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Pemasaran Pakan Cacing Berbahan Sampah Organik Menggunakan Fanspage Di Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang Aviv Yuniar Rahman; Feddy Wanditya Setiawan; April Lia Hananto
JOINTECS (Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science) Vol 4, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (759.764 KB) | DOI: 10.31328/jointecs.v4i3.1193


Dengan teknologi modern saat ini, internet merupakan sebagai gaya hidup seluruh masyarakat. Dalam teknologi internet saat ini masyarakat banyak menggunakan Facebook sebagai alternatif sarana untuk berkomunikasi. Facebook sendiri saat ini memiliki sebuah fitur fanspage yang berguna untuk diikuti pengguna. Dalam hal ini bertujuan untuk memasarkan dan memperkenalkan produk pakan cacing dari olahan sampah organik. Dimana admin telah mempromosikan produk pakan cacing dengan melakukan 3 pelaksanaan secara berkala. Dalam pelaksanaan 1 yaitu 7 pengguna yang melihat, 2 pengguna yang menyukai fanspage, Diikuti dengan 2 pengguna yang melihat secara detail. Serta 2 pengguna yang mengikut untuk terus perkembangan fanspage pakan cacing. Kemudian pelaksanaan ke 2 yaitu 22 pengguna yang melihat, 4 pengguna telah menyukai, 5 pengguna yang melihat detail dan 4 orang pengguna untuk terus mengikuti halaman fanspage. Pada pelaksanaan ke 3 yaitu 31 pengguna yang telah melihat. 11 pengguna menyukai halaman, 5 pengguna telah menjangkau halaman fanspage, 12 orang yang telah mengikuti dan 9 pesanan yang di terima dalam produk yang dipasarkan oleh fanspage pakan cacing.
Model Supply Chain Management (SCM) Pada Pupuk Organik Berbahan Cacing Aviv Yuniar Rahman; Bagus Setyawan; Feddy Wanditya Setiawan; April Lia Hananto
JOINTECS (Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (742.732 KB) | DOI: 10.31328/jointecs.v5i1.1198


Supply chain management has an integrated system that can manage the entire process in preparing a product or service for all consumers. For this reason, supply chain management is one of the most important strategies in knowing the needs of customers. One example of the application in supply chain management that is currently done in Malang is a small and medium enterprise (MSME). These small and medium businesses use worm media as fertilizer. The business has two manufacturing processes namely solid fertilizer and liquid fertilizer. In the supply chain management model using 3 different models and can be known the comparison between the first SCM model to the third SCM model. The difference starts from the first SCM model that is 9:11 wherein a supply chain process from the beginning to the end it can still have an error of 2 times the error in structured management. And in the second SCM model that is 10:11 were in a supply chain process from beginning to end still has an error of 1 time in structured management. In the third SCM model 11:11 which states that in a supply chain process from beginning to end there are no errors in structured management. And in this 3rd SCM model, it can be said to be a very efficient model in the supply chain process.
Model Pengolahan Kas UMKM Sampah Organik untuk Pakan Cacing menggunakan Finite State Automata Aviv Yuniar Rahman; Bagus Setyawan; Feddy Wanditya Setiawan; April Lia Hananto
Jurnal Ilmiah FIFO Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/fifo.2019.v11i2.006


Financial processing is currently widely used for business purposes. The business includes small and medium businesses. With these small and medium businesses, the system used still uses financial processes manually in its processing. As a result, there are often errors in the calculation process as well as income and expenditure. And not the same as the results of the calculation. In this cash processing application system, it can help small and medium entrepreneurs to calculate large amounts of data. And will reduce the error rate. The application model is designed using Finite State Automata. With this model, it can be seen that the value of the design testing process shows that the first and second designs have smaller processing processes compared to the third design. It can be said that to conduct data processing in a large way the third design is more accurate than the first and second. It is hoped that this application can be applied by other small and medium micro-entrepreneurs, and can assist in carrying out a more efficient financial management process.
Techno Xplore : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 2 No 1 (2017): TechnoXplore : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36805/technoxplore.v2i1.214


Abstract Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi atau yang dikenal dengan istilah Information and Communication Technology (ICT), saat ini semakin merambah ke-berbagai bidang kehidupan masyarakat tidak terkecuali bidang ketahanan pangan. Dari sisi yang berbeda dapat dilihat bahwa dengan adanya ICT bagaimana suatu proses transfer informasi dapat dilakukan kapan saja tanpa adanya batasan ruang dan waktu. Pasar merupakan kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat, hal ini didasari atau didorong faktor perkembangan ekonomi yang pada awalnya hanya bersumber pada problem untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup manusia (kebutuhan pokok). Produk yang dapat kita temukan di pasar salah satunya adalah produk pangan khususnya sembilan bahan pokok (SEMBAKO), sembako adalah kebutuhan pokok masyarakat kita, dan merupakan komoditi utama sebagai acuan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : a) Dapat mengumpulkan sumber data harga yang valid dari relawan pedagang dan stakeholder untuk diinformasikan kepada masyarakat. b)Dapat membangun aplikasi informasi harga produk pangan dan berbasis Mobile yang dapat berjalan di Sistem Operasi Android. Dalam menentukan harga digunakan suatu metode perhitungan, menurut Marcelina Rizka Falevy dkk (2012),[5] Simple Moving Average atau juga disingkat SMA adalah Moving Average paling sederhana dan tidak menggunakan pembobotannya dalam perhitungan terhadap pergerakan closing price. Meskipun sederhana, SMA cukup efektif dalam menentukan trend yang sedang terjadi di market. Cara pembacaannya pun sederhana. Keywords: ICT, pasar, produk pangan dan sembako, Mobile, Android,Moving Average.
Application of Prototype Method on Student Monitoring System Based on WEB April Lia Hananto; Bayu Priyatna; Asep Haris
Buana Information Technology and Computer Sciences (BIT and CS) Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Buana Information Technology and Computer Sciences (BIT and CS)
Publisher : Information System; Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (719.524 KB) | DOI: 10.36805/bit-cs.v1i1.683


Public vocational school in Subang which continues to improve its academic activities, specifically in terms of improving student discipline related to student participation in school and improving student achievement. The collection of information about student participation and the value of new students delivered at the end of the semester compilation of report cards makes students who experience difficulties in the development of grades, meetings and student learning activities at school, for that we need a system that can help students to help guardians of students and the school in activities that involve students in school. In this research, we use a prototype method for system development. The advantage of the system built is that it can send attendance messages or student grades to enter no answers or get poor test scores for student guardians, student guardians can provide feedback on incoming information and make permits through the existing information system pages, the school also can use attendance data and grades to support activities at school.
Password Data Authentication Using a Combination of MD5 and Playfair Cipher Matrix 13x13 Bayu Priyatna; April Lia Hananto
Buana Information Technology and Computer Sciences (BIT and CS) Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Buana Information Technology and Computer Sciences (BIT and CS)
Publisher : Information System; Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (898.219 KB) | DOI: 10.36805/bit-cs.v1i2.980


Data security and confidentiality are the most important things that must be considered in information systems. To protect the cryptographic algorithm reliability it uses. MD5 is one technique that is widely used in password data security issues, which algorithm has many advantages including. MD5 has a one-way hash function so that the message has been converted to a message digest, and it is complicated to restore it to the original message (plaintext). In addition to the advantages of MD5 also has a variety of shortcomings including; very easy to solve because MD5 has a fixed encryption result, using the MD5 modifier generator will be easily guessed, and MD5 is not proper because it is vulnerable to collision attacks. The research method used in this study uses Computer Science Engineering by conducting experiments combining two cryptographic arrangements. The results obtained from this study after being tested with Avalanche Effect technique get ciphertext randomness results of 43.69%, which tends to be very strong to be implemented in password data authentication.
Futsal Field Management Information System based on Android in 212 Galuh Mas Karawang Eko Pramono; Saepul Aripiyanto; April Lia Hananto
Buana Information Technology and Computer Sciences (BIT and CS) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Buana Information Technology and Computer Sciences (BIT and CS)
Publisher : Information System; Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (649.483 KB) | DOI: 10.36805/bit-cs.v2i1.1246


This futsal field booking application is used to make it easier for tenants to know the empty futsal court schedule, to provide convenience in the process of renting a futsal field schedule without having to come directly to the futsal venue. Making this application is done by the System Development Life Cycle Method. This application is implemented with the Codeigniter framework, PHP programming language, MySQL database as a data storage medium and testing methods using black box testing. As for the futsal field schedule rental uses Gammu and modem as media. This application can be used by 3 users, namely admin, provider and tenant. Admin can do provider approval. Providers can process field data, rental rates, tenants, bookings, payment confirmations, galleries and providers. Tenants can book via Mobile and see available field schedule information, activation and payment confirmation
Implementation Location-Based Service (LBS) on Mobile Application for Searching Dormitory Moh Hasan Basri; April Lia Hananto; Siti Masruroh
Buana Information Technology and Computer Sciences (BIT and CS) Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Buana Information Technology and Computer Sciences (BIT and CS)
Publisher : Information System; Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (797.705 KB) | DOI: 10.36805/bit-cs.v2i2.1872


Abstract—The growth of mobile features, especiallySmartphones at this time can be said to be very developed.Judging from the increasing number of mobile users, theavailability of various mobile features is also growing veryrapidly. In line with these facts, the author aims to create amobile boarding application using Location-Based Service(LBS) technology with the application of the Haversinemethod, making it easier for users to find the closest Dormitory to their place of work with appropriate facilities. Thisapplication is not only to search for Dormitory, it canalso place orders online, this is also an opportunity for themanager or owner of the boarding house to promote their Dormitory. Methods of data collection are done by observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation. The development of this application system uses the Waterfall method. The final result of this research will create an android-based boarding mobile application that can make it easier for boarding house seekers to search and book boarding houses as well as a means of promotion for boarding house owners and managers.
Design of Customer Satisfaction Application at BCA Kcp Rengasdengklok Using C.45 Algorithm Method April Lia Hananto; Shofa Sofiah Hilabi; Detrie Noviani
Buana Information Technology and Computer Sciences (BIT and CS) Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Buana Information Technology and Computer Sciences (BIT and CS)
Publisher : Information System; Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (609.646 KB) | DOI: 10.36805/bit-cs.v3i1.2048


Bank BCA always improves service quality by the slogan "Always By Your Side". The assessment consists of 4 attributes (time, accuracy, focus, and satisfaction). Each attribute has a weighted value of 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). The assessment is still done manually (using paper), therefore the authors in this study used the C.45 algorithm with 3 tests carried out to produce a classification obtained that the accuracy value reached 88.75% with an AUC value of 0.744 and testing on the application that was made resulted in 0.722. It can be concluded that service assessment at BCA KCP Rengasdengklok belongs to a fairly good classification group because its AUC value is between 0.70-0.80.
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Juni 2020
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1079.311 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v4i2.7340


Appropriate Technology Application for MSME Organic Waste Processing as Worm Feed Abstract. Waste is a problem that has not been resolved, therefore to reduce the adverse effects caused by waste, it is necessary to innovate waste management in order to have economic value. With this innovation in managing waste, the community can reduce the level of waste accumulation and reduce air pollution, especially for processing organic waste. CV. Rumah Alama Jaya (RAJ) Organics is a partner in this program because it produces worm feed using raw materials for organic waste. However, there are obstacles in the field of production that is a tool for making feed ingredients in worms that are still done in the traditional way and require a long time. The solution offered is to make an organic waste blender machine that can chop organic waste such as leaves and twigs to be used as worm feed. The methods used in making this waste treatment machine are location survey, group discussion, literature study, tool making, tool experimentation, and results evaluation. The results of the organic waste blender produce small particles of waste so it is faster to be processed to the next stage. With the help of this organic waste processing machine, the waste that has been chopped, fermented, and treated with this machine is capable of wasting the waste in 2 days. So, the production process becomes efficient because the process of eating worms is not too long and the process of accumulating waste is minimal.Keywords: Blender machine, organic waste processing, worm feed.Abstrak. Sampah menjadi masalah yang belum terselesaikan hingga saat ini. Oleh karena itu untuk mengurangi dampak buruk yang diakibatkan oleh sampah, maka diperlukan inovasi pengolahan sampah agar mempunyai nilai ekonomi.  Dengan adanya inovasi mengelola sampah ini masyarakat dapat mengurangi tingkat penumpukan sampah dan mengurangi polusi udara, khususnya untuk mengolah sampah organik. CV. Rumah Alam Jaya (RAJ) Organik menjadi mitra dalam program ini karena memproduksi pakan cacing menggunakan bahan baku sampah organik. Namun, terdapat kendala pada bidang produksi yaitu alat cara pembuatan bahan pakan pada cacing yang masih dilakukan dengan cara tradisional dan membutuh-kan waktu lama. Solusi yang ditawarkan yaitu membuat mesin blender sampah organik yang dapat mencacah sampah organik seperti daun dan ranting untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan cacing. Metode yang dilaksanakan dalam pembuatan mesin pengolahan sampah ini yaitu survey lokasi, diskusi kelompok, studi literatur, pembuatan alat, percobaan alat, dan evaluasi hasil. Blender sampah organik mampu menghasilkan partikel-partikel kecil sampah sehingga lebih cepat diolah ketahap selanjutnya. Dengan bantuan mesin pengolahan sampah organik ini sampah yang sudah di cacah, difermentasi, dan diolah dengan mesin ini cacing mampu menghabiskan limbah tersebut dalam 2 hari sehingga proses produksi menjadi efisien karena proses makan cacing tidak terlalu lama dan proses penumpukan sampah semakin minimal. Kata Kunci: Mesin blender, pengolahan limbah organik, pakan cacing.
Co-Authors - Faqih Abdullahi Tanko Mohammed Abdullahi Tanko Mohammed Adittia Agustian Agneresa Agneresa Agustia Hananto Agustia Hananto Agustia Hananto Ahmad Fauzi Ahmed Sule Aldi Aulia Anis Fitri Nur Masruriyah Anthony Chukwunonso Opia Aprilia Putri Nardilasari Ariowibowo, Hendry Yuwono Asep Haris Aviv Yuniar Rahman Aviv Yuniar Rahman Aviv Yuniar Rahman Aviv Yuniar Rahman Baenil Huda Baenil Huda Baenil Huda Bagus Setyawan Baihaqi, Kiki Ahmad Bayu Priyatna Bayu Priyatna Bayu Priyatna Bayu Priyatna Bayu Priyatna Bei Harira Irawan Berkah*, Kamila Candra Zonyfar Catur Nugroho Daffa Agung Pratama Danny Manongga Dean Ariesta Aziz Deddy Prihadi Deden Renhad Sudrajat Deden Wahiddin Detrie Noviani Dhany Hermansyah Dien Noviany Rahmatika Eko Pramono Elfina Novalia Esam Abu Baker Ali Fatmanisa Mumpuni Delta Maharani Firman Nurdiansyah Firman Nurdiyansyah Fitria Nur Apriani Fitria Nurapriani Hanny Hikmayanti Hendryanto Dwi Purnomo Ihwan Ghazali Indra Kurniawan Indri Oktapiani Istiadi Iwan Setyawan Joko Purwanto Kamila Berkah* Luiz Eichler Mega Tri Kurnia Moh Hasan Basri Mohamad Ricky Firdaus Muhamad Djaka Permana Muhammad Idris Muhammad Idris Muhammad Idris Muhammad Nova Muhammad Zacky Asy'ari Muthia Nur Rizky Fitriani Naufal Zubdi Ahnaf Novalia, Elfina Novia Cahya Utami Permana Andi Paristiawan Permana Andi Paristiawan Piky Mubarok Pradana Rizki Maulana Prasetyo Ajie Priyatna, Bayu Rieke Retnosary Rukmanta Jayawiguna Ruliansyah Ruliansyah Saepul Aripiyanto Safarudin Gazali Herawan Sarina Sulaiman Sarina Sulaiman Setiawan, Feddy Wanditya Shofa Shofia Hilabi Shofa Shofia Hilabi Shofa Shofiah Hilabi Shofa Sofiah Hilabi Shuaibu Alani Balogun Sigit Widiyanto Siti Lutfiah Siti Masruroh soleman soleman Sri Mumpuni Ngesti Rahaju Suhada, Karya Syah Alam Tiago Silva Tita Puspita Sari Tukino Tukino Tukino Tukino Tukino Tukino, Tukino