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Fortifikasi probiotik dalam pakan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan gurami (Osphronemus gouramy) Riri Ezraneti; Erlangga Erlangga; Erliza Marzuki
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal, Vol. 5: No. 2 (October, 2018)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v5i2.812


AbstrakIkan gurami (Osphronemus gouramy) merupakan komoditas ikan air tawar yang bernilai ekonomis penting tetapi mempunyai kendala dalam budidaya, salahsatunya pertumbuhannya lambat. Salah satu pemecahan masalahnya adalah dengan pemenfaatan probiotik pada pakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fortifikasi probiotik dalam pakan dan untuk mengetahui penggunaan jenis probiotik terbaik dalam pakan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan gurami (O. gouramy). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen skala laboratorium dengan memberikan probiotik dalam pakan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) non faktorial dengan empat perlakuan dan tiga kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian dengan penyemprotan probiotik yang berbeda dengan dosis yang sama menunjukkan pengaruh yang sangat nyata terhadap pertumbuhan bobot, pegaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan panjang dan tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan konversi pakan. Perlakuan terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan D dengan penyemprotan probiotik yang mengandung bakteri Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bacillus subtilis, Aspergilus oryzae, Rhodopseudomonas, Actinomycetes dan Nitrobacter per 100 gram pakan dengan laju pertambahan bobot 34,26 %, laju pertambahan panjang 30,95 %, kelangsungan hidup 76,67 % dan konversi pakan 5,35 g.Kata kunci: gurami; probiotik; pertumbuhanAbstractGouramy (Osphronemus gouramy) is a commodity of freshwater fish which is economically important, but it has many problems in their culture, for example is slow growth. One of problem solving is utilization of probiotics in feed. This research aims to know influence of probiotic fortification in feed and to determine the best kind of probiotic that used in feed to increase the growth of gouramy (O. gouramy). This research used laboratory experimental method with feeding probiotics in feed, used non-factorial complete randomized design (CRD) design with four treatments and three replications. Results of research with different probiotic with similar doses showed significant effect on weight, real influence on long and did not show significant effect on survival and feed conversion. The best treatment was found in D treatment with probiotic which contains Saccharomyces cerevisiae bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bacillus subtilis, Aspergilus oryzae, Rhodopseudomonas, Actinomycetes and Nitrobacter per 100 gram of feed with weight rate 34,26%, long rate 30,95%, survival rate 76.67% and feed conversion 5.35 g.Keywords: gourami; probiotic; growth
Pengaruh ablasi mata terhadap kecepatan kematangan gonad kepiting bakau (Sylla serrata) betina Muhammad Robi; Erlangga Erlangga
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal, Vol. 1: No. 1 (October, 2014)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v1i1.292


Kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) merupakan jenis golongan Crustaceae   yang mengandung protein hewani yang cukup tinggi dan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Ablasi mata merupakan salah satu cara untuk menghilangkan hambatan perkembangan telur (gonad) pada kepiting bakau. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non factorial dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Adapun perlakuan dalam penelitian ini adalah perlakuan A (ablasi satu pasang mata), perlakuan B (ablasi mata kiri), C (ablasi mata kanan), D (tanpa ablasi).   Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan kematangan gonad tertinggi pada perlakuan C (ablasi mata kanan) yaitu pertumbuhan gonad mencapai 21,53% dan terendah terjadi  D (tanpa ablasi)  pertumbuhan gonad hanya 14,8%. Analisa statistik dengan uji F menunjukan bahwa ablasi mata berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan kematangan gonad kepiting bakau. Pertambahan bobot tertinggi  terdapat pada perlakuan C (ablasi mata kanan) yaitu sebesar 2,67 gr kemudian disusul oleh D (tanpa ablasi)  sebesar 1,89 gr  dan terakhir  pada B (ablasi mata kiri) dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,77 gr. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan D (tanpa ablasi)   yaitu 100%, perlakuan B (ablasi mata kiri) 77,77%, perlakuan C (ablasi mata kanan) 66,66% dan kelansungan hidup terendah terjadi pada perlakuan A (ablasi satu pasang mata) 0%. Rata-rata kualitas air selama penelitian adalah suhu 27 0C dan Ph 7,65.Mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) have been classifying in Crustaceae clas that containing high animal protein and high economic value. Ablation of the eye is an solution to eliminate the egg development (gonads) barriers in the mangrove crab. The research design used a completely randomized design (CRD) non- factorial with 4 treatments and 3 replications. Treatment in this study were the treatment of A (ablation of the pairs of eyes), treatment B (left eye ablation), treatment C (right eye ablation), D (without ablation). The results showed that the highest rate of gonadal maturation was in treatment C (right eye ablation) where gonadal development growth reached 21.53 %, whereas the lowest was in treatment D (without ablation) where gonadal development growth was only 14.8 %. Statistical analysis by F test showed that ablation of the eye was affected the mud crab gonadal maturity. The Weight gain was found highest in the treatment C (right eye ablation) that reached 2.67 g and followed by treatment D (without ablation) 1.89 grams and the last in the treatment B (left eye ablation) with was an average value 0.77 grams. The higest survival rate was found in treatment D (without ablation) 100 %, treatment B (left eye ablation) 77.77 %, treatment C (right eye ablation) 66.66 % and the lowest survival rate was occurred in treatment A (ablation of the pairs of eyes) 0 %. The avarge values of water quality during the study showed that the temperature was reched 27 0C and pH was 7, 65.
Penetasan telur penyu sisik (Eretmochelys imbricata) dengan kedalaman yang berbeda Erlangga Erlangga; Ayu Lestari; Zulfikar Zulfikar; Munawar Khalil; Riri Ezraneti
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Jurnal Ilmu Perairan, Vol. 8: No. 2 (August, 2021)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aa.v8i2.4778


This research was conducted from November 2018 until January 2019 which was held at the UPTD Conservation and Supervision of Marine Resources and Fisheries in West Sumatera, Pariaman City.  The aim of the research is to know hatchling hawksbill sea turtle eggs based on nest depth. The method used in this study is a nonfactorial randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 3 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments used were treatment A (with a depth of 30 cm incubation nest), treatment B (with a depth of incubation nest 40 cm), and Treatment C (with a depth of incubation nest 50 cm). The results of this study showed that hatching hawksbill eggs hatched very significantly, the best hatching percentage was in treatment A (30cm) with 78% hatching at 6:00 a.m. with hatching temperature range of 24-28oC, hatching pH of 6,6-6,8 and medium sized incubation sand with a size of 0.150 mm with a weight reaching 461 grams.Keywords: Hatching percentage, Hawksbill turtle, pH, Temperature
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.393 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jpt.v2i1.17


This study was conducted on July 28th to August 02nd 2014 in Laboratory of Hatchery and Aquaculture Technology which aimed to determine the effectiveness of aquaponictechnology to incorporate different types of plants to growth performance of tilapia. The benefit of this research was as useful information to aquaculture field, especially to maximalized fish growth technology. The method used in this study was non factorial completely randomized design with 4 treatments and three replications. The results showed the value of water quality such as mmonia 0.02 mg/l, turbidity 4.67 NTU, lenght growth 3.65 cm and a weight of 9.68 grams with a value of survival rate 96.66%, feed conversion 1.08% and long growth of plants 22.10 cm where Fcount> Ftable.
Kondisi Eksisting Tiram (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) di Perairan Estuari Desa Banda Masen Kecamatan Banda Sakti Kota Lhokseumawe Erlangga Erlangga; Imanullah Imanullah; Syahrial Syahrial; Erniati Erniati; Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin; Gara Hasonangan Ritonga; Dodi Fanhalen Siregar
Buletin Oseanografi Marina Vol 11, No 2 (2022): Buletin Oseanografi Marina
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/buloma.v11i2.39514


Kajian kondisi eksisting tiram dilakukan pada tiga stasiun pengamatan di perairan estuari Desa Banda Masen (Juli – September 2020). Kajian bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor lingkungan, distribusi dan biodiversitas, kepadatan, frekuensi pertumbuhan serta karakteristik lingkungan tiram, dimana sampel dikumpulkan dalam plot yang berukuran 1x1 m pada sisi kiri, tengah dan kanan estuari, sedangkan keterkaitan parameter kualitas perairan terhadap kepadatan maupun morfometrik tiram dianalisis berdasarkan Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa konsentrasi DO berkisar antara 07,85–07,87 mg/L, suhu 30,00–32,00°C, salinitas 32,50–35,00‰, pH 07,90–08,13, kekeruhan 27,90–28,17 NTU, kecerahan 00,20–00,22 cm, kedalaman 01,20–01,27 m dan intensitas cahaya 449–452 Lux. Selain itu, hasil kajian juga memperlihatkan tiram terdistribusi di semua stasiun pengamatan, terdiri dari dua spesies dengan kepadatan S. cucullata antara 02,33–04,11 ind/m2 dan kepadatan S. echinata antara 02,11–03,56 ind/m2. Untuk frekuensi pertumbuhan morfometrik, panjang cangkang S. cucullata dominannya adalah 04,28–04,91 cm, lebar cangkang 03,48–04,06 cm, berat isi 03,18–04,85 mg dan berat cangkang 15,86–20,43 mg. Selanjutnya untuk frekuensi pertumbuhan morfometrik S. echinata, panjang cangkang dominannya adalah 03,82–04,27 cm, lebar cangkang 02,96–03,41 cm, berat isi 03,12–04,12 mg serta berat cangkang 15,06–19,33 mg, dimana kepadatan maupun berat isi S. cucullata sangat ditentukan oleh intensitas cahaya, salinitas, suhu dan kekeruhan perairan, sedangkan kecerahan perairan kurang memberikan pengaruh yang baik bagi kepadatan maupun berat isi tiram S. cucullata, kecuali bagi pertumbuhan panjang cangkang S. echinata, panjang cangkang S. cucullata, berat isi dan berat cangkang S. echinata.    The study of the existing condition of oysters was carried out at three observation stations in the estuary of Banda Masen Village during July until September 2020. The study aims to determine environmental factors, distribution, biodiversity, density, growth frequency and environmental characteristics of oysters. Samples were collected in plots with measuring 1x1 m on the left, middle and right sides of the estuary. Furthermore, the correlation parameters of water quality on density and morphometric of oysters to be analyzed base on Principle Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed that DO concentrations ranged between 07,85–07,87 mg/L, temperature 30,00–32,00°C, salinity 32,50–35,00‰, pH 07,90–08,13, turbidity 27,90–28,17 NTU, brightness 00,20–00,22 cm, depth 01,20–01,27 m and light intensity 449,00–452,00 Lux. In addition, the results of the study also depict that oysters were distributed in all observation stations which consisting of two species with density of S. cucullata and S. echinata between 02,33–04,11 ind/m2 and 02,11–03,56 ind/m2, respectively. The frequency of morphometric growth illustrates the dominant shell of S. cucullata was 04,28–04,91 cm in length, 03,48–04,06 cm in width, and 15,86–20,43 mg in weight with bulk have 03,18–04,85 mg in weight. Furthermore, the frequency of morphometrics growth of S. echinata have dominant shell was 03,82–04,27 cm in length, 02,96–03,41 cm in width, 15.06 –19,33 mg in weight with bulk have 03,12–04,12 mg in weight. The density and weight of the bulk of S. cucullata were largely determined by light intensity, salinity, temperature and turbidity of the waters. Meanwhile, the brightness did not give significant influence except for the length of two species and density also weight of S. echinata.
Tingkat Densitas Populasi Maggot Pada Media Yang Berbeda Prana Hartami; Sri Nanda Rizki; Erlangga Erlangga
Berkala Perikanan Terubuk Vol 43, No 2 (2015): Juli 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (363.819 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/terubuk.43.2.14 - 24


Aims research to know the best substrat type for increasing the density of the maggot population. This research was conducted on December 23rd to January 22nd, 2014, at Hatchery and Aquaculture Technology laboratory Cunda, Lhokseumawe. Experimental methods was Complete Random design (CDR) non factorial with 5 treatments and 3 replication. The results showed the best treatment with combination of dregs tofu, dregs coconuts, bran and pal oilcake with the average value of the density of population of maggot 4.60 ind/cm3, weights 190 grams, and a length of 1 cm. Experimental needs to be done further Suggestions to look at other types of media to increased the population density of the maggot.
DISTRIBUSI INDUK UDANG GALAH (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) DI PANTAI TIMUR ACEH Erlangga Erlangga
Berkala Perikanan Terubuk Vol 44, No 1 (2016): Februari 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (537.288 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/terubuk.44.1.56 - 68


Aceh province has enormous fisheries potential, both freshwater and marine fisheries. one fishery biota which is featured prospect is prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Availability of the stock of prawns has been on the decline, and therefore this studied aims to determine the distribution of the existence of the brood stock prawns where located on the east coast of Aceh. This study used survey and analysis of water quality parameter. The results showed that on the east coast of Aceh where three districts that are in stock or distribution of prawns, Aceh Utaradistrict,Aceh Timurdistrictand Aceh Tamiang district. Aceh Utara district in the Tanah Pasir, Aceh Timur in the Peurelak and Aceh Tamiang in Seuruway. Distribution mains prawns in quality still showed a good result, but in terms of quantity was declining. The cause of the reduced number of prawns among other things because of the agricultural waste that causes pollution, because the region of Aceh are still many agricultural activities that still use pesticides. In addition due to fishing activities that use stun and tuba, very deadly existence of the stock of prawns are found in the waters of Aceh.
Rumput Laut yang Tumbuh Alami di Pantai Barat Pulau Simeulue, Aceh Indonesia: Faktor Lingkungan dan Variasi Geografik Erniati Erniati; Syahrial Syahrial; Imanullah Imanullah; Erlangga Erlangga; Cut Meurah Nurul ‘Akla; Wilman Shobara; Jihad Nasuha; Gara Hasonangan Ritonga; Anggi Mayulina Daulay; Hamdi Romansah; Ibnu Amni; Tambah Lambok Berutu
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 25, No 1 (2022): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v25i1.12645


Environmental factors and geographical variations in an ecosystem are important steps in explaining the dynamics of marine communities, a study of seaweed that grows naturally on the west coast of Simeulue Island was conducted with the purpose of learning about the environmental characteristics, geographical variations, and environmental parameters that affect their distribution. The study was conducted in October 2021, and it included 5 observation stations with environmental factors measured in situ and geographic variation data using line transects along 50 m perpendicular to the shoreline and sample plots measuring 1 x 1 m every 10 m. Environmental factors that influence vegetation conditions and geographic variations of seaweed were analyzed using PCA. The study's findings revealed that conditions in the Indian Ocean with a high pH (average 07.72 ± 00.20) with moderate salinity and current velocity (average 32.47‰± 01.72 and 00.32 m/s ± 00.11, respectively) influenced the seaweed vegetation habitat. Then 21 seaweed species were identified, all of which have not been evaluated on the IUCN Red List, and their distribution is relatively rare, with a frequency of only 20%, and the seaweed zoning found at a depth of 0 - 150 cm at the lowest tide and a distance of up to 40 m inland from the edge. Furthermore, the distribution of seaweed on Simeulue Island's west coast is largely determined by DO conditions, salinity, and current velocity, whereas pH and temperature have less influence on seaweed distribution.  Faktor lingkungan dan variasi geografik di suatu ekosistem merupakan langkah penting dalam menjelaskan dinamika komunitas laut, sehingga kajian rumput laut yang tumbuh alami di Pantai Barat Pulau Simeulue dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik lingkungan, variasi geografik dan parameter lingkungan yang mempengaruhi distribusinya. Kajian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2021 yang terdiri dari 5 stasiun pengamatan dengan faktor lingkungannya diukur secara in situ dan data variasi geografiknya menggunakan transek garis sepanjang 50 m tegak lurus garis pantai serta dibuat petak contoh berukuran 1 x 1 m disetiap 10 m dan faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhi kondisi vegetasi maupun variasi geografik rumput lautnya dianalisis menggunakan PCA. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa habitat vegetasi rumput lautnya dipengaruhi oleh kondisi Samudera Hindia dengan konsentrasi pH perairannya tergolong tinggi (rata-rata 07.72 ± 00.20) dan konsentrasi salinitas maupun kecepatan arusnya tergolong sedang (rata-rata 32.47‰ ± 01.72 dan rata-rata 00.32 m/s ± 00.11), kemudian rumput lautnya teridentifikasi sebanyak 21 spesies yang keseluruhannya belum terevaluasi di IUCN Red List dan distribusinya tergolong jarang dengan frekuensi relatifnya kecil dari 20% serta zonasi rumput lautnya ditemukan pada kedalaman ± 0 – 150 cm saat surut terendah dan berjarak hingga ± 40 m ke arah daratan dari tubir. Selanjutnya, untuk distribusi rumput laut di pantai Barat Pulau Simeulue sangat ditentukan oleh kondisi DO, salinitas dan kecepatan arus, sedangkan parameter pH dan suhu kurang memberikan pengaruh yang baik terhadap distribusi rumput lautnya. 
Effect of thyroxine and rGH hormone recombinant on growth and survival goldfish larvae, Carassius auratus (Linnaeus, 1758) Erlangga Erlangga; Zulfikar Zulfikar; Hariyati Hariyati
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 19 No 1 (2019): February 2019
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v19i1.431


Slow growth is obstacles to achieving the target of goldfish production (Carassius auratus auratus). The process of metabolism and growth in fish is influenced by hormonal factors. This research was conducted in February-March 2016 at Hatchery and Aquaculture Technology Laboratory Aquaculture Study Program of Faculty of Agriculture University of Malikussaleh. This study aims to examine the effect of thyroxine (T4) and hormone recombinant Growth Hormone (rGH) hormone by immersion method with different doses on growth and survival of goldfish larvae. The experimental method using a complete non factorial randomized design with four three replication treatments. The treatment is: A= control, B= T4 0.05 mgL-1 + rGH 5 mgL-1, C= T4 0.1 mgL-1 + rGH 10 mgL-1, D = T4 0.15 mgL-1 + rGH 15 mgL-1. Result of research with giving of recombination of hormone T4 and hormone rGH with different dose have an effect on to decrease of yolk volume, egg yolk absorption rate, growth and survival with p value <0,05 . The best treatment is in treatment D (T4 0, 15mgL-1 + rGH 15 mg L-1) with yolk volume and egg yolk absorption rate for 36 hours, growth weight: 3.09 mg, growth length: 1.75 mm, and 81% stability. The values of waters quality the study was 27-28 oC, pH 7.0-7.4, dissolved oxygen 5-6.1 ppm and ammonia 0.1073-0.1793 ppm, still support optimal fish growth for the goldfish. This research is expected to accelerate the growth process of the goldfish larvae with excellent syntax value. Abstrak Pertumbuhan yang lambat merupakan kendala dalam mencapai target produksi ikan maskoki (Carassius auratus auratus). Proses metabolisme dan pertumbuhan pada ikan dipengaruhi oleh faktor hormonal. Penelitian ini dilaksa-nakan pada bulan Februari-Maret 2016 di Laboratorium Pembenihan dan Teknologi Budidaya, Perairan Program Studi Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Malikussaleh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pe-ngaruh pemberian hormon tiroksin (T4) dan hormon rGH (recombinant Growth Hormone) melalui metode peren-daman dengan dosis yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasan larva ikan maskoki. Metode penelitian ekspe-rimental dengan rancangan acak lengkap non faktorial dengan empat perlakuan tiga ulangan. Adapun perlakuannya adalah: A= Kontrol, B= T4 0,05 mgL-1+ rGH 5 mgL-1, C= T4 0,1 mgL-1+ rGH 10 mgL-1, D = T4 0,15 mgL-1+ rGH 15 mgL-1. Hasil penelitian dengan pemberian rekombinasi hormon T4 dan hormon rGH dengan dosis yang berbeda ber-pengaruh terhadap penurunan volume kuning telur, laju penyerapan kuning telur, pertumbuhan dan sintasan dengan nilai p< 0,05. Perlakuan terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan D (T4 0,15 mg L-1 + rGH 15 mgL-1) dengan hasil volume kuning telur dan laju penyerapan kuning telur selama 36 jam, pertumbuhan bobot : 3,09 mg, pertumbuhan panjang : 1,75 mm, dan sintasan : 81 %. Nilai kualitas air selama penelitian yaitu suhu 27-28 oC, pH 7,0-7,4, oksigen terlarut 5-6,1 mgL-1 dan amonia 0,1073-0,1793 mgL-1, masih mendukung pertumbuhan ikan yang optimal bagi ikan mas koki. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu mempercepat proses pertumbuhan larva ikan mas koki dengan nilai sintasan yang sangat baik.
Famili Rhizophoraceae di Hutan Mangrove KKPD Rupat Utara Provinsi Riau Bagian I, Deskripsi Anggota Syahrial Syahrial; Erlangga Erlangga; Rini Tri Lestari Sembiring; Alfi Syahrin
Jurnal Sumberdaya Akuatik Indopasifik Vol 4 No 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46252/jsai-fpik-unipa.2020.Vol.4.No.2.113


Monitoring the richness of mangrove species is very much needed in formulating management and conservation of mangroves, so a study of the description of the members of the Rhizophoraceae family was conducted in July 2018 in the mangrove forest of the North Rupat KKPD. This study aims to explore the Rhizophoraceae family members who compile the North Rupat KKPD mangrove forest and also aims as a baseline in evaluating the mangrove ecosystem of the North Rupat KKPD in the future. The method used is line transect and cruising. This means that the collected specimens become more complete. A total of 5 species of Rhizophoraceae members have been identified as compilers of the North Rupat KKPD mangrove forest namely Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, B. sexangula, Ceriops tagal, Rhizophora apiculata and R. mucronata.
Co-Authors Ade Fitria Ade Fitria Alfi Syahrin Alfi Syahrin Anggi Mayulina Daulay Anggi Mayulina Daulay Anggi Mayulina Daulay Ayu Andira Ayu Andira Ayu Gustina Ayu Lestari Azhari Mataniari Azizi Ramadhan Bengi Pratiwi Cut Meurah Nur Akla Cut Meurah Nurul Akla Cut Meurah Nurul ‘Akla Cut Meurah Nurul ‘Akla Cut Meurah Nurul ‘Akla Cut MeurahNur &#039;Akla Dian Laili Dodi Fanhalen Siregar Dodi Fanhalen Siregar Erliza Marzuki Erniati Erniati Erniati Erniati Erniati Erniati Erniati, Erniati Eva Ayuzar Eva Ayuzar Eva Ayuzar Eva Ayuzar Eva Ayuzar Firli Ariski Fitra Wira Hadinata Fitri Al Faini Siregar Fitriani Fitriani Gara Hasonangan Ritonga Gara Hasonangan Ritonga Gara Hasonangan Ritonga Hamdi Romansah Hariyati Hariyati Helmi Gusnita Hyessica Bernardeta Lubis I Iswadi Ibnu Amni Ida Marina Harahap Imamshadiqin imamshadiqin imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imamshadiqin Imanullah Imanullah Intan Mutia Irmayunita Irmayunita Iswadi Ak Jamin Jamin Jihad Nasuha Julianda Sahputra Khaidir Khaidir Likdanawati Likdanawati Lisna Lisna Mahdaliana Mahdaliana mahdaliana mahdaliana Mahdaliana, Mahdaliana Mainisa Mainisa Mainisa Mainisa Mainisa Meutia Handayani Muhammad Hatta Muhammad Robi Muliani Muliani Muliani Muliani Munawar Khalil Munawwar Khalil, Munawwar Mutia Mutia Nazarul Syahputra Nur Ainun Mardiah Nuriana Dila Prama Hartami Rachmawati Rusydi Rachmawati Rusydi Rahmatul Husna Repki Prasetyo Rian Firdaus rini tri lestari sembiring Rini Tri Lestari Sembiring Riri Ezraneti Riri Ezraneti Riri Ezraneti Riri Ezraneti Riri Ezraneti Roza Yusfiandayani Saiful Adhar Salamah Salamah Salmarika Salmarika Salmarika Salmarika Sapna Biby Sohibil Yamin Sri Nanda Rizki Srinanda Rizki Sutiana Sutiana Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrul Ramadansyah Syawaluddin Akbar Tambah Lambok Berutu Umaruddin Usman Urmila Zaitun Welmar Olfan Basten Barat Wilman Shobara Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yudho Andika Yudho Andika Yudho Andika Yudho Andika Yudho Andika Yudho Andika Yukis Angga Prasetya Yuli Asbar yuli asbar Yusril Husaen Yusril Husaen Yusyam Leni Zakiatul Fitri