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Online teaching in an Indonesian higher education institution: Student’s perspective Nova Lina Sari Habeahan; Seli Marlina Radja Leba; Wahyuniar Wahyuniar; Dina Br Tarigan; Sandra Ingried Asaloei; Basilius Redan Werang
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 11, No 2: June 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v11i2.21824


Online teaching has been pushed further as the best solution that addresses the challenges of colleges and universities closure during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study intended to disclose students’ perceptions of the online teaching. A quantitative survey approach was employed to collect data from a total of 175 students which were conveniently established from amongst students enrolled in academic year 2020/2021 at the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department of Musamus University, Indonesia. Applying the SPSS software version 16 as the tool, obtained data were quantitatively analyzed using descriptive analysis of frequencies and percentages. The results showed the majority of respondent were disagreeing with the facts that they have an access to personal devices and that they can easily access to both internet and online classes. The majority of respondent were agreeing with the facts that teaching materials were well-planned and that various learning strategies were used to help students understand. The majority of respondent were agreeing with the facts that students were given opportunity to raise and answer the questions and that feedback given on students’ work are very helpful. Lecturers need to reach out and check students’ conditions before starting online teaching.
Musamus Devotion Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Musamus Devotion Journal
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mdj.v4i1.4079


The implementation of this community service activity aims to make SMP Gudang Arang students able to understand and know English as a foreign language and provide an understanding of English Learning Methods that are useful for increasing students' interest, willingness and interest in learning English vocabulary and grammar. This service activity was carried out at the SMP Gudang Arang in September 2021, while the population consisted of 20 class VII students of SMP Gudang Arang. There are two methods of implementing this activity, namely training and mentoring. The training materials are divided into two, namely Exposure to Materials on tips to become successful English learners and Application of the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) in English while Mentoring is assisting teachers in implementing the GTM method so that students are interested in learning English. The results of this training showed that most of the students who were involved in English vocabulary and grammar training activities experienced an increase in their ability and motivation to learn English. In addition, an increase in students' motivation and interest in learning was also seen during this training activity. This is indicated by their active involvement in every learning activity and their enthusiasm in carrying out each task given. In mentoring in learning English vocabulary and grammar there are some students who have good English skills. Some of these students can pronounce English vocabulary and English grammar with correct pronunciation, students also tend to be active, students' English learning outcomes are also quite good
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Vol 12, No 1 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.375 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/ajpm.v12i1.5841


Each region has a cultural heritage that has been passed down for generations, even in areas within one country have various kinds of cultural heritage.  One of the areas in Indonesia that has a cultural heritage is Merauke Regency which is inhabited by the Malind Tribe.  This study aims to apply real experiences that can be found in the Malind (Papua) tribe as material in curriculum development that can be applied in the South Papua region. This research was conducted in a village located in Kaiburse, Merauke Regency, which is inhabited by the Malind people. This research is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Researchers continuously participate actively in the field by recording and analyzing and representing all findings found in the field. The approach used in order to analyze in depth all forms of cultural heritage values found in the indigenous people of the Marind tribe who inhabit Kaiburse Village. The real experience gained based on the results of observations, interviews in the field and documentation during the research that is then carried out is data triangulation. This research produces an explanation of local wisdom in mathematics material. This research can be the main source of the government to integrate local wisdom in learning in schools
Parenting Style and Daily Language Used by Los Asmat Society Agustinus Gereda; Rezky Uspayanti; Novi Indriyani; Seli Marlina Radja Leba
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 13 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The aim of this research to see the parenting style and daily language used by the society in Los Asmat, on Noari Street, Merauke city. This research was a kind of qualitative research. The subject participants were Los Asmat society from children until adult, the teacher or the church administration of Kalam Kudus School. In collecting the data, the researchers used observation and interview. Observations were made to the Los Asmat community, both children and parents with the aim of gathering information regarding the application of parenting styles and the language used in daily life. The observation was done in two steps namely the observation was done in Los Asmat village and observation in teaching and learning process at Kalam Kudus School. To make the data more valid, the researchers used interview with semi-structured interview which consisted of some questions. The interview was done in two steps. For the first step, interview was done twice by asking some question for the Los Asmat society about parenting style and language used while interview step 2 was given for the teacher or church administration of Kalam Kudus School to know deeply about the children language used of Los Asmat society. As the result, the parenting style used by the Los Asmat society, some of them send their children to the school but some of them did not send their children to school because of economy factors. For the language used in daily life, it was almost same with the people in general namely used Indonesian language and they can interact each other although some of them still difficult to use polite language. About the parenting style, there is a relationship between parenting style and children's language development. In parenting, the parenting style adopted by some parents is more democratic in nature, giving children the freedom to determine what is best for them with their parents still guiding them. Giving the example in how good habit and bad habit. Thus, the parents also be gentle especially for father in educated their children. But, this model mostly was found by the educated parents namely the parents who have any received education.