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Analysis of Lawsuit Against the Factual Action which Conducted by Military after Law Number 30 Year 2014 Concerning Government Administration Wahyu Purnomo; Rr. Herini Siti Aisyah; Thoriq Mulahela; Xavier Nugraha
Unram Law Review Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Unram Law Review (Ulrev)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/ulrev.v4i1.107


The enactment of law Number 30 of 2014 on Government Administration has caused a paradigm shift under development of state administration decision (in short term known as KTUN). By virtue of article 87 of Law number 30 year 2014, KTUN was not only on the written form, but it can also be a factual act. This causes a change in the absolute competence of lawsuit on factual actions taken by the government from the district administrative court (PTUN). It is arises a question whether Article 87 of Law number 30 year 2014 also applies to claims for factual actions committed by the military. The formulation of problems in this research are 1) The position of a lawsuit against factual actions committed by the military before Law number 30 year 2014 and 2) the claim position against factual actions committed by the military after Law Number 30 Year 2014. This research is a doctrinal research by using a statute approach and conceptual approach. The result of the analysis found that the KTUN paradigm have change under Law number 30 year 2014, which does not affect the absolute competence of lawsuits for factual actions carried out by military, though a government were excluded as mentioned on Article 2 of Law Number 9 of 2004 on Amendments of Law Number 5 of 1986 concerning State Administrative Court. It was confirmed under Article 87 of Law 30/2014, which grammatically states that the only changes to the KTUN are those in Law 51/2009, Law 10/2004, and Law 5/1986. The application of lex specialist pictured under the act number 30 year 2014 which regulated the administrative decision by the government, however concerning the military only regulated under the act number 31 year 1997. Further, the absolute competence on handling the legal factual action by the military since the implementation of law number 30 year 2014 is still held in the district court.
Jurnal Spektrum Hukum PMIH UNTAG Semarang Vol 17, No 2 (2020): SPEKTRUM HUKUM
Publisher : PMIH Untag Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (156.393 KB) | DOI: 10.35973/sh.v17i2.1530


Indonesia sebagai surga keanekaragaman hayati kedua terbesar di dunia setelah Brazil, menjadikan Indonesia rawan sebagai objek biopiracy oleh peneliti asing. Kasus Peneliti LIPI serta Kasus Shiseido menjadi bukti bahwa peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia belum memberikan perlindungan yang optimal serta menjamin kelestarian keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, penulis merumuskan permasalahan sebagai berikut: 1) Apakah peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada di Indonesia telah memberikan perlindungan hukum terhadap varietas lokal atas tindakan biopiracy yang dilakukan oleh peneliti asing? dan 2) Apakah Pemulia tanaman yang melakukan biopiracy dapat dilegitimasi untuk mendapatkan hak Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman? Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk melakukan penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif yang berupa pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach) dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah Indonesia belum membentuk undang-undang yang secara sui generis mengatur mengenai biopiracy, namun untuk saat ini telah ada beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan yang secara implisit menentang praktik-praktik biopiracy.
Akibat Hukum Tidak Dilakukannya Pemeriksaan Setempat Dalam Gugatan Dengan Objek Sengketa Tanah: Apakah Ada? Febrian Dirgantara; Ahmad Muzakki; Joni Eko Waluyo; Xavier Nugraha
Jurnal IUS Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan Vol 8, No 3: December 2020 : Jurnal IUS Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/ius.v8i3.780


Sengketa dengan objek tanah merupakan sengketa terbanyak di Pengadilan Negeri di Indonesia. Begitu banyaknya sengketa dengan objek tanah, tidak lantas membuat hakim asal-asalan dalam memeriksa sengketa tersebut, bahkan hakim justru dituntut untuk sangat hati-hati dalam memutus sengketa dengan objek tanah tersebut. Salah satu wujud kehati-hatian hakim adalah dengan melakukan pemeriksaan setempat (gerechtelijke plaatsopneming). Pemeriksaan setempat ini dilakukan untuk memastikan, bahwa tanah yang menjadi objek sengketa benar-benar riil, sehingga tidak salah dan bisa dieksekusi. Dalam perkembangannya, terkait pemeriksaan setempat ini telah diatur di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia, namun tidak memiliki kedudukan yang jelas. Berdasarkan problematika tersebut, rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Bagaimana kedudukan hukum pemeriksaan setempat (gerechtelijke plaatsopneming) di dalam peraturan perundangan di Indonesia? 2) Apa akibat hukum tidak dilakukannya pemeriksaan setempat (gerechtelijke plaatsopneming) terhadap gugatan dengan objek sengketa tanah? Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan kasus. Berdasarkan penelitian ini ditemukan, bahwa 1) konsekuensi yuridis dari digunakannya frasa “jika dirasa perlu” di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan terkait pemeriksaan setempat adalah, ketika salah satu pihak (Penggugat, Tergugat, atau Hakim) telah menghendaki adanya pemeriksaan setempat, maka sejatinya pemeriksaan setempat ini bersifat wajib 2) Akibat hukum tidak dilaksanakannya pemeriksaan setempat, ketika terdapat salah satu pihak yang mengehendaki adalah gugatan tersebut tidak dapat diterima (niet ontvankelijke verklaard. Gugatan tersebut tidak dapat diterima, karena gugatan tersebut kabur (obscuur libel).
Legal Protection Against Status Determination of Suspects for Unpleasant Crimes After the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 1/PUU-XI/2013 Xavier Nugraha; Peter Jeremiah Setiawan; Citi Rahmati Serfiyani
Jurnal Mahkamah : Kajian Ilmu Hukum Dan Hukum Islam Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Mahkamah: Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Hukum Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25217/jm.v6i2.1111


Article 335 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and Article 21 paragraph (4) of the Criminal Procedure Code are deemed to be contradicting Article 28D of the 1945 Constitution. Through the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 1 / PUU-XI / 2013 excluding the phrase "unpleasant actions" because they are considered to cause multiple interpretations and put forward subjectivity. This article is exposed to arbitrary actions by the authorities to criminalize someone. In fact, after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 1 / PUU-XI / 2013, there are still pre-trial cases of determining suspects based on unpleasant acts. The formulation of Article 335 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code, which is used after the decision, requires the fulfillment of 2 (two) elements, namely "using violence" or "threat of violence." Thus, in every indictment that wrote the phrase "unpleasant act" was considered a legal reason. Determination of a suspect because this is considered a formal defect
Tanggung Jawab Promotor Perseroan Terbatas Terhadap Kontrak Pra Inkorporasi Di Indonesia Xavier Nugraha; Ave Maria Frisa Katherina
Media Iuris Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): MEDIA IURIS
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (449.694 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mi.v2i1.11814


Ratification of a legal entity based on the issuance of a Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights requires a process that is not brief. Meanwhile, corporation which has not been ratified as a legal entity does not rule out the possibility that the promotors of corporation will carry out legal actions in the name of corporation. This journal aims to provide an explanation of the extent to which the liability of corporation and promoters on contracts made before corporation becomes a legal entity. The research methods in this study are conceptual approach and statute approach. Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies in Indonesia currently regulates the liability of promotors before corporation becomes a legal entity. From this journal, it will be known that liability which appears from pre-incorporation contract lies on promotor before corporation becomes a legal entity, but when the legal action has been approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders or has been stated in the deed of establishment, it will become corporate's actions, therefore the liability is also attached.
Analisis Perubahan Politik Hukum Dispensasi Perkawinan Pasca Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2019 Trisadini Prasastinah Usanti; Xavier Nugraha; Dita Elvia Kusuma Putri
Notaire Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021): NOTAIRE
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ntr.v4i3.29915


In Article 7 paragraph (2) of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage it is stated that in the event of a deviation from the minimal age of marriage, a marriage dispensation may be requested from the court or other official appointed by both male and female parents. However, there are no indicators related to the conditions for marriage dispensation to be proposed in Law Number 1 of 1974 making the legal politics of granting marriage dispensations focus on judges. In its development, was born Law Number 16 of 2019 replaced Law Number 1 of 1974. This article is a legal article with a statutory approach, a conceptual approach, and a case approach. Through this article, it was found that there was a political change in the marriage dispensation law in Law Number 16 Year 2019, where the politics of marriage dispensation law was stricter than Law Number 1 of 1974 and had the spirit not to easily provide marriage dispensation. This can be seen from the existence of two conditions for filing a dispensation in Law Number 16 of 2019, namely (1) having urgent reasons and (2) Having sufficient supporting evidence.Keywords: Marriage Dispensation; Marriage Law; Politics Of Law.Pasal 7 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan disebutkan, bahwa dalam hal terjadi penyimpangan batas usia minimal perkawinan, maka dapat dimintakan dispensasi perkawinan kepada Pengadilan atau Pejabat lain yang ditunjuk oleh kedua orang tua pihak pria maupun pihak wanita. Namun, tidak ada indikator terkait kondisi dapat diajukannya dispensasi perkawinan di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 membuat politik hukum pemberian dispensasi perkawinan, benar-benar menitikberatkan pada hakim. Dalam perkembangannya, lahir Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2019 yang menggantikan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974. Artikel ini merupakan artikel hukum dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-Undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach), dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Melalui artikel ini, ditemukan bahwa terjadi perubahan politik hukum dispensasi perkawinan di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2019 , dimana politik hukum dispensasi perkawinan bersifat lebih ketat daripada Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 dan memiliki semangat untuk tidak dengan mudah memberikan dispensasi perkawinan. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari adanya dua syarat diajukannya dispensasi di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2019, yaitu (1) memiliki alasan mendesak dan (2) Memiliki bukti-bukti pendukung yang cukup.Kata Kunci: Dispensasi Perkawinan; Perkawinan; Politik Hukum.
Reformulation of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms for Public Information Requests to Achieve Constructive Law Enforcement and Legal Certainty Peter Jeremiah Setiawan; Xavier Nugraha; Elma Putri Tanbun
Susbtantive Justice International Journal of Law Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Substantive Justice International Journal of Law
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/substantivejustice.v4i1.122


The nature of law enforcement in resolving multi-dimensional information disputes has a logical consequence on the need for constructive law enforcement. This research aims to examine the forms of law enforcement that exist in resolving disputes over requests for public information and to formulate a constructive mechanism to realize a series of law enforcement procedures with legal certainty. This research is normative legal research using a statutory and conceptual approach. The results showed that law enforcement in the settlement of public information disputes consists of the objection, non-litigation adjudication, and litigation covering civil, state administration, and criminal law. In this case, The Criminal law instruments are placed as the final law enforcement if the relevant public agency does not carry out a decision that has permanent legal force. In addition, in the context of realizing comprehensive and constructive law enforcement, a Memorandum of Understanding was held between the Information Commission and the Police to synergize and effectively implement the criminal law as a final resort.
Lampau Dan Sekarang: Analisis Kompetensi Absolut Dalam Perselisihan Hak Pada Pengadilan Agama Xavier Nugraha; Fariz Rachman Iqbal; Ridho Firmansyah; Giovanni Dinda Cahyawati
Mizan: Journal of Islamic Law Vol 4, No 2 (2020): MIZAN: Journal of Islamic Law
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32507/mizan.v4i2.799


religious justice is limited to 6 (six) areas, namely marriage, inheritance, will, hibah, waqf, and shadaqah. Further, in Article 50 of Law 7/1989 it is stated, that if there is a dispute of rights related to the areas in Article 49 paragraph (1), then it must be decided in a state court. In its development, related to the absolute competence of this religious court underwent changes with the birth of Law 3/2006. In Law 3/2006, in addition to related to the addition of absolute competence, there is also the addition of Article 50 paragraph (2) which regulates related to the dispute of rights to be the absolute competence of religious justice. Based on this background, then the formulation of the problem in this study is First, what is the absolute competence of the religious court? and Second, does the religious court have the authority to investigate disputes? This research is a normative legal research with legal, conceptual, and case regulatory approaches. Based on this research, it was found that First, in Law 3/2006, there are 3 (three) new areas of absolute competence in religious justice into marriage, heirs, wills, grants, waqf, zakat, infaq, shadaqah, and shariqah economics and in Law 3/2006 has removed the existence of the right of choice in matters of inheritance for Muslims, so it must absolutely go through religious justice and Second, with the addition of Article 50 paragraph (2) of Law 3/2006, then in the case of disputes, then if the fellow Muslims, then can directly through the courts in the religious judicial environment. This, in order to realize a quick, simple, and lightweight trial
Islamic Sex Education Program: Transformasi Pendidikan Pesantren Guna Mencegah Terjadinya Kekerasan Seksual di Kalangan Santri Juan Maulana Alfedo; Xavier Nugraha; Dita Elvia Kusuma Putri
Mizan: Journal of Islamic Law Vol 6, No 1 (2022): MIZAN: Journal of Islamic Law
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32507/mizan.v6i1.1197


The phenomenon of sexual violence still occurs even in Islamic boarding schools where the victims are students. This would not be in accordance with the essence of the pesantren, even against the teachings of Islam rahmatan lil'alamin. This article is a legal article with a statutory approach, a conceptual approach, and a case approach. In this article, it was found that cases of sexual violence that occurred in the pesantren environment could also be caused by the lack of preventive measures against sexual violence in Islamic boarding schools, for example in the form of sexual education (sex education). Therefore, Islamic boarding schools must transform according to the needs and challenges of the times, one of which is by intensifying sexual education for students in accordance with the values of Islamic teachings. The Islamic Sex Education Program is an effort to prevent sexual violence in Islamic boarding schools through a curriculum that is in accordance with international standards that is packaged in an Islamic way using modern, fun and easy to reach teaching methods for students.Keywords: Islamic Boarding Schools; Islamic Sex Education Program; Sexual Violence to Student at Islamic Boarding Schools. Abstrak    Fenomena kekerasan seksual masih terjadi bahkan di lingkungan pesantren dengan korbannya adalah santri. Hal tersebut kiranya tidak sesuai dengan esensi pesantren, bahkan telah bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam rahmatan lil’alamin. Artikel ini merupakan artikel hukum dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach), dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Melalui artikel ini, ditemukan bahwa kasus-kasus kekerasan seksual yang terjadi di lingkungan pesantren juga dapat disebabkan karena kurangnya tindakan pencegahan kekerasan seksual di pondok pesantren, misalnya berupa pendidikan seksual (sex education). Oleh karenanya, pesantren harus bertransformasi sesuai kebutuhan dan tantangan zaman, salah satunya dengan mengintensifkan pendidikan seksual (sex education) kepada para santri yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai ajaran agama Islam. Islamic Sex Education Program merupakan upaya pencegahan kekerasan seksual di pesantren melalui kurikulum yang sesuai standar internasional yang dikemas secara islami dengan menggunakan metode pengajaran yang modern, menyenangkan dan mudah untuk dipahami para santri.Kata Kunci: Pesantren; Islamic Sex Education Program; Kekerasan Seksual di Kalangan Santri
Konstitusionalitas Perbuatan Tidak Menyenangkan Sebagai Tindak Pidana Ujaran Kebencian: Analisis Surat Edaran Kapolri Nomor: Se/6/X/2015 Peter Jeremiah Setiawan; Xavier Nugraha; Vincentius Sutanto; Marchethy Riwani Diaz
Jurnal Ilmiah Penegakan Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2021): JURNAL ILMIAH PENEGAKAN HUKUM JUNI
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jiph.v8i1.4277


This article aims to analyze the position of unpleasant acts as a form of hate speech (haatzaai articlesen), which in fact the concept of unpleasant acts has been eliminated by the Constitutional Court Decision Number 1 / PUU-XI / 2013, The problem is focused on the constitutionality of wrongdoing. fun as a form of hate speech (haatzaai articlesen). In order to approach this problem, a theoretical reference from the element theory of crime and the theory of constitutionality of norms is used. This research is a normative legal research, so that the data is collected through literature studies, both on primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. This research was analyzed qualitatively. This study concludes that: (1) With the Constitutional Court Decision Number 1 / PUU-XI / 2013 which is legally binding, then every legal norm in statutory regulations made after the Constitutional Court Decision must comply with the provisions with does not bring back the existence of the phrase "unpleasant actions". (2) Chief of Police Circular Number: SE / 6 / X / 2015 is not a statutory regulation (regeling), but a policy regulation (beleidsregel) which juridically results in the lack of authority to create new norms or restore the existence of norms that have been abolished by the Constitutional Court, so the concept of unpleasant acts in such a Chief of Police Circular is unconstitutional.