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Pembangunan Fondasi Keagamaan Islam Pada Anak Usia Dini Iwan Ridwan; Jakaria Jakaria; Wardatul Ilmiah; Ima Maisaroh; Siti Muhibah; Ratu Amalia Hayani
As-Sibyan: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/as-sibyan.v6i1.4593


Children are individuals who are experiencing development. Early childhood is an individual who is at the golden age stage where at this time the child is experiencing a high sense of curiosity about something as learning. The formation of superior human character is an all-time project in Islam. Therefore, in this paper, the author wants to find the right steps to build a religious foundation in children whose ending will develop into characters that reflect behavior based on religious values.The results of this study indicate that (1) the religious values instilled in children are the values of faith, morals and worship. (2) a) The methods used are modeling, habituation, parables, storytelling and dialogue. b) The results obtained are that the child is able and accustomed to praying without coercion, becomes accustomed to learning the Koran, loves Allah's creation and does good deeds. c) Other family members also have a share. d) The process is carried out anywhere and anytime. (3) Parents act as father and mother as well as friends. (4) The family environment and social environment have an influence on the process of cultivating religious values. (5) a) The supporting factors are the family environment and places of worship in the house. b) The inhibiting factor is the child's social environment and the limited time the parents have. Solutions to overcome inhibiting factors are to supervise children, reduce or limit children's play hours, and give advice to children. Keywords: Religious Foundation; Early childhood; FamilyReferencesAbdul Rahman Saleh. (2000). Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, Visi, Misi, dan Aksi. Gemawindu Pancaperkasa. Abu Amr Ahmad Sulaiman. (2005). Metode Pendidikan Anak Muslim Usia 6-9 Tahun. (Alih bahasa: Luqman Hakim). Jakarta: Darul Haq. Arif Rohman. (2009). Memahami Pendidikan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Laksbang Mediatama. C. Asri Budiningsih. (2008). Pembelajaran Moral Berpijak pada Karakteristik Siswa dan Budayanya. PT Rineka Cipta. Euis Sunarti. (2004). Mengasuh dengan Hati. PT Elex Media KomputIndo Gramedia. Fauziddin, M. (2016). Pembelajaran Agama Islam Melalui Bermain pada Anak Usia Dini (Studi Kasus di TKIT Nurul Islam Pare Kebupaten Kediri Jawa Timur). Hisyam, M. R., Suyanto, Sadzili, M., Arifin, Z., & Rahman, A. S. (2019). Peran Anggota Keluarga Berketahanan Dalam Perspektif Quran. Ulumuddin: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 9(2), 171–186. Hurlock, E.B. (1978). Perkembangan Anak. (Alih bahasa: Meitasari Tjandrasa). Erlangga PT Gelora Aksara Pratama. Imroatun, I., Nirmala, I., Juhri, J., & Muqdamien, B. (2020). Kajian Literatur Pengasuhan Anak Usia Dini Dalam Islam. As-Sibyan: Jurnal PAUD, 5(1), 57–66. Kurnia, Y. (2015). Pengembangan Kemampuan Ajaran-ajaran Agama dan Moral di TK. Bandung: PPPPTK TK dan PLB. Ngaisah, S. (2018). Pendidikan Agama Islam Bagi Anak Usia Dini Melalui Pembelajaran Sentra. As-Sibyan : Jurnal PAUD, 3(1), 15–24. Mansur. (2005). PAUD dalam Islam. Pusaka Pelajar. Meggit Carolyn. (2013). Memahami Perkembangan Anak. (Alih bahasa: Agnes Theodora W). PT Indeks. Muh. Nur Mustakim. (2005). Peranan Cerita Dalam Pembentukan Perkembangan Anak TK. Jakarta: Direktur Pembinaan Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan dan Ketenagaan Perguruan Tinggi. Muhammad Azmi. (2006). Pembinaan Akhlak Anak Usia Pra Sekolah. Penerbit Belukar. Muhammad Fadillah & Lilif Maulifatu Khorida. (2013). Pendidikan Karakter Anak Usia Dini. Ruzz Media. Nadjih, D., & Imroatun, I. (2016). Hadits Tentang Pendidikan Jasmani Anak Usia Dini. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Peran Pengasuhan Anak Raudhatul Atfal Dalam Membangun Karakter Bangsa, 51–64. Najamuddin Muhammad. (2011). Tips Membuat Anak Rajin Ibadah Sejak Dini. Sabil. Ngaisah, S. (2018). Pendidikan Agama Islam Bagi Anak Usia Dini Melalui Pembelajaran Sentra. As-Sibyan : Jurnal PAUD, 3(1), 15–24. Rahayu, S. H., Haroen, H., Budiutomo, T., Khasanah, N., & Nuryati. (2020). Manajemen Mutu Layanan Ta’lim Quran lil Aulad (TQA) di Yayasan Team Tadarus “AMM” Yogyakarta. Nuansa Akademik: Jurnal Pembangunan Masyarakat, 5(2), 117–130. Rahman, H. S. (2002). Konsep Dasar PAUD. PGTKI Press. Rahmawati, A. Y. D., Nasruddin, M., & Imroatun, I. (2020). Peran Sosial Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Wilayah Pesisir Utara Pulau Jawa Nuansa Akademik: Jurnal Pembangunan Masyarakat, 5(1), 1–12. Ananda, Implementasi Ajaran-ajaran Moral dan Agama pada Anak Usia Dini, Jurnal Obsesi, Volume 1 Issue 1 (2017) Pages 19 – 31. Sjarkawi. (2006). Pembentukan Kepribadian Anak, Peran Moral, Intelektual, Emosional, Sosial sebagai Wujud Integritas Membangun Jati Diri. Bumi Aksara. Sugiyono. (2005) Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif. Alfabet. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, (2003). Uyuni, Y. R. (2019). Konsep Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dalam Perspektif Islam Terhadap Tumbuh Kembang Anak Dalam Keluarga. aṣ-ṣibyān: Jurnal PAUD, 4(1), 53–64.
JURNAL MANAJEMEN MOTIVASI Vol 13, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Manajemen Motivasi
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (849.671 KB) | DOI: 10.29406/jmm.v13i1.562


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh bauran pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh Honda Daya Motor terhadap keputusan konsumen membeli mobil Honda pada Honda Daya Motor di Kota Pontianak. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh konsumen yang telah membeli mobil di Honda Daya Motor dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 100 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji normalitas, analisis regresi linear sederhana, koefisien korelasi, koefisien determinasi dan uji kelayakan model.Hasil uji validitas, uji reliabilitas dan uji normalitas menunjukkan bahwa data sudah memenuhi persyaratan valid, reliabel dan normal. Hasil analisis regresi linear sederhana menunjukkan bauran pemasaran berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Persamaan regresi linear sederhana adalah Y = 3,240 + 0,250 X. Hasil koefisien korelasi menunjukkan nilai R sebesar 0,243 yang menunjukkan bahwa bauran pemasaran mempunyai hubungan yang positif namun rendah terhadap keputusan konsumen membeli mobil Honda di Honda Daya Motor. Hasil koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,59 yang berarti bahwa 5,9% keputusan konsumen membeli mobil Honda di Honda Daya Motor dipengaruhi oleh bauran pemasaran dan sisanya sebesar 94,1% dipengaruhi oleh variabel-variabel lain di luar penelitian ini. Hasil uji kelayakan model nilai F hitung sebesar 6,159 > F tabel 3,94, dan memiliki nilai signifikan sebesar 0,015 (lebih kecil dari 0,05), menunjukkan bahwa model regresi linear sederhana dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi keputusan konsumen membeli mobil Honda yang dipengaruhi oleh bauran pemasaran.Kata kunci:  Bauran pemasaran, keputusan konsumen, honda daya motor
Aplikasi Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Pada Sistem Kontrol Proses Pengelasan Inner dan Outer Tabung Iradiasi I Wayan W W; Sofyan Sori; Jakaria Jakaria; Artadi Heru W; Mulyono Mulyono
Jurnal Forum Nuklir JFN Vol 4 No 1 Mei 2010
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.03 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jfn.2010.4.1.221


Pada proses pengelasan inner dan outer tabung iradiasi, diperlukan sumber daya manusia yang handal sehingga hasil pengelasan memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan untuk dapat diiradiasi di reaktor nuklir. Karena adanya keterbatasan sumber daya manusia yang mampu melakukan pengelasan tabung iradiasi secara sempurna, maka dibuat sistem kontrol proses pengelasan inner dan outer tabung iradiasi. Dengan sistem kontrol tersebut maka pengelasan tabung iradiasi dapat dilakukan secara otomatis. Metoda yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) yang difungsikan untuk mengatur proses pengelasan secara otomatis melalui program yang ditanamkan di dalamnya. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa unit kontrol yang telah diuji secara simulasi, kemudian dirangkai pada unit mesin las, dan selanjutnya dilakukan uji pengelasan terhadap tabung iradiasi. Pada hasil pengelasan dilakukan juga uji kebocoran dengan metode bubble test. Sistem kontrol dapat dinyatakan berfungsi dengan baik, karena semua langkah dalam proses pengelasan sudah terpenuhi. Hasil pengelasan yang kurang maksimal lebih besar diakibatkan oleh kondisi tabung iradiasi yang kurang sempurna seperti bentuk kurang simetris dan permukaan tidak bersih, serta kondisi bagian mekanik pada pemutar tabung iradiasi yang tidak presisi.
SNP Discovery of Chicken Liver with Divergent Unsaturated Fatty Acid using Next Generation RNA Sequencing Asep Gunawan; Mutasem Ali M. Abuzahra; Kasita Listyarini; Jakaria Jakaria; Cece Sumantri
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 6, No 1 (2019): JITRO, Januari
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.625 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v6i1.5807


ABSTRAKRNA sequencing memberikan peluang baru untuk mendeteksi variasi SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) pada perbedaan jaringan dengan perbedaan fenotipe. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkarakterisisasi penemuan SNP terbaru terkait perbedaan asam lemak tak jenuh pada ayam dengan menggunakan RNA sequencing. Sebanyak 6 sampel dipilih dari 62 sampel masing-masing 3 sampel tinggi dan 3 sampel rendah  yang merepresentasikan perbedaan fenotip yang kontras terkait asam lemak tak jenuh dianalisis dengan menggunakan RNA Sequensing. Hasil identifikasi SNP memperlihatkan  sebanyak 1208 SNP pada sampel tinggi dan rendah setelah disejajarkan dengan genom ayam Gallus gallus (GGA) v4.0. Sekitar 91% dari total SNP yang ditemukan memiliki tingkat polimorfisme yang tinggi pada 5 gen yang ditemukan terkait asam lemak yaitu gen SCD, COL6A2, CYP2J2L4, HSD17B4, dan SLC23A3. Gen SCD, HSD17B4, dan SLC23A3 memiliki jumlah titik mutasi dengan jumlah yang paling tinggi masing-masing berturut-turut  18, 13, dan 12 SNP. Tingkat level signifikan yang tinggi dan peranan dari ketiga gen tersebut yang sangat penting terkait komposisi asam lemak mengindikasikan bahwa gen SCD, HSD17B4, dan SLC23A3 merupakan tiga gen baru dan potensial untuk digunakan sebagai penanda seleksi kandungan asam lemak tak jenuh tinggi. Namun, hasil penelitian ini perlu divalidasi dan dikonfirmasi sebagai potensial kandidat gen dalam jumlah ayam yang lebih besar dan breed yang berbeda.Kata kunci: asam lemak, ayam, RNA-Seq, variasi transkriptomikABSTRACTRNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) reveals new opportunity for identification  SNP discovery in different tissues with divergent phenotype. The objective of this study was to characterize SNP profile from divergent unsaturated fatty acids using RNA-Seq. Six liver samples were selected from 62 chicken which classified 3 high and 3 low unsaturated fatty acids were analyzed using RNA-Seq. The SNP identification showed 1208 SNPs in chicken samples and a large number of those corresponded to differences between high and low chicken genome assembly Gallus gallus (GGA) v4.0. Among them, about 91% of genes had multiple polymorphisms within 5 genes (SCD, COL6A2, CYP2J2L4, HSD17B4, and SLC23A3). The SCD, HSD17B4, and SLC23A3 contained the largest number of mutations with 18, 13, and 12 SNPs respectively. Combining the significant level of SNPs and gene function related with fatty acid composition  allow us to suggest SCD, SLC23A3, HSD17B4 as the three novel and promising candidate genes for selecting unsaturated fatty acids. However, further validation is required to confirm the effect of these candidate genes in larger chicken populations.Keywords: chicken, fatty acids, RNA-Seq, transcriptome variants
Buletin Peternakan Vol 41, No 3 (2017): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 41 (3) AGUSTUS 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v41i3.17311


This research aimed to study long-term addition natural herbal: mangosteen pericarp meal and non-herbal: vitamin E in the diet on digestive organs, accessory organs, reproductive organs, and carcass of laying hens. A total of 160 laying hens of Lohman strains (24-wk-old) the observation was conducted for 11 weeks. Designs used are a completely randomized design with four treatments and four replications (10 birds each). The treatments consisted of R0 (control diet), R1 (R0 + 1 g MPM/kg ration), R2 (R0 + 2 g MPM/kg ration) and R3 (R0 + 200 mg VE/kg ration). The variabel observation were digestive organs (percentage of crop, heart, gizzard, spleen, kidney, small intestine), accesory organs (percentage of liver and bile), reproductive organs, body weight and carcass of laying hens. The results showed that all of treatments (RO, R1, R2, and R3)  did not affect (P>0.05) internal organs (percentage of crop, heart, gizzard, spleen, kidney, small intestine), accesory organs (percentage of liver and bile), reproductive organs, body weight and carcass of laying hens. In conclusion, long-term addition of mangosteen pericarp meal 1-2 g/kg ration and vitamin E 200 mg/kg in the diet no adversed effect on digestive organs, accesory organs, reproductive organs, body weight and carcass of laying hens.
Identifikasi Keragaman Gen Pituitary Transcription Factor 1 (Pou1f1) pada Kambing Peranakan Etawah (Pe) di BPTU KDI-HPT Pelaihari A. B. P. Suparman; R. H. Mulyono; Jakaria Jakaria
Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan Vol. 3 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan
Publisher : Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University in associated with Animal Scientist's Society of Indonesia (HILPI)

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Pituitary Tanscription Factor 1 (POU1F1) has been identified as the pituitary spesific transcription factor that regulates the expression of the growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) in the anterior pituitary. The objective of this research is identification the polymorphism of POU1F1 gene of etawah grade goat in BPTU KDI-HPT Pelaihari South Kalimantan use Polymerase Chain Reaction- Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). PCR products of POU1F1 digested with Hinf1 enzyme which restric G|AnTC.  Samples are used as the material of DNA from blood samples of 115 PE goats.  POU1F1 gene amplification was performed with annealing temperature of 62 oC for 20 seconds resulting in a fragment with the length of 601 bp which is located at intron 5 and exon 6. The result of PCR-RFLP analysis indicated that the POU1F1 gene was monomorphic.  B allele had 3 fragments at 275, 243, and 83 bp respectively.
Genetic snd Non-Genetic Effect on Gestation Length and Calf Survival at Weaning in Bali Cattle A. Gunawan; Jakaria Jakaria; Y. Parwoto
Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan
Publisher : Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University in associated with Animal Scientist's Society of Indonesia (HILPI)

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The aim of this study was to evaluate effect of genetic and non genetic factor on the gestation length (GL) and calf survival to weaning (CS) of Bali cattle. Data were analyzed using Generalized Linier Model (SAS) to observe non-genetic effect. To evaluate the genetic effect, the estimations of heritability were done using Mixed Models analysis with the dam and sire as random effect and parity, year of birth and type of mating as fixed effect in the model besides the residual. The results showed non genetic factors except type of mating influenced the variability of gestation length (GL) and calf survival to weaning (CS) in Bali cattle. The result showed that dam year of birth and parity were found significant source of variation in the gestation length, whereas calf survival to weaning were affected of age of dam and year of birth.  Estimated heritability of  GL and CS were 0.68 ± 0.07  and 0.28 ± 0.09, respectively. With regards to genetic effect, estimated heritability of GL was considered higher (0.68), which means that GL information would be more effective as a selection criteria. Selection for shorter GL might be reduce calving problems with less impact on calf survival to weaning.
Identifikasi Ukuran Tubuh dan Bentuk Tubuh Sapi Bali di Beberapa Pusat Pembibitan Melalui Pendekatan Analisis Komponen Utama Hikmawaty Hikmawaty; A. Gunawan; R. R. Noor; Jakaria Jakaria
Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014): Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan
Publisher : Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University in associated with Animal Scientist's Society of Indonesia (HILPI)

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Bali cattle is indigenous livestock genetic resources which have distinctive features and ability to grow well in a variety of environments in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to determine the phenotypic profile of Bali cattle in some breeding centers which represented by BPTU Pulukan Bali, VBC Kab. Barru South Sulawesi and BPTHMT Serading NTB. Data were analyzed by using Principal Component Analysis (SAS) to determine the size identifier which was influenced by the environmental factors and genetic factors form  the basic information on the characteristics of Bali cattle. The parameters such as dimensions and body weight of Bali cattle due to the possibility of differences in genetic potential, location of origin, implementation of the mating system and environmental management including maintenance were observed. The result showed Bali cattle body size on BPTHMT Serading NTB  were smaller (P <0.5) compared to the body size of Bali cattle in BPTU Pulukan Bali and VBC Kab. Barru South Sulawesi while Bali cattle in BPTU Pulukan Bali and VBC Kab. Barru South Sulawesi were relatively similar. Chest girth measured on the body has the highest correlation with body weight in Bali cattle both in males and females in different breeding centers.The size score and the shape between Bali cattle breeding centers in the male and female Bali cattle showed its own characteristics due to their respective locations. Identifier the size of Bali cattle at NTB Serading BPTMHT showed relatively smaller than Bali Cattle in BPTU Pulukan Bali and VBC Kab. Barru SouthSulawesi. Identifier the same shape among all three populations showed the breeding centers have the samecharacteristic genetically.
Produktivitas Entok Betina dengan Pemberian Pakan Terbatas Selama Periode Pertumbuhan G. Ayuningtyas; Jakaria Jakaria; Rukmiasih Rukmiasih; C. Budiman
Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2016): Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan
Publisher : Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University in associated with Animal Scientist's Society of Indonesia (HILPI)

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The objective of this research was to study the effect of restricted feeding on muscovy duck performance’s in grower period, the development of reproduction organ, puberty characteristic, egg production, and blood lavel of cholesterol and trigliseride. Total 32 of female muscovy duck , 8-22 weeks age ware evaluated in this research. A completely randomized design with 3 level treatments were used to arrange the treatments. The treatments of restricted feeding were ad libitum consumption ( P1); 70% ad libitum (P2) and 40 % ad libitum (P3). The diet contain 22% crude protein (0-3 weeks age), 18% crude protein (4-7 weeks age), and 14% crude protein (8-22 weeks age). The parameters observed were: performance’s in grower period (feed consumption, body weight, total daily gain), puberty characteristic (puberty age, body weight on puberty, first egg weight), egg production on first cycle, the development of reproduction organ, and blood lavel of cholesterol and trigliseride. The results showed that body weight of muscovy duck P2 and P3 lower then P1. The restricted feeding could delayed development of folicle ovary and  age puberty. The blood level of cholesterol’s muscovy duck P2 and P3 lower then moscovy duck P1.
Produktivitas Sapi Bali Betina dan Hasil Persilangannya dengan Limousin dan Simmental yang di Pelihara Berbasis Pakan Hijauan di Kabupaten Keerom Papua N. Kocu; R. Priyanto; Salundik Salundik; Jakaria Jakaria
Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan
Publisher : Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University in associated with Animal Scientist's Society of Indonesia (HILPI)

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Development of cattle in the Papua region still faces many obstacles, particularly the limited number of cattle population and the quality of the animal dominated by bali cattle. This study aimed to evaluate the productivity of bali cattle and their crosses with limousin and simental through artificial insemination. This study was carried out on December 2016 to February 2017  in the Arso and Skanto Districts, Keerom Regency, Papua. Ninty four heads of used in this study, comprising 57 bali catsle, 18 bali x limousin and 19  bali x simmental crosses through artificial insemination programe. Parameters vanahle included reproduction characteristics, body weight and linear body measurement.  The observation were conducted of calf (<12 month), young (13-24 month) and adult animal(>25 month).  The results indicated that the female bali cattle and their crosses with limousin and simmental raised on forage based feed showed different reproduction and production perfomances.  The cross bred cow (bali x limousin and bali x simmental) tended to have longer age at first mating, higher service per conception and lower calving rate.  Based on forage feed, the cross bred cow had significantly (P<0.05) higher body weight and body frame size, particularly body weght, hip height, body lengt and heart girh at adult age.  In general, the crosses between bali and limousin or simmental for cow-calf production could be developed on a forage based feed at Keerom District, Papua.