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Publikasi Penelitian Terapan dan Kebijakan Vol 8 No 1 (2014): Jurnal Pembangunan Manusia
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect cholesterol levels of civil servants in districts Gianyar Bali Province. This research is an observational study with cross sectional design. The research sample of 68 people consisting of 44 men and 24 women. The results showed that the majority of the sample had a good nutritional status (normal) is 50%, 22.10% fat nutritional status and nutritional status obesity 27.90%. And of samples that have normal cholesterol levels higher at 79.40% compared with the sample hypercholesterolemia 20.60%. Based on the analysis of data obtained using cross table that out of 68 samples, which is the highest percentage of heredity that had hypercholesterolemia on samples that do not have family or relatives that heart disease is equal to 20.6%, Factors affecting cholesterol levels is the activity (work, exercise/sports and recreation irregular) is 11.8%, consuming fat > 25% of the total energy requirement (16.2%).
Sosialisasi Pentingnya Konsumsi Susu Kedelai Sebagai Minuman Sehat, Kaya Protein, Dan Serat Serta Alami Untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar Di Kecamatan Ubud Kabupaten Gianyar I Made Suarjana; I A Eka Padmiari; PP Sri Sugiani
Jurnal Pengabmas Masyarakat Sehat (JPMS) Vol 1, No 3 (2019): Juli 2019
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/ms.v1i3.934


Increasing public awareness of the importance of milk for the fulfillment of nutrients in an effort to realize health life, encouraging people to get used to consuming milk including soy milk. The socialization of the importance of consuming milk for school-age children shows the participation of Denpasar Polytechnic institutions to participate in efforts to improve public health. The community service activities with the theme of socializing the importance of consumption of soy milk as a healthy drink, rich in protein and fiber and natural, aims to increase students' knowledge about nutrition, especially instilling a positive perception of the importance of consuming soy milk. This activity was held at SD 3 Sayan and SD 3 Singakerta, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency. The target number of 155 people with participants' ages is 9-10 years old. Submission of health messages using media images, games, and demonstrations that are easy to understand. Activities are only limited to efforts to increase knowledge and attitude but have not yet reached an effort to measure the impact widely in the community. At least children have experience gained from demonstrations given. Statistically, the effect of socialization has succeeded in increasing students' knowledge and attitudes. This is known by looking at the comparison of students' knowledge and attitudes before and after socialization. The implementation of the activity went smoothly by obtaining support from the school, including the enthusiasm of students in participating in the activity. In the future, this activity is expected to be carried out in a sustainable manner as a program of activities to increase public awareness in improving health statusKeywords: socialization, soy milk, school children
Penyuluhan Gizi Dan Pemeriksaan Kadar Hb Serta KEK Pada Remaja Putri Di Kecamatan Sukawati, Kabupaten Gianyar Tahun 2019 Ida Ayu Eka Padmiari
Jurnal Pengabmas Masyarakat Sehat (JPMS) Vol 2, No 3 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/ms.v2i3.1035


 Nutritional anemia generally occurs in women of reproductive age and children. This situation has the greatest overall effect in terms of health problems. Iron deficiency anemia is prone to occur in young women due to the increased need for iron during their infancy. The proportion of Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK) in pregnant women in Sukawati District in 2017 was 34 mothers and in 2018 increased to as many as 40 pregnant women experiencing KEK, while the proportion of KEK in adolescent girls was not yet available. Likewise with the Proportion of Anemia in young women there is no data yet. Therefore, the servants will carry out Hb examination and measurement of LILA (Upper Arm Circumference) on young women in Sukawati sub-district, Gianyar Regency. The purpose of the Community Service is to provide counseling on nutrition, especially in the prevention of Anemia and KEK as well as examining hemoglobin levels in young women in Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency. The method used to achieve the objectives of community service is the method of lecture, discussion and examination of Hb levels and measurement of MUAC.Examination of hemoglobin levels was performed to determine the anemia status of the target. The average Hb level was 12.85 g / dl while the lowest value was 9.1 g / dl while the highest was 14.6 g / dl. Of the 50 targets examined found 14 targets (28%) anemia and 36 targets (72%) were not anemic. Determination of KEK status is done by measuring the target upper arm circumference (MUAC). Of the 50 targets measured there were 17 targets (34%) experienced KEK and 33 targets (66%) did not experience KEK. The conclusion of this community service counseling about Anemia and KEK in the prevention of anemia and KEK has succeeded in increasing good knowledge to be above 50%, Adolescent girls who have anemia by 28%, Adolescent girls who experience chronic Less Energy (KEK) by 34% in Sukawati District Gianyar RegencyKeywords: Anemia, Chronic Energy Deficiency, Adolescent Girls 
Tingkat Kepuasan Siswa Bintara pada Penyelenggaraan Makanan di Depo Pendidikan dan Latihan Pertempuran Rindam IX/Udayana TNI-AD Buleleng, Bali Laras Novia Handayani; Ida Ayu Eka Padmiari; I Made Rodja Suantara
Jurnal Ilmu Gizi : Journal of Nutrition Science Vol 7, No 3 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Gizi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar dan DPD PERSAGI Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (653.347 KB) | DOI: 10.33992/jig.v7i3.328


TINGKAT KEPUASAN SISWA BINTARAPADA PENYELENGGARAAN MAKANANDI Depo Pendidikan dan Latihan PertempuranRindam IX/Udayana TNI-AD Buleleng, BaliABSTRAKKepuasan merupakan perasaan seseorang mengenai harapan dan pengalaman sehingga dapat menjadi salah satu aspek yang dapat menentukan mutu suatu penyelenggaraan makanan. Aspek yang dinilai dalam penelitian ini meliputi citarasa makanan, penyaji makanan dan alat penyajian makanan. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah jenis penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa bintara yang mengikuti pendidikan di Depo Pendidikan dan Latihan Pertempuran Rindam IX/Udayana TNI-AD Buleleng, Bali dan sampel dalam penelitian ini 65 sampel siswa bintara yang diambil dengan metode simple random sampling. Dari 65 sampel siswa bintara yang telah diteliti, sebagian besar merasa puas pada penyelenggaraan makanan di Depo Pendidikan dan Latihan Pertempuran Rindam IX/Udayana TNI-AD Buleleng, Bali namun terdapat satu aspek yang yang dirasa tidak puas oleh sampel yaitu petugas menanyakan kepada siswa mengapa makanan yang disajikan tidak dihabiskan sehingga penyelenggaraan makanan mendapat skor rata-rata tingkat kepuasan 94,87% dan sudah melebihi standar yaitu 90%. Berdasarkan analisis kuadaran yang telah dilakukan terdapat dua aspek yang menjadi prioritas utama dalam penyelenggaran makanan di Depo Pendidikan dan Latihan Pertempuran Rindam IX/Udayana TNI-AD Buleleng, Bali yaitu rasa makanan dan petugas menanyakan kepada siswa mengapa makanan yang disajikan tidak dihabiskan.Kata Kunci :Tingkat kepuasan, penyelenggaraan makanan, siswa bintara
Gambaran Tingkat Konsumsi Energi Dan Status Gizi Pada Pasien Rawat Inap di UPT Kesmas Payangan Kabupaten Gianyar Tahun 2018 Ni Kadek Sri Chandra Devi; Ni Made Yuni Gumala; Ida Ayu Eka Padmiari
Jurnal Ilmu Gizi : Journal of Nutrition Science Vol 7, No 4 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Gizi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar dan DPD PERSAGI Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jig.v7i4.336


Health center is a functional organization which organizes the unity efforts including the granting of health nutrition. The purpose of this research is to know the description of the level of energy consumption and nutritional status in patients on Inpatient health center in Payangan. This type of research is a type of observational research design the research cross sectional. This is the entire research population of patients in inpatient health center in Payangan, research performed on patients aged 18-80 years. Based on the results of sample provisions i.e. 30 samples, research conducted in May of the year 2018. Research results showed the patients hospitalization health center in Payangan with an overview of the level of consumption of energy deficits (97.1%), while more energy consumption level as much as (2.8%). Based on results nutritional status as much as normal (71.4%), nutritional status (22.8%) as much as overweight while the nutritional status of obesity as much (5.7%). The results of the level of energy consumption by as much as a normal nutritional status (100%), the level of energy consumption deficit with normal nutritional status as much as (73.5%), while the deficit with the energy consumption level of nutritional status as much as (20.5%) overweight and tiers in energy consumption deficit with the nutritional status of obesity as much (5.8%).Kyword: the level of consumption; nutritional status; the patient,
Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa Terhadap Menu dan Penyajian Makanan di Asrama AKPER KESDAM IX/Udayana Denpasar Kadek Putri Wiadnyani; Ida Ayu Eka Padmiari; Ni Made Yuni Gumala
Jurnal Ilmu Gizi : Journal of Nutrition Science Vol 7, No 3 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Gizi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar dan DPD PERSAGI Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (620.238 KB) | DOI: 10.33992/jig.v7i3.335


Satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or disappointment of a person as a result of a comparison between the perceived and expected product achievement or as a customer response to a discrepancy between the level of prior importance of the actual performance perceived after usage. Important components used to determine the quality of services so that the level of satisfaction can be determined that is, Realybility, Responsive, Assurance, Emphaty, and Tangible. The components assessed in this study include, food menu and food presentation. The type of research used is the type of observational research with cross sectional design. The sample of this research is all of the first grade students who live in Akper Kesdam IX/Udayana Dormitory who have the criteria: registered as a first-degree student Akper Kesdam IX/Udayana Denpasar, male and female, are not ill, willing to be researched. Based on the 72 samples studied, most of them stated that they were not satisfied with the food service provided by the dormitory, with the score of 81.23% satisfaction level, which is still below the standard of satisfaction level ?90%.Keywords : Menu, food presentation, level of satisfaction
JURNAL SANGKAREANG MATARAM Vol. 5 No. 3 (2019): September 2019

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Anemia gizi terutama disebabkan oleh kekurangan zat besi adalah kelainan nutrisi yang paling umum terjadi di negara berkembang dan epidemi. Situasi ini membawa dampak keseluruhan terbesar dalam hal masalah kesehatan. Anemia defisiensi besi sangat rentan terhadap remaja putri karena meningkatnya kebutuhan zat besi selama pertumbuhan. Selain itu, kehilangan darah saat menstruasi juga meningkatkan risiko anemia. Pada wanita usia subur, anemia gizi dikaitkan dengan fungsi reproduksi yang buruk, tingginya angka kematian ibu (10-20% dari total kematian), peningkatan kejadian BBLR (berat bayi <2,5 kg saat lahir), dan gizi buruk intrauterine. Tujuan Umum Mengetahui Dampak Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD) Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Terjadinya Anemia Pada Remaja Putri di Kabupaten Karangasem, Provinsi Bali. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan disain cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Karangasem, Provinsi Bali. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa SMA dan SMK di Kabupaten Karangasem, Provinsi Bali. Sampel adalah bagian dari populasi yang memenuhi kriteria berjumlah 84 siswi. Data diperoleh sejak persiapan dan pelaksanaan diolah dengan program perangkat lunak komputer dengan analisis statistik univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Tingkat pengetahuan siswi tentang TTD dan anemia sudah sangat baik dimana 25 siswi (29,8%) mempunyai pengetahuan baik, 52 siswi (61,9%) dengan tingkat pengetahuan cukup dan hanya 7 orang (8,3%) dengan tingkat pengetahuan kurang. Siswi yang mengalami anemia sebesar 22,6% sedangkan 77,4% tidak anemia dari 84 siswi dan dampak sosialiasasi TTD yang diberikan adalah terjadi penurunan prevalensi dibandingkan data nasional yang awalnya 26,7% menjadi 22,6%.
JURNAL SANGKAREANG MATARAM Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): Juni 2017

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Primary school-age children are an investment nation. The quality of the nation in the future is determined the quality of children today. Efforts to improve human resources must be done early, systematically and sustainably. The growth of primary school-age children is optimal depending on the intake of nutrients with good quality and quantity (Republika, 2010). The School Child Enhancement Program (PMT-AS) has a broad impact not only on the aspects of health, nutrition and education today but also directly affecting the quality of human resources in the future.The purpose of this study was to examine influence of additional School Feeding to the nutritional status, anaemia status, and learning achievement at Denpasar Municipality.This research is an quasi experimental research with One Group Pre-test design-Post-test Design. The research was conducted in two schools, SDN 12 Kesiman and SDN 8 Sanur, Denpasar City, in May-September 2016. The population in this study were all students who got PMT-AS in SD 12 Kesiman Kertalangu and SD 8 Sanur in Denpasar City. The sample size is determined based on the quota of each elementary school, 50 students who meet the inclusion criteria. Sample selection by simple random sampling. Independent variables studied are the number, type and frequency of PMT-AS delivery, the process of accompaniment is done while the dependent variable is Nutritional Status, hemoglobin level and learning achievement.Analysis of nutritional content of food PMT-AS distributed in schools obtained average calori value 161.62 (53.87% of 300 calories) and protein 4.11 (82.18% of 5 grams). The students nutritional status based on body mass index by age obtained : 33.5% overweight, 4.4% obese and 33.3% normal. The results of measurement of hemoglobin level of students before and after the PMT-AS program obtained prevalence of anemia before counseling 15% and after counseling 11%. Although there was a decrease in the prevalence rate of anemia but the decrease was not statistically significant. Judging from the learning achievement in the final semester based on report card, the minimum score of 60.9 and the maximum score of 91.5 with the average score 77.5+7.66
Sosialisasi Pentingnya Konsumsi Susu Kedelai Sebagai Minuman Sehat, Kaya Protein, Dan Serat Serta Alami Untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar Di Kecamatan Ubud Kabupaten Gianyar I Made Suarjana; I A Eka Padmiari; PP Sri Sugiani
Jurnal Pengabmas Masyarakat Sehat Vol 1, No 3 (2019): Juli 2019
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (674.103 KB) | DOI: 10.33992/ms.v1i3.934


Increasing public awareness of the importance of milk for the fulfillment of nutrients in an effort to realize health life, encouraging people to get used to consuming milk including soy milk. The socialization of the importance of consuming milk for school-age children shows the participation of Denpasar Polytechnic institutions to participate in efforts to improve public health. The community service activities with the theme of socializing the importance of consumption of soy milk as a healthy drink, rich in protein and fiber and natural, aims to increase students' knowledge about nutrition, especially instilling a positive perception of the importance of consuming soy milk. This activity was held at SD 3 Sayan and SD 3 Singakerta, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency. The target number of 155 people with participants' ages is 9-10 years old. Submission of health messages using media images, games, and demonstrations that are easy to understand. Activities are only limited to efforts to increase knowledge and attitude but have not yet reached an effort to measure the impact widely in the community. At least children have experience gained from demonstrations given. Statistically, the effect of socialization has succeeded in increasing students' knowledge and attitudes. This is known by looking at the comparison of students' knowledge and attitudes before and after socialization. The implementation of the activity went smoothly by obtaining support from the school, including the enthusiasm of students in participating in the activity. In the future, this activity is expected to be carried out in a sustainable manner as a program of activities to increase public awareness in improving health statusKeywords: socialization, soy milk, school children
Penyuluhan Gizi Dan Pemeriksaan Kadar Hb Serta KEK Pada Remaja Putri Di Kecamatan Sukawati, Kabupaten Gianyar Tahun 2019 Ida Ayu Eka Padmiari
Jurnal Pengabmas Masyarakat Sehat Vol 2, No 3 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (429.908 KB) | DOI: 10.33992/ms.v2i3.1035


 Nutritional anemia generally occurs in women of reproductive age and children. This situation has the greatest overall effect in terms of health problems. Iron deficiency anemia is prone to occur in young women due to the increased need for iron during their infancy. The proportion of Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK) in pregnant women in Sukawati District in 2017 was 34 mothers and in 2018 increased to as many as 40 pregnant women experiencing KEK, while the proportion of KEK in adolescent girls was not yet available. Likewise with the Proportion of Anemia in young women there is no data yet. Therefore, the servants will carry out Hb examination and measurement of LILA (Upper Arm Circumference) on young women in Sukawati sub-district, Gianyar Regency. The purpose of the Community Service is to provide counseling on nutrition, especially in the prevention of Anemia and KEK as well as examining hemoglobin levels in young women in Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency. The method used to achieve the objectives of community service is the method of lecture, discussion and examination of Hb levels and measurement of MUAC.Examination of hemoglobin levels was performed to determine the anemia status of the target. The average Hb level was 12.85 g / dl while the lowest value was 9.1 g / dl while the highest was 14.6 g / dl. Of the 50 targets examined found 14 targets (28%) anemia and 36 targets (72%) were not anemic. Determination of KEK status is done by measuring the target upper arm circumference (MUAC). Of the 50 targets measured there were 17 targets (34%) experienced KEK and 33 targets (66%) did not experience KEK. The conclusion of this community service counseling about Anemia and KEK in the prevention of anemia and KEK has succeeded in increasing good knowledge to be above 50%, Adolescent girls who have anemia by 28%, Adolescent girls who experience chronic Less Energy (KEK) by 34% in Sukawati District Gianyar RegencyKeywords: Anemia, Chronic Energy Deficiency, Adolescent Girls