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Perbandingan Metode Huffman dan Run Length Encoding Pada Kompresi Dokumen Pujianto Pujianto; Mujito Mujito; Basuki Hari Prasetyo; Danang Prabowo
InfoTekJar : Jurnal Nasional Informatika dan Teknologi Jaringan Vol 5, No 1 (2020): InfoTekJar September
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/infotekjar.v5i1.2892


Penggunaan media penyimpanan yang efektif dan efesien sangat didambakan oleh semua orang, ukuran besar dan kecilnya sebuah document sangat mempengaruhi media penyimpanan dan juga ketika pengiriman document juga mempengaruhi kecepatan pengiriman. Dengan memanfaatkan beberapa metode Kompresi kita dapat memperkecil ukuran pada sebuah document. Beberapa diantaranya adalah metode Huffman dan Metode Run Length Encoding dimana pada penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai perbandingan dari metode Huffman dalam melakukan proses Kompresi dengan metode Run Length Encoding menggunakan beberapa jenis document yaitu document yang berjenis pdf, word, excell dan powerpoint. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa metode huffman lebih baik didalam melakukan proses compress document dibandingkan dengan metode Run Length Encoding. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari ukuran file setelah dilakukan proses Kompresi, ukuran file sesudah Kompresi pada metode huffman mengalami penyusutan sedangkan ukuran file sesudah Kompresi pada metode Run Length Encoding terdapat 1 file mengalami peningkatan
The Feasibility of Credit Using C4.5 Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Prediction Siswanto Siswanto; Abdussomad Abdussomad; Windu Gata; Nia Kusuma Wardhani; Grace Gata; Basuki Hari Prasetyo
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics Vol 6: EECSI 2019
Publisher : IAES Indonesia Section

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/eecsi.v6.2019


Credit is a belief that one is given to a person or other entity which is concerned in the future will fulfill all the obligations previously agreed. The objective of research is necessary to do credit analysis to determine the feasibility of a credit crunch, through credit analysis results, it can be seen whether the customer is feasible or not. The methods are is used to predict credit worthiness is by using two models, models classification algorithm C4.5 and C4.5 classification algorithm model based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). After testing with these two models found that the result C4.5 classification algorithm generates a value of 90.99% accuracy and AUC value of 0.911 to the level diagnostics Classification Excellent, but after the optimization with C4.5 classification algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization accuracy values amounted to 91.18% and the AUC value of 0.913 to the level of diagnosis Excellent Classification. These both methods have different accuracy level of 0.18%.
Implementasi Algoritme Profile Matching Untuk Perekrutan Karyawan Mujito Mujito; Basuki Hari Prasetyo; Nasrul Sani
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (863.794 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v3i2.918


IT infrastructure at PT. Citra Multi Service is a very important part in the company where this is all part of the Foundation or framework that supports a system or organization to maintenance. The prospective employee selection process done by checking and selection is manually done by checking one by one the documentary was sent by the applicant, so make appraisers hassles and inefficient and require quite a long time, and the occurrence of human error as well as an assessment of subjective, sometimes the end result is not the best prospective employees. In this study using two aspects and in the aspect there are a few criteria. The basic Technique consists of aspect criteria Desktop Support, Network Engineer, Server Engineer, Security Engineer and Data Center Engineer. On the aspect of Personality consists of Dexterity, communication, discipline, Team Work and Responsibility. Method or Algorithm used is a Matching Profile. The results of this research is an application that produces the decision supporting systems output a rank of each prospective employees, so the management decision makers can see the ability of each candidate employees based on the rank.
Sistem Pakar Untuk Mengidentifikasi Kerusakan Perangkat PABX Panasonic NS1000 Dengan A* Pathfinding Siswanto Siswanto; Helmy Ligaputra; M. Anif; Windu Gata; Basuki Hari Prasetyo
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 4 No 3 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (686.718 KB) | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v4i3.1882


Someone can be said to have the ability to handle damage to the Panasonic NS1000 PABX device and perform a configuration of at least 3 years or already have a certificate of competence and training. The problem to be investigated is the number of experts there is only one and can only identify 5 damage per day and 1 day there are 25 damage. PABX Panasonic NS1000 has 30 rules and 130 data symptoms of damage as its knowledge base. This Expert System is designed to identify damage to PABX Panasonic NS1000 mobile application-based applications using the A * (A star) pathfinding algorithm and the forward chaining method with the PHP (Jquery Mobile) programming language and the database using MySQL, as an application program used by PT. Mediatama Anugrah Citra to facilitate the process of troubleshooting and effective problem solving on target. The features in this expert system include the identification of problems, the identification process, up to the achievement of the goal state and solutions effectively, quickly and precisely, the user as the user or admin has its own login and access rights in identifying, entry and editing. In the programming case testing process it can be seen that the application of the A * Pathfinding algorithm with the heuristic function has proven ineffectively implemented in the expert system and the results of the UAT testing process, the respondents agree (above 91.23%) that overall the expert system helps the expert and can deduce damage to PABX devices correctly.
Aplikasi Pengamanan Data Email Menggunakan Algoritma Kriptografi XTEA Berbasis WEB M. Anif; Siswanto Siswanto; Basuki Hari Prasetyo; Muhammad Fachri; Gunawan Pria Utama
Bit (Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Budi Luhur) Vol 17, No 2 (2020): SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (695.989 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/bit.v17i2.1144


PT. Tanabe Indonesia is engaged in manufacturing in the health sector and uses cloud-based email and folder sharing facilities. In this case the company does not have a security system that can secure the contents of e-mail messages. In its implementation, the process of sending email on a network does not rule out being read by irresponsible people, such as intruders. This problem can be solved by creating an Email Data Security Application Using a web-based XTEA (Xtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm) Cryptographic Algorithm, so that email messages are not easily compromised. The application that is built also has additional facilities, namely the login process to be able to access it, so that only certain parties who have access rights can use this application. The programming language used in building this data security application is the web-based PHP programming language. From the test results, the file format will change to .sc format. and after going through the encrypt process it will change to be bigger with the average file size increasing by about 22.221 percent from the original file size before going through the encrypt process. From the test results after going through the decrypt process the average file size change will increase by 77.779% percent (22.221 percent reduction), which is the same as the average in the encrypt process
Aplikasi Penilaian Kinerja Dan Perilaku Kerja Karyawan Universitas Budi Luhur Berbasis Web Subandi Subandi; Basuki Hari Prasetyo; Dian Anubhakti
Bit (Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Budi Luhur) Vol 17, No 1 (2020): APRIL 2020
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1178.845 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/bit.v17i1.1002


Perlunya sistem SDM yang efektif dan efisien, termasuk penilaian kinerja karyawan yang tepat sasaran, adil, obyektif dan berdampak meningkatkan motivasi kerja dan produktivitas kerja karyawan di lingkungan Universitas Budi Luhur Jakarta. Penilaian kinerja karyawanyang saat ini dilakukan melalui pengisian formulir Sasaran Kerja Karyawan(SKK) masih dirasakan belum optimal. Mendapatkan sistem penilaian kinerja karyawanyang lebih obyektif, efektif dan tepat sasaran di lingkungan Universitas Budi Luhur Jakarta yang berbeda dari sistem penilaian kinerja karyawan yang diterapkan saat ini, namun tetap mengacu pada peraturan pemerintah yang berlaku. Belum tersedianya Peta strategi yang mengambarkan keterkaitan antara rencana strategis, visi misi dan harapan para stakeholder, kesulitan dalam mengukur Key Perfomance Indikator (KPI) merupakan masalah yang dihadapi Universitas Budi Luhur yang terkait dengan pengukuran kinerja pegawai. Menyadari kebutuhan ini maka perlu dirancang aplikasi penilaian kinerja dan perilaku kerja karyawan Universitas Budi Luhur berbasis web yang dapat digunakan oleh Universitas Budi Luhur untuk menyusun Key Performance Indikator (KPI) dengan menggunakan framework Balance Score Card (BSC) memastikan KPI Rektor Universitas Budi Luhur diturunkan ke level bawahnya serta meningkatkan KPI dan menggukur hasil. Dalam tulisan ini didapatkan peta strategi Universitas Budi Luhur, matriks menggunakan Balance Score Card, bobot penilaian dengan 360 derajat. Pengujian tingkat penerimaan user (UAT) dilakukan dengan memberikan kuesioner terhadap 20 (dua puluh) pengguna aplikasi penilaian kinerja, berdasarkan hasil pengujian 61% user sangat setuju dengan aplikasi penilaian kinerja, 37,5% setuju dengan aplikasi penilaian kinerja dan 1,5% kurang setuju dengan aplikasi penilaian kinerja.
Kendali dan Monitoring Ruang Server dengan Sensor Suhu DHT-11, Gas MQ-2 serta Notifikasi SMS Firdiansyah Firdiansyah; Siswanto Siswanto; Muhammad Anif; Basuki Hari Prasetyo
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 3 No 1 (2019): SISFOTEK 2019
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1201.222 KB)


If the server room temperature is too hot it will cause damage to the existing hardware in the server room, whereas if the gas threshold is too high it will be able to indicate that a fire has occurred in the server room. One way to maintain the temperature level of 20-21ºC / (68-71ºF) and 350 ppm - 1000 ppm gas levels in the server room is to periodically monitor the temperature and gas content whether it is within the threshold that we specify ... So that if one day there is a deviation temperatures outside the tolerance range can be immediately taken responsive measures. Currently the server administrator must continue to monitor changes in temperature in the server room in stable condition and still manually. Temperature and gas monitoring systems and web-based control using DHT11 sensors and MQ-2 sensors can be one solution to monitor the temperature of the server room so that it is always in a conducive state, so as to minimize the occurrence of excess heat in devices in the server room . If there is a situation where changes in temperature and gas in the server room are detected, the system will send a notification to the user via SMS and automation of the additional air conditioning so that it can stabilize the room temperature again. Thus the temperature and gas of the server room will continue to be maintained and stable in full control by the server administrator without having to continue to be in the server room. The programming language used to create this system is the Arduino programming language whose syntax resembles the C language and for its visual appearance using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. From the observation of 23 days the application trial was able to run and give notification as much as 98% and system failure as much as 2%.
Perekrutan Karyawan Menggunakan Algoritme TOPSIS dan Pengujian UAT Siswanto Siswanto; Muhammad Satria Al Aziz; Mujito Mujito; Basuki Hari Prasetyo
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Vol 4 No 1 (2020): SISFOTEK 2020
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (572.838 KB)


The problem at PT. Putra Bangsingja Perkasa has difficulty in providing employee recommendations that are accepted according to the needs of the 160 prospective employees who register every 6 months of employee recruitment and who assess only 2 people. Employee recruitment applications using the TOPSIS algorithm need to be made to recommend employees who really meet the quality and match the desired criteria such as physical appearance, comprehension, communication, work motivation, education and work experience. The final results of this study are the results of the UAT testing process, the respondents agree (above 83.3%) that overall this employee recruitment application helps the leadership in providing employee recommendations that are accepted according to their needs.
Pengamanan File Audio Menggunakan Algoritma Kriptografi Blowfish Dan Pengujian UAT Siswanto; Farizal Dias Amsari; Basuki Hari Prasetyo; Wahyu Pramusinto; Gunawan Pria Utama; M. Anif
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2021): SISFOTEK V 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.2 KB)


The current problem at PT. Central Asia Insurance is data or information from meeting recordings that have been made without security so that the resulting data is leaked and can be published by unauthorized persons. This study aims to secure the results of the meeting in the form of audio that will be sent to the branch of PT. Central Asia Insurance using blowfish cryptographic algorithm and UAT testing. Therefore, I created an encryption application to secure the audio from the meeting at PT. Central Asia Insurance. The goal is to prevent irresponsible people from being able to know the results of the meeting directly because the Audio file has been encrypted. By making this application, it can guarantee the audio file of the meeting at PT. Central Asia insurance can be accepted by people who are entitled and have keys. The final result of this research is that this application is able to encrypt audio files with a maximum data size of 120 Mb. Based on trials carried out as many as 15 encrypted files, the encrypted file size becomes large with an average value of 12,009,507 bytes and an average encryption process time of 37.0 seconds while the decryption time is 52.2 seconds. So that the files obtained can be protected and can only be accessed by users who have a password lock. In the UAT test, a questionnaire with a Likert scale scale of 5. has been used. As a result, the respondents agree (above 91.23%) that the overall application of the blowfish algorithm to secure data files can be kept confidential.
Implementasi Algoritma Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP) Untuk Pemilihan Anggota Penyidik Pada Bareskrim Polri Mujito1, Basuki Hari Prasetyo2, Castro Mujito Mujito; Basuki Hari Prasetyo; Castro Domora Simamora
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar Vol 9 (2018): Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1046.421 KB) | DOI: 10.35313/irwns.v9i0.1124


Penelitian ini dilakukan pada salah satu kesatuan kepolisian yang bernama Badan Reserse Polri (Bareskrim Polri)Badan Reserse Kriminal Polri (Bareskrim Polri) adalah unsur pelaksana utama Kepolisian Negara RepublikIndonesia (Polri) pada tingkat Markas Besar dipimpin oleh Kepala Bareskrim (Kabareskrim Polri) yangbertanggung jawab di bawah Kepala Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Kapolri). Kabareskrim Polri bertugasmembantu Kapolri dalam membina dan menyelenggarakan fungsi penyelidikan dan penyidikan tindak pidana,pengawasan dan pengendalian penyidikan, penyelenggaraan identifikasi, laboratorium forensik dalam rangkapenegakan hukum serta pengelolaan informasi kriminal nasional. Kualitas Seorang Penyidik didalam BadanReserse Kriminal menentukan keberhasilan mengungkap sebuah kasus, Kesalahan dalam pemilihan seorangpenyidik pada Badan Reserse Kriminal polri akan membuat kesulitan didalam mengungkap sebuah kasus danperforma Badan Reserse Kriminal Polri (Bareskrim Polri) menurun. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini akanmembuat suatu Sistem Pemilihan Anggota Penyidik Pada Badan Reserse Kriminal Polri yang memanfaatkanAlgoritma Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP) yaitu pengambilan keputusan dilakukan dengan memberikanpertimbangan subyektif dan intuitif terhadap Faktor yang dianggap penting. Pertimbangan-pertimbangan tersebutberupa pemberian bobot (weighting system) atas multifactor yang terlibat dan dianggap penting tersebut.Sehingga dengan adanya Sistem, Pihak Pengambil Keputusan dapat melihat Calon Penyidik Badan ReserseKriminal Polri yang benar-benar memiliki kemampuan dibidang penyidikan. Dari hasil Riset dapat diperoleh dataBobot Evaluasi dari Charles adalah 7,85. bobot Evaluasi Robert adalah 7,25. bobot Evaluasi Budiman adalah7,75. bobot Evaluasi Sudirman adalah 7,35. bobot Evaluasi Agus adalah 7,2. Kesimpulannya adaah Charles yangterpilih menjadi Penyidik pada Bareskrim Polri