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Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel: Studi dan Evaluasi Kinerja LoRa Transmitter dan Long Range Radio Frekuensi (RF) Pada Luar Ruang Rifki Muhendra; Naufal Ismail Kreshnaviyanto; Aisyah Amin
Jurnal Jaring SainTek Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31599/jaring-saintek.v3i1.347


Transmitters are the backbone of communication on wireless sensor networks. Most transmitters use ism band frequencies so the communication range is limited to 100 m. Some types of transmitters that have long-distance communication capabilities are nRF24 1 km and LoRa. The paper reports a comparative study between nRF24 1 km and LoRa in data communication, power consumption and resistance to obstacles. The results showed that LoRa has a range capability of 1.6 km and nRF24 has a delivery capability of 1 km. The 1 km NRF24 is more suitable for long-distance communication that requires high speed and is also resistant to non-line of sight obstacles.
Development of Graduation Prediction Model for Industrial Engineering Students Using Decision Tree Rifki Muhendra
JMSP (Jurnal Manajemen dan Supervisi Pendidikan) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Vol. 6 No. 2 Maret 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Data mining is one of the rapidly growing data processing sciences. One application of data mining is to build a model of student graduation criteria. In this study, a prediction model for student graduation criteria was developed using a decision tree (DT). Several factors that influence the graduation criteria of students studied in this study include GPA, field of study, age, number of credits completed, and so on. The development of this model uses the open source Rapidminer software which is proven to have ease in processing but is very good at producing models. There are 3 prediction models produced, namely the DT model using the Gini Index method, Information gain and gain ratio. The resulting model has a fairly large root distribution in the predicate is very satisfactory. This means this predicate in the process does quite a lot of iterations. These three models can be used to predict student graduation because they have an accuracy and Kappa value greater than 80%. This shows that this model has a high level of confidence and can describe what is happening. The Gini Index model has the highest accuracy and kappa value compared to the information gain and gain ratio models with accuracy and kappa values of 0.963 and 0.932, respectively. This shows that the Gini Index model is superior for processing large data.
Optimalisasi Media Ajar dalam Pengajaran Berbasis Digital di SD Negeri Muktiwari 01 Ferawaty Puspitorini; Haris Hamdani; Muhammad Zulfadhli; Rifki Muhendra; Arie Purwa Kusuma
Jurnal Komunitas : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1: Juli 2022
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen Stiami

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (734.88 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/jks.v5i1.2364


Pesatnya kemajuan dunia di bidang Teknologi Informasi (IT) terus berkembang seiring dengan berjalannya waktu. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi danĀ  ilmu pengetahuan, saat ini media pembelajaran yang sering digunakan adalah media pembelajaran berbasis komputer. Terdapat istilah baru dari kemunculan perkembangan tersebut yaitu media berbasis komputer, yaitu multimedia pembelajaran interaktif. Interaktif berarti terdapat hubungan timbal balik antara media dan pengguna media. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra adalah minimnya pengetahuan para guru dalam menciptakan atau mengembangkan media pembelajaran. Hal yang dikeluhkan oleh para guru yaitu keterbatasan media pembelajaran yang mengakibatkan guru cenderung melaksanakan pembelajaran di kelas dengan cara konvensional dan seringnya tanpa media. Oleh karena itu, tim pelaksana mencoba untuk memberikan pelatihan pembuatan Media Ajar Digital sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, dan IPA. Bagi guru SDN Muktiwari 01, dengan adanya pelatihan ini diharapkan para guru dapat menguasai pembuatan Media Ajar Digital dan pengisian konten yang positif terkait dengan pendidikan sehingga Media Ajar Digital dapat dibentuk sebagai media untuk aktualisasi diri. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan dalam bentuk sosialisasi, Pengenalan, pelatihan, dan praktik penerapan Media Ajar dalam Pengajaran Berbasis Digital kepada guru-guru di SDN Muktiwari 01. Berdasarkan dari hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat, para guru sangat antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Para guru sangat senang dengan hasil yang sudah dilaksanakan karena mereka langsung mempraktikkan teori yang sudah disampaikan di hari sebelumnya.
Development of Non-Intrusive Low-Power Digital Water Meter Reading System Based On Wireless Mesh Network and Internet of Things Rifki Muhendra
Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika : JANAPATI Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Informatika Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/janapati.v12i1.57180


The application of WMN and IoT technology to the metering infrastructure is proven to provide convenience in data collection, access to information, and management of metering devices. Unfortunately, the use of this technology is still minimal in developing countries like Indonesia. In this study, the development of a digital meter reading system that focuses on low-power non-intrusive reading devices and the application of WMS in the water meter reading system is carried out. This system consists of a series of meter reader sensors that are connected mesh to a gateway where meter data can be monitored in real-time and remotely. This sensor circuit is an integrated circuit added to the existing mechanical water meter which allows recording the volume of water consumption digitally. This circuit consists of an optical sensor, real-time clock (RTC), microcontroller, Lora Transmitter, and power supply. The use of solar cells to supply energy for meter reading devices is another interesting aspect of the development of this system. A gateway is a circuit built to bridge the transmission of meter data from a radio-based sensor network to the internet. The result of this research is the establishment of a meter reading system capable of accurately reading water consumption, low power where the meter data is easily accessible using a device connected to the internet. This system has been evaluated for every part of development such as reading water consumption, power consumption, and also communication in the mesh network. The contribution of this research is that it can be used as a reference for developing a digital meter system that is more effective, has low power, and has easy access to meter data
Optimasi Rute Kendaraan pada Pendistribusian Produk Agroindustri Menggunakan Metode Sweep dan Nearest-Neighbor Solihin Solihin; Rifki Muhendra; Murwan Widyantoro; Al Munawir
Jurnal Mekanova : Mekanikal, Inovasi dan Teknologi Vol 9, No 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : universitas teuku umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmkn.v9i2.8435


AI Company is a producer of agro-industrial products. Products produced from the agricultural industry, for example vegetables, fruit and so on. These products are easily damaged. Therefore, the transportation system for product distribution needs to be carried out in the shortest possible time. Besides that, vehicle use produces air pollution and greenhouse gases which trigger global warming. This research proposes the Sweep and Nearest-Neighbor methods to minimize vehicle route distances in distributing products from AI companies to various customers. By minimizing the distance traveled, it is hoped that it can also contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. The Sweep method is intended to cluster destination locations and the Nearest-Neighbor algorithm is used to get the shortest route so that the shortest distance is obtained. From the results of this study, before optimization, the usual delivery distance for goods carried out by AI companies was 10,077.00 km and decreased to 9,286.00 km per year after optimization. The CO2 emissions per year before optimization were 2147.95 kgCO2e, while after optimizing the distance traveled, CO2 emissions decreased to 1979.13 kgCO2e.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Teknik Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Teknik (JPMT)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/jpmt.5.2.98-103


Sungai ci Esek merupakan sungai yang terletak di desa Cipayung kecamatan Megamendung Kabupaten Bogor yang memiliki arus yang besar terutama ketika hujan. Beberapa bagian desa dan desa lainnya yang berada di sekitar desa Cipayung merupakan daerah terdampak banjir. Pada kegiatan pengabdian masysrakat ini tim dari Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya telah berhasil mengembangkan system monitoring potensi banjir sebagai salah satu langkah mitigasi bencana daerah di kabupaten bogor. System ini terdiri dari perangkat sensor yang dapat mengukur ketinggian permukaan sungai dan curah hujan dimana data-data fisik ini dikirimkan ke Internet. Akses data potensi banjir ini dapat dilakukan secara real time dan jarak jauh menggunakan perangkat mobile dan computer internet. System ini juga telah diuji dilapangan dengan pemasangan perangkat sensor di pinggir sungai ci Esek dimana rata-rata data yang dikumpulkan setiap hari sebesar 1429. Persentasi kehilangan data adalah 0,75%. Ini membuktikan system dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu upaya preventive dalam menghadapi potensi banjir di Kabupaten Bogor.