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Acculturation in Javanese Traditional Medicine Practice in Yogyakarta Triratnawati, ATIK
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v8i1.4960


The rampant practice of traditional medicine in the big cities in Java can not be separated from the influence of globalization. The practice of traditional medicine advertised through flyers, pamphlets, signage, television and internet. In medical practice, it can not be separated from the mixture of elements of the local culture, external/ foreign as well as modern medical later adopted in order to enhance public interest in their treatment. The purpose of this article is to analyze the practice of acculturation in traditional medicine both related to methods, tools, how to advertise and meaning behind the ways the adoption of other culture into the traditional practice.An intergrative ethnographic study was conducted in Bantul and Sleman, Yogyakarta, on traditional healers such as gurah, bekham, metaphysical/ spiritual, herbal, traditional massage therapy, as well as traditional healers specifically hemorrhoids. Other information was obtained from interviews with their patients.Medical pluralism by wrapping traditional therapy combined with health culture from the outside to attract consumers with a dogmatic way in order to improve the clients made by Javanese traditional healers. They advertise with testimony on local television screen with the aim of introducing methods, tools, disease cure rates, fees, in order made populair so the number of patients increases. Acculturation appears that more and more people believe in business practices and its treatment.
The Power of Sugesti in Traditional Javanese Healing Treatment Triratnawati, Atik; Wulandari, Arsanti; Marthias, Tiara
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 6, No 2 (2014): Komunitas, September 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v6i2.3307


This paper aims to explore the beliefs in society toward traditional healing regardless of the more accessible, affordable and improved modern health services. This ethnographic study was conducted in Yogyakarta in 2013-2014. Phenomenological approach was used to analyze the data using the theory of health seeking behavior as the guiding principle of this research. The main factor influencing Javanese community’s belief in traditional healing was the power of placebo effect. Placebo can arise from both the patient and the healer. Additionally, other factors such as compatibility between the patients and the healer, patient’s aversion to doctor’s therapy, and the fact that traditional treatment is cheaper, easier, and more effective than modern medicine were the main considerations for patients in choosing traditional treatment. The benefit of psychotherapy provided through traditional medicine is in the form of life advices or counseling. In addition, healers’ attentiveness in listening to patients’ complaints was also the main appeal of the traditional health care service.Tulisan ini mengupas kepercayaan masyarakat pada penyembuhan medis tradisional meski pelayanan kesehatan modern semakin mudah diakses, murah/gratis pembiayaannya serta ditingkatkan pelayanannya. Studi etnografis ini dilakukan di DIY tahun 2013-2014. Pendekatan fenomenologi digunakan untuk menganalisis data disertai teori health seeking behavior. Kunci kepercayaan masyarakat Jawa berobat ke penyembuh tradisional adalah pengaruh sugesti. Sugesti muncul baik dari penderita maupun penyembuh. Selain itu faktor cocok, takut dengan terapi dokter serta murah, mudah dan manjur juga menjadi pertimbangan pasien ke pengobatan tradisional. Manfaat psikoterapi berupa nasihat, wejangan maupun saran serta kemampuan penyembuh tradisional mendengar curahan hati pasien menjadi daya tarik lain pasien merasa cocok ke pengobatan non medis.
Acculturation in Javanese Traditional Medicine Practice in Yogyakarta Triratnawati, ATIK
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 8, No 1 (2016): Komunitas, March 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v8i1.4960


The rampant practice of traditional medicine in the big cities in Java can not be separated from the influence of globalization. The practice of traditional medicine advertised through flyers, pamphlets, signage, television and internet. In medical practice, it can not be separated from the mixture of elements of the local culture, external/ foreign as well as modern medical later adopted in order to enhance public interest in their treatment. The purpose of this article is to analyze the practice of acculturation in traditional medicine both related to methods, tools, how to advertise and meaning behind the ways the adoption of other culture into the traditional practice.An intergrative ethnographic study was conducted in Bantul and Sleman, Yogyakarta, on traditional healers such as gurah, bekham, metaphysical/ spiritual, herbal, traditional massage therapy, as well as traditional healers specifically hemorrhoids. Other information was obtained from interviews with their patients.Medical pluralism by wrapping traditional therapy combined with health culture from the outside to attract consumers with a dogmatic way in order to improve the clients made by Javanese traditional healers. They advertise with testimony on local television screen with the aim of introducing methods, tools, disease cure rates, fees, in order made populair so the number of patients increases. Acculturation appears that more and more people believe in business practices and its treatment.
Problematika Kegemukan Kelas Bawah: Tinjauan Antropologi Kesehatan Triratnawati, Atik
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 2 (2003)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/mmjkk.v3i2.1699


Body shapes especially obesity related to cultural value concern with beauty, aestethica, health and efforts to prevent of the condition. The aims of the research are: to find out the Javanese lower class concept of obesity, problems, prevention and health seeking behavior. The qualitative research was carried out by in-depth interview toward 22 (15 women, 7 men) Javanese lower class who live in DIY. Data analysis was done by Medical Anthropology theory. Among the Javanese, body reflected the condition of a person. The over¬weight measurement usually based on general formula such as high minus 100/ll0cm. But some informants used the cloth, which began tight and fat protruding in certain part of body. The awareness of lower class about value of beauty, aesthetics and health including the preventing of obesity was less, but they tried to prevent by diet- reducing carbohydrate and fat, fasting ev¬ery Monday and Thursday, and jamu (herbal medicine). Problems related to health (diseases) and socio-cultural (inconvenient for Muslim when they prayed 5 times a day, awkward when sitting on the floor) is the main problem among obese people. Obesity means gift from Good, so the prevention to reduce the weight is strongless.Bentuk tubuh khususnya kegemukan berkait erat dengan nilai budaya mengenai kecantikan/estetika, kesehatan dan upaya pencegahannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: mengetahui konsep orang Jawa kelas bawah mengenai bentuk tubuh, problem, pencegahan serta upaya penanggulangannya. Penelitian kualitatif dengan wawancara terhadap 22 (15 wanita, 7 pria) orang lawa dari kelas bawah yang bertempat tinggal di DIY. Analisis data dilakukan dengan pendekatan teori Antropologi Kesehatan. Tubuh bagi orang Jawa merupakan pencerminan keadaan bagi pemiliknya. Ukuran kelebihan badan bisa berdasarkan rumus umum antara tinggi badan dikurangi 100/110 cm, namun banyak pula yang mendasarkan pada ukuran baju yang mulai sempit serta tonjolan lemak di bagian tubuh yang terlihat jelas. Kesadaran akan nilai estetika, kecantikan dan kesehatan mengenai kegemukan kurang kuat, sehingga kegemukan cenderung dibiarkan saja walaupun ada dari mereka yang mencoba mengatasi dengan cara: olahraga, mengurangi konsumsi makanan lemak dan karbohidrat atau dengan jamu dan puasa Senin-Kamis. Problem utama kegemukan bagi mereka adalah menyangkut aspek kesehatan (munculnya penyakit) serta sosial budaya (kesulitan melaksanakan sholat bagi orang Islam atau kesulitan duduk di mkar). Pada kelas bawah kegemukan diterima sebagai anugerah Tuhan sehingga 2paya pencegahannya kurang maksimal.
Peran Keluarga pada Ibu Pasca Bersalin Yanti, Popy Apri; Triratnawati, Atik; Astuti, Dhesi Ari
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.58017


Latar Belakang: Minimnya peran keluarga merupakan orang yang memotivasi, perhatian, membesarkan hati dan orang yang selalu bersamanya serta membantu dalam menghadapi perubahan akibat adanya persalinan sehingga bisa meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup bagi individu yang bersangkutan.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran keluarga mulai dari dukungan emosional, informasi, instrumental dan penghargaan pada ibu pasca bersalin.Metode: Studi kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi menggunakan wawancara mendalam terhadap 10 informan. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kombinasi manual dan program nvivo.Hasil dan Pembahasan: Peran keluarga pada ibu pasca bersalin disampaikan melalui dukungan emosional, informasi, instrumental dan penghargaan sudah optimal. Hambatan keterbatasan waktu karena bekerja, peran suami lebih didominasi oleh ibu kandung/mertua karena masih tinggal satu rumah.Kesimpulan: Peran kelurga pada ibu pasca bersalin memiliki dampak positif untuk kesehatan mental ibu pasca bersalin Kata Kunci: Peran Keluarga; Ibu Pasca Bersalin; Asuhan Kebidanan Masa Nifas
Mitos dan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Desa Tentang Kanker Payudara Triratnawati, Atik; Novyantari, Dewi
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkr.59838


Background: Breast cancer is a scary disease among the society. Myths related to breast cancer that still exist in society will affect their preventive behavior.Objective: To identify the knowledge and myths  in society about breast cancer.Method: This ethnographic study used participatory observation and in-depth interviews with 12 informants consisting of 3 breast cancer patients and 9 non-breast cancer survivors in Jlegiwinangun Village, Kutowinangun, Kebumen, Central Java.Results and Discussion: Breast cancer was considered a frightening disease that can be caused by heredity, eating patterns, and unhealthy behavior. The existing of breast cancer myths, which dispread verbally is indicated that myths is important as preventive behavior.Conclusion: Knowledge and myths of breast cancer in Jlegiwinangun Village are a part of preventive behavior. The existing of  myths are indicated the limited insight and information related aetiology, cure and prevention to breast cancer.Kata kunci: myths, community knowledge, village, breast cancer
Want But Do Not Need : The Kalipare Village Community's Response to the COVID-19 Vaccine Program in Malang Regency Anton Sujarwo; Atik Triratnawati
Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Family Health
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/ijma.v3i1.7781


The pandemic caused by COVID-19 is still ongoing after nearly two years. The hope that the pandemic will be over soon is beginning to emerge. The successful development of a COVID-19 vaccine is one of the efforts to combat the pandemic. Vaccination programs that are available to the general public do not always run smoothly. The vaccination program was overshadowed by a number of issues and polemics. The purpose of this research is to see how the community reacts to the COVID-19 vaccination program. Data was collected using ethnographic research methods in Kalipare Village, Malang Regency, between October and November 2021. Random informants and interviews were conducted on members of the community and health professionals. The analysis was carried out by categorizing the data related to the community's fear, willingness, or doubt in participating in this program. According to the findings of this research, public rejection, fear, and doubt occur as a result of: a lack of public confidence in the vaccine's effects; a lack of trust in institutions; and the assumption that vaccines can cause illness and death. Typically, research on vaccine scepticism is followed by a refusal to participate in the program, but the findings of this research show the opposite. People continue to participate in the vaccination program despite their lack of faith, doubt, and fear.
The Effort to Decrease Maternal and Child Mortality Rates through Cultural Transformation Atik Triratnawati; Rani Ditya Kristianti; Aldo Pandega Putra; Pandu Bagas Setyaji
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) Vol 5, No 1: March 2016
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (501.151 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijphs.v5i1.4768


Maternal and infant mortality in Ende is still high, but research related a social science is rare. The cultural aspect and medical factors such as the lack of primary health care services are also play a role. This study aims are to identifying and formulate the local cultural transformation as a way to solve maternal and infant mortality. This ethnographic research was conducted in 2013. The study carried not only interviews, but also observation towards reproductive-age women, heads of family, traditional birth attendants, doctors, midwives, local leaders, adat leaders, pastors and sisters, local government officials, and head of health district at Ende. Data is analysed phenomenologically. The strong belief to adat and local tradition has implication to people’s attitude towards traditional birth attendants. Traditional birth attendants hold superior position in the community. They also have strong influence due to their ability to massage, correctly guess infant’s sex, reposition infant in the womb, and stop bleeding during labor. Maternal and/or infant mortality has nothing to do with traditional birth attendants because local people believe that such case happens as a result of hex or black magic called ru’u. Anemia, bleeding, food taboo, and incorrect diet pattern worsen the overall condition of pregnant women. Cultural transformation is done by alternating TBAs practices in massaging pregnant women. TBAs are encouraged to massage pregnant women’s back instead of stomach since pregnant women often have to deal with low back pain during pregnancy.
Keluarga adalah Obat: Dukungan Keluarga Jawa terhadap Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) di Masa Pandemi COVID-19, Kasus di Yogyakarta Atik Triratnawati
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya Vol 23, No 1 (2021): (June)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jantro.v23.n1.p74-82.2021


COVID-19 pandemic affects people's lives on all fronts. PLWHA is one of the vulnerable and marginalized communities affected by COVID- 19. They  needs the help of families to support their lives who are always faced with physical, mental, social (stigma and discrimination) and economic problems.This article aims to analyze the Javanese families recilience  in helping family members who were PLWHA during the COVID- 19 pandemic. Ethnographic research conducted in DIY in 2020 among PLWHAs through online and offline focus group discussion and offline as well as offline interviews of 10 members of PLWHA family.The economic and social fuction of Javanese nuclear family extend to extended family.  Among PLWHA believe that the family is a physical and mental remedy for their lives.Not only nuclear family but also extended family assistance in both material and non-material are able to make survival in the COVID-19 pandemic.Although ODHA families are also affected by COVID- 19, but the spirit of gotong royong helps the weak, the compassion between the healthy and the sick continues to build. The COVID-19 pandemic has strengthened the kinship between them. The help provided by the nuclear and extended families to ODHA is positive because it will break the chain of stigma and discrimination. Through family support and assistance to ODHA self-acceptance, quality of life and family acceptance will continue to increase.
Aspek Simbolisme Telepon Genggam Atik Triratnawati
Humaniora Vol 15, No 1 (2003)
Publisher : Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (74.099 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jh.778


Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan di Indonesia jauh tertinggal dibandingkan negara maju. Terlebih lagi dalam hal kemajuan teknologi. Era informasi yang berkembang sekarang ini telah mendorong negara maju dan negara berkembang terusmenerus melakukan penemuan-penemuan baru di bidang teknologi, termasuk teknologi komunikasi informasi. Kemajuan teknologi komunikasi informasi di negara India dan Cina yang luar biasa terjadi karena sumber daya manusia yang mampu mengembangkan dan mengendalikan teknologi tersebut (Komputer Aktif, 2002:76). Dibandingkan kedua negara tersebut, Indonesia tertinggal jauh, baik pada perangkat lunak, keras, juga akibat terbatasnya sumber daya manusia yang mampu mengembangkan teknologi. Di Indonesia tradisi pendidikan, pengembangan, termasuk penelitian di bidang ilmu pengetahuan belum begitu mendarah daging sehingga tradisitradisi penemuan-penemuan baru di segala bidang kurang berkembang. Permasalahan utama penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pemakai telepon genggam memfungsikan benda tersebut. Apakah lebih ditekankan pada fungsi utamanya atau pada gengsi yang melekat di dalamnya? Di samping itu, penelitian ini juga meneliti aspek simbolisme yang muncul dari pemakaian benda ini, termasuk etika pemakaiannya. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui fungsi dan manfaat telepon genggam, mengetahui aspek simbolisme, mengidentifikasi norma dan etika yang berlaku, serta mengidentifikasi aspek positif dan negatif pemakaian alat ini bagi masyarakat.