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Post-Mining Reclamation as An Environmental Policy: A Gold Mining Case Study Thalib, Prawitra; Kurniawan, Faizal; Aliansa, Wahyu; Maulani, Atiqoh Farhah
Halu Oleo Law Review Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Halu Oleo Law Review: Volume 4 Issue 2
Publisher : Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33561/holrev.v4i2.14290


Gold mining in south-east Sulawesi Bombana is one of the potential natural resources in Indonesia. But nowadays the condition is due to lack of responsibility of the mining business to conduct post-mining reclamation in Bombana area, even though the mining activity has been carrying out mining business license. Post-mining activities are very important and must be done by the mining company, because it can minimize the destruction of natural environment in the mining site. The purpose of this research is to find out the mining conditions in the Bombana area as well as arrangements related to post-mine reclamation in the Bombana area. This study was written using the normative from data obtained by library research. Then related to the implementation of post-mining reclamation in Bombana is currently not carried out maximally, it is due to the uncertainty of regulations related to the post-mine reclamation obligations and the sanctioned rules that will be applied in the future still depend on local government regulations but the implementation is still not able to work effectively. So the steps that need to be taken in this case to avoid damage to the environment surrounding the mining site is necessary cooperation between the Government, the mining business actors and the community using soil conservation technology such as post-mining reclamation, which is regulated in a clear, transparent, accountable legislation.
Fungsi Lembaga Penjaminan Simpanan Dalam Membangun Sistem Perbankan Yang Solid Demi Kelangsungan Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Indonesia Thabib, Prawitra; Kurniawan, Faizal
Jurnal Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur & Fasilitas Vol 2 (2018): Edisi Khusus. : Jurnal Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur & Fasilitas
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (460.449 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j26151847.v2i0.4913


Krisis moneter yang menghantam Indonesia tahun 1998, yang berakibat dilikuidasinya 16 bank, sempat membuat kepercayaan masyarakat pada perbankan menurun. Maka untuk mengatasinya, pemerintah sempat mengeluarkan kebijakan memberikan jaminan untuk seluruh kewajiban bank terhadap nasabahnya, termasuk simpanan masyarakat (blanket guarantee). Kebijakan blanket guarantee terbukti dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap perbankan, melalui sistem perbankan yang solid dan trust masyarakat kepada lembaga bank, maka institusi perbankan dapat memberikan dukungan dalam proyek insfrastruktur di Indonesia, karena dalam setiap pengerjaan proyek infrastruktur pasti membutuhkan dukungan finansial institusi bank. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, dibutuhkan suatu penyempurnaan perangkat aturan sistem perbankan kedepannya, khususnya dibidang penjaminan simpanan. Penyempurnaan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan individu bank yang andal dan menciptakan sistem perbankan yang sehat, efisien dan kompetitif, yang diharapkan dapat terhindar dari systemic risk serta dapat mendukung pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia.
Simposium II UNIID 2017 Vol 2 (2017)
Publisher : Simposium II UNIID 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.09 KB)


Pembiayaan merupakan aspek terpenting yang mempengaruhi intensitas keterlibatan sektor swasta dalam proyek infrastruktur. Minimnya pembiayaan swasta dalam pembangunan infrastruktur, utamanya didasari faktor hukum, diantaranya perubahan kebijakan dan regulasi selama masa investasi yang diperparah dengan disharmonisasi regulasi terkait dengan prinsipprinsip hukum bisnis yang memberi kepastian berinvestasi, misalnya pemberian jaminan perbankan. Di sisi lain, jaminan pemerintah tidak dapat diberikan terhadap seluruh proyek infrastruktur, dan apabila terjadi dispute, tidak mudah dicairkan karena harus memperhatikan prinsip pengelolaan dan pengendalian risiko keuangan APBN. Sehingga konsep risk sharing sulit untuk terlaksana dan jelas menghalangi tujuan percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur. Tulisan ini mengelaborasi hambatan-hambatan hukum dalam proses penyediaan infrastruktur, termasuk mengevaluasi peraturan perundang-undangan terkait dan kesesuaiannya dengan prinsip hukum bisnis, khususnya hukum kontrak yang menjadi syarat utama hubungan hukum para pihak. Penulisan menerapkan metode penelitian hukum melalui pendekatan perundangundangan dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan risiko hukum dalam proyek infrastruktur berupa risiko lokasi, risiko desain, konstruksi, dan uji operasi, risiko finansial dan risiko operasional, sedangkan regulasi terkait belum menyediakan sistem pengawasan yang baik sehingga belum menjamin keberlanjutan skema kerjasama pemerintah dan swasta serta belum menjamin alokasi risiko yang tidak menyimpang dari prinsip pengelolaan dan pengendalian risiko keuangan APBN. Sehingga diperlukan payung hukum yang koheren antar sektor terkait pembangunan infrastruktur
Jurnal ADIL Vol 4, No 1 (2013): ADIL : Jurnal Hukum Vol. 4 No.1
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.498 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/ajl.v4i1.27


AbstractGovernment is obligated to provide sound public services, including waste management service. Up to now, private companies are still needed to assure innovative, efficient, and environmentally-oriented waste management service. The involvement of private sector in this Public-Private Partnership to provide such public service should be put in a legal contract, which is distinctive in nature and which is commonly known as a non-provisional government contract. The model of such contracts varies depending on the catered sector.This paper discusses the principles of non-provisional contracts which serve as a legal umbrella for Public-Private Partnership, focusing particularly on the main clauses related to „tipping fee‟ or „gate fee‟ in waste management partnership. These clauses set rules of fees paid by the government to investors for the service given.Keywords: government contract, Public-Private PartnershipAbstrakPemerintah mempunyai kewajiban untuk menyediakan pelayanan publik yang layak dan memadai dalam penyediaan infrastruktur termasuk pengelolaan sampah. Saat ini, peran swasta diperlukan dalam upaya terciptanya pelayanan publik yang inovatif, efisien dan berwawasan lingkungan seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi yang sangat pesat. Instrumen hukum yang diperlukan dalam mengakomodir model-model kerjasama pemerintah dengan swasta (Public-Private Partnership) dituangkan dalam suatu kontrak. Kontrak yang dibuat oleh pemerintah dan swasta mempunyai karakteristik yang unik (hybrid) yang lazim disebut dengan kontrak pemerintah (Government Contract) non pengadaan. Model kontrak kerjasama antara pemerintah dengan swasta juga mempunyai karakteristik khusus sesuai dengan bidang kerjasama.Tulisan ini akan membahas mengenai prinsip-prinsip kontrak non pengadaan sebagai konsep dasar kerjasama pemerintah dan swasta. Selanjutnya, pembahasan akan difokuskan pada klausula pokok dalam model kerjasama pemerintah dan swasta (Public-Private Partnerships) pengelolaan persampahan yang disebut dengan Tipping Fee/Gate Fee. Klausula ini merupakan biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah kepada pihak investor sebagai imbalan jasa atas pengelolaansampah.Kata kunci: Kontrak Pemerintah, Public-Private Partnership, Tipping Fee.
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol 17, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2017.17.2.784


Arbitral award is final and binding. A concept of “binding” is fundamental in International arbitral award. Nevertheless, the focus commonly concerns about the annulment and/or deferment of International arbitral award so that it could not be implemented. However, the New York Convention does not govern this issue.  In addition, international arbitral awards must meet the following requirements: the award is made in the territory other than conflicting countries, and/ or it is not considered a domestic awards in the State where recognition and enforcement is sought. This is important because the enforcement proceedings between foreign and domestic awards are different. This article elaborates the principles of the recognition and enforcement of a foreign award and the grounds or criteria for refusing to enforce an award are limited to the specific defenses i.e. public policy. The party opposing enforcement bears the burden of proofin the existence of the enumerated defenses.Keywords: binding, annullment, deferment, acknowledgement and enforcement of arbitral award.
Yustisia Jurnal Hukum Vol 9, No 1: January - April 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v9i1.34859


Bank Secrecy remains as one of the most essential principles of banking. In Indonesia, however, this principle is not absolute. According to Article 40 (1) of Law No.10 of the Year 1998 regarding changes to Law Number 7 of the Year 1992 regarding Banking alongside Article 2 (4) of Bank Indonesia Number : 2/19/PBI/2000 regarding several exceptions in implementing Bank Secrecy. In its implementation, these exceptions have yet to adjust to recent social development. One problematic case is when it relates to a claim of combined assets that is filed in conjunction with a claim for divorce. In recent development, the Constitutional Court has asserted that the one of the exceptions for Bank Secrecy can occur for cases of divorce, in its Judgement Number 64/PUU-X/2012. However, this decision has yet to answer a problematic issue when the claim for divorce is filed separately from the claim for the division of combined assets. Such decision does not consider cases in which the two aforementioned claims are filed separately. This presents a problem for couples who are not muslim and are confined to divorce laws in which the two claims must be filed separately. Thus, does a claim for the division of combined assets that is filed separately from the claim of divorce fall under the Scope of Constitutional Court Decision Number 64/PUU-X/2012? According to the following research, such cases indeed fall under the scope of Constitutional Court Decision Number 64/PUU-X/2012. This conclusion is based on historical interpretation and Extensive Interpretation. According to historical interpretation, the original intent of the judges in drafting Constitutional Court Decision Number 64/PUU-X/2012 is to provide both the husband/wife equal share of their wealth. According to extensive interpretation, the concept of filing both claims separately is to an extension of the concept explicitly addressed in such Constitutional Court decision.   
Applying The Principle of Insurance on The Credit Life Insurance in The Consumer Lending Faizal Kurniawan; Prawitra Thalib; Hilda Yunita Sabrie
Rechtsidee Vol 4 No 1 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jihr.v4i1.661


The specific task of the commercial banks are as follows: the bank must distribute most of the credit for developing the activities of the cooperatives and entrepreneurs economically weak or small entrepreneurs, the public banking that provides credit in foreign currency required to distribute some the foreign currency credit to finance the activities of non-oil exports and required to perform an assessment of the fulfillment the terms of the feasibility of the debtor's business. In carrying out its functions, the bank must still run banking principles contained in the articles contained in the Banking Act. It is often in distribute the credit, the bank requires the third party, such as the insurance companies. The purpose of insurance companies is to minimize the risks that may be experienced by the bank as debtors failed to pay. The bank is very concerned with their insurance company. There are various types of loans that cannot be separated by the insurance, this study focuses on consumer credit in PT. Bank Jatim. In practice, especially consumer credit lending cannot be separated from the role of the insurance companies. But in operating the bussiness, the insurance companies should also continue to apply the principles of general insurance. The application of the insurance principle is intended that no aggrieved parties. Generally speaking, there will be a conflict of interest between the application of the principles of insurance carried by the insurance company as an insurer with the business aspect of the field of insurance and banking.
Perspektif Vol 18, No 2 (2013): Edisi Mei
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (528.597 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/perspektif.v18i2.116


Negara mempunyai kekuasaan untuk mengelola sumber daya alam demi mewujudkan keadilan sosial, kesejahteraan umum dan untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Instrumen hukum kontrak menjadi payung hukum sebagai upaya perlindungan hukum terhadap aset negara yang berupa minyak dan gas bumi. Kontrak Bagi Hasil menjadi pilar dasar dalam upaya pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan kegiatan usaha minyak dan gas bumi. Kontrak Bagi Hasil merupakan kontrak publik yang tidak sepenuhnya tunduk pada hukum privat. Dalam melakukan hubungan kontraktualnya, negara tidak boleh dirugikan (imunitas negara) dan harus memperhatikan klausula-klausula yang menitikberatkan pada perlindungan aset negara.State has the power to manage natural resources for the sake of social justice, the general welfare and are used as much as possible the greatest benefit for the greatest welfare of people. Contract law is the main instrument used to protect the state assets including oil and gas. Production Sharing Contract as a legal safeguard for oil and gas, is a fundamental pillar in the effort and utilization management activities of oil and gas. In this Production Sharing Contract, which the contracts also involve the government and called government contract, has a unique characteristic which is not entirely subject to private law. In principle, the state should not be harmed, called as state immunity. This principle also applies universally in the interest of protecting the state assets.
Perspektif Vol 19, No 3 (2014): Edisi September
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1068.249 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/perspektif.v19i3.17


Prinsip kebebasan berkontrak membawa para pihak dalam suatu kontrak untuk menandatangani suatu persetujuan, termasuk diantaranya adalah kontrak baku. Kontrak baku dibuat oleh satu pihak, biasanya oleh suatu perusahaan dengan tujuan adanya efisiensi. Kontrak tersebut bagaimanapun berpotensi adanya penyalahgunaan kedudukan yang lebih mendominasi dalam penerapannya, kontrak seperti ini dikenal dengan nama kontrak adhesi. Dalam kaitannya dengan kontrak adhesi terdapat batasan dan/atau pengalihan tanggung jawab dari resiko bisnis kepada mitra berkontraknya (adhered party). Maka dari itu prinsip itikad baik tentu memainkan peranan yang cukup penting untuk mengevaluasi implementasi dari kontrak adhesi. Penulisan ini membahas kontrak adhesi dalam kaitannya dengan prinsip dasar hukum kontrak dan juga menganalisa payung hukum untuk mitra berkontraknya (adhered party) dalam pencarian hak-hak kontraktualnya terkait implementasi dari kontrak adhesi. Dalam tulisan ini juga akan dibandingkan implementasi dari kontrak adhesi dalam prakteknya baik di Indonesia dan di luar Indonesia dengan cara menganalisa hukum nasional dan aturan yang berlaku secara internasional seperti Prinsip-prinsip Kontrak Perdagangan Internasional (The Principles of International Comercil Contracts-PICC).Freedom of contract principle brings the contracting parties to sign into an agreement in such forms, including a standard contract. The standard contracts are made by one party, usually by business entities in the aim of doing efficiency. The contracts, however, potentially contains abuse of power in its application, known as adhesion contract. In term of adhesion contract, it contains prompt restrictions and/or transfer of responsibilities of the business risks to the adhered party. Therefore, good faith principle plays an important role to evaluate the implementation of the adhesion contract. This article discusses the adhesion contract in the light of the basic principles in contract law and explores the legal frameworks for adhered party to seek their contractual rights in conjunction with the implementation of the adhesion contract. We also compare the implementation of the adhesion contract, practically, both in Indonesia and international practices by examining the national laws and the model law e.g. Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC).
Elaborating Appropriate Models of the Sustainable Financing Instrument in Public Private Partnerships (PPP) In Infrastructure Projects Prawitra Thalib; Faizal Kurniawan; Erni Agustin; Rizky Amalia
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 5 (2017): Simposium I Jaringan Perguruan Tinggi untuk Pembangunan Infrastruktur Indonesia (2016)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2017i5.3173


One alternative to accelerate infrastructure development in Indonesia is by involving the private sectors in the financing and development. In principle, Public Private Partnerships (PPP) can be classified into two, namely: a partnership project which idea came from the initiation of the government (solicited) and partnership project which idea came from the initiation of the business entities (unsolicited). To facilitate the implementation of the Public Private Partnership (PPP), the financing instruments that exist currently may be used to support the implementation of the Public Private Partnership (PPP). The importance of involving a third party other than investor and the government is related to the fulfillment of capital requirements and risks sharing in the event of loss. Although the rules clearly have been enacted, the infrastructure projects in Public Private Partnership (PPP) seem less attractive to investors. One of the causes is that the capital required by investors is too great with very high risk when investment in infrastructure is slow yielding. It is important to propose the scheme of sustainable financing which may allocate the PPPs’ risks proportionally.Until now, the government is too fixated with large cooperation projects with the private sectors, while the scheme offered is a Build-Operation-Transfer (BOT) scheme. This scheme is sometimes burden the investors, because the greatest risk is in the hands of investors. Regarding the financing of the Public Private Partnership (PPP), conventional financing such as a bank guarantee or sharia financing (‘kafalah’) can be carried out. Two such financing can be used in the Public Private Partnership (PPP), so it will increase the interest of investors to build infrastructure using Public Private Partnership (PPP). It is because such financing can overcome the difficulties of gaining large capital and also reduce the burden of risk borne by investors.