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EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Spiritual intelligence is supposed to be the main concernin education. This is done by the teaching of religio use thical values by example from the family, school and community. Through the practice of worship, such as fasting together, reading and under standing the holy book the Qur’an, physical and social environment that is conducive. When the spirituality of the students isorganized, it will be easier to organize other aspects of personality. Fasting during Ramadanis amomentum for character building. Fasting will cause people to have strong principles, patience, and sincerity does not give up and have the solidarity and love each other. That principle has now started to disappear. Moment of Ramadan may also be a school agenda for character building, with this fast media, students are expected to remember and go back to the true identity of the sacred and sublime, with the values of humanity that wisdom and tact. When the value of human nature came back, then the value of equality and solidarity will color the days of the student, fasting has a horizontal dimension with a strong social life such as charity, served meals the orphans, be patientin accepting the problem. There are excellent values for character building of students. It is appropriateif the moment of Ramadan fasting would be passedonin the schools after the month of Ramadanin shaping the character of students through the activities of the Sunnah fasting together twicea week Monday-Thursday, or give students the freedom tonegotiateto determine how many times a week or every month held sunnah fasting together, the idea of Sunnah fasting is to be very effective infl uence on the formation of student character. Keywords : character education, fasting
EQUILIBRIUM Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Equilibrium

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Entrepreneurship provide many benefits for students such as: 1. Creative thinking skills, combining imagination with scientific thinking skills, 2. Skills in Decision Making, at any time during the life one has to hold elections among alternatives, 3. Leadership skills . learn to have a strong personality , then someone will have the skills to lead yourself . 4 . Managerial skills, however, entrepreneurs must be able to manage all resources , both material resources and personnel to achieve success . skilled in planning , skilled in organizing , entrepreneurial guidance may hold or control, is able to conduct an assessment of the implementation, 5.Interpersonal skills or Human relations. Theoretical approach are given to students with a practical approach should be replaced, because the public wants a business man, not bisnis expert, and should be doing. informal coaching , which is important in this process is the formation of entrepreneurial character, with informal coaching will more effective in shaping a person’s character than formal guidance that predominantly affects IQ.
Pendidikan Karakter Siswa Melalui Ibadah Puasa Dermawan, Oki
EDUKASIA Vol 8, No 2 (2013): EDUKASIA
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengajarkan agama menggunakan nilai-nilai etika dengan contoh dari keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat melalui  praktek ibadah, seperti puasa bersama, membaca dan memahami kitab suci Al-Qur’an. Dalam bahasan ini digunakan metode pustaka dengan menggunakan deskripsi analisis. Puasa akan menyebabkan orang untuk memiliki prinsip yang kuat, kesabaran, dan keikhlasan tidak menyerah dan memiliki solidaritas dan saling mencintai.  Ketika nilai dari sifat manusia kembali, maka nilai kesetaraan dan solidaritas akan mewarnai hari- hari siswa, puasa memiliki dimensi horizontal dengan kehidupan sosial yang kuat seperti amal, disajikan makanan anak-anak yatim, menjadi sabar ketika mendapat cobaan. Setelah bulan Ramadan, siswa diajarkan kegiatan Sunah puasa bersama dua kali seminggu yaitu Senin-Kamis. Ide Sunah puasa adalah menjadi pengaruh yang sangat efektif pada pembentukan karakter siswa. kata kunci: pendidikan karakter, puasaAbstract STUDENTS’ CHARACTER EDUCATION TROUGH  THE FASTING. This study examine how the way to teach a religion using ethical values by example from the family,  school and community through the practice of worship, such as fasting together, reading and understanding the Qur’an. In the discussion, this study uses library risearch throught  analytical descriptive approach. Fasting will cause people to have strong principles, patience, and sincerity does not give up and have the solidarity and love each other. The result of this study show that the fasting is able to return, so at thet time. When the value of human nature came back, then the value of equality and solidarity will color the days of the student, fasting has a horizontal dimension with a strong social life such as charity, served meals the orphans, be  patient in accepting the  problem.  After  Ramadanin,  students are taught the activities of Sunnah  fasting together twice a week on Monday-Thursday. The idea of Sunnah  fasting is to be very effective influence on the formation of student character.Keywords: character education, fasting

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Entrepreneurship provide many benefits for students such as: 1. Creative thinking skills, combining imagination with scientific thinking skills, 2. Skills in Decision Making, at any time during the life one has to hold elections among alternatives, 3. Leadership skills . learn to have a strong personality , then someone will have the skills to lead yourself . 4 . Managerial skills, however, entrepreneurs must be able to manage all resources , both material resources and personnel to achieve success . skilled in planning , skilled in organizing , entrepreneurial guidance may hold or control, is able to conduct an assessment of the implementation, 5.Interpersonal skills or Human relations. Theoretical approach are given to students with a practical approach should be replaced, because the public wants a business man, not bisnis expert, and should be doing. informal coaching , which is important in this process is the formation of entrepreneurial character, with informal coaching will more effective in shaping a person’s character than formal guidance that predominantly affects IQ.
Publisher : Prodi Ekonomi Syariah Pascasarjana IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/equilibrium.v1i1.204


Entrepreneurship provide many benefits for students such as: 1. Creative thinking skills, combining imagination with scientific thinking skills, 2. Skills in Decision Making, at any time during the life one has to hold elections among alternatives, 3. Leadership skills . learn to have a strong personality , then someone will have the skills to lead yourself . 4 . Managerial skills, however, entrepreneurs must be able to manage all resources , both material resources and personnel to achieve success . skilled in planning , skilled in organizing , entrepreneurial guidance may hold or control, is able to conduct an assessment of the implementation, 5.Interpersonal skills or Human relations. Theoretical approach are given to students with a practical approach should be replaced, because the public wants a business man, not bisnis expert, and should be doing. informal coaching , which is important in this process is the formation of entrepreneurial character, with informal coaching will more effective in shaping a person’s character than formal guidance that predominantly affects IQ.

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Indonesia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. This fact can be seen from the sociocultural and geographically so diverse and widespread. Multicultural education offers an alternative through the implementation of educational strategies and concepts based on the utilization of the diversity that exists in society, especially for the students such as have ethnic diversity, culture, language, religion, social status, gender, ability, age, etc.. In multicultural education, teachers are not only required to master but also teach  professionally the subjects taught. More than that, an educator must also be able to instill the values of multicultural education such as democracy, humanism, and pluralism as well as instill religious values to the students. In turn, the resulting out-put of the school are not only proficient in accordance with the disciplines practiced, but also able to apply the values of understanding and respect for diversity.  Keywords: multicultural education, diversity and religious 
Prevalensi Kesulitan Belajar Peserta Didik di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Bandar Lampung defriyanto, defriyanto; Dermawan, Oki
KONSELI: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal) Vol 5, No 1 (2018): KONSELI: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.292 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/kons.v5i1.2635


Untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik di sekolah, perlu diberikan bantuan-bantuan yang dapat mengatasi mereka dalam proses pembelajaran. Ada baiknya sebelum dilakukan upaya membantu peserta didik dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar, perlu diketahui seberapa besar prevalensi (angka kejadian) peserta yang mengalami kesulitan belajar.  Mengukur prevalensi kesulitan belajar di madrasah memang perlu dilakukan, karena hal ini akan berhubungan dengan diagnosis kesulitan belajar dan program apa yang tepat diberikan kepada peserta didik. Dengan mengetahui prevalensi kesulitan belajar peserta didik di madrasah, maka akan membantu guru dalam memberikan bantuan yang tepat kepada peserta didik tersebut. Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Bandar Lampung merupakan madrasah Aliyah yang memiliki peserta didik yang sangat banyak. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan guru bimbingan konseling di madrasah ini ada sejumlah siswa yang prestasi belajarnya rendah dan mengalami kesulitan belajar (Wawancara dengan ibu Dina Kurniasih).  Adapun rumusan masalah penelitian ini: Bagaimana profil kesulitan belajar peserta didik di MAN I Bandar Lampung?  dan Berapa besar prevalensi kesulitan belajar di MAN I Bandar Lampung? Berdasarkan hasil analisis data maka penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa prevalensi kesulitan belajar di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Bandar Lampung sebesar 26, 2%. Prevalensi kesulitan belajar lebih banyak terjadi pada peserta didik laki-laki dari pada peserta didik perempuan. Sedangkan Tempat tinggal peserta didik dan jurusan tidak menentukan prevalensi kesulitan belajar. Boleh dikatakan bahwa tempat tinggal dan jurusan peserta didik tidak menunjukkan perbedaan prevalensi kesulitan  belajar yang dialami oleh peserta didik tersebut.
QUALITY Vol 5, No 1 (2017): QUALITY
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/quality.v5i1.3165


Spiritual intelligence is Supposed to be the main concern in education. This is done by the teaching of religious ethical values by example from the family, school and community. through the practice of worship, Such as fasting a month in Ramadhan (Refrain from eating and drinking or anything that may nevertheless invalidate the fast, all day from dawn until sunset in the month of Ramadan).  fasting, reading and understanding the holy book the Qur'an, physical and social environment conducive. when the spirituality of the students are organized, it will be Easier to organize other aspects of personality.  Fasting during Ramadan is a momentum for character building. Fasting will let people have strong principles, patience, Sincerity and do not give up and have the solidarity and love each other. That principle has now started to disappear. Moment of  Ramadan  may also be a school agenda for character building, with this media, students are expected to remember and go back to the true identity of the sacred and sublime, with the values of humanity and wisdom. When the values of human nature come back on the track, then the equality and solidarity will color the days of the students. Fasting has a horizontal dimension with a strong social life Such as charity, served meals to the orphans, be patient in facing the problem. there are some excellent values for building the character of students. It is Appropriate if the moment of Ramadan fasting would be passed on in the schools as a program after the month of Ramadan in shaping the character of students through the activities of the sunnah fasting( not compulsory fasting)   twice a week Monday-Thursday, or give students the freewill to negotiate to determine how many times a week or every month held sunnah fasting together, the idea of the Sunnah fasting is influence on the formation of student character effectively.
Pendidikan Karakter Siswa Melalui Ibadah Puasa Dermawan, Oki
EDUKASIA Vol 8, No 2 (2013): EDUKASIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/edukasia.v8i2.752


Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengajarkan agama menggunakan nilai-nilai etika dengan contoh dari keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat melalui  praktek ibadah, seperti puasa bersama, membaca dan memahami kitab suci Al-Qur’an. Dalam bahasan ini digunakan metode pustaka dengan menggunakan deskripsi analisis. Puasa akan menyebabkan orang untuk memiliki prinsip yang kuat, kesabaran, dan keikhlasan tidak menyerah dan memiliki solidaritas dan saling mencintai.  Ketika nilai dari sifat manusia kembali, maka nilai kesetaraan dan solidaritas akan mewarnai hari- hari siswa, puasa memiliki dimensi horizontal dengan kehidupan sosial yang kuat seperti amal, disajikan makanan anak-anak yatim, menjadi sabar ketika mendapat cobaan. Setelah bulan Ramadan, siswa diajarkan kegiatan Sunah puasa bersama dua kali seminggu yaitu Senin-Kamis. Ide Sunah puasa adalah menjadi pengaruh yang sangat efektif pada pembentukan karakter siswa. kata kunci: pendidikan karakter, puasaAbstract STUDENTS’ CHARACTER EDUCATION TROUGH  THE FASTING. This study examine how the way to teach a religion using ethical values by example from the family,  school and community through the practice of worship, such as fasting together, reading and understanding the Qur’an. In the discussion, this study uses library risearch throught  analytical descriptive approach. Fasting will cause people to have strong principles, patience, and sincerity does not give up and have the solidarity and love each other. The result of this study show that the fasting is able to return, so at thet time. When the value of human nature came back, then the value of equality and solidarity will color the days of the student, fasting has a horizontal dimension with a strong social life such as charity, served meals the orphans, be  patient in accepting the  problem.  After  Ramadanin,  students are taught the activities of Sunnah  fasting together twice a week on Monday-Thursday. The idea of Sunnah  fasting is to be very effective influence on the formation of student character.Keywords: character education, fasting
Fiqh Al-Ikhtilaf and Science: A Discourse of Preliminary Differences of Lunation In Indonesia Jayusman, Jayusman; Dermawan, Oki
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 26, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v26i2.2001


Differences of determination lunation initial always happened in Indonesia. Indonesia actually has a lot of experts in the field of falak and Astronomy, but make inductive inferences are often done. In this paper will discuss: What lies behind the differences early lunar month in Indonesia? How Fiqh al-Ikhtilaf and Science analyze the differences in the lunation beginning? How alternative unification lunation difference in the initial determination in Indonesia? The research method used is qualitative. This study uses the approach of Fiqh al-Ikhtilaf, astronomy, and falak. The collecting data techniques are documentation and interviews. Data analysis due to collect data process. Initial determination of the lunation differences in Indonesia's background are: difference understanding in syar'i argument, certain belief, methodological issues into theological and dogmatic. The problems analysis of differences in initial of lunation in Indonesia are associated with the method and results of calculations in preliminary determination, it is an area of science, related to the selection criteria for the initial month of the lunar is a Fiqh al-Ikhtilaf field. Bids for the initial determination of the difference unification lunation in Indonesia are: agreement methods and criteria are used as guidelines in determining the beginning of lunation, as well as the existence of an authoritative department that sets the initial lunation.