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A study of antioxidant potential from herbal plants and the effects on Parkinson’s disease Indri Nuraeni Pratiwi; Widhya Aligita; Marita Kaniawati
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol. 17 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jif.vol17.iss1.art9


AbstractBackground: Parkinson's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disorder affecting more than 10 million people worldwide. This disease is characterized by progressive dopaminergic neuron damage in the substantia nigra. This damage can be triggered by aging and the presence of oxidative stress because of free radicals. Antioxidants can inhibit the formation of free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, so they can be used as an alternative treatment for Parkinson's disease.Objective: This review article aimed to provide information about the antioxidant effects of selected herbal plants on Parkinson's disease.Method: This study used literature study methods sourced from national and international scientific journals published in the last 5 years (2016-2020). Literature search were carried out using databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed®, ScienceDirect, and Garuda Portal.Results: The high content of antioxidants in plants could protect nerve cells from oxidative damage and reduce symptoms such as tremors, muscle stiffness, impaired coordination and motor balance in test animals.Conclusion: Natural antioxidants from herbal plants proved to be able to prevent oxidative stress caused by free radicals and reduce symptoms of Parkinson's disease.Keywords: Parkinson's disease, antioxidants, oxidative stress, herbal plantsIntisariLatar belakang: Penyakit Parkinson merupakan gangguan neurodegeneratif paling umum yang mempengaruhi lebih dari 10 juta orang di seluruh dunia. Penyakit ini ditandai dengan kerusakan neuron dopaminergik secara progresif di substansia nigra. Kerusakan tersebut dapat dipicu oleh penuaan dan adanya stres oksidatif akibat adanya radikal bebas. Antioksidan mampu menghambat pembentukan radikal bebas dan mengurangi stres oksidatif, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif pengobatan penyakit Parkinson.Tujuan: Review artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai pengaruh antioksidan dari beberapa tanaman herbal terpilih terhadap penyakit Parkinson.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur yang bersumber dari jurnal ilmiah nasional maupun internasional yang diterbitkan 5 tahun terakhir (2016-2020). Pencarian literatur dilakukan dengan menggunakan database seperti Google Scholar, PubMed®, ScienceDirect, dan Portal Garuda.Hasil: Kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi dapat melindungi sel saraf dari kerusakan oksidatif dan mampu mengurangi gejala seperti tremor, kekakuan otot, gangguan koordinasi, dan keseimbangan motorik pada hewan uji.Kesimpulan: Antioksidan alami dari tanaman herbal terbukti mampu mencegah terjadinya stres oksidatif yang diakibatkan oleh radikal bebas dan mengurangi gejala dari penyakit Parkinson.Kata kunci : Penyakit Parkinson, antioksidan, stres oksidatif, tanaman herbal
PEMBINAAN KADER DALAM ASUHAN MANDIRI TOGA DI BENDEGA I Gusti Agung Ayu Hari Triandini; Hairani Hairani; Diana Hidayati; Widhya Aligita; Nur Intan Hayati; Soni Muhsinin; ED. Yunisa Mega Pasha
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v5i1.6266


Primary Health Care (PHC) adalah kontak pertama individu, keluarga, atau masyarakat  dengan sistem pelayanan kesehatan. PHC bertujuan untuk meningkatkan akses masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang berkualitas. Di Indonesia, PHC memiliki 3 (tiga) strategi utama, yaitu kerjasama multisektoral, partisipasi masyarakat, dan penerapan teknologi. Salah satu peran keluarga dalam PHC yaitu TOGA dalam apotek hidup sebagai bahan baku utama dalam manajemen pencegahan dan penanganan penyakit termasuk yang berhubungan dengan gejala COVID-19. Kader Posyandu yang sehari-harinya berinteraksi dalam mendampingi ibu dalam membangun kesehatan keluarga juga menjadi sosok yang berperan dalam program asuhan mandiri keluarga yang telah dicanangkan pemerintah dalam perwujudan PHC tersebut. TABSTRAKPrimary Health Care (PHC) adalah kontak pertama individu, keluarga, atau masyarakat  dengan sistem pelayanan kesehatan. PHC bertujuan untuk meningkatkan akses masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang berkualitas. Di Indonesia, PHC memiliki 3 (tiga) strategi utama, yaitu kerjasama multisektoral, partisipasi masyarakat, dan penerapan teknologi. Salah satu peran keluarga dalam PHC yaitu TOGA dalam apotek hidup sebagai bahan baku utama dalam manajemen pencegahan dan penanganan penyakit termasuk yang berhubungan dengan gejala COVID-19. Kader Posyandu yang sehari-harinya berinteraksi dalam mendampingi ibu dalam membangun kesehatan keluarga juga menjadi sosok yang berperan dalam program asuhan mandiri keluarga yang telah dicanangkan pemerintah dalam perwujudan PHC tersebut. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat kali ini adalah untuk melakukan perekrutan kader TOGA pada mitra, sosialisasi tupoksi kader serta meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam mengolah jenis TOGA yang secara ilmiah berfungsi mencegah COVID-19. Metode pelaksanaan: survei lokasi, pengurusan izin, penyuluhan, sosialisasi teknik pengolahan tanaman TOGA, evaluasi kegiatan, dokumentasi dan pelaporan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara daring dan luring. Dari hasil kegiatan, telah dibentuk suatu wadah kader TOGA di lingkungan Bendega yang berfungsi dalam mengembangkan pelayanan kesehatan primer di lingkungan Bendega melalui pengembangan tanaman obat keluarga. Kata kunci: bendega; covid-19; kader, TOGA. ABSTRACTPrimary Health Care (PHC) is an individual, family, or community's first contact with the health care system. PHC aims to increase public access to quality health services. In Indonesia, PHC has 3 (three) main strategies, namely multisectoral cooperation, community participation, and application of technology. One of the roles of the family in PHC is TOGA in living pharmacies as the main raw material in the management of prevention and treatment of diseases, including those related to the symptoms of COVID-19. Posyandu cadres who interact daily in assisting mothers in building family health are also figures who play a role in the family self-care program that has been launched by the government in the realization of the PHC. The purpose of this community service activity is to recruit TOGA cadres to partners, socialize the main tasks of cadres and increase the knowledge and skills of partners in processing TOGA types which scientifically function to prevent COVID-19. Methods of implementation: site survey, permit processing, counseling, socialization of TOGA plant processing techniques, evaluation of activities, documentation and reporting. Activities are carried out online and offline. From the results of the activity, a TOGA cadre forum has been established in the Bendega environment which functions in developing primary health services in the Bendega environment through the development of family medicinal plants. Keywords: bendega; covid-19; cadre; TOGA.ujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat kali ini adalah untuk melakukan perekrutan kader TOGA pada mitra, sosialisasi tupoksi kader serta meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam mengolah jenis TOGA yang secara ilmiah berfungsi mencegah COVID-19. Metode pelaksanaan: survei lokasi, pengurusan izin, penyuluhan, sosialisasi teknik pengolahan tanaman TOGA, evaluasi kegiatan, dokumentasi dan pelaporan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara daring dan luring. Dari hasil kegiatan, telah dibentuk suatu wadah kader TOGA di lingkungan Bendega yang berfungsi dalam mengembangkan pelayanan kesehatan primer di lingkungan Bendega melalui pengembangan tanaman obat keluarga.  
Peningkatan Potensi Anggota KWT dalam Pemanfaatan Pekarangan untuk Tanaman Obat dan Kosmetika Menggunakan Metode Tanam Vertikal di Desa Cibiru Wetan, Kabupaten Bandung Widhya Aligita; Fauzan Zein Muttaqin; Soni Muhsinin; Ellin Febrina; Aiyi Asnawi
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (627.131 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.201944.187


POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF WOMAN FARMING GROUP IN THE UTILIZATION OF THE YARD FOR DRUG AND COSMETICS PLANTS USING VERTICAL GARDEN METHOD IN CIBIRU WETAN VILLAGE, BANDUNG REGENCY. The village of Cibiru Wetan is largely a rice field and swidden area with hilly contours and insufficient water availability. One of the utilization of fields with a lack of water is by growing plants that require minimal water, including medicinal plants and cosmetics. The initiation of this activity has a high prospect of success due to the high initiative and participation of the population in the form of women's farmer groups and the family welfare team as evidenced by the many achievements, awards, and skills gained by the Cibiru Wetan Village through the participation of its citizens. Therefore, the purpose of the project activity was socialization and practice at women’s farmer group of Cibiru Wetan Village through the use of medicinal plants and cosmetics with simple appropriate technology through vertical gardening. The method of implementation used in the training program for planting medicinal plants was divided two stage, that was providing information about family medicinal plants ranging from understanding to the benefits of the plants, and the last step was explaining or training and direct practice of planting medicinal plants and cosmetics using vertical planting. The results showed a positive understanding of the two groups of women’s farmer group I and II and the family welfare team, both for the stage of socialization and counseling as well as for the practice phase of planting medicinal plants and cosmetics vertically. The conclusion was the use of medicinal plants and cosmetics could increase the understanding of the target group and the compost produced by residents could be utilized through this activity.
Upaya Peningkatan Pemahaman Kesehatan Lingkungan melalui Pemanfaatan Sampah Plastik dari Kaleng Cat di Desa Cibiru Wetan, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat Widhya Aligita; Soni Muhsinin; Fauzan Zein Muttaqin; Anne Yuliantini; Aiyi Asnawi
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202053.370


EFFORTS TO IMPROVE UNDERSTANDING OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH THROUGH UTILIZATION OF PLASTIC WASTE IN CIBIRU WETAN VILLAGE, KABUPATEN BANDUNG, WEST JAWA. Plastic waste can contaminate soil, air, sea, and even air, because plastic is difficult to degrade. Cibiru Wetan Village, Kabupaten Bandung, is a growing area for new housing. As the area grows, the rest of the development becomes waste, such as cans. Cans can hold water and can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes that will interfere with health. One way to reduce this impact is by utilizing can trash into plant pots. Therefore, the purpose of this community service activity was the utilization of tin waste for pots in an effort to increase community awareness in environmental health. The stages of this activity began from providing an understanding of environmental health ranging from understanding, garbage, the environment, health to its use and training in making pots from can garbage material. The results of the activity showed that community participation in this activity was quite high, which meant that awareness to support environmental health began to take shape. In addition, this activity could also improve the ability of participants in the waste recycling process.
Kemitraan Asosiasi Profesi Kesehatan dalam Aplikasi Metode KESET untuk Menangani Stress di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 bagi Masyarakat Desa Cibiru Wetan dan Praktisi Apoteker Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat Aiyi Asnawi; Widhya Aligita; Soni Muhsinin; Nur Intan Hayati Husnul Khotimah; Eki Pratidina; Iceu Mulyati; Yulianti Anjayani; Ellin Febrina; Fauzan Z Muttaqin
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202161.671


PARTNERSHIP OF THE HEALTH PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION IN THE APPLICATION OF THE KESET METHOD TO MANAGE STRESS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC FOR THE PEOPLE OF CIBIRU WETAN VILLAGE AND PHARMACIST PRACTITIONERS IN SUMEDANG REGENCY, WEST JAVA. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an alternative treatment method that offers healing from physical and emotional pain and disease. EFT works by tapping on acupressure meridians to release blockages. When these blockages are released, the problem feeling can be released and move through the body. Learning EFT also empowers the client to take charge of handling their emotional state/ controls stress. because they can tap on a feeling any time, they want to move out a painful feeling. Impact of quarantine or PSBB, the restriction of movement of people, is the mental health toll became even steeper including for community of Desa Cibiru Wetan and pharmacist of Kabupaten Sumedang, West Java. Therefore, the purpose of this community service activity was to transfer knowledge about the EFT method for stress management during the Covid-19 pandemic for the Desa Cibiru Wetan community and pharmacist in Kabupaten Sumedang, West Java. The stages of this activity began from education about stress and its prevention, and continues with the introduction of the KESET method in managing stress independently. The critical point in this activity is how to transfer knowledge and skills in preparing the participants who use this technique believe tapping the body can create a balance in their energy system and treat pain. The results of the activity showed that community participation could improve the knowledge and ability of participants in handling their emotional state/ controls stress by using KESET method. In conclusion, this activity could be an alternative healing from emotional pain for participants.
Peningkatan Potensi Ibu Rumah Tangga Peternak Sapi Perah dalam Membuat Yoghurt di Desa Cibiru Wetan, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat Aiyi Asnawi; Widhya Aligita; Soni Muhsinin; Eki Pratidina; Iceu Mulyati; Ika Kana Trisnawati; Ellin Febrina; Fauzan Zein Muttaqin
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 6 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202163.775


INCREASING THE POTENTIAL OF DAIRY CATTLE HOUSEWIVES IN MAKING YOGHURT IN CIBIRU WETAN VILLAGE, BANDUNG REGENCY, WEST JAVA. Yogurt is the product of milk fermentation by Lactobacillus subspecies. The unique properties of yoghurt provided by its living bacteria and its nutrients have captured the interest of the community. The highest price of cow's milk in dairy farming centres of Cibiru Wetan Village, Kabupaten Bandung is purchased by the Milk Processing Industry (IPS) at around IDR 4,500 / litre. Therefore, the purpose of this community service activity was the utilization of fresh cow milk as yoghurt to increase the income of dairy cattle farmer. Yoghurt processing begins with the modification of the incoming milk composition. This process typically involves reducing the fat content and increasing the total solids in the milk by are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The stages of this activity began from providing an understanding of milk and dairy products and training in making yoghurt from fresh cow milk. The critical point in this activity is how to transfer knowledge and skills in preparing the starter and sterile conditions of the cooking utensils. The results of the activity showed that community participation could improve the knowledge and ability of participants in the processing of fresh cow milk as yoghurt. In conclusion, this activity could be an alternative income for dairy cattle farmer.
Aktivitas Antihiperlipidemia Ekstrak Buah Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) pada Tikus yang Diinduksi Emulsi Lemak Widhya Aligita; Dulce De Sousa Tpoy; Elis Susilawati
PHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia) Jurnal Pharmacy, Vol. 17 No. 01 Juli 2020
Publisher : Pharmacy Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/pharmacy.v17i1.6062


Hiperlipidemia merupakan salah satu faktor penyakit kardiovaskular dengan angka kematian di dunia cukup tinggi. Buah okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) merupakan salah satu sayuran yang berpotensi dapat digunakan sebagai antihiperlipidemia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efek antihiperlipidemia dan dosis optimal dari ekstrak air buah okra pada tikus galur wistar yang diinduksi emulsi lemak. Tikus putih jantan galur wistar berumur 2-3 bulan dengan bobot 150-200 gram dibagi secara merata menjadi 6 kelompok yang terdiri dari kelompok kontrol negatif, kelompok kontrol positif, kelompok simvastatin 10 mg/kg BB, kelompok ekstrak air buah okra dosis 50, 100, dan 200 mg/kg BB. Induksi hiperlipidemia dilakukan dengan pemberian emulsi lemak. Perlakuan dilakukan selama 35 hari. Parameter yang diukur adalah kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida, dan low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kolesterol total, trigliserida, dan LDL, dapat dilihat bahwa pemberian ekstrak air buah okra dengan dosis 100 dan 200 mg/kg BB mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida, dan LDL secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol positif. Ekstrak air buah okra pada dosis 100 mg/kg BB memiliki aktivitas dalam menurunkan kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida, dan LDL.
Review : Interaksi farmakokinetik dan farmakodinamik metformin-herbal Ating Cicih; Widhya aligita; Elis susilawati
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol. 18 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jif.vol18.iss1.art2


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia. Metformin is the first-line therapy for type-2 diabetes mellitus. The combination of synthetic drugs with herbs was reported to be superior and popular compared to monotherapy. However, drug-herb interactions can have both beneficial and detrimental effects.Objective: This review aimed to identify the interactions that occur between the antidiabetic drug metformin and herbs.Methods: A literature search was done through ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, Pharmaceutics, and Genes by MDPI databases using the keywords metformin, antidiabetic, herb-drug, interaction, pharmacology, combination, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics.Results: The combination of metformin and such herbs as Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng), Lonicera japonica, Houttuynia cordata, mulberry (Morus alba), banana (Musa sapientum), Momordica charantia, coconut (Cocos nucifera), and Scutellaria baicalensis showed pharmacokinetic interactions in the form of increasing plasma metformin uptake mediated by MATE1 inhibition and increased OCT1, as well as hOCT2 inhibition which caused decreased metformin uptake in the kidneys. The pharmacodynamic interactions showed a direct effect, both additive and synergistic effects, in reducing blood glucose levels.Conclusion: Consuming metformin with herbs shows the potential for drug interactions in terms of both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.Keywords: pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, herb-drug, metformin IntisariLatar belakang: Diabetes melitus yaitu gangguan metabolisme yang ditandai dengan hiperglikemia. Metformin merupakan lini pertama pengobatan DM tipe 2. Kombinasi obat sintetis dengan herbal telah dilaporkan menjadi lebih unggul dan populer dibandingkan pengobatan monoterapi saja. Penggunaan obat sintetis dengan herbal dapat memicu interaksi obat yang dapat memberikan efek menguntungkan ataupun merugikan.Tujuan: Review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi yang terjadi antara obat antidiabetes metformin dengan herbal.Metode: Penelusuran pustaka melalui database Sciencedirect, Researchgate, Pharmaceutics, dan Genes MDPI dengan penggunaan kata kunci seperti metformin, antidiabetic, herb-drug, interaction, pharmacology, combination, pharmacokinetic, dan pharmacodynamic.Hasil: Kombinasi obat metformin dengan herbal seperti ginseng Korea (Panax ginseng), kamperfuli (Lonicera japonica), amis-amisan (Houttuynia cordata), murbei (Morus alba), pisang (Musa sapientum), pare (Momordica charantia), kelapa (Cocos nucifera), dan kopiah Cina (Scutellaria baicalensis) menunjukkan interaksi farmakokinetik berupa peningkatan penyerapan metformin dalam plasma yang diduga dimediasi oleh penghambatan MATE1 dan peningkatan OCT1, serta penghambatan hOCT2 yang menyebabkan penurunan penyerapan metformin di ginjal. Adapun interaksi farmakodinamiknya menunjukkan efek yang searah baik aditif maupun sinergis dalam penurunan kadar glukosa darah.Kesimpulan: Konsumsi metformin dengan herbal menunjukkan adanya potensi interaksi obat baik secara farmakokinetik ataupun farmakodinamik.Kata kunci: farmakokinetik, farmakodinamik, herbal-obat, metformin
Bersinergi Meningkatkan Pemahaman Nutrisi Melalui Pilar SDGS “Tanpa Kelaparan” Di Desa Rancaekek Kulon Deden Indra Dinata; Meti Sulastri; Fikri Mourly Wahyudi; R. Nety Rustikayanti; Widhya Aligita
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 5, No 12 (2022): Volume 5 No 12 Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v5i12.7613


ABSTRAK Global Hunger Index menunjukkan tingkat kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi di dunia terus mengalami penurunan sejak tahun 2000. Penurunan ini lebih jauh terus diupayakan melalui SDGs, yaitu pilar kedua: mengakhiri kelaparan, mencapai ketahanan pangan, memperbaiki nutrisi dan mempromosikan pertanian yang berkelanjutan. Salah satu indikator dari kondisi kekurangan gizi dapat terlihat dari insidensi kejadian stunting yang muncul sebagai akibat dari keadaan yang berlangsung lama seperti kemiskinan, perilaku pola asuh yang tidak tepat, dan sering menderita penyakit secara berulang akibat kebersihan serta sanitasi yang kurang baik. Metode yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut adalah dengan melakukan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat Desa Rancaekek Kulon tentang stunting, dengan tujuan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat, meningkatkan pengetahuan, kesadaran dan kepedulian masyarakat mengenai stunting. Target sasaran untuk kegiatan penyuluhan ini yaitu ibu-ibu desa yang memiliki anak balita sehingga dapat lebih paham tentang bagaimana cara mencegah dan menghadapi stunting bila terjadi pada balitanya. Kata Kunci: Tanpa Kelaparan, Stunting, Penyuluhan ABSTRACT The Global Hunger Index shows that the level of hunger and malnutrition in the world has continued to decline since 2000. This reduction is further pursued through the second pillar of SDGs: ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture. One indicator of the condition of malnutrition can be seen from the incidence of stunting that appears as a result of long-standing conditions such as poverty, inappropriate parenting behavior, and often suffering from repeated diseases due to poor hygiene and sanitation. The method used to solve this problem is by providing counseling to the people of Rancaekek Kulon Village about stunting, with the aim of rising public health, increasing public knowledge,awareness, and concern for for stunting. The targets for this counseling are mothers who have children under five and need education about stunting to understand how to prevent and deal with stunting when it occurs in their toddlers. Keywords: Without Hunger, Stunting, Counseling