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The Winning of the Partai Aceh in a Psychological Political Approach Mukhrijal, Mukhrijal; Rassanjani, Saddam; Herizal, Herizal; Afrijal, Afrijal
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 8, No 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v8i2.11586


Partai Aceh is one of the local political parties in Aceh that able to win the first political contestation they participated in in 2009, even though it was born two years before in 2007. Since then, they have continued to dominate elections at the local level. Partai Aceh was established because of the peace agreement between GAM-RI as a post-conflict political agreement. The purpose of this study was to determine the victory of the Partai Aceh in the local realm. The method used is descriptive qualitative through interview techniques. The results of the study state that the Partai Aceh's victory in the context of Acehnese local politics cannot be separated from political psychology, such as the Partai Aceh identification approach through political socialisation, political candidates, and the Partai Aceh political campaign. The Partai Aceh approached the community involving the former Free Aceh Movement in conducting campaigns. The Partai Aceh's foresight in carrying the figure of a former GAM combatant impacted the Partai Aceh's victory.
Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention Policies in Overcoming COVID-19 in Aceh: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey Saddam Rassanjani; Aryos Nivada; Ratnalia Indriasari; Iqbal Ahmady
Journal of Government and Civil Society Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Journal of Government and Civil Society (April)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/jgcs.v6i1.5618


ABSTRACTCOVID-19, which transmitted rapidly from China, has crossed all the lands in the world, infecting people in every corner. This phenomenon has shocked the public on a large scale, ranging from the mass media; government; to individuals. This study seeks to assess the perceptions of the Acehnese regarding government policy in dealing with COVID-19 in the local realm, especially related to the implementation of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs). An online survey was conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire using a non-probability snowball sampling technique to answer the abovementioned problem. Finally, the questionnaire distributed online collected as many as 264 respondents. In general, the results of the study report that respondents have a high level of compliance with the policies taken by the government in fighting the Coronavirus. Most of them claim to be ready to help their neighbors who have problems with loss of livelihood during the implementation of NPIs that require people to work at home. Interestingly, even though the community has shown willingness to follow government guidelines on quarantine and social distance, most people reject the call to worship at home. Therefore, in formulating the best policy, a comprehensive socio-economic study and cooperation from community leaders, especially religious leaders, are needed to equalize the public’s perception. Keywords: Non-pharmaceutical intervention, public policy, Covid-19, Aceh ABSTRAKCOVID-19 yang menular dengan cepat dari Cina telah melintasi seluruh daratan di dunia, menjangkiti manusia di setiap sudut. Fenomena ini telah menghebohkan publik secara besar-besaran, mulai dari media, pemerintah, hingga individu. Kajian ini berupaya mengkaji persepsi masyarakat Aceh mengenai kebijakan pemerintah dalam menangani COVID-19 di ranah lokal, khususnya terkait penerapan intervensi nonfarmasi (NPIs). Untuk menjawabnya, dilakukan survei online dengan menggunakan kuesioner semi terstruktur dengan teknik non-probability snowball sampling, dan akhirnya berhasil mengumpulkan sebanyak 264 tanggapan. Secara umum responden memiliki tingkat kepatuhan yang tinggi terhadap kebijakan yang diambil pemerintah dalam memerangi virus corona. Sebagian besar dari mereka mengaku siap membantu tetangganya yang bermasalah dengan hilangnya mata pencaharian selama penerapan NPIs. Menariknya, meski masyarakat telah menunjukkan kesediaan untuk mengikuti pedoman pemerintah tentang karantina dan menjaga jarak, kebanyakan orang menolak ajakan untuk beribadah di rumah masing-masing. Oleh karena itu, dalam merumuskan kebijakan yang terbaik, diperlukan kajian sosial ekonomi yang komprehensif dan kerjasama dari tokoh masyarakat, khususnya tokoh agama, untuk menyamakan persepsi masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Non-pharmaceutical intervention, kebijakan publik, Covid-19, Aceh
The Winning of the Partai Aceh in a Psychological Political Approach Mukhrijal Mukhrijal; Saddam Rassanjani; Herizal Herizal; Afrijal Afrijal
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 8, No 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v8i2.11586


Partai Aceh is one of the local political parties in Aceh that able to win the first political contestation they participated in in 2009, even though it was born two years before in 2007. Since then, they have continued to dominate elections at the local level. Partai Aceh was established because of the peace agreement between GAM-RI as a post-conflict political agreement. The purpose of this study was to determine the victory of the Partai Aceh in the local realm. The method used is descriptive qualitative through interview techniques. The results of the study state that the Partai Aceh's victory in the context of Acehnese local politics cannot be separated from political psychology, such as the Partai Aceh identification approach through political socialisation, political candidates, and the Partai Aceh political campaign. The Partai Aceh approached the community involving the former Free Aceh Movement in conducting campaigns. The Partai Aceh's foresight in carrying the figure of a former GAM combatant impacted the Partai Aceh's victory.
Branding Strategy "The Light Of Aceh" Through E-Tourism On Sustainable Tourism Development in Aceh Province Khalida Ulfa; Muchamad Zaenuri; Dian Eka Rahmawati; Saddam Rassanjani; Mukhrijal Mukhrijal; Ayu Imanullah
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 8, No 3 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v8i3.11034


One of the latest strategies in Indonesia in developing tourism is E-Tourism, a digital platform that provides convenience for foreign and domestic tourists. This study aims to determine the Branding Strategy "The Light Of Aceh" through E-Tourism in Sustainable Tourism Development in Aceh Province and its inhibiting factors. The research data comes from primary and secondary data related to the research focus. The data analysis technique used the Nvivo 12 plus analysis using crosstab through the chart and sociogram features. The results showed that the Branding strategy "The Light Of Aceh" through E-Tourism in sustainable tourism development uses 4 strategies, namely POSE (Paid Media, Owned Media, Social Media, and Endorser). Of the four strategies, the highest percentage is through social media digital platforms which are the most strategic in promoting tourism. The inhibiting factor is in terms of human resources that are still minimal, in terms of infrastructure that has not been managed properly in several tourist destinations, and the social conditions of the community are still minimal related to public awareness of managing tourist destination places properly so it is very important to support tourism actors to return or whether or not to Aceh for a tour.
Melihat Kebijakan Penanganan Covid-19 yang Populer di Kalangan Masyarakat Aceh Saddam Rassanjani; Helmi Helmi; Minawati Lingga
Journal of Social and Policy Issues Volume 2, No 1 (2022): January-March
Publisher : Pencerah Publishing

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Sejumlah program dan kebijakan telah dikerahkan oleh pemerintah Aceh dalam menanggulangi bencana global COVID-19, namun saat ini belum ada tanda-tanda bahwasanya masyarakat sudah sepenuhnya bisa bernafas lega dan mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada Corona. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat persepsi masyarakat terhadap kebijakan ataupun program dari pemerintah dalam penanganan COVID-19 di Provinsi Aceh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian di sini adalah pendekatan mixed-methods, yaitu kuantitatif melalui metode survei dan kualitatif melalui studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa protokol Kesehatan 4M (Memakai Masker, Menjaga Jarak, Mencuci Tangan, Menghindari Kerumunan) dianggap sebagai kebijakan yang paling ampuh dalam meredam penyebaran virus COVID-19 menurut persepsi masyarakat Aceh. Sementara itu, pemberlakuaan jam malam di era pandemi dianggap sebagai program yang sangat tidak popular di mata masyarakat Aceh. Terlepas dari pro-kontra masyarakat Aceh terhadap sejumlah paket kebijakan dalam penanganan pandemi sejak 2020, pemerintah sudah mencoba memaksimalkan kinerja mereka dalam penanggulangan COVID-19 ini. Maka dari itu, untuk tercapainya tujuan pemerintah dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan COVID-19 dari bumi Aceh, dibutuhkan kerja sama antara pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk saling mendukung dalam memerangi virus tersebut. Diharapkan agar pemerintah untuk terus konsisten dalam menjaga masyarakat dari bahaya COVID-19, dan diharapkan juga untuk menerbitkan sejumlah kebijakan maupun program yang dapat mengakhiri pandemi dengan tepat dan cepat.
Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Activities and Poverty Threats in the Asia-Pacific Region Saddam Rassanjani; Novialdi Risky; Dahlawi Maz; Wais Alqarni; Muhammad Achdan Tharis
Policy & Governance Review Vol 5 No 1 (2021): January
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/pgr.v5i1.353


This paper discusses the impact caused by a virus outbreak called coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The virus initially appeared in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, then spread throughout the world, including the Asia-Pacific Region (APR). COVID-19 is believed to have damaged health and the global economy. Unlike the crisis that was caused by many previous disruptions, the impact caused by COVID-19 is wider and bigger. Many economic sectors have been paralyzed and suffered losses, such as production and trade. Export-import cooperation has become a dependency between countries, and this has also been hampered due to the rapid spread of this pandemic. Then, the closure of transportation access and the suggestion to stay at home has made the tourism sector sluggish. Meanwhile, another effect of this pandemic is the emergence of new poor groups due to the rise in layoffs. This study uses qualitative research methods to search for theoretical references relevant to cases or problems found in various works of literature, mainly scientific journals, books, reports, and actual and trusted news on the internet. This study aims to explore the potential of COVID-19 that not only threatens health, but also social, political, and economic spheres. From the analysis, it was concluded that COVID-19 could inhibit all global socio- economic activities that threaten the success of realizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but on the other hand, this pandemic can also be momentum for a more sustainable life order.
Optimizing the Ability of Aceh Province in Paradiplomacy Practice Risky Novialdi; Saddam Rassanjani
Nation State: Journal of International Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Social Science, Department of International Relations, Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24076/NSJIS.2020v3i1.169


This paper analyzes the opportunities for the development of Aceh province in the era of globalization. Paradiplomacy is one of the efforts that can be utilized to develop the Aceh province. Based on the Constitution Number 11 of 2006 on the Aceh government, has given Aceh province considerable authority to develop its territory, including establishing diplomatic relations with the regions others abroad through the Paradiplomacy practice. But, with this considerable authority, Aceh is still the poorest region in Sumatra and the poorest number 6 in Indonesia based on the statistics centre data (BPS) in 2019. This means that Aceh still fails to exploit its social and natural conditions for the development of its territory. In This research we used  qualitative method, by gathering previous studies through observation, interviews and data collection. Aceh could utilize the "Tsunami Disaster" to become the initial capital to practice paradiplomacy with other regions abroad. Actually Aceh also has other capital, namely as a former conflict area and also as the best coffee producer in the world. Therefore, Aceh has at least three large capitals to establish cooperation with foreign parties through the paradiplomacy practice, with the concept of sister Province, Sister City.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Indonesian Housing Policy Saddam Rassanjani
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 8, No 1 (2018): (April 2018)
Publisher : Department of Government Studies Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1429.907 KB) | DOI: 10.26618/ojip.v8i1.760


The main objective of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia is to bring accelerated development in all aspects so that the poverty rate is expected to decrease even disappear. One of the programs that aimed to reduce poverty rates in Indonesia is the provision of housing for the community, especially the underprivileged. Moreover, it is a the million houses program that proclaimed by the Ministry of Public Works and People's Housing, and this program is correlated with the SDGS, especially goal 11 (sustainable cities and communities). The research is relying on secondary data basis primarily from books, journals, published reports and online news. It is expected that this study is able to provide a new insight for the government in building a community residential area, which is to integrate development plans into three dimensions (social, economic, and environment) which are the pillars of sustainable development. Unfortunately, nowadays the government is relying too hard on achieving quantity and a little focus on quality. Furthermore, an experience on the MDGs edition can be an important lesson for the government in realizing SDGs, especially now that SDGs are in line with the points that contained in the RPJMN. Therefore, if the government is able to maximise this global development agenda, it is not impossible that the million houses program can be one of the leading programs in overcoming the problem of poverty, especially housing shortage in Indonesia.
Implementasi Kebijakan Vaksinasi COVID-19 di Kota Banda Aceh Nada Nafira Almanzani; Alfi Rahman; Saddam Rassanjani
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik

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Peraturan Presiden Nomor 99 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pengadaan Vaksin dan Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi dalam Rangka Penanggulangan Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID- 19) Pasal 13A ayat (2) menyatakan bahwa setiap orang yang telah ditetapkan sebagai sasaran penerima vaksin COVID-19 wajib mengikuti Vaksinasi COVID-19. Namun realitanya, banyak masyarakat Kota Banda Aceh yang enggan divaksin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi dan hambatan dari kebijakan vaksinasi COVID-19 di Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menganalisis teori implementasi kebijakan Edward III yang meliputi komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi, dan struktur birokrasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan vaksinasi COVID-19 belum berjalan optimal ditandai dengan aspek kejelasan dan konsistensi komunikasi belum efektif, aspek sumber daya manusia, anggaran, sarana dan prasarana belum optimal, aspek SOP pada struktur birokrasi belum berjalan sebagaimana mestinya, serta terdapat delapan hambatan, diantaranya rendahnya partisipasi masyarakat, keterpaparan terhadap hoax, keterbatasan petugas vaksinasi COVID- 19, insentif petugas vaksinasi COVID-19 yang belum memadai, dosis vaksinasi COVID-19 yang rusak, keraguan terhadap vaksin, aplikasi dan jaringan yang bermasalah, dan pelayanan vaksinasi COVID-19 yang tidak sesuai dengan SOP. Untuk itu diharapkan Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh, Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banda Aceh, UPTD Puskesmas Kota Banda Aceh untuk lebih menggencarkan penyuluhan atau sosialisasi, meningkatkan kerja sama dengan lintas sektor, pemberian penghargaan kepada lansia yang sudah divaksin, penambahan SDM petugas vaksinasi COVID-19 dan penambahan sarana dan prasarana, perencanaan dan proses untuk mengalokasikan anggaran untuk tim vaksinasi COVID-19, dan menciptakan inovasi program satu keluarga satu lansia untuk meningkatkan cakupan vaksinasi lansia.Implementation of COVID-19 Vaccination Policy in Banda Aceh CityPresidential Regulation Number 99 of 2020 concerning Vaccine Procurement and Vaccination Implementation in the Context of Combating the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Article 13A paragraph (2) states that everyone who has been designated as the target recipient of the COVID-19 vaccine must participate in the COVID-19 vaccination. 19. But in reality, many people in Banda Aceh City are reluctant to get vaccinated. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation and obstacles of the COVID-19 vaccination policy in Banda Aceh City. This study uses a qualitative approach by analyzing the theory of policy implementation by Edward III which includes communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination policy has not run optimally marked by aspects of clarity and consistency of communication that have not been effective, aspects of human resources, budget, facilities and infrastructure have not been optimal, aspects of SOPs in the bureaucratic structure have not worked properly, and there are eight obstacles, such as low community participation, exposure to hoaxes, limited COVID-19 vaccination officers, inadequate incentives for COVID-19 vaccination officers, defective COVID-19 vaccination doses, doubts about vaccines, problematic applications and networks, and COVID-19 vaccination services that do not comply with the SOP. For this reason, it is expected that the Banda Aceh Government, Banda Aceh City Health Office, Banda Aceh City Health Center UPTD to intensify counseling or socialization, increase cross-sectoral collaboration, give awards to the elderly who have been vaccinated, increase human resources for COVID-19 vaccination officers and increase facilities and infrastructure, planning and processes for allocating budgets for the COVID-19 vaccination team, and creating innovations for the one family one elderly program to increase vaccination coverage for the elderly.
Kebijakan Kepariwisataan di Provinsi Aceh: Peluang dan Tantangan Herizal Herizal; Saddam Rassanjani; Muhkrijal Muhkrijal
Jurnal Public Policy Vol 7, No 1 (2021): November-April
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jpp.v7i1.3341


Tourism is a public sector that should be managed seriously to improve the livelihoods of many people. The potential of Aceh's tourism must be encouraged by quality public policies so that all of its potential will be maximized. In fact, there are still many weaknesses in public policies in the tourism sector that have rendered Aceh's tourism potential in vain. This study aims to describe Aceh's public policy in the tourism sector in terms of opportunities and challenges. The research approach used is a qualitative analysis through a literature review that relies on secondary data, namely by collecting and mapping data from government documents in the form of tourism plans, tourism regulations, work reports on tourism and similar studies on tourism policies. The results of the study show that the Aceh Government has seen great opportunities in the tourism sector, especially from halal tourism, but what remains a challenge until now is that the Government of Aceh has not resolved problems related to tourism governance, tourism destination development and tourism branding.