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Design of field programmable gate array-based data processing system for multi global positioning system receiver Zainul Abidin; Nauval Aryawiratama; Adharul Muttaqin; Ryoichi Miyauchi
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 12, No 4: August 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v12i4.pp3466-3476


A global positioning system (GPS) sensor is needed for a ballistic/moving object to do position tracking. In previous study, a multi GPS processing system was made using several microcontrollers and data processing cannot be done simultaneously. Therefore, it was considered as ineffective system. In this research, field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based data processing system for multi-GPS receiver was proposed. The proposed system was designed to reduce root mean square error (RMSE). There are two main processes in the proposed system which work in parallel, i.e. data parsing and data processing. Raw data from GPS receiver was collected and calculated to get average value, then sent it through serial communication to show result. Experimental results confirm the RMSE value of the proposed system is smaller than the conventional one. The RMSE for latitude, longitude, and altitude decrease by 38.46%, 58.28%, and 24.80%, respectively.
FPGA based synchronous multi-channel PWM generator for humanoid robot Adharul Muttaqin; Stefanus Dion Finnadi; Zainul Abidin; Kakeru Araki
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 11, No 1: February 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.297 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v11i1.pp249-256


In this paper, synchronous multi-channel pulse width modulation (PWM) generator for driving servo motors of humanoid robot was proposed. In an application, the humanoid robot requires smooth and beautiful movement, therefore the PWM signal for each servo motor must be synchronized. Since microcontroller (slave) has no enough channels to generate synchronous PWMs for 32 servo motors, field programmable gate array (FPGA) was used as slave for the humanoid robot. The FPGA was controlled by microcontroller (master) using serial communication. Simulation results show the system can perform serial communication, synchronize, and convert data well. The system can also generate PWM simultaneously with accurate duty cycle and fix period of 20ms.
Buck converter optimization using P&O algorithm for PV system based battery charger Zainul Abidin; Adharul Muttaqin; Eka Maulana; M. Gilang Ramadhan
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) Vol 11, No 2: June 2020
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1529.093 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v11.i2.pp844-850


In this research, battery charger based on Photovoltaic (PV) system consists of buck converter as useful PV module interface was fabricated. Since output power of PV module changes quickly due to changing solar radiation, optimization is required. One of the easy and cheap optimization techniques is by implementing Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm for controlling switch of the buck converter. The P&O algorithm tracks maximum power point by generating suitable duty cycle for switching of the buck converter. The objective of this paper is to present the experimental proof of the P&O algorithm implementation in optimizing performance of the buck converter. The experimental results prove that the P&O algorithm can optimize the work of the buck converter and support shorter charging time by producing higher output voltage and power.
Water bath sonicator integrated with PID-based temperature controller for flavonoid extraction Zainul Abidin; M. Aziz Muslim; Muhammad Muqorrobin; Warsito Warsito
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 18, No 2: April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v18i2.14830


In this research, water bath sonicator was fabricated to extract bioactive compound of plants material using sound energy (ultrasonic waves) and heater. The bioactive compound, flavonoid, has high sensitivity to temperature and extraction time and previous research stated best treatment with combination of 45˚C and 20 minutes. Therefore, fabricated water bath sonicator was equipped with proportional integral derivative (PID) based temperature controller and timer. Based on a calculation using the Ziegler-Nichols tuning method, Kp, Ki, Kd parameters are 16.59, 0.0279, and 2463.6, respectively. The experimental result shows that the PID controller can perform as design specification with overshoot 1.39%, error steady-state 0.688% and settling time 37.2 minutes. Furthermore, it was proven that the PID controller has contribution to extract more flavonoid.
Habitat Buatan Cumi Untuk Menunjang Konservasi dan Wisata Bahari Pantai Pangi, Blitar Ali Muntaha; Sunardi Sunardi; Zainul Abidin; Sukandar Sukandar; Edriana Pangestuti; Eko Sulkhani Yulianto; Hanif Rafdhiansyah Insani; Fatrah Sulaeman Hutasuhut
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (abdira) Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Abdira, April
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdira.v2i2.121


This community service activity for the Doctoral Serving UB funding scheme is one of the efforts to help partners in Pangi Beach in managing Pangi beach marine tourism. The activity will be held from June to November 2021 located on Pangi beach. There are three main activities, namely discussions with partners, designing and producing artificial squid habitats and finally setting up artificial squid habitats on the seabed of Pangi beach. The method implemented in this service is workshop, training, discussion and assistance starting from training to setting 4 artificial squid habitat units on Pangi beach which is carried out well. The results of the activities in addition to the installation of artificial squid habitats, are also the transfer of knowledge in conservation-based tourism management. The follow-up activity is monitoring which is planned to be carried out through Internship and Student Thesis Research activities in 2022. Cooperation and public awareness (partners) of the importance of developing conservation-based tourism are the main things for this service activity to run well.
Development of advanced automated test equipment for digital system by using FPGA Adharul Muttaqin; Zainul Abidin; Raden Arief Setyawan; Itsna Az Zahra
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol 15, No 2: August 2019
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v15.i2.pp661-670


One of the fundamental devices in electronics, Integrated Circuit (IC), is usually applied in more complex devices. Before the IC is used, it has to pass some tests to guarantee that its function is in accordance with the specifications. Automated Test Equipment (ATE) is used to test many electronics devices, including ICs. Nowadays, with the rapid advance in electronics technology, the industry will need more advanced ATE to fulfill customers demand. One of the applicative solutions is improvement and integration of a standalone module in commercial ATE owned by the company. ASL 1000 Test System is one of the ATE that is still widely used in industry. ASL 1000 has one limitation in one of its module, Digital Driver and Detector (DDD). The limitation is how much vector pattern that can be saved in the memory. Based on the observation in DDD instrument, a standalone module that has similar specifications as DDD can be designed using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) as its base component. In the standalone module plan, supporting circuits are used, these are interface circuit between FPGA and PC using RS-232 and ASIC as ATE drivers or comparators to connect FPGA and device under test (DUT). The result of the study shows that the designed module can receive and send 8-bit data at 19.200 baud rate. It can write and read 16-bit data from and to SDR SDRAM within 90 ns and 80 ns for one cycle. It can control DAC type AD5308 in standalone operation and DAC type AD5676 in daisy chain operation to generate specific voltage in specific channel. In behavioral simulation, main controller module has already worked in accordance with the desired specifications.
Sistem Keamanan dan Pemantauan pada Prototipe Rumah Cerdas Berbasis Internet of Things Zainul Abidin; Muhammad Ilmi Musyaffa; Ponco Siwindarto
Progresif: Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Vol 19, No 2: Agustus 2023
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35889/progresif.v19i2.1233


In this research, an Internet of Things-(IoT) based security and monitoring system for smart home was designed to avoid intruders and fire hazard. Intruders detection was realized using PIR and HC-SR04. Meanwhile, fire protection system is supported by DHT11 and MQ-2 sensors. All sensors send data to the ESP8266 and then the data are sent to Firebase Realtime Database. Then the data are accessed and collected by the Smart Home application that has been made using MIT App Inventor. If an intruder is detected, the system sends a notification to smartphone and activates buzzer and lamp. If fire is detected, fan and water pump are activated. In addition, the Smart Home application has features of controlling lights and doorlock remotely. A live streaming video-based monitoring system from the ESP32 Cam is also equipped with a servo motor to make it easier to monitor all sides of the house. Overall test results show the system can work properly.Keywords: Internet of Things; Home monitoring; Home security protection; Smart home AbstrakPada penelitian ini sistem keamanan dan pemantauan berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) untuk rumah cerdas dirancang untuk menghindari bahaya penyusup dan kebakaran. Pendeteksian penyusup direalisasikan menggunakan sensor PIR dan HC-SR04. Sedangkan, sistem proteksi kebakaran didukung sensor DHT11 dan MQ-2. Semua sensor tersebut mengirimkan data ke ESP8266 dan selanjutnya data dikirimkan ke Firebase Realtime Database. Kemudian data tersebut diakses dan diambil oleh aplikasi Smart Home yang sudah dibuat menggunakan MIT App Inventor. Apabila penyusup terdeteksi, maka sistem mengirimkan notifikasi ke smartphone dan menghidupkan buzzer dan lampu. Begitu juga dengan kebakaran, maka kipas dan pompa air diaktifkan. Selain itu, aplikasi smart home ini memiliki fitur pengontrolan lampu dan doorlock dari jarak jauh. Sistem pemantauan berbasis video live streaming dari ESP32 Cam juga ditambahkan dengan dilengkapi motor servo untuk memudahkan pemantauan semua sisi rumah tersebut. Hasil pengujian keseluruhan menunjukkan sistem dapat bekerja dengan baik.Kata kunci: Internet of Things; Pemantauan rumah; Proteksi keamanan rumah; Rumah cerdas 
Difusi Teknologi Pemantauan Digital untuk Model Edukasi Pertanian Hidroganik di P4S Bengkel Mimpi Malang Fitri Wardana; Rita Parmawati; Fahdynia Gunawan; Atha Putra; Zainul Abidin
DIKEMAS (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol 7 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32486/dikemas.v7i2.512


Mitra dalam program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Perdesaan Swadaya (P4S) Bengkel Mimpi Kabupaten Malang sebagai pusat pelatihan di bidang pertanian yang dibiayai secara swadaya. P4S Bengkel Mimpi ini mencoba mengintegrasikan tanaman padi dan pemeliharaan ikan dalam sistem hidroganik. Mitra berharap memiliki model pertanian yang berbasis teknologi dan dapat digunakan untuk edukasi kepada pengunjung. Mitra berharap keberadaan panel surya di lokasi dapat dioptimalkan dengan mengimplementasikan teknologi pemantauan digital. Berdasarkam hasil survei di lapangan terkait potensi mitra, model edukasi berupa prototipe sangat dibutuhkan dan sangat tepat untuk lahan milik mitra yang tidak terlalu luas. Solusi yang ditawarkan kepada mitra adalah difusi teknologi pemantauan digital pada model edukasi pertanian hidroganik. Dengan terlaksananya program ini mitra mendapatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan lebih jauh tentang teknologi pemantauan digital. Harapannya, sebagai lembaga pelatihan, mitra juga dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada pengunjung tentang teknologi pemantauan digital untuk mendukung urban farming. Di akhir pelaksanaan program ini, prototipe dan beberapa rangkaian elektronik sudah berhasil dibuat. Integrasi rangkaian elektronik dan prototipe juga telah berhasil dilaksanakan dan diuji coba. Respon positif juga telah diberikan oleh pengelola P4S Bengkel Mimpi Malang, salah satunya adalah harapan kerja sama lebih lanjut untuk merancang integrated smart farming system.
Community Participation through Environmental Investment to Develop Ecotourism in Bedengan Forest Ecotourism, Malang Regency Fitri Candra; Zainul Abidin; Dini Atikawati; Sri Sudaryanti; Bunga Hidayati; Ahmad Nuril Fuad Al Fatih; Muhammad Adam Malik
Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): March 2024
Publisher : Department of Environmental Engineering - Universitas Pasundan - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/jcbeem.v8i1.11003


Bedengan Forest Ecotourism, Malang Regency is one of sustainable tourism destinations, a tourism area that is environmentally friendly and based on ecology which is managed by Lembaga Kemitraan Desa Pengelola Hutan/Forest Management Village Partnership Institute (LKDPH). This research discusses about community especially tourist motivation to participate through environmental investments that have an impact on preserving the forest environment in Bedengan. The objectives of this research are to find out the priority tourist attributes of Bedengan Forest Ecotourism and estimating the value of the community's Willingness to Pay (WTP) for retribution. The analytical methods used quantitative descriptive and contingent valuation method. The research results show that the community feels that the quality of the environment is better with the existence of a conservation area so they are willing to make environmental investments; the community prioritize cheaper price as a tourist attribute that attracts them to revisit Bedengan forest ecotourism; and the community's WTP retribution (entrance ticket) is IDR 44,500 per person. The results of calculation show that the community WTP  has increased from the initial retribution set by LKDPH. The results of this research can be used as an evaluation material for LKDPH to continue maintain tourism development policies by paying attention to environmental, social and economic sustainability.