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Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas dengan Menggunakan First Pass Yield dan Fishbone Diagram Pada PT X Sri Susilawati Islam; Fatkhurozak Fatkhurozak
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan) Vol 4, No 2 (2018): JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jst.v4i2.516


Industrial competition in the current global industrial era is not only influenced by product prices but also influenced by customer satisfaction with the products, one of the factors that influence customer satisfaction is the quality of the products, for which quality control is needed. This studies aims to measure the level of quality control as seen from the percentage of defective products and customer satisfaction. This research was conducted at PT X  which is a cable producing company. The method used in this studies is the First Pass Yield to measure the percentage of defective products, Customer Complaints and production claims related to the quality of raw materials & haspels to measure customer satisfaction through questionnaires. From data processing, the average value of First Pass Yield is 94.2% which indicates the average rate of defective products per month is 5.8%. Customer complaints show customers are not satisfied with the Non Standard Length relating to the marker and cable length. So as to improve product competitiveness we provide several improvement proposals based on the fault categoriesthat arise.
Analisis Preventive Maintenance Pada Mesin Produksi dengan Metode Fuzzy FMEA sri susilawati islam
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 8, No 1 (2020): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v8i1.766


Kegiatan perawatan mesin (maintenance) merupakan kegiatan yang memiliki peran yang sangat penting untuk menunjang kelancaran proses produksi. Maintenance yang tidak teratur dapat mengakibatkan mesin mengalami gangguan atau kerusakan (downtime), hal ini dapat menghambat kelancaran proses produksi. Agar proses produksi dapat berjalan sesuai dengan perencanaan, maka harus ditunjang dengan keadaan mesin yang handal sehingga diperlukan perencanaan perawatan mesin yang baik. Pereventive maintenance merupakan salah satu perencanaan perawatan yang banyak digunakan untuk memastikan bahwa mesin dapat berjalan sesuai dengan fungsinya. Pada penelitian ini, studi kasus dilakukan di PT PLN Sektor Tello Makassar sebab perusahaan tersebut mempunyai peranan penting dalam menyuplai arus listrik di kota Makassar yaitu sebesar 197,61 MW. Jika terjadi kerusakan mesin maka akan berdampak pada aktivitas ekonomi masyarakat yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian, saat ini perencanaan maintenance yang dilakukan oleh PT PLN Sektor Tello Makassar belum berjalan optimal karena masih terjadinya kerusakan mesin generator saat proses produksi berlangsung. Agar kegagalan mesin dapat dikurangi, maka penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode Fuzzy FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) untuk mengidentifikasi kerusakan mesin dan menentukan prioritas mesin dalam proses perawatan serta jenis perawatannya berdasarkan nilai RPN (Risk Priority Number).
Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Menggunakan Bagan Kendali Bivariat dengan Copula pada Industri Manufactur di Indonesia Tika Endah Lestari; Sri Susilawati Islam
Indonesian Journal of Fundamental Sciences Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (766.448 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/ijfs.v6i1.13942


Product quality control is an important factor for the industrial world because good quality control and carried out continuously will be able to detect abnormal production results quickly, so that anticipatory action can be taken immediately. Quality is a major factor in consumer decision making before buying goods / services. The problem that occurs at this time in manufacturing companies in Indonesia is how the statistical quality control process can be applied properly. The purpose of this statistical analysis is to find out the statistical quality control process that is applied to manufacturing companies in Indonesia using bivariate control charts with copula. Copula is a function that combines a multivariate distribution function with a uniform one-dimensional marginal distribution function, in this condition the Copula used is the Archimedean Copula group. The method used in this data collection is a simple random sampling with the sample used are three manufacturing companies in Indonesia which covers the areas of Jakarta, Bandung and Makassar. The implementation of Copula in this control chart results in Frank Copula being the best Copula, this supports that the use of Copula in the quality control process has a good role
Workshop Teknologi Digital Komunikasi di Era New Normal Santo Tjhin; Iwan Setiawan; Sri Susilawati Islam; Christian Haposan Pangaribuan; Muhril Ardiansyah
Journal of Community Services: Sustainability and Empowerment Vol. 1 No. 01 (2021): March
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service of Sampoerna University

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Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan guna menjawab kebutuhan akan pemahaman peran komunikasi melalui digital media, dimasa pandemic Covid 19. Proses komunikasi dalam kehidupan bersosialisasi mulai mengalami hambatan disaat pandemic Covid 19 mewabah di Indonesia pada awal tahun 2020, pemerintah mewajibkan semua aktifitas dilakukan dengan menjaga jarak fisik (physical distancing), kerja dari rumah, belajar di rumah, hingga beribadah di rumah, untuk memutus penyebaran wabah virus Covid 19. Pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan dan memberdayakan teknologi digital dalam berkomunikasi. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan pelatihan teoritis, dan workshop (demonstrasi), hal ini dianggap sesuai dengan target dan objek dampingan. kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan banyak manfaat , dimana pada awalnya tidak memahami menggunakan teknologi digital dalam berkomunikasi dua arah secara optimal hingga dapat memahami dan menggunakan teknologi digital dengan baik. Melalui pelatihan ini peserta diharapkan dapat menggunakan smartphone dan komputer secara optimal untuk berkomunikasi secara online dan memahami cara menggunakan aplikasi Zoom.
Junior Highschool Library Automation System Solution and Implementation Eko Sulistyo; Muhammad Agni Catur Bhakti; Filscha Nurprihatin; Surya Danusaputro Liman; Tika Endah Lestari; Sri Susilawati Islam; Indah Riantantri Mileniawati; Rafie Djajasoepena; Oryzea Sativa Ilham; Muhammad Ikhsan Effendy; Wandy Wandy
Journal of Community Services: Sustainability and Empowerment Vol. 3 No. 01 (2023): March 2023
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service of Sampoerna University

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A high school library is a crucial part of educational infrastructures. Textbooks, e-books, and other collections in a library need to be recorded for circulation and administrative support needs. To provide data for statistical analysis, users of the library must tracked and recorded. Several library activities can be supported by a library automation system (SLiMS). East Jakarta's SMP Negeri 174 Jakarta is a public junior high school with a library. This project to install and implement SLiMS along with configuring the local network and library server. As a result, the library's infrastructure has been properly set up to support the library management system. Data entry for books and library members is currently underway. A guestbook option has also been added, and it is now switching from a manual guestbook to an electronic one to in order to precisely record library visitors.
Interactive and Collaborative Online Teaching With Artificial Intelligent & Nearpod Muhammad Lukman Baihaqi Alfakihuddin; Santo Tjhin; Sri Susilawati Islam; Iwan Setiawan; Ilham Prasetyo; Surya Danusaputro Liman
Journal of Community Services: Sustainability and Empowerment Vol. 3 No. 02 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service of Sampoerna University

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The Covid-19 virus pandemic presents new challenges for schoolteachers and students to complete online learning. Educators conduct distance learning so the challenge is the lack of control that can be exercised over students. Engaging in learning is essential to create enthusiasm and interest in learning during online learning. The development of digital technology such as artificial intelligence and Nearpod can be used to create interesting learning that can increase the spirit of learning. This community service was conducted to teachers at SDN Sampay 01 and 02, Cisarua, Jawa Barat. The results of this community service show that the knowledge of teachers of both SDN Sampay 01 and 02 regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence and Nearpod technology increased after the service was held. In addition, the majority of teachers are also more confident with the use of technology in their teaching.
Implementation of fuzzy logic control for the automation of diesel engine cooling systems Randis Randis; Sri Susilawati Islam; Nur yanti; Novita Novita
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 21, No 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v21i2.3359


Conventional cooling systems on four-wheeled vehicles generally use a cooling fan driven by the crankshaft through pulleys and a belt (V-belt), causing the wastage of fuel in the vehicle. This study aims to design and implement fuzzy logic control on a prototype of an automatic cooling system for a diesel engine. The tool's design uses the experimental method, uses Arduino as a microcontroller that functions as a data processing center, with inputs of two temperature sensors and a DC motor as output to rotate the fan, and fuzzy logic control methods as an automatic control system. The research results show that this tool can operate automatically according to the engine temperature, so it is expected to produce greater effectiveness and efficiency. Measurements on each component have been carried out and show satisfactory results, testing on the temperature sensor shows a small error. Comprehensive testing of the tool shows good performance, including the PWM output to adjust the rotational speed of the fan motor so that the system can be used properly. This research will help create a prototype of an automatic cooling system for a diesel engine cooling system so that it can be developed to reveal better fuel efficiency in the future.