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Upaya Peningkatan Daya Saing Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) Kota Tasikmalaya melalui Pemanfaatan System Informasi Geografis (SIG) Maesaroh, Syti Sarah
JURNAL ILMU MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis. Maret 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jimb.v11i1.21148


Abstract.The development of the creative economy in Indonesia is appropriate through the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) model. One of the potential cities for the development of MSMEs is Tasikmalaya City. However, the competitiveness of MSMEs in Tasikmalaya City is still considered low. The determinat variables that observed in this study are human resources, technology, managerial, institutional, promotion, and capital. The aim of the study is to analyze the competitiveness of MSMEs in Tasikmalaya City as an effort in developing the regional economy. This research uses quantitative descriptive method. Data was collected through an interview process using a questionnaire. Data is processed using Geographic Information System (GIS). The results showed that human resources were the most important factor in increasing MSMEs competitiveness (42%). In addition to improving skills in human resources, revitalization in managerial systems and easy access to technology in MSMEs are also needed.Keywords: Competitiveness; Geographic Information System; MSMEsAbstrak.Pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di Indonesia sangat tepat dilakukan melalui model Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Salah satu kota yang potensial untuk pengembangan UMKM yaitu kota Tasikmalaya. Namun, daya saing UMKM di Kota Tasikmalaya dinilai masih rendah. Variabel penentu daya saing dalam penelitian ini adalah sumber daya manusia, teknologi, manajerial, kelembagaan, promosi, dan modal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis daya saing UMKM di Kota Tasikmalaya sebagai upaya mengembangkan ekonomi daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui proses wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sumber daya manusia adalah faktor yang paling penting dalam meningkatkan daya saing UMKM (42%). Selain peningkatan keterampilan dalam sumber daya manusia, diperlukan juga revitalisasi dalam sistem manajerial dan kemudahan akses teknologi pada UMKM. Kata Kunci: Daya Saing; Geographic Information System; UMKM 
Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH) CIASTECH 2020 "Peranan Strategis Teknologi Dalam Kehidupan di Era New Normal"
Publisher : Universitas Widyagama Malang

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Keberadaan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UMKM) memiliki peran yang sangat penting dan strategis di dalam pembangunan ekonomi. Untuk mampu bertahan di tengah persaingan yang semakin ketat, UMKM perlu memiliki keunggulan kompetitif dengan menciptakan inovasi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis variabel penentu daya saing dalam meningkatkan inovasi yang berperan dalam keunggulan bersaing UMKM batik Kota Tasikmalaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Data didapatkan melalui proses wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner tertutup. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa daya saing UMKM batik Kota Tasikmalaya secara langsung dipengaruhi oleh orientasi produk dan orientasi pasar. Kedua faktor tersebut secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi daya saing melalui strategi diferensiasi. Strategi diferensiasi menjadi penting agar UMKM dapat bertahan di tengah persaingan. Diferensiasi menjadi faktor kunci bagi terciptanya inovasi produk. UMKM yang memiliki karakteristik unik dinilai dapat mempertahankan keberlanjutan usahanya.
Analisis Faktor Konfirmatori dalam Mengukur Kapasitas Target Pasar Kredit Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah Syti Sarah Maesaroh
Wahana: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi Vol 25, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Akademi Akuntansi YKPN Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35591/wahana.v25i1.389


This study aims to examine and analyze the determinants of the MSME's low absorption of bank credit. The determinant variables observed were business characteristics, management administration, resources, and performance of MSMEs. Each of these factors consists of several indicators that play a role in determining the capacity of MSMEs. The research analysis method uses confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to confirm the effect of each indicator. The results showed that all the indicators tested had a significant effect on the absorption rate of MSME's credit products. The indicators that have the most role in determining the capacity of MSMEs were the level of use of their capital, the availability of financial reports, and the level of education of business actors. Banking strategies related to these three factors focused on increasing MSME credit absorption. Optimizing credit absorption is expected to improve performance in banks and MSMEs
New Plantation Moratorium Policy and Smallholders Palm Oil Rejuvenation for Increasing Productivity of Indonesian Palm Oil Arif Imam Suroso; Iyung Pahan; Syti Sarah Maesaroh
Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis Vol. 17 No. 2 (2020): JMA Vol. 17 No. 2, July 2020
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/jma.17.2.138


Palm oil is one of the plantation sub-sectors that plays an important role in the Indonesian economy. Smallholder plantation with an area of more than 40% has a significant role in the development of this industry. Low productivity becomes the main problem on -in smallholder plantation. Low productivity of smallholder plantation is mainly due to the inappropriate of plant genetic material. Genetic improvement for increased productivity can be done either through new planting (extensification) and rejuvenation (intensification). Extensification constrained Presidential Instruction 10/2011 while the intensification constrained by funding issues of rejuvenation. This research conducts a literature review, in-depth interview and questionnaire method to collect opinions from the experts and practitioners. Analytical Network Process (ANP) is used to analyze the data. The results showed that the factors which influenced in this study were policy environment (41.29%), policy stakeholder (35.72%), and public policy (23.00%). The moratorium policy has not been able to improve Indonesia's forest governance. This policy precludes opportunities for economic growth for the palm oil industry. The rejuvenation of the smallholder is constrained by funding problems. Access to credit- constrained aspects of land legality. Extensification barriers and intensification of smallholders threaten the sustainability of national palm oil production. Plant genetic improvements, improved legality, and law enforcement of moratorium policies are required to increase the productivity of smallholder plantations. Keywords: moratorium, productivity, public policy, palm oil, smallholders
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 16, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (75.174 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jam.2018.016.01.17


The aims of this study are to determine the factors that affect the moratorium policy and its effect on the national production of palm oil. This study used an in-depth interviewwithpairwise comparison questionnaire to experts. Data were analyzed using Analytical Network Process (ANP),consisting of three stages (model construction, model quantification, and analysis). The results showed that law enforcement, sustainability, conflict resolution, deforestation and land conversion were factors that influence the success of the moratorium. The various problems in these factors indicate that the moratorium cannot be done optimally. During sixyears of its implementation, the moratorium impactson the sustainability of palm oil production in Indonesia.Evaluation of moratorium is needed by using quantitative data. Forest deforestation due to oil palm plantation can be used to support the policy analysis.
Determinants of Loan Access towards Financial Performance in MSMEs Syti Sarah Maesaroh
Conference Series Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): International Conference on Global Innovation and Trends in Economy 2021
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/conferenceseries.v3i2.585


Low competitiveness is one of the obstacles to improving the performance of MSMEs. One of the factors that cause this is the lack of access for MSMEs to financial institution facilities. This study aims to analyze the financial performance of MSMEs seen from the accessibility factor to financial facilities provided by various financial institutions in Tasikmalaya City. The study used a quantitative descriptive method. Data analysis used the PLS Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The sample consisted of 100 SMEs in the creative economy sub-sector through the random sampling method. The analysis technique uses a path analysis model to see the causal relationship between variables, either directly or indirectly. Data were obtained through direct interviews with SMEs using closed questionnaires. The results show that management administration has a direct or indirect effect on financial performance. The management of administration is important to improve accessibility to the financial performance of MSMEs. Guidance for MSMEs is needed to ensure that loans can be utilized optimally for business development.
Peran Gender dalam Negosiasi Karir: Pendekatan Teori Ekuitas Syti Sarah Maesaroh
Indonesian Journal of Digital Business Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Digital Business
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.905 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/ijdb.v2i1.48058


Permasalahan yang sering diperbincangkan dalam organisasi yaitu ketidakadilan, terutama terkait dengan kompensasi yang diterima. Negosiasi merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menciptakan bahkan mengurangi ketidakadilan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis peran gender dalam negosiasi karir melalui pendekatan teori ekuitas. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan studi literatur pada berbagai dokumen atau artikel ilmiah. Analisis data menggunakan analisis konten untuk melakukan analisis mendalam tentang isi informasi yang tertulis atau tercetak dalam bentuk media, baik itu surat kabar, berita radio, iklan televisi, dan semua media dokumenter lainnya. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa gender memoderasi pola negosiasi yang dilaporkan mitra untuk mengatasi ketidakadilan yang dirasakan. Karyawan laki-laki ternyata lebih sensitif terhadap ketidakadilan gaji daripada karyawan wanita, sebaliknya, wanita cenderung lebih ragu-ragu daripada laki-laki untuk menegosiasikan tawaran pekerjaan mereka, terutama gaji mereka. Evaluasi terhadap kinerja harus dilakukan secara objektif tanpa memandang gender. Semakin tinggi kepercayaan karyawan, maka semakin tinggi persepsi mereka terhadap keadilan dari suatu keputusan.
Uji Beda Dampak Pandemi Covid 19: Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Aset, Profitabilitas, dan Struktur Modal terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Sub Sektor Restoran, Hotel & Pariwisata Syti Sarah Maesaroh; M Sandi Marta; Nugraha Nugraha; Maya Sari
Optimal: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan Vol 14 No 2 (2020): Optimal: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam 45

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/optimal.v14i2.3099


Value is one of the important indicators in a company. This study aims to determine the faktors that affect firm value and analyze the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on firm value in the restaurant, hotel, and tourism sub-sectors. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis through a quantitative descriptive approach. The company sample consists of restaurant, hotel, and tourism sub-sector companies listed on the IDX in 2019 and 2020. The variables observed include aset growth, profitability, capital structure, and firm value. Hypothesis testing was conducted to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The different test of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is intended to compare conditions before the pandemic and during the pandemic. The results show that aset growth, profitability, and capital structure have a significant simultaneous effect on firm value. However, partially, aset growth shows a negative effect on firm value. The different test shows that the profitability, capital structure, and company value before the pandemic is significantly different when compared to during the pandemic. This indicates that the pandemic has had a huge impact on the company.
Website Design and Development to Help Create and Develop a Business to Increase the Number of MSMEs Yogi Prasetyo; Btari Mariska Purwaamijaya; Syti Sarah Maesaroh
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The Covid-19 pandemic is now having quite serious consequences for the sustainability of the economy in Indonesia, this is because the government has established a policy of limiting community social activities where this policy is used to reduce the spread of Covid-19. As a result of this policy, economic activity barely runs at all. Because of this, the total number of MSMEs in Indonesia inevitably experienced a drastic decline and increased the number of unemployed. requires a treatment that is in line with current technological developments. One strategy to increase the number of MSMEs and reduce unemployment can be done by developing a website-based application that will be named "warung kita" where this website application is specifically to help people start their businesses, starting from providing goods at supplier prices that can be resold, market information regarding the goods to be sold, to education about strategies for selling. The development of this website-based application will be developed using the framework so that security in this website application is guaranteed.
Perencanaan Business Intelligence untuk Strategi Pengembangan Produk Unggulan UMKM Oding Herdiana; Syti Sarah Maesaroh; Alifia Fatimatun Nazya
Jurnal Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer
Publisher : Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37012/jtik.v8i2.1142


Pengembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah, dunia usaha, dan masyarakat untuk memberdayakan UMKM melalui pemberian fasilitas, bimbingan, pendampingan dan meningkatkan kemampuan daya saing UMKM. Upaya pengembangan UMKM melalui akselerasi produk unggulan agar masuk pasar digital terus ditingkatkan oleh pemerintah. Pelaku bisnis yang sukses biasanya dijelaskan dengan omset yang tinggi. Namun, jika pengusaha tidak dapat mengelola inventaris barang, memperkirakan produksi, dan membeli secara cepat dan akurat akan mengakibatkan produk kehabisan stok atau terjual pada waktu yang salah. Proses bisnis yang dilakukan UMKM perlu direncanakan dengan baik, mulai dari pemasaran produk, mengelola keuangan, merekrut karyawan, membeli bahan baku, dan mengelola produksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian development reserarch, dengan metode pengembangan sistem business intelligence Larissa T.moss. Penelitian ini merancang sistem Business Intelligence dengan memanfaatkan data UMKM Kota Tasikmalaya untuk strategi pengembangan produk unggulan menggunakan mockup prototype. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah rancangan dashboard business intelligence bagi Dinas UMKM yang menampilkan profil bisnis berupa informasi status badan usaha, pengusaha UMKM per jenis kelamin dan rata-rata pendapatan. Sistem ini juga dirancang untuk kebutuhan pelaku UMKM berupa dashboarad business intelligence yang dapat mengetahui pendapatan sesuai dengan waktu, mengetahui trend produk yang paling banyak diminati, akses pembiayaan, dan dapat memprediksi penjualan produk.
Co-Authors Abdillah Arsy Adam Hermawan Adam Pratama Yudha Putra Adi Prehanto Adiasa Tegar Prakoso Aditya Akbar Prasetyo Aditya Pinasti Waluya Affandy Affandy Agra Fadhiila Tamara Agus Rahayu Ahmad Gunawan Ai Solihat Alby Silmi Maulidan Ali Akbar Alkatili Alif Ridha Ramadhani Alifia Fatimatun Nazya Alifia Fatimatun Nazya Amelia Ananda Setiawan Amri, Teuku Khairul Angelina Asivadibrata Anugerah Tirta Kenanga Unggul Mitra Mandiri Ardiansyah Nugraha Arif Imam Suroso Arifa Raisa Ariq Qorihatunnasik Arya Budi Saputra Arya Budi Saputra Asep Nuryadin Astrid Nurul Azizah Atthaya Layla Zhafira Hilwana - Aulia Zahra Auliya Nur Kholishah Az Zahra Maulaa Habiibah Az Zahra Talitha Kusumaningrum Azizah Azhar Azizah Fauziyah Azizah Ghina Aulia Azzahra Verdi Bagus Irham Fathurrohan Balebat Dwi Adisubagja Br Perangin-Angin, Hani Nikita Btari Mariska Purwaamijaya Btari Mariska Puwaamijaya Daffina Amalia Az Zahra Dara Widya Ainina Debby Marlina Sianipar Dhea Febrianti Donny Karunia Pratama Eeng Ahman Eline Nuha Nurrohmah Gika Elsa Febriananta Erif Ramadansyah Fairuz Azka Azhari Fakhrizal Labib Musyaffa Faza, Hanif Ksatria Ferdiansyah Firna Shizuka Nugroho Frans Budi Kashira Ghifari Malik Gieldy Akhyat Affandi Gina Cissy Aprilia Haesal Haesal Hanif Pradika Indradi Hasnah Hasnah Haya Afifah Herdi Heryadi Herdiana, Oding I Wayan Putra Aditya Ilmiati Mawaddah Indra Satria Nugraha Iyung Pahan Iyung Pahan Jesika Tamaria Kezia Dantya Christina Kinanti Dara Putri Laila Jasmien Lanina Astrid Chrysant Vrij Lili Adi Wibowo Lisna Rahma Fitriati Lusya Lestari M Sandi Marta Marsya Mutia Marta, M Sandi Maya Sari Melani Defina Maharani Michael Abraham Siahaan Miizan Qisthi Mita Amaliyatul Hayat Mochamad Ardan Fauzi Mohamad Rayhan Haniva Mohammad Fawaz Ghozi Muhamad Akil Hakim Muhamad Rafi Agasi Muhammad Alfarisi Habibilah Muhammad Arief Sani Wibisono Muhammad Ditto Marcelino Muhammad Dzikri Ar Ridlo Muhammad Fadhli Al Multazim Muhammad Farhan Hanif Effendi Muhammad Mufti Abdullah Muhammad Mufti Abdullah Muhammad Nabil Assalam Muhammad Naufal Nurfirmansyah Muhammad Praya Kays Hakim Muhammad Rizki Nugraha Muhammad Shalahudin Al-Ayyubi Muhammad Ukasyah Muhammad Yahya Yasin Muhammad Zhafran Hafiz Muji Mutiara Putri Utami Muzaky, Rhehan Nabilah Fitria Kamaludin Nadiyah Husniyah Nahda Nabilaturrahma Najla Khairunnisa Nasya Fatika Augusta Naufal Dzakwan Ramadhan Ni Made Ayu Natih Widhiarini Ni Wayan Mega Sari Apri Yani, Ni Wayan Mega Nina Nuraeni Noor Kholis Budiman Novian Rachman Iskandar Nugraha Nugraha Nur Azizyah Putri Dewita Nura Anggraeny Oding Herdiana Raja Almas Ramadhani Raka Ihsan Ramadhan, Akmal Ramzan Adillah Rangga Gelar Guntara Rangga Gelar Guntara Rangga Gelar Guntara Rani Dhever Hani Reyhan Arya Nugraha Reyhan Qatrunada Usulu Rian Ardiansah Rifqi Irfan Fayadh Riko Ikhsanudin Rio Taofan Risa Ardila Salamah Risma Rahatuningtyas Risma Rahatuningtyas Risna Melati Rizka Wahyudi Rizky Agung Bawono Sabani, Mohammad Ripki Salma Salsabila Lestari Salsabila, Unik Hanifah Sandy Sanjaya Sheilla Yullia Febrianti Simanjuntak, Jian Florence Genara Siti Alnazwa Rivania Nanlohy Soni Santana Stella Kova Suci Ramasiah Suryarini Widodo Sutrisno, Sastro Swardana, Ardli Syahdan Syauqi Mussaffa Syaiful Bahri Syifa Nurul Aulia Talitha Afrah Rafania Tanti Mardiana Taofik Hidayat Tiara Putri Try Nurhayati Iswanto Wafi Ulya Az Zahra Wulan Yuniar Rahmawati Wulansari Wulansari Yogi Ilham Fiqriansyah yogi prasetyo Yogi Prasetyo Zahirah, Nisrina Zahra Kirana Prameswari