I Dewa Ayu Ratna Dewanti
Department Of Biomedical Science, Faculty Of Dentistry, Jember University, Jl. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121

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Journal : UNEJ e-Proceeding

ROBUSTA COFFEE BEANS DECREASE OF INFLAMMATION IN DENTAL CARIES I Dewa Ayu Ratna Dewanti; I Dewa Ayu Susilawati; Pujiana Endah; Roedy Budirahardjo
UNEJ e-Proceeding Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (ICMHS)
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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The coffee plant is one commodity that is developedin kabuapaten Jember. Coffee chemical constituents,such as flavonoids, xanthine, antioxidants, alkaloids,polyphenols may serve as anti-inflammatory,antibacterial, platelet aggregation. Polyphenolbioavailability of coffee has also been studied.1.2.3While Namboodiripad, K. Srividya (2009) provedtheir coffee inhibition zone against S. mutans. Theimmune response of dental caries among othersrelated to cytokines are expressed odontoblast layer,such as IL-1β, IL-1α and TNF-α.4.5 Thus it is said thatcoffee is thought to inhibit dental caries by means ofmodulating the immune response. This niaccordance with the Decree of the Minister of Statefor Research and Technology of the Republic ofIndonesia Number: 02 / M / Kp / II / 2000 onDevelopment and Engineering for NationalDevelopment (JAKSTRA 2000-2004) in the field ofdentistry which has two areas of research focusinclude health field for prevention and treatment ofdiseases and new materials related to ceramics,polymer composites, engineering materials(materials science and engineering), as well as newmaterial derived from ingredients that are natural.6One of the natural ingredients that are known toeveryone is coffee. Where coffee is one of theexcellent programs that can improve theperformance of Jember University's Strategic Plan.This type of coffee is widely known in Indonesiathere are three kinds, namely Arabica, Robusta andLiberika. In general, farmers grow robusta, becausein this type of coffee has more superior properties,so it is very fast growing. Even the coffee is thedominant species of coffee plantations in Indonesia.In addition, it contains prolifenol Robusta coffee,caffeine and chlorogenic acid, which is higher thanthe other coffee types. Currently, the production ofrobusta coffee production reached third copiesworldwide.7.8 Coffee brews are very widelyconsumed in the world due to their pleasant flavorand taste as well as for their stimulating effect onthe mental and physical activities. Several years ago,in California, a research conducted by TakayukiShibamoto, a professor of environmental toxicology,found that freshly brewed coffee contains potentantioxidants equal to the amount found in threeoranges. Antioxidants in general have been linked toa number of potential health benefits, includingprotection against heart disease and cancer,protection against liver and colon cancer, type 2diabetes, and Parkinson's disease..9 Coffee chemicalconstituents, such as flavonoids, xanthine,antioxidants, alkaloids, polyphenols may serve asanti-inflammatory, antibacterial, plateletaggregation.1.2.3 Roasted coffee also has antiadhesiveproperties which prevent adhesion of S.mutans and other harmful materials on the teethand whiten teeth.4 Previous research by a team ofother researchers of Excellence coffee beans for thetreatment of cancer of the oral cavity, an article onPotential immunomodulatory coffee beans to dentalcaries and the potential immunomodulatory Robustabeans to dental caries.10.11.12 In this study Robustabeans made in the form of pasta because pastaShape is the most popular because it can be easilyused and harden quickly.Capping pupa is one of the more conservativetreatments to prevent dental caries has been on thepulp or pulp exposure due to mechanical factors.Interest Capping pulp to maintain the vitality ofdental pulp. Pulp tissue is important in the formationof secondary dentine and reparative dentin inresponse to biological and pathological stimuli.Capping pulp is the application layer or theprotective material or materials for treatment overan open pulp, such as calcium hydroxide which willstimulate the formation of reparative dentin.13Capping pulp after the treatment, the healingprocess will occur in the pulp tissue covering theinflammatory response, collagen formation and theformation of new dentin. Inflammatory responseshould occur as a sign of the host defense. Acuteinflammation occurs a few minutes, hours or days,while chronic inflammation occurs after acuteinflammation. Inflammatory played by inflammatorycells such as PMN (polymorphonuclear,mononuclear cells (monocytes, macrophages,lymphocytes, mast cells, plasma cells). PMN are cellsleading that respond to injury and most frequentlyProceeding ICMHS 2016 ISBN 978-602-60569-3-1174seen in inflammation. These cells react in the earlystages of inflammation (acute) up to 28 hours,followed by macrophages, lymphocytes and plasmacells (chronic).14 Chronic inflammation is said to bethe beginning of the healing process. Although theresponse innate was important in inflammation, butan adaptive response also plays a role, becausecytokines were producted by T cells induceinflammation. To obtain optimal care, the necessaryunderstanding in depth about how the composition,antibacterial properties, biocompatibility, effect ondentin and pulp as well as the technique of using aresin adhesive as a material Capping pulp directly. Inhandling damage teeth, either by decay or trauma,maintain vital pulp tissue remains the mostimportant things to be done by a dentist because ofthe non-vital teeth, the teeth tend to be susceptibleto fracture. The development of the field ofconservation science teeth adapted to thedevelopment of basic science related andtechnological advances applied which is thedevelopment of science in the field of clinical(clinical science). Dental conservation therapy aimsto maintain its position of teeth as long as possible inorder to work longer. This objective can be achievedby treating the hard tissue or soft tissue of a tooth totooth structure back to normal, or at least close tonormal.15
Analysis of protein profile of neem leaves juice (azadirachta indica l. Juss) I Dewa Ayu Ratna Dewanti; I Dewa Ayu Susilawati; Pujiana Endah Lestari; Roedy Budirahardjo
UNEJ e-Proceeding 2016: Proceeding The 1st International Basic Science Conference
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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The current trend of the management of diseases has shifted toward modulating the immune response of the patients. This is achieved by the administration of immunomodulatory substance obtained from the immunogenic medicinal plant, such as neem. The immunogenic properties of neem has been associated with its protein content. Aim. This study aimed to characterize the proteins and immunogenic components of neem leaves juice using sodium dodecyl Sulphate method Polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Materials and Methods. Neem leaf juice was extracted for proteins with freeze dry method. Samples that were to be run were added with RSB with the ratio of 1:1, then heated in boiled water for ± 5 minutes. An amount of 15 µl from each sample was then put into the wells. Samples were run in 120 Volt for 60-80 minutes. Gel was then taken, stained with silver nitrate for 1 hour, and was then stained every 1.5 hours. Protein bands formed were then observed. Results. The protein fraction of neem leaves juice consisted of proteins with molecular weights (MW) as follows: 11 kDa, 13 kDa, 30 kDa, 62 kDa, 70 kDa, 81 kDa. Conclusion. All protein fractions of neem leaves juice are potentially immunogenic components.
ROBUSTA COFFEE BEANS INCREASE LEVELS OF TNF-α AS A RESPONSE TO Streptococcus mutans Pujiana Endah Lestari; I Dewa Ayu Susilawati; I Dewa Ayu Ratna Dewanti; Roedy Budirahardjo
UNEJ e-Proceeding Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (ICMHS)
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Coffee plant is commodity exports that wasencouraging because it has relatively high economicvalue in the world market. Coffee plantations aremanaged by people, and this day its grow continuallyin several provinces in Indonesia so expansion isincreasing continuously. Coffee production inIndonesia ranks the fourth largest in the world afterColombia, Brazil and Vietnam (Zainuddin andMurtisari, 1995; Simanihuruk and Sirait, 2010). Inaddition, the coffee plant is one of the leadingcommodities developed in Jember. Chemical contentof coffee such as flavonoids, xanthine, antioxidants,alkaloids, polyphenols can serve as a bitter taste,antibacterial, platelet aggregation. Thebioavailability of polyphenols coffee has also beenstudied (Scalbert et al., 2000; Coralie et al., 2006;Naziq, 2012).Namboodiripad and Srividya (2009) prove theexistence of the inhibition zone coffee against S.mutans. These bacteria are structurally andantigenetically express a surface protein that arecalled antigen I / II, B, Sr and PAC that have amolecular weight of 185 kDa. These antigens by theresearchers were assigned that play a role in thepathogenesis of dental caries, and its are effective asa vaccine in the prevention of dental caries. I/IIantigens of S. mutans have properties of adhesive,that the bacteria are used attachment to hostcomponents during colonize and infection, so itsbecome the focus of a number of researchers. Thesesurface-antigen proteins have an effect in theattachment of S. mutans with acquired pellicles ontooth surfaces (Yuliati, 2005). The immune responsesof dental caries were associated with cytokine suchas IL-1 β, α, IL-1 and TNF-α that were expressedodontoblast layer. It is said that bacteria excretion aextracellular virulence-immunomodulatory protein(VIP, which has a mitogenic effect on lymphocytes,suppress the immune response of the host andinduces production of IL-10, which is animmunosuppressor cytokines. So, VIP is animportant virulence factor produced microorganismsand closely associated with the pathogenicity ofbacteria (Gomes et al., 2006).Thereby, it is said that coffee could be expectedto inhibit dental caries by means of modulate theimmune response. The paradigm change stated thatthe tissue replacement turns into tissueregeneration that was cause approach of medicalmateria that geared to a biologically tissueimprovement. Biocompatible materials indicate thatit can be accepted by the body (Harty and Ogston(1995), and the coffee was clearly meets theserequirements.The current utilization of the coffee plant in themodulates an immune response against S. mutansthat is cause a dental caries that have not beenstudied, so arises problem how theimmunomodulatory potential of robusta coffeebeans against dental caries ?The general objective of this research is to analyzethe immunomodulatory potential of robusta coffeebeans against dental caries, whereas the aim inparticular is analyze the influence of robusta coffeebeans against TNF-α levels in response to S. mutans.