD in class will be conducted in the next research in the second year.Key words: interactive teaching media, intertextuality, teaching model.
Jurnal Pengajaran Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol 16, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v16i2.266


Studi aplikasi model pembelajaran intertekstual menggunakan CD pembelajaran telah dilakukan di 3 SMA, yaitu SMA A, SMA B dan SMA C selama bulan Mei 2010. Pemilihan tiga sekolah ini diharapkan dapat mewakili sekolah dengan kualitas rendah sampai kualitas tinggi. Selama proses ujicoba pembelajaran berlangsung, siswa dapat mengikuti secara aktif dengan memberikan respon yang baik. Dari tampilan-tampilan yang diberikan, siswa bisa memahami konsep-konsep pada materi hidrolisis garam dengan baik meskipun terkadang tampilan tersebut harus diberikan secara bolak-balik untuk dapat mempertautkan ketiga level representasi. Secara umum, siswa merespon dengan baik terhadap implementasi strategi pembelajaran intertekstual ini karena merasa tertarik dengan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan dan memudahkan untuk memahami konsep-konsep yang diberikan secara sistematis dan selalu menghubungkan dengan konsep-konsep yang sudah dipelajari. Tanggapan guru terhadap implementasi strategi pembelajaran intertekstual ini memberikan pandangan yang positif, hal tersebut dikarenakan dengan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan dapat memudahkan guru untuk menyampaikan materi hidrolisis garam yang disusun secara sistematis melalui pertautan ketiga level representasi dan dikemas dalam bentuk multimedia sehingga konsep-konsep yang disampaikan dapat diterima oleh siswa dengan utuh dan mudah. Aplikasi model pembelajaran intertekstual pada materi hidrolisis garam ternyata mampu meningkatkan penguasaan konsep-konsep pada materi tersebut. Peningkatan penguasaan konsep siswa terhadap materi hidrolisis garam diperoleh berdasarkan perhitungan nilai N-gain, secara keseluruhan diperoleh nilai N-gain sebesar 0,67 yang berarti implementasi strategi pembelajaran intertekstual pada materi hidrolisis garam ini dapat meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dengan kriteria tinggi. Hal ini didukung juga data model mental siswa untuk proses pelarutan berbagai garam. Model ini ternyata juga dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran. Peningkatan motivasi siswa paling tinggi dimiliki oleh siswa SMA C, yang dalam nilai pretes paling rendah dibandingan SMA lainnya.Kata kunci : model pembelajaran intertekstualitas
Jurnal Pengajaran Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol 21, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA - April 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v21i1.667


The aim of this Research and Development (R&D) study was to develop performance assesment instrument in a form of task and rubric to evaluate students’ performance in acid-base titration practicum. Subjects were eleventh-grader science students in one of senior high schools in Bandung. Instruments were validation sheets, observation format, and interview guidelines. Validation and reliability test showed that the performance assesment instrument validity and reliability score were 0.84 and 0.91, respectively. The application of the instrument showed that students’ performance can be uncovered in which it can be categorized as excellent, good, poor, or did not carry out every practicum steps. It can be concluded that the performance assesment instrument can be used as a good assessment tools in evaluating students’ performance in acid-base titration practicum.ABSTRAKPenelitian Research and development (R&D) ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen penilaian kinerja berupa tugas (task) dan rubrik (rubric) untuk menilai kinerja siswa pada praktikum titrasi asam basa. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPA di salah satu SMA di Kota Bandung. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar validasi, format observasi dan pedoman wawancara. Uji validasi dan reliabilitas menunjukan bahwa instrumen penilaian kinerja yang dikembangkan memiliki validitas dan reliabilitas sebesar 0,84 dan 0,91. Hasil penggunaan instrumen penilaian kinerja ini menunjukkan bahwa instrumen ini dapat mengungkap kinerja siswa dalam praktikum titrasi asam basa sehingga kinerja dapat dikategorikan menjadi sangat baik, baik, kurang, atau tidak melakukan setiap tahapan praktikum. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrumen penilaian kinerja yang dikembangkan memenuhi syarat sebagai alat evaluasi yang baik untuk menilai kinerja siswa pada praktikum titrasi asam basa.
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 15, No 1 (2010): JPMIPA: Volume 15, Issue 1, 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v15i1.35989


Chemistry learning based on the intertextuality of chemistry demands relationship among chemistry representsation on three levels, which are macrocospic, microscopic, and symbol level with the daily experience of students and the social interaction developed by teachers. Through the research entitled “Pengembangan CD Pembelajaran Interaktif Kimia SMA Berbasis Intertekstualitas sebagai Alternatif Model Pembelajaran”, we will have a learning CD for teachers using competency standard and basic competency; concepts and indicators; the representation of chemistry materials on three levels macroscopic, microscopic, and symbol; learning description; and student work sheet. Before making the learning model, we will execute a standard analysis on the content of KTSP 2006, so we will get the concepts and indicators; potray the learning process of teachers in class and analyse the reference books both text books and hig school books. The data source for this research is the table of according to concept and indicators with competency standard and basic competency; the observation of learning process in class; the analysis table of three levels; hydrolysis materials from text books in high school and university; and the descriptive table of hydrolysis concept learning. The supporting instruments used are quistionaires to know the students expereince and essay texts to know the concept understanding the students have after the learning process. From the standard analysis of the content of KTSP 2006, we have three concepts and eight indicators. The first concept is classifying salt according to the forming compounds with the indicators (1) explain salt coming from strong acid and strong base; (2) explain salt coming from strong acid and weak base; (3) explain salt coming from weak acid and strong base; (4) explaining salt coming from weak acid and weak base. The second concept: hydrolysis is the ions reaction with water molecul producing ion H+ and or OHwith indicators (1) describe salt hydrolysis and (2) explain various kinds of salt hydrolysis. The third concept is salt undergoing hydrolysis can be acid base, or neutral with indicators (1) measure qualitatively the characteristic of acid, base, and neutral of salt by using some indicators and (2) count the ph of hydrolysied salt condensation. The observation result will be recorded on video then transcribed into text and smoothed to be a basic text. After that, we will do propotition degradation to gain global structure. Then, this data will be classified based on the intertextuality of chemistry. From the result of the data analysis we can conclude that the model teacher has not used the learning based on the intertextuality chemistry yet. The learning process of the model teacher is dominated by the symbol level and the social interaction developed by the teacher is not optimal; besides, there is no aspect of daily experience discussed in the learning process. The development of learning model based on intertextuality begins by making hydrolysis material representation in three levels. The compilation of hydrolysis material representation is executed in three steps: analysing high school books and university; making representation device; conducting validation to experts and practitioners; and final revision. In macroscopic level we do demonstration of the condensation and litmus test on soaps, alum, and salt and also the determination pH of the salt by using pH meter. In microscopic level we demonstrate pictures of species salt solution before and after hydrolysis process. Then in symbolic level we demonstrate the formula of salt molecul, ionisation reaction equation and hydrolysis on salt, and mathematic formula in determining the concentration H+ and OHto count pH and pOH. Later on, we make a description of the learning process equiped with learning media; clarify the demonstrations; present the model in front of experts and practitioners; record it in a learning CD. Meanwhile, the application of the learning CD in class will be conducted in the next research in the second year.
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 21, No 1 (2016): JPMIPA: Volume 21, Issue 1, 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v21i1.36253


ABSTRAKPenelitian Research and development (RD) ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen penilaian kinerja berupa tugas (task) dan rubrik (rubric) untuk menilai kinerja siswa pada praktikum titrasi asam basa. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPA di salah satu SMA di Kota Bandung. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar validasi, format observasi dan pedoman wawancara. Uji validasi dan reliabilitas menunjukan bahwa instrumen penilaian kinerja yang dikembangkan memiliki validitas dan reliabilitas sebesar 0,84 dan 0,91. Hasil penggunaan instrumen penilaian kinerja ini menunjukkan bahwa instrumen ini dapat mengungkap kinerja siswa dalam praktikum titrasi asam basa sehingga kinerja dapat dikategorikan menjadi sangat baik, baik, kurang, atau tidak melakukan setiap tahapan praktikum. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrumen penilaian kinerja yang dikembangkan memenuhi syarat sebagai alat evaluasi yang baik untuk menilai kinerja siswa pada praktikum titrasi asam basa.ABSTRACTThe aim of this Research and Development (RD) study was to develop performance assesment instrument in a form of task and rubric to evaluate students’ performance in acid-base titration practicum. Subjects were eleventh-grader science students in one of senior high schools in Bandung. Instruments were validation sheets, observation format, and interview guidelines. Validation and reliability test showed that the performance assesment instrument validity and reliability score were 0.84 and 0.91, respectively. The application of the instrument showed that students’ performance can be uncovered in which it can be categorized as excellent, good, poor, or did not carry out every practicum steps. It can be concluded that the performance assesment instrument can be used as a good assessment tools in evaluating students’ performance in acid-base titration practicum.
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 16, No 2 (2011): JPMIPA: Volume 16, Issue 2, 2011
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v16i2.36044


ABSTRACT The study application of intertextuality learning model using the CD learning has been conducted in 3 high schools, SMA A, SMA B, and SMA C, during on May 2010. Selection of these three schools are expected to represent the school with low quality to high quality. During the process of learning trials take place, students can actively follow by providing a good response. From the displays are given, students can grasp the concepts of salt hydrolysis on the material well, although sometimes these views should be given back and forth for three levels of representation can link. In general, students responded well to the implementation of this intertextual learning strategy because it was interested in the learning process is done and easy to understand the concepts provided in a systematic and always connects with concepts already learned. The response of teachers towards the implementation of this intertextual learning model provides a positive outlook, in this case because the learning process undertaken to facilitate teachers to deliver material salt hydrolysis systematically arranged through third-level engagement representations and packaged in a multimedia form so that the concepts presented to received by students in one piece and easy. Application of learning models on material intertextual salt hydrolysis was able to improve the mastery of the concepts in the material. Increasing students' mastery of the concept of material obtained by hydrolysis salt N-gain value calculation, the overall values obtained N-gain of 0.67 which means the implementation of learning strategy on material intertextual hydrolysis of this salt can enhance the mastery of concepts with high criteria. This data also supported students' mental models for dissolution process of various salts. This model was also to increase student motivation in learning. Increased student motivation most high school students owned by C, which in most low pretest value compared other high school.Keyword : intertextuality learning modelABSTRAK Studi aplikasi model pembelajaran intertekstual menggunakan CD pembelajaran telah dilakukan di 3 SMA, yaitu SMA A, SMA B dan SMA C selama bulan Mei 2010. Pemilihan tiga sekolah ini diharapkan dapat mewakili sekolah dengan kualitas rendah sampai kualitas tinggi. Selama proses ujicoba pembelajaran berlangsung, siswa dapat mengikuti secara aktif dengan memberikan respon yang baik. Dari tampilan-tampilan yang diberikan, siswa bisa memahami konsep-konsep pada materi hidrolisis garam dengan baik meskipun terkadang tampilan tersebut harus diberikan secara bolakbalik untuk dapat mempertautkan ketiga level representasi. Secara umum, siswa merespon dengan baik terhadap implementasi strategi pembelajaran intertekstual ini karena merasa tertarik dengan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan dan memudahkan untuk memahami konsep-konsep yang diberikan secara sistematis dan selalu menghubungkan dengan konsep-konsep yang sudah dipelajari. Tanggapan guru terhadap implementasi strategi pembelajaran intertekstual ini memberikan pandangan yang positif, hal tersebut dikarenakan dengan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan dapat memudahkan guru untuk menyampaikan materi hidrolisis garam yang disusun secara sistematis melalui pertautan ketiga level representasi dan dikemas dalam bentuk multimedia sehingga konsepkonsep yang disampaikan dapat diterima oleh siswa dengan utuh dan mudah. Aplikasi model pembelajaran intertekstual pada materi hidrolisis garam ternyata mampu meningkatkan penguasaan konsep-konsep pada materi tersebut. Peningkatan penguasaan konsep siswa terhadap materi hidrolisis garam diperoleh berdasarkan perhitungan nilai N-gain, secara keseluruhan diperoleh nilai N-gain sebesar 0,67 yang berarti implementasi strategi pembelajaran intertekstual pada materi hidrolisis garam ini dapat meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dengan kriteria tinggi. Hal ini didukung juga data model mental siswa untuk proses pelarutan berbagai garam. Model ini ternyata juga dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran. Peningkatan motivasi siswa paling tinggi dimiliki oleh siswa SMA C, yang dalam nilai pretes paling rendah dibandingan SMA lainnya.Kata kunci : model pembelajaran intertekstualitas
Using Jambi Local Wisdom of Lubuk Larangan as Theme for Development of Science Teaching Materials to Improve Students’ Environmental Literacy Ari Zaldy; Sjaeful Anwar; Siti Sriyati
Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA Vol 23, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA
Publisher : University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract: This research aims to produce teaching materials on the theme of lubuk larangan using 4S-TMD method to improve students' environmental literacy. The research method used was developmental Research, covering three stages, namely design, development, and evaluation. In the development stage, 4S-TMD method consists of selection, structuring, characterization, and didactic reduction. The instruments used are rubric for selection stage, rubric for structuring stage, rubric for characterization stage, rubric for didactic reduction, rubric for understanding and validation questionnaire for the feasibility of teaching materials.The results of the evaluation of the developed teaching material showed that it was self-instructional. It was easy to understand (85%). In terms of feasibility, the material was very feasible (88,88%). Student environmental literacy can be developed through the task at the end of the learning material in the form of assignments and questions posed on the teaching material which refers to the component of environmental literacy and the context of lubuk larangan.Keywords: teaching material, local wisdom, environmental literacy, 4S-TMD.  Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar tema lubuk larangan menggunakan metode 4S TMD untuk meningkatkan literasi lingkungan siswa.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Developmental Research, meliputi tiga tahap yaitu design, development, dan evaluation. Pada tahap development digunakan metode 4STMD yang terdiri dari tahap seleksi, strukturisasi, karakterisasi dan reduksi didaktik. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa rubrik tahap seleksi, rubrik tahap strujturisasi, rubrik tahap karakterisasi, rubrik reduksi didaktik, rubrik keterpahaman dan angket validasi kelayakan bahan ajar. Hasil evaluasi terhadap bahan ajar yang dikembangkan menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar bersifat self instructional dilihat dari keterpahaman termasuk mudah dipahami (85%), selanjutnya dilihat dari kelayakan bahan ajar termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak (88,88%), pengembangan literasi lingkungan siswa mampu dikembangkan melalui tugas di akhir materi pembelajaran berupa tugas dan pertanyaan yang diajukan pada bahan ajar tersebut yang mengacu pada komponen literasi lingkungan serta konteks lubuk larangan.Kata kunci: bahan ajar, kearifann lokal, literasi lingkungan, 4S TMD. DOI:
Development Of Integrated-Science Material Using Four Steps Teaching Material Development Silviana Hendri; Sjaeful Anwar
Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST) Volume 5 Number 2 August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/est.v5i2.7286


The aim of this study are to develop, exam the feasibility, describe the characteristic, and test the student understanding integrated science learning material for Junior High School Student. The theme are developed from volcanic eruption phenomena, which integrated earth science, physics, biology, and social science. The Research and development methode was use to develop integrated science learning material, then captioned “Belajar Sains Melalui Fenomena Erupsi Gunung Api” by Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4STMD). The steps of 4STMD are consist selection, structuring, characterization, and didactical reduction step. Based on the feasibility test, these learning material is qualified in content presetation, language, and graphic feasbility aspects. The characteristic of these learning materials describe that have easy concepts. Based on the understanding test result, the learning material is qualified on good category. It can be conclued that the learning material qualified to be used as supplement learning material of science learning.
Pengembangan Curriculum Knowledge Calon Guru Melalui Analisis Konten Kimia Konteks Kejuruan Antuni Wiyarsi; Sumar Hendayana; Harry Firman; Sjaeful Anwar
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Sains Vol 3, No 1 (2015): June 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpms.v5i1.7233


Curriculum Knowledge yang dimiliki oleh guru akan berdampak pada kemampuan guru dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum dalam setting kelas. Secara khusus, guru kimia di sekolah kejuruan harus mampu mengembangkan konten pembelajaran kimia yang sesuai dengan konteks kejuruan. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji efektivitas pembelajaran kolaboratif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menganalisis konten kimia konteks kejuruan dan meningkatkan curriculum knowledge calon guru kimia. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-postest design dan diterapkan pada Mata Kuliah Kimia SMK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar calon guru kimia mengalami peningkatan dalam kemampuan menganalisis konten kimia sesuai konteks kejuruan. Peningkatan pada aspek kemampuan menganalisis Kompetensi Dasar Kimia (rerata n-gain = 0,6676) lebih baik dibandingkan peningkatan dalam kemampuan mengintegrasikan Kompetensi Dasar Kimia dengan Kompetensi Dasar Kejuruan (rerata n-gain = 0,3624). Penguasaan curriculum knowledge calon guru mengalami peningkatan dengan kriteria sedang. Pengembangan kedua kemampuan tersebut harus terus dikembangkan agar calon guru memiliki kompetensi yang optimal dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran kimia yang efektif dan efisien di sekolah kejuruan.Kata kunci: curriculum knowledge, calon guru kimia, kimia konteks kejuruan, analisis konten
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3335.656 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v3i3.7337


Abstract: This study was aimed to examine the effectiveness of collaborative problem-solving-based learning to improve knowledge about chemistry content in the automotive vocational context. The study design used was one-group pretest-posttest design and applied to Vocational Chemistry subjects. Data analysis was performed by using the normalized gain-test formula and t-test using SPSS software version 21. The findings showed that collaborative learning is effective to improve pre-service teachers’ knowledge about chemistry content of petroleum and polymer chemistry. The mastery level of basic knowledge about the petroleum and polymers is fairly good. However, the knowledge of the content of petroleum and polymer applications in the automotive field is not satisfactory. Although the application content knowledge increased with the moderate criterion for the application of petroleum and with the low criterion for polymer applications, the mastery level of pre-service teachers at the end of the course was still low. Factors that allegedly become the causes of the low mastery of application content knowledge are the characteristic factor of the content, conceptual learning difficulties and the experience factor. Keywords: content knowledge, chemistry in the vocational context, preservice chemistry teachers, petroleum, polymers PEMBELAJARAN KOLABORATIF UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENGETAHUAN KONTEN KIMIA KONTEKS KEJURUAN OTOMOTIF CALON GURU KIMIA Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektivitas pembelajaran kolaboratif berbasis pemecahan masalah dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan konten kimia konteks kejuruan otomotif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretes-postes design dan diterapkan pada mata kuliah Kimia SMK. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji t menggunakan software SPPS edisi 21 dengan menggunakan rumus gain-test yang dinormalisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran kolaboratif efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan konten minyak bumi dan polimer bagi mahasiswa calon guru kimia. Tingkat penguasaan pengetahuan dasar tentang minyak bumi dan polimer cukup baik. Namun, untuk pengetahuan konten aplikasi minyak bumi dan polimer dalam bidang otomotif belum memberikan hasil yang menggembirakan. Meskipun pengetahuan konten aplikasi tersebut meningkat dengan kriteria peningkatan sedang untuk aplikasi minyak bumi dan kriteria rendah untuk aplikasi polimer, tingkat penguasaan calon guru di akhir perkuliahan masih rendah. Faktor yang diduga menjadi penyebab rendahnya penguasaan pengetahuan konten aplikasi ini adalah faktor karakteristik konten, kesulitan belajar konseptual, dan faktor pengalaman. Kata Kunci: pengetahuan konten, kimia konteks kejuruan, calon guru kimia, minyak bumi, polimer