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Motivation and satisfaction in online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review Nurfina Aznam; Riki Perdana; Jumadi Jumadi; Heru Nurcahyo; Yusman Wiyatmo
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 11, No 2: June 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v11i2.21961


The study summarized current studies on student motivation and satisfaction and identify research gaps for proposing studies for the next study. A total of 50 academic research papers on satisfaction and motivation during COVID-19 pandemic learning were published during pandemic era December 2019 to December 2020. There were 45,935 participants on the study with 357 elementary students, 478 middle-high students, 42,151 college students and 2,949 teachers. An important result of this study is a significant change in motivation and satisfaction. From the review, this paper updates a new database, with a wide range of student satisfaction and motivation through online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially to improve student satisfaction and motivation for a successful learning process. Suggests that it can be considered an effective learning method. This study is beneficial for education experts, lecturers, teachers, trainers, and technologists who are interested in assessment, learning, guidance, design, and online-based learning environments during a pandemic or after a pandemic to increase motivation and satisfaction in learning.
Heat and temperature metacognition awareness inventory: A confirmatory factor analysis Moh. Irma Sukarelawan; Dwi Sulisworo; Jumadi Jumadi; Heru Kuswanto; Siti Anisatur Rofiqah
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 10, No 2: June 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v10i2.20917


This cross-sectional study aimed to validate students' metacognition awareness inventory in Heat and Temperature material. A total of 167 public senior high school students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia were selected through convenience sampling technique. The heat and temperature metacognition awareness inventory (HeTMAI) inventory consists of six factors, namely: 1) Knowledge of cognition; 2) Planning; 3) Monitoring; 4) Evaluation; 5) Debugging; and 6) Information management. HeTMAI used a 5-point Likert scale. The data was analyzed using the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) method through the Maximum Likelihood approach. All statistics were found to meet acceptance values. The four GOF indices (χ2/df=2.36, CFI=0.97, TLI=0.97, and SRMR=0.06) have supported the fit of the six-factor HeTMAI model. Standardized factor loading (SFL), construct reliability (CR), average variance extracted (AVE) and discriminant values provide evidence that HeTMAI has sufficient convergent and discriminant validity. Cronbach's alpha value of 0.96 indicated HeTMAI has very adequate evidence of reliability.
The impact of collaborative model assisted by Google Classroom to improve students’ creative thinking skills Jumadi Jumadi; Riki Perdana; Muhammad Helmi Hariadi; Warsono Warsono; Andi Wahyudi
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 10, No 2: June 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v10i2.20987


Indonesian students' creative thinking skill is still at a low level. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of project collaborative model assisted by Google Classroom (PjCM-GC) in improving students' creative thinking skills. This research explored the differences between students who learned through the demonstration model (DM), project collaborative model (PjCM), and project collaborative model assisted by Google Classroom (PjCM-GC). It was a quasi-experimental with pre and post-test design. The population of this research was students at Senior High School, Lombok Timur-Indonesia. Random sampling technique was employed in this study. The sample was 86 science students grade XI (15-16 ages) who studied in SMAN 1 Aikmel. The data analyzed by paired-sample t-test, comparative-descriptive analysis, and ANOVA mixed design using SPSS 24. The study showed that The PjCM-GC group had a significant difference in the level of creative thinking skills (sig .0000). The PjCM-GC was the most effective model to improve the skills with a gain score of .47 (medium). Learning with the PjCM-GC model can be an alternative for policymakers and teachers to solve the problems of creative thinking.
Modification level and test of scientific argumentation skill: Development and validity Riki Perdana; Riwayani Riwayani; Jumadi Jumadi; Dadan Rosana
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 9, No 3: September 2020
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v9i3.20594


This study focuses on developing the new level of scientific argumentation skills and new items that are feasible and valid for used. There are 195 science students at Islamic State School 1 (MAN 1) Yogyakarta as participant in this study. Random sampling technique was used from the three schools of Islamis State School (MAN) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. There are seven experts (3 Professor, 2 teachers, and 2 graduate students) reviewed 14 items for the first phase of this study. For the second phase, 98 students answered 14 questions which each questions contain five point (claim, data, backing, warrant and rebuttal). For the third phase, after choosed the best five 5 questions, We asked the others (97 students) to answer those questions. The modification of the level of scientific argumentation skills indicates the ability of students is still low. At level 1 (claims) there were only 38.9% students, level 2 (data) were 21.6% students, level 3 (warrants) 16.6% students, level 4 (backing) 16.2% while level 5 (rebuttal) is the most difficult, for students’ users only by 4.2%. Based on the findings, the test can measure and show with a separate level of students' scientific argumentation skill in this school.
The impact of problem-based learning with argument mapping and online laboratory on scientific argumentation skill Jumadi Jumadi; Riki Perdana; Riwayani Riwayani; Dadan Rosana
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 10, No 1: March 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v10i1.20593


Students in Indonesia still have the low level of scientific argumentation skills. This studypurposed to examine the impact ofProblem-based Learning (PBL) with Argument Mapping and Online Laboratory in improving the scientific argumentation skill. It describes the significance of the differences between participants who learn through PBL, PBL with Online Laboratory (PBL-OL), Problem-based Learning with Argument Mapping and Online Laboratory (PBL-AMOL) model. The population of this study were students from Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Yogyakarta, Indonesia with a random sampling technique. This was quasi-experiment with pre and post test designs. In this study, there were 97 students at MAN 1 as respondent. Paired sample t-test, independent sample t-test and ANOVA mixed design was used to analysis data. The PBL-AMOL group has a significant difference based on pre-test and post-test (sig. 0000). The PBL-AMOL was most effective to improve the skill with gain score 0.43 (medium). Learning with the PBL-AMOL model can be an alternative to solve the problems of creative thinking skill.
The Rasch-rating scale model to identify learning difficulties of physics students based on self-regulation skills Habibi Habibi; Jumadi Jumadi; Mundilarto Mundilarto
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 8, No 4: December 2019
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.106 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v8i4.20292


This study applies the unidimensional Rasch Model assumptions in identifying physics learning difficulties based on students' self-regulation abilities. A total of 126 physics teacher candidates have been observed for one semester. Self-project as a learning strategy has been used. Data were collected using 20 items in rating scales and then analyzed quantitatively to get feasibility in measuring self-regulation skills. The results have shown that the profile items analyzed by the Rasch Model are feasible to measure self-regulation skills through a self-sustaining project strategy. Most physics teacher candidates have a medium ability of 51% in the process of self-regulation, high = 33%, and low = 16%. The implications of applying self-projects to the processes of self-regulation are discussed in this article.
The effects of instructional design based web course on pre-service teachers’ competencies M. Anas Thohir; Moh. Irma Sukarelawan; Jumadi Jumadi; Warsono Warsono; Alfina Citrasukmawati
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 10, No 1: March 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v10i1.20475


Web Pedagogical Content Knowledge (WPACK) is an important competence for pre-service teachers in the educational technology course. However, novice pre-service teachers require the preparation stage to integrate the Web into instruction. The purpose of the study was to develop and to investigate the new instructional model for pre-service teachers in integrating the Web. The Preparation, Isolation, Transformation, Action, Reflection, and Revision (PINTARR) and two other models were implemented in three physics education technology groups with seventy-four participants. The instrument test was constructed to assess the pre-service teachers’ competencies, namely Student analysis, Curriculum organization, Instructional strategy selection, Evaluation, Technological knowledge, and Physics knowledge. The result of MANOVA showed pre-service teachers in PINTARR group outperformed overall the pre-service teachers’ competencies rather than the Multimedia and Web Design Learning group. The results indicated that the Preparation and the Isolation stage were the most important for novice pre-service teachers in improving the competencies.
The Effectiveness of Teachers’ Use of Lecture Model Combined with Cooperative Learning Method for Enhancing Students’ Problem-Solving Skills in Physics Rahmi Putri Z; Jumadi Jumadi; Ariswan Ariswan; Ratnasari Ratnasari; Depi Oktasari
Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika Vol 5 No 2 (2019): JPPPF (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika), Volume 5 Issue 2, D
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Negeri Jakarta, LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta, HFI Jakarta, HFI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.222 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/1.05203


This study investigates the effect of the use of teachers’ Lecture models combined with cooperative learning methods to improve students’ problem-solving skills in physics compare with the control group who were not exposed to the lecture model combined with cooperative learning methods from effect size value. The research method was a quasi-experimental research. The sample consisted of 33 students of 10th grade in middle schools (senior high school), SMAN 1 Sungai Penuh, Jambi Province where they ware learn at work and energy concept. Students' achievements, as well as their problem-solving skills of work and energy concept were assessed by pretest-posttest with an essay test. The results showed that the experimental group’s learning process has a high effect size value to problem-solving skills more than control group learning process. That shows the lecture model combined with cooperative learning method more effective than lecture model.
Jurnal Edukasi Sumba (JES) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : SekolahTinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53395/jes.v1i1.7


This study aims to determine: (1) the implementations of physics learning based on scientific approach, (2) the relationship between teacher’s educational background with implementations scientific approach. This study was a survey research using a descriptive correlational approach. The research sample included 18 physics teachers spread in 10 state senior high schools in Yogyakarta city established with purposive sampling technique. The data were collected by using teachers questionnaires, observation sheets, and documentation sheet. The data were analized by using descriptive analysis and Spearman correlation analysis. Results of the study. (1) Implementations scientific approach in Yogyakarta State Senior High Schools has been running well. (2) There was positive and significant relationship between teachers educational background and Implementations Scientific Approach.
Persepsi mahasiswa calon guru terhadap penggunaan Phet Colorado untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan representasi visual Depi Oktasari; Dian Aulia; Jumadi Jumadi; Zera Nadiah Ferty; Ismet Ismet; Sardianto Markos Siahaan
Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan: Fondasi dan Aplikasi Vol 7, No 2 (2019): December
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jppfa.v7i2.26312


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui presepsi mahasiswa calon guru fisika terhadap penggunaan PhET Colorado dalam memfasilitasi kemampuan representasi visual mereka dalam pembalajaran fisika. Adapun jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Subyek penelitian merupakan mahasiswa magister pendidikan fisika Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta semester pertama tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Hasil penelitian dari 20 responden  menunjukkan bahwa 50% responden sangat tertarik menggunakan  PhET Colorado, dengan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kemampuan representasi visual menggunakan PhET Colorado sebesar 85%, penggunaan PhET Colorado dianggap siswa mampu memfasilitasi kemampuan representasi visual mereka dalam pembelajaran fisika.  AbstractThe demands of 21st century skills highlighted the importance of cooperation between teachers and students to achieve the expected skill. Pedagogical knowledge of teachers in teaching and technology into things that need to be developed. Pedagogic ability of teachers in the use of technology can be a potential to develop students' abilities argument. This study aims to develop students' ability argumentation through pedagogical knowledge of teachers in using technology. The technology used is the result of the development of student worksheets 3D PageFlipp Impulse and Momentum material. The purpose of this study to look at the ability of students through the application of scientific argumentation (Technological Pedagogic Knowledge) TPK teachers in the classroom. This research is descriptive research. The data collection capability student argumentation performed by administering a written test. The subjects were students of class X at SMAN 1 Yogyakarta Prambanan. Rate scientific argumentation ability of students refers to Toulmin Argumentation Pattern (TAP). The results showed that the complexity of argumentation ability of students still at low level . These results suggest that the ability of the student arguments need to be improved.
Co-Authors Adha Hujatulatif Adiella Zakky Juneid Adilah Afikah Aditya Fahlevi Aditya Yoga Purnama Alifia Azis Rahmasari Amalia Rahmadani Ananda Aprlilia Andika Febrian Anggi Namira Siregar Ani Nurhidayanti Anisatur Rofiqah, Siti Annisa Naufallina Annisa Setiawan Annisaa' Mardiani Arina Novia Dewi Arina Zaida Ilma Arina Zaida Ilma* Ariswan Ariswan Azrul Hamidi Baiq Armita Lutfia Citrasukmawati, Alfina Dadan Rosana Danang Habib Pratama Depi Oktasari Desy Purwasih Dewi Fairuz Zulaikha Dewi Masyitha Dhiarrafii Bintang Matahari Dian Aulia Dian Puspita Eka Putri Diyen Paramitha Dwi Agnes Setianingrum Dwi Agnes Setianingrum* Dwi Puji Astuti Dwi Sulisworo Dwi Ulan Rahmawati El Minahussaniyyatul Ula Eli Rohaeti Endah Kartika Farchan Oktavianto Pribadi Febriani Febriani Feby Permata Sari Fitria Lafifa Habibah Khusna Baihaqi Habibi Habibi Heru Kuswanto Heru Nurcahyo Hidayatullah, Zul Ichwan Restu Nugroho Iffah Nurlathifah Fikri Insih Wilujeng Ira Lelita Ira Lelita Eriyanti Irlani Sismonika Jayanti Ismet Ismet Ivandra Immanuela Latumakulita Jaridatul Muniroh Jaridatul Muniroh Jaslin Ikhsan Kuncoro Asih Nugroho Laifa Rahmawati Lia Wahyuningsih Budiarti M. Anas Thohir M. Helmi Hariadi M. Ibnusaputra Maria Fransiska Tunga Martha Christia Narumsari Maryati Maryati Mashelin Wulandari Mela Mahardika Ilafi Melkianus Suluh Miftahul Jannah Moh. Irma Sukarelawan Mohamad Termizi Borhan Muh Fajrin Arifa Muhammad Helmi Hariadi Mundilarto Mundilarto Nadya Amalia Putri Hapsari Normalia Sandy Palumpun Novia Amarta Handayani* Nurfazliana Nurfazliana Nurfina Aznam Nurul F Sulaeman Nurul Wahdah Nurulhuda Abdul Rahman Paidi, Paidi Pinandita Afriwardani Pramudya Wahyu Pradana Prasetyo Fitriadi Pujianto Pujianto Ragil Saputri Rahayu Dwisiwi Sri Retnowati Rahmi Putri Z Ratna Sari Ratnasari Ratnasari Raudhah Maharana Fahmi Restu Widiatmono Rida Akmala Riki Perdana Rio Sebastian Risa Nurullailiyah Sujono Riwayani Riwayani Rosa Safirotun Nabilah S Nurohman Sabar Nurohman Sardianto Markos Siahaan Seffy Mufidatur Rohmah* Septania Pratiwi Serly Anggraini Listianingrum Shofia Maghfiroh Sri Rejeki Dwi Astuti Sri Sundari ST Afifah Subaryanto Subaryanto Sukardiyono Sukardiyono Sumarna Sumarna Suparwoto Suparwoto Suyanta Suyanta Syahmel Syahmel Trisonia Fitria Wahyudi, Andi Warsono Warsono Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru Wiwin Rosiningtias Wulandari Wulandari Yanarti Yanarti Yusman Wiyatmo Zakwandi, Rizki Zera Nadiah Ferty Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo