Putri Anggi Permata Suwandi
Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Journal : International Journal of Sustainable Building, Infrastructure and Environment

Analysis of Parking Space Needs At Ratu Jepara Market Bagas Prayoga; Putri Anggi Permata Suwandi; Farida Yudaningrum
International Journal of Sustainable Building, Infrastructure and Environment (IJOSBIE) Vol 4, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Science and Technology Research Centre, Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Abstract. Jepara Satu Market is a traditional market built by the Jepara Regency government. With the large number of sellers in the market, indirectly the number of visitors also increases every day. This is what causes Ratu Jepara Market to have the necessary facilities, namely the need for parking space. This research aims to analyze the capacity and need for parking space in the Ratu Jepara Market area and plan optimal parking patterns for motorbike and car parking. From the results of the analysis, the need for motorbike and car parking space in the Ratu Jepara Market parking area still meets existing capacity, namely of 390 SRP. The motorbike parking pattern used for on street motorbike parking in the Ratu Jepara market area uses a one-sided parking pattern, namely a 90° angle. Meanwhile, the on-street car parking pattern at Ratu Jepara market parking uses a 45° angle pattern, while the off-street car parking pattern uses a 90° angle parking pattern.Keywords: Need for parking space, Ratu Jepara Market, Parking area
International Journal of Sustainable Building, Infrastructure and Environment (IJOSBIE) Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Science and Technology Research Centre, Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Abstract.The need for buildings for various activities is increasing from time to time, the rapid construction of new buildings is generally not accompanied by an increase in maintenance and maintenance activities. Therefore, building maintenance is very important after the building is completed. To clean buildings, many methods are used to clean one of them is the rope access method, therefore in this analysis the researcher will look for the productivity of building cleaning using the rope access method, besides that researchers also have to observe how the procedures for installing safety equipment are used by workers. in the rope access method. To determine work productivity, researchers use the time study method to determine the time needed by workers to complete a job, then researchers will compare the value of worker productivity with the scaffolding method. After the researcher conducted the research, the researcher had data in the form of time which was then converted into m2/person/day. After that, researchers will find out how much the productivity ratio of each of these methods is. After recording the time value and converting it to m2/person/day, the result was found to be more productive using the rope access method because judging from the results of the researcher, it was found that the scaffolding work took longer because the higher the building, the longer the process of work and scaffolding installation. therefore,Keywords: Productivity of Building Glass Cleaning Jobs Using the Rope Access Method.
ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE AND CONNECTION COSTS ON THE NGEMPLAK SIMONGAN ROAD SECTION ananda lukman saifudin; Putri Anggi Permata Suwandi; Farida Yudaningrum
International Journal of Sustainable Building, Infrastructure and Environment (IJOSBIE) Vol 4, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Science and Technology Research Centre, Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Abstract. Traffic congestion is caused by an imbalance between the increase in vehicle ownership and the growth of available road infrastructure and the effective capacity of existing road sections is smaller than the planned road capacity due to roadside obstacles.The phenomenon of traffic jams is an interesting thing to study, as is the traffic jam caused by the influence of factory activities on Jalan Ngemplak Simongan. This can result in obstruction of traffic flow and reduced levels of road service so that road users who only pass through this place receive negative impacts in the form of longer travel times which ultimately lead to external costs in the form of additional vehicle operational costs (BOK).Key words: factors causing congestion, road performance, congestion costs
International Journal of Sustainable Building, Infrastructure and Environment (IJOSBIE) Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Science and Technology Research Centre, Universitas PGRI Semarang

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In the planning of a project, there have to be a time schedule that can served as a guideline in the project, this shows that scheduling can influence the activity of a project. A good time schedule in a project can make project run effectively and efficiently, but in reality the actual work of a project did not always go as planned. In this case, the construction of library of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.In the process of construction of library of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, there is a delay that caused by a lot of factors, resulting in a delay of 49 days, the project initial duration is 154 days but the implementation duration is 203 days. Because of this, an analysis was carried out on this matter to determine what caused this lateness on project scheduleFrom the analysis that has been done the result is that the project lateness is caused in preparation work and the usage of work system with 3 shift but using the same man power. Factors of this lateness is caused by the owner, the conctractor, and weather disturbance.
Analysis Characteristics DGEM Mixture Using Mixed Filler Husk Ash Waste Rice And Lime off siti rissa meliana; alfi alfiatun nikmah; slamet budirahardjo budirahardjo; Putri Anggi Permata Suwandi
International Journal of Sustainable Building, Infrastructure and Environment (IJOSBIE) Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Science and Technology Research Centre, Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Husk ash paddy generated from remainder burning bricks still _ _ have score low benefit , from _ Thing this conducted experiment mixing Among waste ash husk rice and lime off as replacement filler filler on mix asphalt emulsion CRS-1 type . Use mixture cold with asphalt emulsion no cause pollution as well as friendly environment . Destination in study this is analyze characteristics Dense Graded Emulsion Mix (DGEM) using mixed filler waste ash husk rice and lime off.Composition use of mixed fillers waste ash husk rice and lime off by 60% ash husk rice and 40% lime solid , 70% ash husk rice and 30% lime extinguished , and 80% ash husk rice and 20% lime extinguished , with a curing period of 3, 7 and 11 days with the curing method is carried out inside temperature room and immersion . Mixture waste ash husk rice and lime off best customized with percentage comparison that is testing stability highest with limit minimum specification 300 kg of mixed filler composition (60% ABS + 40% KP) with a curing period of 11 days . Keywords : Asphalt _ Emulsion , Waste , DGEM , Stability .
Analysis of the reliability value of building safety System (nkskb) and level of occupants readiness in facing Fire at johar market, semarang, central java (south johar) Berliana Esterida; Jaryati Jaryati; Putri Anggi Permata Suwandi; Mohammad Debby Rizani
International Journal of Sustainable Building, Infrastructure and Environment (IJOSBIE) Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Science and Technology Research Centre, Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Abstract. Public buildings are buildings used by people from various walks of life, which are built or intended not for the benefit of private residences, but for the general public which are identical to community service centers (Siti Azizah, 2013). One of the public buildings is the Johar market, Semarang. An important aspect of a public building is fire safety. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of reliability of the public building security system against fire hazards in the Johar Semarang market (Johar Selatan), and the readiness of the occupants of the Johar Semarang market building in the face of fire disasters. The method used in this research is descriptive-quantitative research method which is collecting data obtained from interviews, field notes, personal documentation, researcher notes, and other supporting documents. The results of the analysis of the utility component assessment of the four variables resulted in a Building Safety System Reliability Value (NKSKB) of 86.12%, based on these results it can be concluded that the reliability value of the building is in good and safe condition. The level of readiness of residents in facing the danger of fire disasters is still in the poor category with an average level of readiness of residents of 51.12%. This shows the need for increased application of protection systems and rescue facilities, especially for several protection systems that are still damaged and not functioning as well as socialization to residents regarding the use of fire extinguishers, fire simulations, and the need to provide adequate PPE.Keywords: Public Buildings, Level of Reliability, Occupancy Readiness
Analysis of Puri Pati Market Parking Land Needs syamsul Rohman; Putri Anggi Permata Suwandi; Farida Yudaningrum
International Journal of Sustainable Building, Infrastructure and Environment (IJOSBIE) Vol 4, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Science and Technology Research Centre, Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Abstract. Puri Market, which is located on Jalan Colonel Sunandar, precisely in the center of Pati Regency, is a traditional market which is the basis for the people of Pati to sell and buy all life-sustaining needs. This needs to be taken into account considering that the existence of an activity center must have as few parking areas as possible. Therefore, this study was carried out with the aim of providing recommendations for parking characteristics, parking space capacity and planning the most optimal parking layout for Puri Pati Market. Conditions are reviewed on 1 weekend and 3 weekdays.From 06.00 to 12.00. With the current existing motorbike parking space capacity of 280 SRP at Puri Pati Market, it can still meet existing parking needs. From the calculations that have been carried out, it is known that the need for motorbike parking space at Puri Pati Market is 345 SRP. Keywords: Market, Parking Space Capacity, SRP.