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PHARMACIANA Vol 1, No 2: November 2011

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Kunyit putih banyak mengandung zat aktif yang dimanfaatkan sebagai obat tradisional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengisolasi dan menentukan jenis zat aktif dari ekstrak metanol rimpang Kunyit Putih (Curcuma mangga Val) fraksi etil asetat serta menentukan kadar zat aktifnya. Sebanyak 1000 g kunyit putih halus dimaserasi dengan pelarut metanol pada suhu kamar selama 24 jam, disaring dan diulangi sebanyak 7x. Ekstrak metanol tersebut dipekatkan kemudian difraksinasi menggunakan etil asetat. Ekstrak etil asetat kental yang didapat sebanyak 39,05 g dipisahkan dengan Kromatografi Kolom Gravitasi (KKG). Senyawa hasil isolasi menggunakan KKG sebanyak 0,035g. Berdasarkan kesamaan dalam spektra UV-Vis dan GC-MS maka diduga senyawa zat aktif yang ada dalam ekstrak metanol kunyit putih fraksi etil asetat adalah senyawa Labda-8(17),12-dien-15,16-dial dengan kadar sebanyak 0,00149%.
Motivation and satisfaction in online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review Nurfina Aznam; Riki Perdana; Jumadi Jumadi; Heru Nurcahyo; Yusman Wiyatmo
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 11, No 2: June 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v11i2.21961


The study summarized current studies on student motivation and satisfaction and identify research gaps for proposing studies for the next study. A total of 50 academic research papers on satisfaction and motivation during COVID-19 pandemic learning were published during pandemic era December 2019 to December 2020. There were 45,935 participants on the study with 357 elementary students, 478 middle-high students, 42,151 college students and 2,949 teachers. An important result of this study is a significant change in motivation and satisfaction. From the review, this paper updates a new database, with a wide range of student satisfaction and motivation through online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially to improve student satisfaction and motivation for a successful learning process. Suggests that it can be considered an effective learning method. This study is beneficial for education experts, lecturers, teachers, trainers, and technologists who are interested in assessment, learning, guidance, design, and online-based learning environments during a pandemic or after a pandemic to increase motivation and satisfaction in learning.
Jurnal Penelitian Saintek Vol 6, No 1: Saintek 2001
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Services, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7607.001 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jps.v6i1.5564


The objectives  of this  research  are  to  identify  whether  the  bioactivecompound of methanol fraction  extracts of Sargasum sp can be used as anti hepatotoxic and to determine the dose of such compound in order that  it  may  be  used as anti hepatotoxic.  The population  used  in  this research was 2-month male white rats with almost similar weight. 39 rats were  taken for  the samples.  Treating  CCl4  injection carried   out  the bioactive compound activity test and the treatment of these compound extracts was observed by examining the liver cell damage microscopically and analyzing the GPT content. Examination was a/so conducted to the control rats (without CCI4  injection and bioactive compound treatment). From the result of the research it can be concluded that methanol fraction extract of Sargasum sp may be used as anti hepatotoxic. It wasfound  that the bioactive compound activity appeared at the dose of 500 mglkg of weight with 5 times treatments.
Pengembangan SSP kimia berbasis pendidikan berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan literasi kimia dan kesadaran terhadap lingkungan Magfirah Perkasa; Nurfina Aznam
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA Vol 2, No 1: April 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (664.271 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jipi.v2i1.10269


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan, kelayakan dan efektifitas SSP kimia berbasis pendidikan berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan literasi kimia dan kesadaran terhadap lingkungan peserta didik SMA. Model pengembangan diadaptasi dari model Dick Carey dengan subjek coba produk pada peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 11 Yogyakarta. Instrumen pengumpulan data meliputi lembar validasi, tes literasi kimia berformat benar-salah beralasan, lembar penilaian diri dan lembar penilaian antar teman terkait kesadaran terhadap lingkungan. SSP kimia divalidasi secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) SSP kimia berbasis pendidikan berkelanjutan yang dikembangkan memiliki karakteristik yang meliputi pengembangan melalui model experiential learning pada materi hidrokarbon dan indikator literasi kimia maupun kesadaran terhadap lingkungan diadaptasi dari framework PISA 2015; serta (2) SSP kimia yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dengan kategori sangat baik serta efektif untuk meningkatkan literasi kimia dan kesadaran terhadap lingkungan peserta didik SMA berdasarkan uji Kruskal-Wallis.Kata Kunci: SSP, pendidikan berkelanjutan, experiential learning, literasi kimia, kesadaran terhadap lingkungan Developing a Chemistry Subject Specific Pedagogy Based on Sustainability Education to Enhance Chemical Literacy and Environmental Awareness AbstractThe study aims to reveal the developing, the appropriateness and the effectiveness of a chemistry subject specific pedagogy based on sustainability education to enhance chemical literacy and environmental awareness of senior high school students. Developing model adapted from Dick Carey and the trial of this research product was conducted at SMA Negeri 11 Yogyakarta grade 10th students. The instruments for data collection included validation instrument, a true-false reasoning chemical literacy test, environmental awareness self assessment and peer assessment. The product was validated as qualitative and quatitative validation. The results of research shows: (1) the features of chemistry subject specific pedagogy based on sustainability education is using experiential learning was taught to hydrocarbons and the indicators for chemical literacy test and environmental awareness adapted from framework PISA 2015; and (2) the chemistry subject specific pedagogy based on sustainability education is valid to use with very good category and effective to enhance chemical literacy and environmental awareness based on Kruskal-Wallis test.Keywords: subject specific pedagogy, sustainability education, experiential learning, chemical literacy, environmental awareness.
LKPD IPA berbasis learning cycle 7E terintegrasi potensi lokal pantai Parangtritis untuk meningkatkan critical thinking peserta didik Danik Noor Utami; Nurfina Aznam
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA Vol 6, No 1: April 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jipi.v6i1.30404


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan keefektifan LKPD berbasis Learning Cycle 7E terintegrasi Potensi Lokal Pantai Parangtritis dalam meningkatkan critical thinking. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian pengembangan metode 4D yaitu define, design, develop, disseminate dengan menggunakan pretest-posttest control group design. Penilaan kelayakan produk dilakukan oleh ahli media dan ahli materi untuk mengetahui kevalidan, kepraktisan yang dilakukan oleh guru, dan keterbacaan peserta didik. Hasil penilian kelayakan oleh ahli materi, media, dan guru berturut-turut sebagai berikut 3,6; 3,56; 3,7 dengan skor maksimal adalah 4 (sangat valid). Uji keterbacaan mendapat nilai sebesar 3,5 dari skor maksimal 4 (sangat baik). Hasil gain skor ternormalisasi menunjukan peningkatan dalam pembelajaran dikelas eksperimen 0,86 tergolong tinggi dan kelas kontrol 0,66 tergolong rendah. Efektivitas penelitian menggunakan uji independentsample t testdengan nilai sig.(2-tailed) 0,000 kurang dari 0,05. Hasil uji menunjukan bahwa LKPD IPA berbasis Learning Cycle 7E efektif untukmeningkatkan critical thinking peserta didik SMP N 1 Bantul. Natural science worksheet based on the 7E learning cycle integrated with local potentials in Parangtritis beach to improve students' critical thinking Abstract: This study aims to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the integrated Science Worksheet based on 7E Learning Cycle Integrated with local potentials in Parangtritis Beach to improve students’ critical thinking. This type of research is a 4D method development research that is defined, design, develop, disseminate using pretest-posttest control group design. The assessment of the feasibility of the product is carried out by media experts and material experts to find out the validity, practicality carried out by the teacher, and readability of students. The results of the assessment of eligibility by material experts, the media, and teachers are as follows 3.6; 3.56; 3.7 with a maximum score of 4 (very valid). The readability test gets a value of 3.5 from a maximum score of 4 (very good). Normalized score gain results showed an increase in learning in the experimental class 0.86 is high and the control class 0.66 is low. The effectiveness of the study used an independent sample t-test with a value of sig. (2-tailed) 0,000 less than 0.05. The test results show that Science worksheets based on 7E Learning Science Cycle integrated Local Potentials of Parangtritis Beach effective in improving students’ critical thinking.
EDUSAINS Vol 12, No 1 (2020): EDUSAINS
Publisher : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN (State Islamic University) Syarif Hidayatul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/es.v12i1.11034


SCIENCE WEB MODULE BASED ON GUIDED INQUIRY TO IMPROVE THINKING SKILLAbstractThe science web module is a systematically structured teaching material to achieve electronic learning objectives using website applications in which writing, animation, video, and navigation are exciting, interactive, active, and motivating learning that can facilitate students' thinking skills. Guided inquiry is a model that trains students to be actively involved in investigations with questions raised by teachers to direct students to find concepts. Guided inquiry-based web modules are used to improve students' thinking skills measured through written tests. This study uses a pretest-posttest control group design. Based on the results of the analysis using the Kruskal Wallis test, there are differences in the experimental class using the science web module based on guided inquiry and the control class using the science teaching materials commonly used by teachers. The results showed an increase in higher thinking skills in the experimental class than in the control class, resulting in the high effect size category so that the experimental class increased the thinking skills more effectively than the control class. AbstrakWeb modul IPA merupakan bahan ajar yang disusun sistematis untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran berbentuk elektronik menggunakan aplikasi website yang didalamnya terdapat tulisan, animasi, video, serta navigasi yang menjadi pembelajaran yang menarik, interaktif, aktif, dan memotivasi belajar yang dapat memfasilitasi thinking skill peserta didik. Inkuiri terbimbing merupakan model yang melatih peserta didik terlibat aktif dalam penyelidikan dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan guru untuk mengarahkan peserta didik menemukan konsep. Web modul berbasos inkuiri terbimbing digunakan untuk meningkatkan thinking skill peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pretest posttest control group design. Thinking skill diukur melalui tes tertulis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis terdapat perbedaan kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan web modul IPA berbasis inkuiri terbimbing dengan kelas kontrol yang menggunakan bahan ajar IPA yang biasa digunakan guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan thinking skill yang lebih tinggi pada kelas eksperimen daripada kelas kontrol, dengan hasil effect size kategori tinggi, sehingga kelas eksperimen meningkatkan thinking skill yang lebih efektif daripada kelas kontrol. 
Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia Indonesia Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpk.v5i2.35612


Masa pandemi Covid-19 pada saat ini sangat bergantung pada Kemajuan teknologi. Pembelajaran secara online menyebabkan suatu masalah kecemasan, ketidaksetaraan antara anak-anak karena akses, beresiko kecanduan internet, tidak memiliki disiplin belajar yang diperlukan dalam pendidikan individu Sehingga pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hasil belajar dan respon siswa setelah pembelajaran menggunakan media padlet berbantuan phet simulation. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimental desain dengan desain penelitian one group pretest and posttest. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IX. Teknik analysis data menggunakan uji paired sample t test . Hasil uji normalitas pretest dan posttest di peroleh nilai hasil pretest sebesar 0,053 dan hasil postest 0,056. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa data terdistribusi normal. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa nilai siginifikansi 2 arah yaitu 0,000<0,05 yang menunjukkan bahwa H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa hasil belajar siswa antara tes pretest dan tes posttest setelah menggunkaan media padlet berbantuan phet simulation meningkat adapun respon siswa menyatakan baik terhadap penggunaaan media padlet berbantuan phet simulation ketika pembelajaran online. Jadi penggunaan media padlet berbantuan phet simulation cocok digunakan ketika proses pembelajaran online.
Motivation and Satisfaction Level of Graduate Student: The Blended Learning with Peer Tutor (BL-PT) Model in New Normal Era Nurfina Aznam; Jumadi Jumadi; Heru Nurcahyo; Yusman Wiyatmo; Riki Perdana
Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST) Volume 7 Number 1 April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/est.v7i1.17423


In higher Education, Graduate Students have a special characteristic of the learning process. Especially in the new normal era, Higher Education needs the best learning model that fits and comfortable for graduate students. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of Blended Learning with Peer Tutor (BL-PT) for graduate students in the new normal era, especially on the aspect of motivation and service satisfaction. It is descriptive quantitative research with the random sampling technique. In addition, this study also examined whether the level of satisfaction had an effect on student motivation in learning in the new normal period. There were 43 Graduate Students from Graduate School Program, Yogyakarta State University as participants in this study. The technique of data analyses was used comparative-descriptive and paired sample t-test using SPSS 24. The study reveals: (1) The BL-PT model has a positive impact on students motivation and service satisfaction of Higher Education; (2) there is not a significant difference in students motivation of male and female graduate students; (3) there is no significant difference of students service satisfaction level after learning with BL-PT. Learning with the BL-PT model can be an alternative for policymakers, Higher education Institution, and lecture to solve the learning model that fit and comfortable with graduate students in the New Normal Era
Characterization of Curcuminoid from Curcuma xanthorrhiza and Its Activity Test as Antioxidant and Antibacterial Sri Atun; Nurfina Aznam; Retno Arianingrum; Senam Senam; Bian Ihda An Naila; Astuti Lestari; Nur Aini Purnamaningsih
Molekul Vol 15, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.917 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/


Curcuminoids are the main component found in many Zingiberaceae family plants. The aim of this study was to characterize curcuminoid and its activity test as an antioxidant and antibacterial. Dryed powder of C. xanthorrhiza (1 kg) was macerated with ethanol for 24 hours at room temperature. Ethanol extract of C. xanthorrhiza was subsequently fractionated with n-hexane and chloroform to take the yellow or orange indicated contain of curcuminoids. Analysis of total phenolic levels was carried out by the Follin-Ciaocalteau method. The isolation of curcuminoid componens from this fraction  was carried out by chromatographic method and the structure elucidation was performed by interpretation of spectroscopic data, including UV, IR, 1H and 13C NMR 1D and 2D. The antioxidant activity test used the DPPH (2,2-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl) method, while the antibacterial activity test used Kirby Bauer test diffusion method. The results showed that the curcuminoid fraction yield was 10.06%  from ethanol extract C. xanthorrhiza. The total phenolic content of curcuminoids fraction was 745.45 ± 18.5 mg galic acid (GA)/g extract. Curcuminoids fraction was isolated a known compound desmethoxycurcumin (1). The content of demethoxycurcumin (1) in curcuminoid fraction is 20.97 %.The antioxidant activity of curcuminoids fraction showed strongest activity with IC50 24.98 µg/ml. Antibacterial activity against of the four pathogenic bacteria showed medium activity. The study suggests that curcuminoids extract from C. xanthorrhiza rhizome have potential compounds could be suitable for antioxidant and the treatment of various infections caused of microbial.
Integration Method of Religious Character Values in Chemistry Learning Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro; Nurfina Aznam; Crys Fajar Partana
JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia) Vol 7, No 1 (2022): JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jkpk.v7i1.55601


Science and religion are closely related because they come from one source, namely God Almighty. Therefore, the concept of the integration of science and religion must be implemented in the form of integrating religious characters in the science learning process. This study aims to identify and inventory the learning methods used to integrate religious character values in chemistry learning. This research is conducted by reviewing the literature, both in books, journal articles and popular scientific writings, about methods of integrating religious character values in chemistry learning. The main data sources are from journal articles that discuss the integration of religious characters in chemistry learning. The journal articles that became the main data source were ten articles obtained from the Google Scholar website using the keyword "integration of religious characters in chemistry learning". The research data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. A critical study was also carried out on the literature to obtain the correct conclusion. According to the teacher's creativity, the study results concluded that religious character values can be integrated in chemistry learning in various ways/methods. However, in their article, the researchers did not clearly and unequivocally mention the name of the learning method used to integrate religious characters in chemistry learning. Based on this conclusion, it is recommended that other research is needed to develop a learning model that integrates religious character values in chemistry learning.