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The Epystimology of Islamic Jurisprudence on Covid-19 Vaccine in Indonesia Mohammad Fateh; Athoillah Islamy
Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 19 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia, Universitas Islam Negeri K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jhi.v19i2.4420


The Covid-19 vaccination program in Indonesia, practically has received a pro and contra in the society. In this context, the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) came through its fatwa to respond the contra-productive of the community over the succession of the vaccination program. This study analysis the epistemological basis of Islamic law in the construction of the MUI Fatwa Number. 02 of 2021 about Covid-19 Vaccine Products from Sinovac Life Sciences Co. Ltd. China And Pt. Bio Farma (Persero). This qualitative research used philosophical approach, statute approach and conceptual approach. The results show, the epistemological construction of the MUI fatwa No. 02 of 2021 about the Covid-19 vaccine, Sinovac tends to integrate the paradigm of idealism and realism of Islamic law. The tendency of the integrative paradigm can be seen from the epistemological basis of the MUI fatwa formulation on the halalness of the Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine, which is normative-deductive and empirical-inductive, beside that still use preventive fiqh rules (sad al-dhariah) and benefit (maslahatul mursalah) as the basis for formulating a fatwa. This conclusion can be seen in various elements in the epistemological construction of the MUI Fatwa. First, universal ethical moral values ('am) are taken from the texts (al-Qur'an and Hadith). Second, several fiqh rules emphasize the sadd al-zari'ah (preventive action) and maslahah mursalah (public benefit). Third, the opinion of classical scholars. Fourth, the thought of experts regarding the Covid-19 vaccine.
Pendidikan Spritual Ibadah Puasa : Perspektif Andragogi Sufistik Athoillah Islamy; Nurul Istiani
Studi Multidisipliner: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman Vol 8, No 1 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/multidisipliner.v8i1.3794


This study intends to explore various forms of spiritual education in fasting during Ramadan. This type of research is a qualitative research in the form of library research with a philosophical normative approach. The data sources used are various scientific literatures, both in the form of books (books) and scientific journal articles related to the discussion of the philosophical values of fasting during Ramadan. Meanwhile, the analytical theory used is the Sufistic andragogy theory in the form of takhalli, tahalli, and tajalli methods. The results of the study conclude that there are three forms of actualizing the value of spiritual education with Sufistic dimensions in fasting that can be carried out by an adult Muslim independently and informally. First, the actualization of takhalli values in the form of character education. Second, the actualization of the value of tahalli in the form of an attitude of social concern and various sunnah practices in the month of Ramadan. Third, the actualization of the value of tajalli in the form of the intensity of faith
Penamas Vol 34 No 1 (2021): Volume 34, Nomor 1, Januari-Juni 2021
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31330/penamas.v34i1.424


This paper aims to determine the effectiveness of the management in Islamic boarding schools using balanced scorecard performance analysis, including four perspectives: finance, customers, internal business processes and learning and growth in Jam'iyyah Islamiyyah Islamic Boarding School. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive model. Based on the research that has been done, it is known that the management of Jam'iyyah Islamiyyah Islamic Boarding School measured with balanced scorecard approach is categorized as good, as the measurement results in all four perspectives are close to the expected target. After being measured using balanced scorecard approach and then analyzed with the effectiveness indicators according to Danim, the results show that the management of the Jam'iyyah Islamiyyah Islamic Boarding School can be said to be effective.
Dinamika Historis Otoritas Hak Kepenghuluan Nikah di Indonesia Athoillah Islamy
ISLAMITSCH FAMILIERECHT JOURNAL Vol 1 No 01 (2020): Islamitsch Familierecht Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/ifj.v1i01.1472


Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengeksplorasi sejarah perkembangan tugas maupun wewenang penghulu di Indonesia dalam tiga masa, yakni masa kerajaan Islam di Nusantara, pemerintahan kolonial Belanda, dan pasca kemerdekaan. Peneltian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang berupa kajian pustaka. Jenis penelitian hukum dalam penelitian ini masuk dalam kategori penelitian hukum normatif empiris dengan pendekatan sejarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tugas dan wewenang penghulu di Indonesia dari masa ke masa semakin mengalami penyempitan. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor dinamika sosial politik pemerintahan yang ada. Pada masa kerajaan Islam Nusantara, tugas dan wewenang penghulu sangat kompleks dan multi fungsi, yakni persoalaan agama secara umum, penasehat spritual pengusa, bahkan politik. Kemudian, pada masa pemerintahan kolonial Belanda, peran dan tugas penghulu dibatasi pada persoalan perdata Islam. Selanjutnya, pada masa pasca kemerdekaan, tugas dan wewenang penghulu semakin mengalami penyempitan, yakni dibatasi pada persoalan pernikahan dan perceraian.
Dimensi Maqasid Shariah Dalam Ritualitas Ibadah Puasa Ramadhan Athoillah Islamy
ISLAMITSCH FAMILIERECHT JOURNAL Vol 2 No 01 (2021): Islamitsch Familierecht Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/ifj.v2i01.1785


Ritualitas ibadah puasa ramadhan bukanlah sekedar ibadah yang berdimensi legal formalistik semata, seperti syarat, rukun, dan sah, batal atau tidaknya ibadah puasa tersebut. Namun demikian penting disadari bahwa pensyariatan ibadah puasa memiliki nilai-nilai falsafah hukum Islam yang termuat di dalamnya. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengeksplorasi nilai-nilai maqasid shariah yang termuat dalam perintah kewajiban ritualitas ibadah puasa ramadhan. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif berupa kajian pustaka (library research) dengan pendekatan normatif filosofis. Sumber data yang digunakan, yakni pelbagai literarur ilmiah, baik berupa buku (kitab) dan artikel jurnal ilmiah terkait pembahasan nilai-nilai falsafah ibadah puasa ramdhan. Sementara itu, teori analisis yang digunakan, yakni teori maqasid shariah yang dikembangkan oleh Jasser Auda. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan terdapat tiga nilai maqasid shariah yang termuat dalam ibadah puasa ramadhan, antara lain (1) Peningkatan keimanan sebagai orientasi hifz din (2) Pendidikan karakter sebagai orientasi hifz nafs (3) Kepeduliaan sosial sebagai orientasi hifz mal.