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Dinamika Teknik Mesin: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Terapan Teknik Mesin Vol 4, No 2 (2014): Dinamika Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.369 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/d.v4i2.55


The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanical properties i.e. tensile strength of composites coconut filter fiber. In the future this material can be used to replace the wood, bamboo and gipsun which are high price and lower water resistance.The research material made with coconut filter fiber as reinforcement and matrix resin unsaturated polyester (UPRs) type Yukalac BQTN 157, with 1% hardener types MEKPO (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide) and fiber treatment by  0.5% KMnO4. Production methods are poltrusion and the variations of fiber volume fraction are 20, 25 and 30% and fiber length are 5, 10 and 15 mm. Testing of mechanical properties is tensile test (ASTM D3039-76) The results of research show  that  the longer of fiber and the bigger of fiber volume fraction, the higher of tensile strength are obtained. The fracture mode are overload, debonding, pullout and crack deflection 
Analisa Delaminasi Pada Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Komposit Laminat Dengan Pembebanan Fatigue I Made Astika
Dinamika Teknik Mesin Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Dinamika Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.577 KB)


 Delaminasi merupakan salah satu dari model kerusakan kritis yang terjadi pada komposit laminat. Delaminasi terjadi karena beberapa faktor seperti tegangan interlaminar yang tinggi dan konsentrasi tegangan pada lokasi retak atau kerusakan lain pada laminat. Jika suatu laminat diberi beban fatigue, delaminasi dapat tumbuh dengan kenaikan jumlah cycle dan bisa menyebabkan kerusakan total pada laminat. Jadi ada keterkaitan antara karakteristik pertumbuhan delaminasi komposit laminat dengan kondisi pembebanan fatigue. Pada penelitian ini diamati pertumbuhan delaminasi pada komposit laminat yang didasarkan pada perhitungan kemungkinan pertumbuhan delaminasi pada semua tingkat pembebanan selama siklus pembebanan fatigue.Penelitian ini adalah pengujian fatigue dengan pembebanan reverse bending dengan type specimen double cantilever beam (DCB). Pembuatan spesimen uji dilakukan dengan proses hand lay up dengan menggunakan dua lembar lamina berserat anyam (WR). Diantara kedua lamina disisipi dengan lembaran aluminium dengan ukuran 25 x 75 mm sebagai inisiasi retak. Ukuran specimen adalah 25 x 230 mm.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laju perambatan retak mengalami penurunan pada jumlah siklus yang meningkat. Bertambahnya siklus mengakibatkan faktor intensitas tegangan (KI) dan energi yang dibebaskan (GI) mengalami penurunan. Berkurangnya energi yang dibebaskan dan faktor intensitas tegangan berpengaruh pada distribusi tegangan pada ujung retakan mengakibatkan laju pertambahan retak menurun.
Dinamika Teknik Mesin Vol 6, No 1 (2016): Dinamika Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (693.814 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/dtm.v6i1.19


The purpose of this study is to investigate of sound absorption of coconut filter fiber composites. The research material made with coconut filter fiber as reinforcement and matrix resin unsaturated polyester (UPRs) type Yukalac BQTN 157 with 1% hardener types MEKPO (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide) and fiber treatment by  0,5% KMnO4. Production methods is poltrusion and the variations of fiber volume fraction are 20, 25 and 30% and fiber length are 5, 10 and 15 mm. Testing of sound absorption frequency are 250, 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz. The results of research show that  the highest value of sound absorption coefficient is on  the composites with composition of 10 mm fiber length and 30% fiber volume fraction, that is 0.550828. The values are included in the class “Sound Absorption Coefficient Class D (Extremely absorbing)” with the range 0.40 – 0.60 based on ISO standard 11654:1997.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 12 No 1 (2013): Volume 12 No.1 – April 2013
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (405.701 KB)


Penganggahan village consists of 174 households, with 870 populations. Based on the survey and discussionswith the society members, it can be identified that the problems of dimension of broncaptering is so small thatit catches water from the source is not adequate, however the over flow occurs in reservoir especially duringlow usage at night time. In order to overcome such problems in the village, efforts are conducted by enlargingthe capacity of broncaptering. By increasing the capacity of the broncaptering it will increase the supply of cleanwater for the community. It was done by devising a new reservoir to accommodate the excess water, especiallyat night, with the broncaptering and new reservoirs, Penganggahan village community can be fulfilled especiallyat peak usage in the morning and evening. The evaluation shows that the distribution of water to consumers havebeen very prevalent in the area of the highest and lowest areas.
Efek Tegangan Listrik dan Waktu Proses Elektroplating Krom Keras terhadap Tebal Lapisan Ketut Suarsana; I M. Astika; D.N.K Putra Negara
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 12 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (540.316 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JEM.2019.v12.i02.p05


Proses pelapisan krom keras merupakan proses akhir atau tahap penyelesaian pada kebanyakan pembuatan komponen agar tidak cepat aus, seperti pada poros, pasak, ring piston, silinder, bearing dan crank shaf. Dalam bidang industri sifat mekanik yang banyak diperlukan pada logam yang dipergunakan adalah kemampuannya untuk tahan aus dan tahan korosi yang mana kita ketahui logam mempunyai reaksi yang sangat aktif terhadap perubahaan temperatur dan cuaca, maka perlu dilakukan pelapisan sehingga kemungkinan suatu bahan logam terkena korosi bisa dihambat. Bahan spesimen yang di gunakan adalah Baja St 60 (C 0.40%; Mn 7%; Si 0.28%; P+S 0.09%; Fe 98,53%) dengan variasi tegangan listrik: 4, 6, dan 8 volt, untuk variasi waktu elektroplating krom keras 30, 45, dan 60 menit. Pengujian yang dilakukan dengan pengukuran ketebalan lapisan menggunakan skala foto mikro dan menghitung ketebalan lapisan permukaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi tegangan listrik yang digunakan dan semakin lama waktu proses pelapisan krom keras maka meningkat ketebalan lapisannya. Ketebalan lapisan permukaan yang paling tebal didapatkan pada tegangan 8 volt dengan waktu pelapisan 60 menit dengan ketebalan lapisannya sebesar 89,37 ?m, sedangkan ketebalan lapisan permukaan tipis didapat pada tegangan 4 volt dengan waktu pelapisan 30 menit ketebalan lapisannya sebesar 20,18 ?m. Jadi tegangan listrik dan waktu electroplating dapat mempengaruhi dan memberikan efek terhadap ketebalan lapisan yang terjadi pada Baja St.60. The hard chrome coating process is the final process or completion stage in most parts making so as not to wear out quickly, such as on the shaft, pegs, piston rings, cylinders, bearings and crank shafts. In the industrial field of mechanical properties that are much needed in the metal used is its ability to withstand wear and corrosion resistance which we know metals have a very active reaction to changes in temperature and weather, coating is necessary so that the possibility of a metal being corroded can be inhibited. The specimens used were Baja St 60 (C 0.40%; Mn 7%; Si 0.28%; P + S 0.09%; Fe 98.53%) with variations in electrical voltage: 4, 6 and 8 volts, for time variations hard chrome electroplating 30, 60 and 90 minutes. Tests carried out by measuring the thickness of the layer use a micro photo scale and calculate the thickness of the surface layer. The results showed that the higher the voltage used and the longer the coating process was hard chrome, the thickness of the layer increased. The thickest surface layer thickness was obtained at 8 volts with a coating time of 60 minutes with a layer thickness of 89.37 ?m, while the thickness of the thin surface layer was obtained at a voltage of 4 volts with a coating time of 30 minutes layer thickness of 20.18 ?m. So the electrical voltage and time of electroplating can affect and give effect to the thickness of the coating that occurs in Steel St.60
Efek perlakuan pack carburizing dan media korosif pada baja AISI 1045 terhadap laju korosi I Ketut Suarsana; I Made Astika; I Gede Putu Agus Suryawan
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 14 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JEM.2021.v14.i02.p01


Corrosion is a destructive symptom that affects the properties of a metal, which means that the physical properties and quality of the metal decrease due to the electrochemical reaction between the metal and its environment so that the strength of the metal decreases. Corrosion control can be used to avoid the negative impact of corrosion, through the pack carburizing treatment method. The material used in this research is AISI 1045 steel. To determine the effect of pack carburizing on the corrosion rate of steel, the research was carried out by varying the suhue of the carburizing pack and corrosive media. In this study, the pack carburizing process with suhue variations used was 750°C, 850°C, 950°C and the corroding media used were air, fresh water and sea water. This was observed in accordance with the application of AISI 1045 material. The corrosive process through corrosive media was carried out for 720 hours. The results showed that pack carburized steel at a temperature of 950°C had a lower corrosion rate than pack carburized steel at 750°C. Also, air corrosive media provides a lower corrosion rate compared to seawater corrosion rate.
Uji Kekuatan Bending Pipa Komposit Jute-Epoxy pada Perlakuan Rendaman Air Panas I Wayan Purna Wirama; I Made Astika; I.D.G Ary Subagia
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 14 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JEM.2021.v14.i02.p07


The main purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of the bending strength of composite pipes when treated with hot water. In this study, composite pipes were made using woven sacks and tied with an epoxy matrix which was molded using the VARTM (Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding) method. Jute fiber laminated composite on epoxy binder is made by laminated 3 layers with fiber direction 450 and has a thickness of 2.55 mm, the jute-epoxy composite pipe will be treated with heat treatment. Then tested on bending loading. The results of this study were the bending stress and strain on the control specimen compared to the heat treated specimen, an increase in the strain of the heat treatment specimen was 0.007 [MPa], this was due to the heat treatment temperature on the specimen which caused a change in the properties of the specimen itself, which was initially a brittle specimen changes to plastic. Meanwhile, the value of bending stress and modulus of elasticity on control specimens and heat treatment specimens. The obtained stress on the control composite pipe is 67.946 [MPa] with a modulus of elasticity of 10.398 [GPa]. While the heat-treated composite pipe has a bending stress of 28.613 [MPa] with an elastic modulus of 2.225 [GPa].
Perbandingan kekuatan kompresi struktur laminasi dan prepreg dari komposit jute-epoxy Gede Adi Yoga Saputra; I Made Astika; I.D.G Ary Subagia
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 14 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JEM.2021.v14.i01.p05


This experiment has conducted to investigate mechanical properties of pipe structure performed by natural composite. The composite has been fabricated in two modes such laminate and prepreg reinforcement by vacuum injection molding. Compression test have been conducted for each variety in five times repeating. The specimen was made and test according to the ASTM D2166M-16 standard. The purpose of this research is to investigate and comparation of compression strength of laminate and prepreg structure composite pipe. The test result shows that laminates mode of pipe composite using the woven jute fabric has a lower in compression strength about 711.34 [MPa] compared to prepreg mode about 1184.9 [MPa]. In addition, the young modulus of the laminate composites has about 5.37 [GPa], and the prepreg mode has value about 6. 885 [GPa]. This value indicates that the prepreg mode more strength than the laminates mode in composite pipe due to the prepreg in tangential direction the compression energy absorbed by the fiber absolutely.
Pengaruh Perlakuan Temperatur dan Waktu Penahanan Pack Carburizing Terhadap Umur Lelah Baja St 42 Ketut Suarsana; Cok Istri Putri K; I Made Astika
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 11 No 1 (2018): Published in April 2018
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (452.315 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JEM.2018.v11.i01.p05


Pack carburizing merupakan suatu proses laku panas untuk memperoleh pengerasan hanya pada bagian permukaan dengan menggunakan media carburizer padat. Dengan memberikan temperatur pemanasan dan waktu penahanan yang tepat diharapkan dapat meningkatkan umur lelah suatu material baja St.42. Metode pada penelitian ini mengunakan pack carburizing padat berupa serbuk, yang dibuat dalam bentuk kotak dan didalamnya diisi serbuk carbon. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh waktu penahanan dan temperatur pack carburizing terhadap umur lelah baja ST 42 dengan menggunakan variasi temperatur pemanasan adalah : 850, 900 dan 950°C dan waktu penahanan 4, 6 dan 8 jam. Kedua variabel ini diamati pengaruhnya terhadap umur lelah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa waktu penahanan dan temperatur pack carburizing berpengaruh nyata terhadap umur lelah, dimana umur lelah tertinggi yaitu pada 993.089 cycle pada temperatur pemanasan 950 °C dan waktu penahanan 8 jam. Umur lelah paling rendah adalah 440.613 cycle terjadi pada temperatur pemanasan 850 °C dan waktu penahanan 4 jam. Pack carburizing is a hot-selling process to obtain only hardening on the surface by using solid carburizer media. Providing proper heating temperature and retention time is expected to increase the fatigue life of a steel material of St.42. The method in this study using a solid pack carburizing of powder, which is made in the form of a box and inside it is filled with carbon powder. This study discusses the effect of detention time and pack carburizing temperature on ST 42 fat age by using variation of heating temperature are: 850, 900 and 950?C and holding time 4, 6 and 8 hours. Both of these variables were observed to influence the fatigue life. Based on the result of research that the holding time and temperature of pack carburizing have a significant effect on fatigue life, where the highest fatigue age is 993,089 cycles at heating temperature 950 ?C and 8 hours of detention time. The lowest fatigue period was 440,613 cycles occurring at a heating temperature of 850 ?C and a 4 hour detention time.
Thermal Conductivity and Bending Strength of Coconut Fiber/Paraffin/Graphite Composite Phase Change Materials I Made Astika; I Nyoman Suprapta Winaya; I Dewa Gede Ary Subagia; I Ketut Gede Wirawan
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 5 No 2 (2020): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/IJEET.2020.v05.i02.p20


The use of composite materials for panel boards, building construction, vehicle accessories, and household furniture is growing. Coconut coir fiber-reinforced composites can be applied as panel boards for building and furniture construction, which can also be used as heat storage systems. The coco fiber composite's low energy storage capacity can be increased by incorporating PCM material into it, forming a PCM composite material. Heat absorption and release performance depend on the material's thermal conductivity, which can be increased by adding additives such as graphite. This paper presents a performance test of PCM composites to obtain bending strength and thermal conductivity. The research materials were coconut coir fiber, polyester, paraffin, and graphite. The weight fractions of coco fiber and polyester were 30 and 50%, respectively. Variation of paraffin weight fraction 15 and 20% and variation of graphite weight 0 and 5%. The method of mixing materials is direct incorporation and forming of PCM composites using a press molding process. The tests carried out include the bending test (ASTM D790-03) and the thermal conductivity test using the Heat Transfer Experiment Base Unit test kit. The results show that the use of 15 wt% paraffin with 5 wt% graphite increases thermal conductivity by 23.27% and increases bending strength by 36.71%.