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Pencemaran Udara Akibat Gas Buang Kendaraan Bermotor Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kesehatan Haruna, Haruna; Lahming, Lahming; Amir, Faizal; Asrib, Ahmad Rifqi
UNM Environmental Journals Vol 2, No 2 (2019): April
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (704.832 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/uej.v2i2.10092


ABSTRACT. This study aims: to describe the composition and behavior of exhaust gases of motorized vehicles that can have an impact on human health. Based on the results of a theoretical study of various information that the main pollutants in motor vehicle exhaust gases are carbon monoxide (CO), hindrocarbon compounds, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur (SOx), and dust particulates including lead (PB). Chemical reactions in the atmosphere sometimes take place in a long and complex reaction chain, and produce an end product that can be more active or weaker than the original compound. Motor vehicle exhaust gases which have an impact on health are classified as follows; (1). Pollutants which mainly interfere with the respiratory tract. Included in this group are sulfur oxides, particulates, nitrogen oxides, ozone and other oxides, (2). Pollutants that cause systemic poisons, such as monoxide and lead / lead hydrocarbons, (3). Pollutants suspected of causing cancer such as hydrocarbons, (4). Conditions that interfere with comfort such as noise, street dust, etc. So the conclusion is that in anticipating the negative impacts caused by motor vehicle exhaust gases, the role of the government in setting several regulations and policies in the environmental field is needed, where every business or activity is prohibited from violating the quality standards and standard criteria of environmental damage set by government. ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan: menguraikan tentang komposisi dan perilaku gas buangan kendaraan bermotor yang dapat berdampak pada kesehatan manusia. Berdasarkan hasil kajian teori dari berbagai informasi bahwa bahan pencemar yang utama didalam gas buangan kendaraan bermotor adalah karbon monoksida (CO), senyawa hindrokarbon, oksida nitrogen (NOx) dan sulfur (SOx), dan partikulat debu termasuk timbel (PB). Reaksi kimia di atmosfer kadangkala berlangsung dalam suatu rantai reaksi yang panjang dan rumit, dan menghasilkan produk akhir yang dapat lebih aktif atau lebih lemah dibandingkan senyawa aslinya. Gas buang kendaraan bermotor yang berdampak pada kesehatan digolongkan sebagai berikut; (1). Bahan – bahan pencemar yang terutama mengganggu saluran pernafasan. Yang termasuk dalam golongan ini adalah oksida sulfur, partikulat, oksida nitrogen, ozon dan oksida lainnya, (2). Bahan– bahan pencemar yang menimbulkan pengaruh racun sistemik, seperti hidrokarbon monoksida dan timbel/timah hitam, (3).Bahan-bahan pencemar yang dicurigai menimbulkan kanker seperti hidrokarbon, (4). Kondisi yang mengganggu kenyamanan seperti kebisingan, debu jalanan, dll. Sehingga kesimpulannya bahwa dalam mengantisipasi dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh gas buangan kendaraan bermotor, maka peran pemerintah dalam menetapkan beberapa peraturan dan kebijaksanaan di bidang lingkungan hidup sangat dibutuhkan, dimana setiap usaha atau kegiatan dilarang melanggar baku mutu dan kriteria baku kerusakan lingkungan hidup yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah.
Pengetahuan dan Sikap Manusia Terhadap Isu Lingkungan Alam, Ashary; Ardi, Muhammad; Asrib, Ahmad Rifqi
UNM Environmental Journals Vol 1, No 2 (2018): April
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (678.024 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/uej.v1i2.8064


Environmental issues are problems that arise from the results of greedy human activities in exploiting nature. Many environmental issues have made humans vulnerable to disasters. The utilization of energy resources carried out by humans today results in air pollution, the greenhouse effect, and global warming. The environment becomes degraded due to human activation, a degraded environment will only have a negative impact on human life. This article discusses human knowledge and attitudes towards environmental issues. Environmental knowledge is general knowledge about facts, concepts, or relationships related to the surrounding environment and its ecosystem. Every human being has different environmental knowledge because it is influenced by factors of education, experience, information, the area of residence. Knowledge of the environment that humans have will support their environmental attitudes and behavior. Every environmental issue that occurs will bring up two kinds of attitudes in the community, namely positive and negative attitudes. Every attitude possessed by humans will determine what steps they will choose in facing environmental issues, such as turning off lights, turning off electronic equipment, choosing vehicles with minimal emissions.
Jurnal Hidrolitan Volume 2 No. 3 Tahun 2011
Publisher : Universitas Jambi

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ABSTRACTThis research aimed to study impact of caldera landslide at Jeneberang sub watershed to sedimentation rates in the Bili-Bili dam. The research was conducted based on field survey, caldera landslide at upstream and sedimentation rate in the Bili-Bili dam. The Result Showed that Jeneberang sub watershed dominated by steep areas topography is 10.080 ha (26.22%) and the closure of forested land is 12.250 ha (31.87%). Caldera landslide in 2004 caused sediment flow from upstream of Jeneberang watershed was 45,027,954 m3. Sabo dam as a sediment control along the Jeneberang upstream has function effectively. It was seen from the volume flow of sediment that can be controlled up to the year 2008 is 1,915,671 m3. Sedimentation rate before the event of landslide caldera, sediment deposited in Bili-Bili dam cumulatively is 8.376 million m3 (April 2001). Five years after the landslide sediment volume has reached 60.959 million m3 in 2008. Based on Trap efficiency showed that efficiency of Bili-Bili dam was decrease from 90.81% in 1997 to 73.34% in 2005, and then increased in 2007 (92.57%) and in 2008 decrease become 89.79%.
Analisis Perilaku Kerja Terhadap Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Industri Pada Kawasan Industri Makassar (KIMA) Kota Makassar Tangim, Muh. Arsyad; Pertiwi, Nurlita; Asrib, Ahmad Rifqi
UNM Environmental Journals Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/uej.v4i3.22873


This study aims to determine the factors that influence the behavior of workers towards the Management of Industrial Hazardous Waste in the Makassar Industrial Estate (KIMA) Makassar City. The type of research used is quantitative research with a correlational approach. The research population is workers in several companies located in the Makassar Industrial Estate. The research sample amounted to 100 respondents with the determination of sample members was carried out using purposive sampling method. Analysis of the data used is descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using multiple linear regression test. The results showed that the behavior of industrial B3 waste management in the Makassar Industrial Estate (KIMA) of Makassar City was in the high category. Based on the results of inferential statistical tests, there is an influence of knowledge, attitudes and motivation on the behavior of industrial B3 waste management in the Makassar Industrial Estate (KIMA) Makassar CityAbstrak.Kajian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi  perilaku tenaga kerja terhadap Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Industri pada Kawasan Industri Makassar (KIMA) Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional. Populasi penelitian adalah tenaga kerja pada beberapa perusahaan yang berada di Kawasan Industri Makassar. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 100 responden dengan penentuan anggota sampel dilakukan menggunakan metode purpossive sampling.  Analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial menggunakan uji regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pengelolaan limbah B3 Industri pada Kawasan Industri Makassar (KIMA) Kota Makassar berada pada kategori tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik inferensial terdapat pengaruh pengetahuan, sikap dan motivasi terhadap perilaku pengelolaan limbah B3 industri pada kawasan industri Makassar (KIMA) Kota Makassar.
Meeting the industrial demand of construction engineering graduate competence Ahmad Rifqi Asrib; Anas Arfandi
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Vol 7, No 3 (2017): November
Publisher : ADGVI & Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (36.745 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v7i3.15168


The aim of this study is to identify the distribution and relevance of graduate competencies in S1 PTSP Department FT UNM to those in the world of work. This research was conducted for a year. The location of this research was conducted in according with the distribution of graduates. Samples amount 28 respondents. The data collected used questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The result shows that the waiting period of graduate majoring in engineering education buildings PTSP FT UNM within the last 3 years (2013-2015) in getting a job was an average of 4.4 months. Then, the relevance of the work with their educational background according to their expertise was 85.72% while 14.28% are not suitable. Furthermore, the level of relevance of graduates’ technical skills in the field of building engineering was at the level of relevant amount 44.48%, and in the field of education at the level of highly relevant amount 55.00% of the number of observed respondents. The level of employability skills were in the proficient category with the average value about 48.75% of all aspects.
Analysis of Erosion Level Using Map Windows Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution (MWAGNPS) on Jeneberang Sub-watershed South Sulawesi Province Ahmad Rifqi Asrib; M. Yanuar J. Purwanto; Sukandi S; E Eriza
International Journal of Science and Engineering Vol 6, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2843.184 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/ijse.6.1.56-60


The aims of this study was to obtain information about the level of soil erosion in Jeneberang sub watershed, as well as the impact of land management and information to determine the direction of land management in the watershed. The approach model used is MWAGNPS. MWAGNPS Model is a model of cell-based rainfall events with the main components are topographic maps, land use and soil type. This model is able to determine the source of erosion and the erosion that occurs. Simulation model showed when Jeneberang watershed has 31.66 mm of rain events with 30-minute rainfall intensity (EI30) can caused erosion 44.81 tons / ha and the sedimentation rate is 2,22 tons / ha. The source of erosion in Jeneberang sub watershed from farm/moor caused erosion is 29552.14 tons / ha and a total of 4,562,625.84 tons of sediment.  
Adaptasi perubahan spektrum SMK 2016 oleh guru SMK Program Keahlian Teknik Konstruksi dan Properti Ahmad Rifqi Asrib; Anas Arfandi
DEDIKASI Vol 22, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Dedikasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/dedikasi.v22i1.13827


This activity aims to increase the understanding of teachers of the Department of Building Engineering at SMK 4 Gowa about irrigation and its buildings. The method used in this community partnership program, the mentoring method and the participatory rural approach (PRA) method. Mentoring method are used to improve teachers' understanding of irrigation networks and irrigation structures. The PRA method is carried out to arouse the partner's sense of belonging to the product to be developed, and the partner's sense of responsibility towards the product and the environment around it. The initial survey was conducted to see the extent of respondents' initial understanding prior to the implementation of PKM on the understanding and ability of teachers to understand the material to be provided. After the PKM implementation activities, the survey was again conducted to measure the level of understanding of respondents after the implementation of the PKM activities and to be a measure of the effectiveness of the implementation of the PKM to vocational teachers in the construction and property engineering expertise program. The results of the activity show that most teachers have only understood the irrigation material in the Fair category. There is even an average of 12 percent of teachers whose understanding is still lacking. The teachers also have not been able to distinguish irrigation buildings very well. After the implementation of the PKM activity, the teachers participating in the activity experienced a very significant increase in understanding. Teachers' understanding of the category was very good at 4.36% to 41.28%. Good category from 20.00% to 55.64% even after the activity, all teachers had understood the material about irrigation and its buildings.
Asphalt Concrete Mixture Innovation Using Styrofoam Waste M. Reza Hasrul; Moh. Junaedi Rahman; Ahmad Rifqi Asrib
Journal La Multiapp Vol. 2 No. 6 (2021): Journal La Multiapp
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallamultiapp.v2i6.541


The purpose of this research is to determine the properties of an AC-BC concrete asphalt mixture with additional Styrofoam waste to bitumen. This study was conducted fully at the State University of Makassar's Laboratory of Materials Testing. The amount of Styrofoam utilized in this investigation was 6 percent, 8 percent, 10 percent, and 12 percent of the total weight of KAO asphalt (Optimum Asphalt Weight). This study used a total of 15 specimens, with 5 being used to determine KAO and 12 being used following KAO. The Marshall method was utilized, which involved immersing the test object in a water bath at 60 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. Density, stability, flow, Marshall Quotient (MQ), VIM, VFA, and VMA were all determined using the Marshall test. The General Bina Marga 2018 specification revision 3 was utilized as a guideline. The findings of this investigation show that the asphalt penetration value falls as styrofoam material increases. Stability values in the additions of 6 percent and 8 percent, MQ values at 6 percent, VIM 12 percent, and VFA 6 percent do not satisfy criteria, while density values, flow, and VMA in all variations of styrofoam addition meet the General Bina Marga specifications in 2018 refisi 3. Based on the results of the Marshall test with an Optimal Asphalt Content (KAO) of 5.7 percent, this research suggests that a percentage substitution of 10% can be employed to get positive outcomes.
Perumahan Tamarunang dalam memelihara drainase lingkungan Ahmad Rifqi Asrib; Anas Arfandi
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2018, No 2: Prosiding 2
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.775 KB)


Tamarunang is located approximately 10 km fromMakassar, and about 4 km from the border of Makassar Cityand Gowa Regency. As a developing area, TamarunangVillage is a reference for developers to build urbancommunities houses. The urbanization makes the growth ofhousing development more rapid. This has an impact onrainwater catchment areas turned into residential housing areas.The problems faced in this community partnership programsare: 1) the living area of partner 1 and 2 have poor drainageand reduced rain water catchment areas, 2) the impact of poordrainage causes water to overflow and pool on the public roadsand yard, 3) the garbage and sedimentation that accumulates inthe drainage causes clogged water flow, 4) due to thedevelopment of housing construction, causing the flowdirection and pattern of environmental drainage flow in thepartner area to be unclear. The method used in this communitypartnership program is mentoring method and participatoryrural approach (PRA) method. The mentoring method wascarried out to change the community's paradigm of thinking inhandling environmental drainage, increasing the community'sunderstanding of environmental cleanliness and structuring,and facilitating partners in making infiltration drainage, flowdirection maps, and environmental arrangement. The PRAmethod is carried out to arouse the partner's sense of belongingto the product to be developed, and the partner's sense ofresponsibility towards the products and environment thatsurrounds them. The main method adopted in this CommunityPartnership Program (PKM) activity is the time of presentationof counseling material, the method used is lecture, discussion,question and answer, and simulation, while during the practiceof making infiltration drainage, the method used isdemonstration. The results are the installation of biopori pipes,overflowing water and pooling on the road and the people'shome page has been reduced, and rainwater does not causestanding water on the road and downstream of the housingarea. And the construction of the drainage channel is intendedso that the drainage channel is not blocked again which cancause water to overflow into the highway.
Meningkatkan kualitas air konsumsi rumah tangga dikecamatan Sabangparu Kab Wajo Taufiq Natsir; Ahmad Rifqi Asrib
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2018, No 3: Prosiding 3
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.523 KB)


The problem experienced by the people in the Sabbangparu sub-district today is that the well water that is in the home environment does not fulfill the requirements as drinking water, which is very murky physically containing soil elements with high iron and manganese content. In addition, river water taken directly through the pipe connection is also turbid and not yet through the purification filter. The community takes river and lake water for household consumption only to be collected and deposited which will be used for various household needs such as drinking, bathing, washing and other purposes. The limited supply of clean water that meets health requirements, both physically, biologically and chemically shows that there is a need for appropriate technology to treat water adapted to environmental conditions. For this reason, through science and technology activities for the community, it is expected that there will be an increase in public knowledge about water treatment techniques that are not feasible to be used, namely by making a clean water treatment system. The approach method that will be used is counseling, workshops and coaching / mentoring. Thus the output of science and technology for this community is (1) technique or. Safe, easy and inexpensive water treatment methods. (2) Household-scale water treatment equipment with a capacity of 500 liters, (3) Septic tank models and environmentally-friendly infiltration, (4) Published articles.