Noza Hilbertina
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Hubungan Ekspresi Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) dengan Derajat Diferensiasi dan Invasi Limfovaskular pada Adenokarsinoma Kolorektal Nana Liana; Noza Hilbertina; Loli Devianti; Husna Yetti
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 31 No 1 (2022): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (432.332 KB) | DOI: 10.55816/mpi.v31i1.490


BackgroundColorectal carcinoma is the third most common malignancy in the world. Colorectal carcinoma is a heterogeneous tumor withdifferent clinical pathologic features and prognostic values. For the same tumor-stage, patients could have difference prognosis andit has been suggested that the angiogenesis might be correlated with the prognosis, especially expression of vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF) as the main pro-angiogenic factor. High VEGF expression in colorectal adenocarcinoma is associated withincreased blood vessels in invasive tumor area, cell proliferation and metastases. However, relation VEGF expression with thedegree of differentiation and lymphovascular invasion is not known.MethodsThis was a retrospective observational study with cross sectional approach. Samples were obtained from 39 paraffin blocks withdiagnosis adenocarcinoma not otherwise specific (NOS) in four Anatomical Pathology Laboratory in West Sumatera 2018 andevaluated for degree of differentiation and lymphovascular invasion. VEGF expressions in tumor cell were analyzed usingimmunohistochemistry staining. Bivariate statistical analysis used Fisher's Exact test and value p<0.05 was considered significant.ResultsColorectal adenocarcinoma with high grade differentiation entirely had high VEGF expression (100%), while low gradedifferantiation with high VEGF expression was 60.7%. Lymphovascular invasion positive was mostly found with high VEGFexpression (80.6%). Statistical analysis showed significant association between VEGF expression with degree of differentiation(p=0.017) and lymphovascular invasion (p=0.028).ConclusionThe conclusion was VEGF expression had significant association with degree of differentiation and lymphovascular invasion ofcolorectal adenocarcinoma.
Gambaran Pasien Tuli Mendadak di Bagian THT-KL RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang Hedo Hidayat; Yan Edward; Noza Hilbertina
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas Vol 5, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jka.v5i2.532


AbstrakTuli mendadak adalah penurunan pendengaran sensorineural yang berlangsung dalam waktu kurang dari 72 jam. Penyakit ini merupakan salah satu kegawatdaruratan neurotologi dan memerlukan penatalaksanaan dini untuk menghindari kecacatan yang dapat ditimbulkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat gambaran kejadian tuli mendadak di Bagian THT-KL RSUP Dr. M.Djamil. Ini merupakan penelititan deskriptif retrospektif dengan menggunakan data rekam medik di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang selama tahun 2010 sampai tahun 2013. Didapatkan hasil sebanyak 26 kasus yang masuk kriteria inklusi pada periode tersebut. Sebaran umur penderita dari 8 sampai 79 tahun, dengan distribusi terbanyak pada usia 40 – 60 tahun. Faktor resiko yang ditemukan berupa hipertensi dan diabetes melitus sama besar yaitu 11,54%. Gejala klinis terdiri atas tinitus (76,92%), diikuti vertigo (38,46%), dan rasa penuh di telinga (15,38%). Pasien terbanyak pada derajat ketulian sangat berat (38,46%), kemudian derajat sedang berat dan berat (23,08%), diikuti derajat ringan (11,54%) dan sedang (3,85%). Distribusi onset terapi terbanyak pada 0 – 7 hari (50,00%), kemudian onset > 14 hari (30,77%) dan onset 8 – 14 hari (19,23%). Perbaikan pendengaran ditemukan sama banyak pada kategori sangat baik dan baik sebanyak 6 kasus dan diikuti kategori sembuh satu kasus. Dari penelitian ini dapat dikatakan tidak hanya satu faktor yang menentukan perbaikan tuli mendadak.Kata kunci: tuli mendadak, retrospektif, gejala klinis1Mahasiswa FK Unand, 2Bagian Pulmonologi FK Unand, 3Bagian Patologi Anatomi FK UnandAbstractSudden deafness is a sensorineural hearing loss  in less than 72 hours. Sudden deafness is a neurotological emergency and requiring an early management to avoid the defects that can be caused. The objective of  this study was to see cases of sudden deafness in Dr. M. Djamil General Hospital. This was a descriptive research with retrospective design using medical record data in Dr. M. Djamil General Hospital in Padang during 2010 to 2013. From the research, 26 cases were obtained that can meet the inclusion criteria in the period. The age ranged from 8 to 79 years old, with most distributions at age 40-60 years old. Risk factors, hypertension and diabetes mellitus, were found equally 11,54%. Clinical symptoms consisted of tinnitus (76,92%), followed by vertigo (38,46%), and ear fullness (15,38%). Using grades of hearing impairment, most of patients were classified profound impairment (38,46%), then moderate and moderate severe impaitment (23,08%), followed by slight (11,54%) and moderate impairment (3,85%). Most therapeutic onset distribution is 0-7 days (50,00%), > 14 days onset (30,77%) and onset 8-14 days (19,23%). Hearing improvement was found equally in very good and good category (6 cases) and followed by recover category (1 case). It can be conclude that there were many factors can affect hearing improvement in sudden deafness case.Keywords: sudden deafness, retrospective, clinical symptoms
Hubungan Usia dan Paritas dengan Kejadian Preeklampsia Berat di Rumah Sakit Achmad Mochtar Bukittinggi Tahun 2012 - 2013 Siqbal Karta Asmana; Syahredi Syahredi; Noza Hilbertina
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas Vol 5, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jka.v5i3.591


AbstrakPreeklampsia dapat menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi yang membahayakan bagi ibu dan janin, sehingga dapat menimbulkan kematian.  Beberapa faktor risiko seperti usia yang ekstrem (<20 &>35 tahun) dan nuliparitas. Keduanya merupakan faktor risiko yang tidak dapat dimodifikasi. Tujuan  penelitian ini adalah menentukan hubungan usia dan paritas dengan kejadian preeklampsia berat. Telah dilakukan penelitian di Bagian Rekam Medis Rumah Sakit Achmad Mochtar Bukittinggi terhadap data semua pasien rawat inap obstetri dan ginekologi tahun 2012 – 2013.  Penelitian menggunakan metode analitik dengan desain cross sectional study. Analisis penelitian menggunakan ratio prevalence dan chi-square test dengan derajat kepercayaan 95%. Penelitian ini menemukan 162 kasus (4,99%) preeklampsia berat. Proporsi kasus terbesar ditemukan pada kelompok usia ekstrem (9,90%) dan kelompok multiparitas (8,68%). Analisis ratio prevalence menyimpulkan bahwa usia ekstrem merupakan faktor risiko preeklampsia berat (RP= 1,476; CI= 1,094 – 1,922), dan nuliparitas belum dapat ditentukan apakah merupakan faktor risiko atau faktor protektif (RP= 0,765; CI= 0,565 – 1,034). Berdasarkan analisis dengan chi-square test, disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia dengan preeklampsia berat (p= 0,014<0,05) dan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara paritas dengan preeklampsia berat (p= 0,096>0,05).Kata kunci: preeklampsia, faktor risiko, usia, paritas AbstractPreeclampsia can cause the complication that endanger maternal and fetal, until death. There are many risk factors like extreme age (<20 & >35 years) and nuliparity that can not modify. The objective of this study was to  determine the relationship of maternal age and parity to the incidence of severe preeclampsia.  The research conducted at Medical Record Division of Achmad Mochtar Hospital Bukittinggi about data of all hospitalized patients of obstetrics and gynecology on 2012 – 2013. This research used the analytical method with cross sectional study. Analysis of this research used ratio prevalence and chi-square test with degree of confidence 95%. This research  found 162 case (4.99%) severe preeclampsia. The highest proportion of this case was the extreme age groups (9.90%) and multiparity group (8.68%). Analysis with the ratio prevalence concluded that extreme age is a risk factor for severe preeclampsia (RP=1.476; CI= 1.094 – 1.922) and nuliparity can not determined wheather a risk factor or protective factor (RP= 0.765; CI= 0.565 – 1.034). Analysis with chi-square test concluded that there is a significant relationship between age with severe preeclampsia (p= 0.014<0.05) and there is no significant relationship between parity with severe preeclampsia (p= 0.096>0.05).Keywords: preeclampsia, risk factors, age, parity
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dokter dengan Kualitas Visum et Repertum Perlukaan di Rumah Sakit Wilayah Sumatera Barat Periode Januari 2011 sampai Desember 2012 Muhammad Ridho Azhari; Rika Susanti; Noza Hilbertina
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas Vol 4, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jka.v4i3.349


Abstrak Visum et Repertum (VeR) perlukaan ialah salah satu bentuk VeR untuk korban hidup yang berguna sebagai alat bukti pengganti tubuh korban yang dibuat oleh seorang dokter sesuai permintaan tertulis dari penyidik. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas VeR perlukaan salah satu nya tingkat pengetahuan dokter. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyelidiki hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dokter dengan kualitas VeR perlukaan. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional study di delapan rumah sakit di wilayah Sumatera Barat yangmemenuhi kriteri inklusi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang dikembangkan sendiri dan teknik skoring kualitas VeR dari FKUI. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa rerata tingkat pengetahuan dokter sebesar 57.05% (cukup) dan rerata kualitas VeR perlukaan sebesar 19.67% (buruk). Hasil analisis bivariat denganmenggunakan uji korelasi produk moment diperoleh hasil tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dokter dengan kualitas VeR perlukaan p = 0.485 (p > 0,05). Tidak terdapatnya hubungan dikarenakan setiap rumah sakit memiliki suatu format untuk membuat VeR perlukaan. Penelitian yang akan datang dapat menganalisis faktor lain yang mempengaruhi kualitas VeR dan instansi terkait diharapkan dapat memperbaiki pengarsipan, meningkatkan pengetahuan dokter terkait VeR dan menyediakan buku pedoman penulisan VeR. Kata kunci: tingkat pengetahuan, kualitas VeR, VeR perlukaanAbstract Visum et Repertum (VeR) of injury is a form of VeR for living victim used as the evidence to represent the victim’s body which is made by a doctor according to the written request from investigating officer. There are several factors influencing the quality of Ver of injury, one of which is the doctor’s knowledge level. The objective of this study was to investigate the relation between doctor’s knowledge level and the quality of VeR of injury by using Cross Sectional Study method. This study was conducted at eight hospitals in West Sumatera region that met the inclusion criteria. The research instruments used were the questionnaire developed by the reseacher and the quality scoring technique from Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia. The results of this research showed that the average of doctor’s knowledge level was 57.05% (fair) and the average of VeR of injury quality was 19.67% (bad). The result of bivariat analysis by using product moment correlation test showed that there is no any relation between doctor’s knowledge level and the quality of VeR of injury p = 0.485 (p> 0,05). The relation was absent because every hospital has its own form in making the VeR of injury. It is recommended for the future study to analyse other factors influencing the quality of VeR of injury dan hopefully this study can be useful for improve archiving, increase doctor’s knowledge level and provide VeR manuals book. Keywords: knowledge level, quality of VeR, VeR of injury
Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol 37, No 2 (2014): Published in September 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (615.516 KB) | DOI: 10.22338/mka.v37.i2.p93-100.2014


AbstrakKanker prostat merupakan kanker kedua terbanyak pada pria di seluruh dunia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor prognostik adenokarsinoma prostat seperti derajat histopatologi berdasarkan the 2005 ISUP modified Gleason system, invasi perineural dan kadar PSA serum sebelum operasi. Ini adalah suatu penelitian deskriptif kasus adenokarsinoma prostat yang didiagnosis di laboratorium patologi anatomi periode 2010-2012. Data usia dan kadar PSA diperoleh dari rekam medik. Review sediaan histopatologi dilakukan untuk konfirmasi skor Gleason, lalu dikelompokan berdasarkan derajat histopatologi. Kasus adenokarsinoma prostat yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi adalah 163. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kasus adenokarsinoma prostat terbanyak pada kelompok usia 61-70 tahun sebanyak 38,65%, derajat histopatologi poorly differentiated yaitu 46,63%, invasi perineural 22,7% dan 83,33% kadar PSA serum >20 ng/ml. Pada kelompok usia 51-60 tahun adenokarsinoma prostat terbanyak ditemukan dengan derajat histopatologi well differentiated; sedangkan kelompok usia 61-70 tahun, 71-80 tahun dan 81-90 tahun terbanyak poorly differentiated. Invasi perineural positif terbanyak pada derajat histopatologi poorly differentiated. Semua derajat histopatologi adenokarsinoma prostat menunjukkan kadar PSA serum terbanyak >20 ng/ml. Penelitian ini menunjukkan kecenderungan peningkatan usia, invasi perineural dan kasus dengan kadar PSA serum >20 ng/ml bersamaan dengan peningkatan derajat histopatologi adenokarsinoma prostat.AbstractProstate cancer is the second most common cancer in men around the world. The objective of this study was to determine prognostic factors of prostate adenocarcinoma such as histopathological grading based on the 2005 ISUP modified Gleason system, perineural invasion, and PSA serum. This was a descriptive study of prostate adenocarcinoma diagnosed in Pathology Department from 2010 to 2012. The age and PSA serum level were taken from the medical records. The histological slides were reviewed to confirm Gleason score, and then classified into the histopathological grading. The number of prostate adenocarcinoma cases included in this study was 163. The result shows that the majority of cases were found at 61–70 years old (38.65%), histopathological grading was mostly poorly differentiated (46.63%), positive perineural invasion 22.7% and 83.33% PSA serum above 20 ng/ml. Prostate adenocarcinomas found at age 51-60 years old were mostly well differentiated. On the other hand, cases found at age above 60 years old were mostly poorly differentiated. Perineural invasion was mostly found on poorly differentiated cases. All of histopathological grading showed PSA serum above 20 ng/ml. This study suggested that higher age, perineural invasion and PSA serum level above 20 ng/ml were congruent with the histopathological grading.
Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol 38 (2015): Supplement 1 | Published in September 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.383 KB)


Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol 35, No 2 (2011): Published in August 2011
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (647.695 KB) | DOI: 10.22338/mka.v35.i2.p106-116.2011


AbstrakAktivasi dari lingkungan mikro stromal pada pejamu diperkirakan merupakan tahapan kritis dalam pertumbuhan dan progresi dari adenokarsinoma. Stroma reaktif ini sangat penting dalam merangsang invasi, progresi dan metastasis tumor. Kanker prostat adalah kanker yang tersering pada laki-laki.. Elemen pembeda pada prostat adalah fenotipe otot polos yang ada pada jaringan prostat normal sulit dibedakan dengan stroma reaktif pada pewarnaan rutin yaitu hematoksilin eosin. Dengan aplikasi pulasan Masson trichrome maka stroma normal dan stroma reaktif dapat dibedakan secara jelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persentase dan pola distribusi stroma reaktif berdasarkan derajat histopatologi lesi prostat.Seratus sepuluh kasus lesi prostat yang telah didiagnosis di Laboratorium Patologi FK-Unand, Padang dilakukan review ulang terhadap derajat histopatologi lesi. Selanjutnya blok parafin dari kasus yang bersangkutan dipotong ulang untuk pewarnaan Masson trichrome dan dinilai secara mikroskopik persentase dan pola stroma reaktif tersebut.Analisis statistik menunjukkan hubungan yang kuat dan bermakna secara statistik antara persentase stroma reaktif dengan derajat histopatologi lesi prostat dengan nilai r = 0,679 dan p < 0,05 dan juga terdapat hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara pola distribusi stroma reaktif dengan derajat histopatologi lesi prostat dengan nilai p < 0,05Kata Kunci : Derajat histopatologi, persentase stroma reaktif, pola stroma reaktifAbstractActivation of the host stromal microenvironment is predicted to be a critical step in adenocarcinoma growth and progression. Reactive stroma in cancer would be predicted to enhance tumor progression, stimulating invasion and metastasis. Prostat cancer is the most cancer in men. Prostat cancer reactive stroma is composed of a myofibroblast/fibroblast mix. A simple trichrome stain makes the process of distinguishing normal stroma and reactive stroma more obvious. We examined the association of percentage and pattern of reactive stroma to histopatologic grading from the prostate lesions.A hundred and ten of prostate lesion were obtain from the Pathological Anatomic Laboratorium, Medical Faculty of Andalas University in Padang. The hematoxilinARTIKEL PENELITIAN107eosin slides were reviewed by two viewer for histopathologic grading and than whole mount thin section were stained with Masson trichrome. To evaluate the reactive stromal interpretation classified in to percentage (+, ++, +++) and pattern of reactive stroma (regular and irregular).There were significant association between percentage of reactive stroma with histopathologic grading statistically (p<0,05 and r=0,679) and significant association between pattern of reactive stroma with histopathologic grading statistically (p<0,05).Key word : histopathologic grading, percentage, pattern
Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol 38, No 2 (2015): Published in September 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (43.732 KB) | DOI: 10.22338/mka.v38.i2.p1-8.2015
