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Analisa Potensi Aliran Lahar Kali Putih, Gunungapi Kelud Hayu Rahayu; Suharyanto Suharyanto; Sri Sangkawati
Borneo Engineering : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Volume 4 Nomor 2 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/be.v4i2.1401


Kelud Volcano is one of the active volcanoes and located in East Java. After the eruption, Kelud Volcano left a number of volcanic materials from the rock, sand and the ash on residential land, plantations and the surrounding area. The main problem is the eruption of Kelud Volcanoes has the potential to experience an increase in the frequency of eruptions and there has been no development of a regional reconstruction model for secondary impacts due to eruptions in the field of water resources infrastructure. Based on these problems, a test of the Sabo and modular hydraulic physical models will be planned. This study discusses the identification of the location and volume of sediments that have the potential to become Kali Putih lava flows from Kelud Volcanoes. The Takahashi analysis method is used to analyze the estimated excess volume of the target sediment which must be controlled by sabo technology. Identification of sediment transport zones is obtained from the classification of slope on existing buildings obtained from satellite imagery. The results of the analysis are as follows: 1.) Sediment transport areas in the Putih Watershed have an area of 863 km2. 2.) The total volume of Kali Putih sediment that has the potential to become cold lava after the eruption is 4,139,414.23 m3. 3.) Sabo and modular hydraulic physical model testing is required. 4) A model of regional reconstruction is needed for secondary impacts due to eruptions in the water resources field. 5) New sabo plan planning is needed
Publisher : Pusat Litbang Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32679/jth.v12i2.657


A dam, besides having a great benefits to meet human needs, it also can be a big disaster in addition to the dam collapsing. One of the main causes of failure of an embankment dam is the occurrence of excessive seepage which triggers piping events that can disturb the stability and safety of the dam. In general, the body of the Kedung Ombo Dam is in good condition, but there are several problems, such as the drain holes that are overgrown with dense grass which indicates that seepage has occurred. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the seepage to determine the safety level of the Kedung Ombo Dam. This study aims to analyze the condition of pore water pressure and seepage that occurs in the body of the Kedung Ombo Dam and to determine the level of safety of the dam body. The analyze was carried out using seepage monitoring instruments installed on the dam, namely the Piezometer and V-Notch at the Kedung Ombo Dam in 2021. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the pore water pressure and seepage discharge that occurred in the Kedung Ombo Dam were generally still within the permissible limits. According to the analysis results of the seepage index, the highest QI value is 0.09 at the maximum flood water level of +95 m, where the safety criteria for the seepage index is QI <1. Therefore it indicates that the seepage condition index at the Kedung Ombo Dam are still in a safe condition.Keywords: pore water pressure, seepage, piezometer, V-Notch, seepage index 
PENGHAMBAT DAN PENDORONG GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (Studi Kasus : Aluminium Formwork) Agustinaputri Bintang Galaxy; M. Agung Wibowo; Suharyanto Suharyanto
Wahana Teknik Sipil: Jurnal Pengembangan Teknik Sipil Vol 26, No 2 (2021): Wahana Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32497/wahanats.v26i2.3133


Technological innovation in the construction sector is needed not only aimed at faster construction but also environmentally friendly. Engineering the formwork system using aluminum is one of the technological innovations to accelerate development and adopt the 3R (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle) concept. To support the use of aluminum formwork, an environmentally friendly supply chain activity management model is needed. The Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) approach is one method that can reduce waste. This study analyzes the driving and inhibiting factors of GSCM using aluminum formwork in an apartment project in Semarang. The method of compiling this research used a qualitative method, where interviews were conducted which were then made into complete transcripts and grouped each opinion with a SWOT matrix approach. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, 4 factors have a significant effect. Among these 4 factors, there are 2 driving factors, namely government regulations regarding environmental protection and commitment to protecting the environment, and 2 inhibiting factors, namely the availability of suppliers who implement GSCM practices in construction areas and require careful planning. The use of aluminum formwork can save costs up to 5.44% with a construction time of 6 days faster than conventional methods.
Dampak Perubahan Iklim Terhadap Indeks Erosivitas Hujan Pada Daerah Tangkapan Air Waduk Saguling Ahmad Zaki Romadhoni; Dyah Ari Wulandari; Suharyanto Suharyanto
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v5i2.25244


Climate change is a global phenomenon that become a concern. Climate change affects the hydrological conditions of a watershed, including rainfall. Saguling Reservoir has a high erosion rate on the watershed. One factor that affects erosion based on USLE is the rain erosivity index which has a relation with rainfall amount. So the climate change effect of rainfall on erosivity factor in Saguling Reservoir watershed needs to be investigated because it will affect the erosion rate which is useful to determine the sedimentation rate of the reservoir. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of climate change on the erosivity index. Climate change (rainfall) was analyzed using GCM CanESM2 Model in the RCP scenario through a downscaling process. Downscaling has been done with SDSM. The rain erosivity index was analyzed using Lenvain’s formula. Downscaling with the SDSM method was able to give good results based on the coefficient of determination and it was found that there was a change of monthly rainfall in the short, medium, and long term periods, as well as an increase in annual rainfall up to 34.3%. The annual rainfall erosivity index changes along with changes in rainfall due to climate change and there is an increase of up to 44.1%. ABSTRAK Perubahan iklim merupakan fenomena global yang kini menjadi perhatian. Perubahan iklim mempengaruhi kondisi hidrologi suatu DTA (Daerah Tangkapan Air) antara lain terjadinya perubahan curah hujan. Waduk Saguling memiliki laju erosi tinggi pada DTA. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi erosi berdasarkan Persamaan USLE adalah indeks erosivitas hujan yang terkait erat dengan besarnya curah hujan. Sehingga Pengaruh perubahan iklim terhadap faktor erosivitas hujan di DTA Waduk Saguling perlu diteliti karena akan mempengaruhi laju erosi yang berguna untuk menentukan laju sedimentasi waduk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh perubahan iklim terhadap indeks erosivitas hujan. Analisis perubahan iklim (curah hujan) dilakukan dengan Model GCM CanESM2 skenario RCP melalui proses downscaling. Downscaling dilakukan dengan metode SDSM. Indeks erosivitas hujan dianalisis berdasarkan rumus Lenvain. Downscaling dengan metode SDSM mampu memberikan hasil yang baik berdasarkan koefisien determinasi dan didapatkan perubahan curah hujan bulanan pada periode jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang, serta untuk curah hujan tahunan terdapat peningkatan hingga 34,3%. Indeks erosivitas hujan tahunan di DTA Waduk Saguling mengalami perubahan seiring dengan berubahnya curah hujan akibat perubahan iklim dan terdapat peningkatan hingga 44,1%.
Effects of Disaster Management Programs on Individuals' Preparedness in Mount Merapi Kazuhiko Otani; Djoko Legono; Suseno Darsono; Suharyanto Suharyanto
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 4 No. 1 (January 2018)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.081 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.29580


Disaster management to mitigate or avoid impacts of hazards by reducing vulnerability has been conducted in Mount Merapi since 1969. Vulnerability introduced since 1980s has two main characteristics, such as physical vulnerability (i.e., impacts of hazards) and social vulnerability (i.e., composite characteristics including social, economic and environmental factors). As regulations in Indonesia, i.e. Law of Republic Indonesia No. 24 Year 2007, emphasizes the community involvement in disaster management, individuals or groups of individuals have significant roles in reducing social vulnerability. To promote the community involvement effectively in disaster management, this research hypothesized nine relationships between disaster management programs to assess effects of disaster management programs on the community involvement, such as individuals’ preparedness. Since disaster management programs are not measurable quantitatively, variance-based partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was applied to test hypothesized causal relationships between the programs. As a result, all nine hypotheses were substantiated. The model revealed that individuals’ preparedness is significantly influenced by emergency logistics and financial aid through self-efficacy, and contingency plans affect reconstruction significantly and successively reconstruction affects rehabilitation.
The Suitability of Artificial Neural Network Application to Predict Sekayam River Discharge in West Kalimantan, Indonesia Henny Herawati; Suripin Suripin; Suharyanto Suharyanto; Trias Wigyarianto; Kartini Kartini
Lowland Technology International Vol 22 No 2 (2020): Lowland Technology International Journal
Publisher : International Association of Lowland Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.0001/ialt_lti.v22i2, Septemb.773


Data availability of on a river discharge is the key to waterworks planning. Unfortunately, not all rivers have long and complete historical data records to support the planning. Therefore, a hydrological model capable of predicting long-term river discharge is needed. There are many hydrologic models that have been developed, ranging from the simplest ones by using empirical black-box model, to complex ones with physical white-box model. This study used ANN application due to its data requirement that is applicable to be met in study area, Sekayam River, a part of Kapuas Subwatershed, namely Kembayan Watershed. Although the available data is relatively minimal, which is only rainfall and evaporation data, the ANN application can predict river discharge that is close to the measurement in the field, with a mean square error (MSE) of 0.25. The results show that ANN application was able to predict river discharge reasonably with climate and rainfall data as the input. Deviation may occur due the broad scope of the research area, Kembayan Watershed, a Kapuas Subwatershed which amounted to 2,290 km2.
Prediction of Missing Streamflow Data using Principle of Information Entropy Santosa, B.; Legono, D.; , Suharyanto
Civil Engineering Dimension Vol. 16 No. 1 (2014): MARCH 2014
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.975 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/ced.16.1.40-45


Incomplete (missing) of streamflow data often occurs. This can be caused by a not continous data recording or poor storage. In this study, missing consecutive streamflow data are predicted using the principle of information entropy. Predictions are performed ​​using the complete monthly streamflow information from the nearby river. Data on average monthly streamflow used as a simulation sample are taken from observation stations Katulampa, Batubeulah, and Genteng, which are the Ciliwung Cisadane river areas upstream. The simulated prediction of missing streamflow data in 2002 and 2003 at Katulampa Station are based on information from Genteng Station, and Batubeulah Station. The mean absolute error (MAE) average obtained was 0,20 and 0,21 in 2002 and the MAE average in 2003 was 0,12 and 0,16. Based on the value of the error and pattern of filled gaps, this method has the potential to be developed further.
Evaluasi Tekanan Air Pori dan Rembesan Pada Bendungan Panohan Adib Lathiful Huda; Sri Prabandiyani Retno Wardani; Suharyanto Suharyanto
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 4, No 2 (2019): EDISI SEPTEMBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (815.587 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v4i2.1372


Salah satu penyebab kegagalan struktur bendungan adalah terjadinya rembesan yang dipicu oleh tingginya tekanan air pori yang terjadi pada tubuh bendungan. Pada Bendungan Panohan, kebocoran rembesan terjadi hingga memotong lereng hilir bendungan yang dapat mengganggu stabilitas tubuh bendungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi tekanan air pori dan rembesan di tubuh Bendungan Panohan menggunakan metode analisis instrumentasi piezometer dan v-notch yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan analisis metode elemen hingga (finite element method / FEM) menggunakan program perangkat lunak SEEP/W. Metode FEM menggunakan parameter desain material selama tahap perencanaan bendungan. Kedua analisis dilakukan pada section C - C Bendungan Panohan menggunakan beberapa variasi ketinggian muka air waduk. Hasil perbandingan menunjukkan bahwa nilai tekanan air pori dan rembesan pada metode FEM lebih besar dari hasil analisis dengan metode pembacaan instrumentasi pada kondisi muka air minimal dan normal. Kondisi sebaliknya terjadi pada kondisi ketinggian air banjir, yaitu nilai tekanan air pori dan rembesan dari pembacaan instrumentasi lebih besar dari hasil analisis metode FEM. Seiring dengan naiknya ketinggian muka air waduk, terjadi kenaikan nilai tekanan air pori dan rembesan dari kedua hasil analisis. Kondisi rembesan yang terjadi pada  Bendungan Panohan saat ini tidak aman pada kondisi muka air banjir, karena memiliki nilai debit rembesan 0,38 ltr/det melebihi dari yang disyaratkan yaitu sebesar 0,35 ltr/det.Kata kunci : bendungan panohan; tekanan air pori; rembesan; FEM ABSTRACTOne of the causes of the failure of a dam structure is the occurrence of seepage triggered by high pore water pressure that occurs in the body of the dam. In the Panohan Dam, seepage occurs on the downstream slope of the dam which can disturb the stability of the dam body. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the pore water pressure and seepage in the Panohan Dam body using the piezometer and v-notch instrumentation reading method which is then compared with the finite element (FEM) method using SEEP/W software program. FEM method uses material parameters during the dam planning stage. Both analyses were carried out on the C – C section of the Panohan Dam using several variations of reservoir water level. The comparison results show that pore water pressure in the FEM method is greater than the pore water pressure value based on the piezometer method at the minimum and normal water level conditions. The opposite condition occurs in maximum water level conditions. The seepage value of the v-notch reading is greater than the seepage value from the FEM method. Seepage that occurs in the Panohan Dam is currently unsafe under the maximal water level conditions.
ANALYSIS OF WATER PERFORMANCE AT GRAHA JANGLI INDAH SEMARANG Suharyanto Suharyanto; Budiono Joko Nugroho; Sri Sangkawati
Rang Teknik Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Vol. 4 No. 1 Januari 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.358 KB) | DOI: 10.31869/rtj.v4i1.1903


The clean water network system is made to meet the needs of clean water in a city or community and for Graha Jangli Indah, clean water management is carried out by the Graha Jangli Indah Water Management. The purpose of this study is to find out the performance of clean water network services managed by the Water Management Board of Jangli Indah by analyzing the network service performance of the network's ability to meet the minimum needs of customers in terms of water discharge. In addition, an analysis of customer satisfaction was carried out on the Water Management of Graha Jangli Indah. the level of clean water service network at Graha Jangli Indah is still unsatisfactory, with a reliability of only around 49.33%, with the length of time the system will be in a state of failure of about 5.83 months, and with a very average percentage deficit discharge rate which varies between 1.12% to 102.11%. So that the system's resilience index or ability to return to normal conditions is 0.17 (1.03 times failure divided by 5.83 months). This is because the average discharge at Graha Jangli Indah has an average water discharge value of 17.8 m3 per month which is still below the standard water demand based on Domestic Water Needs for the Big Cities category of 20.4 m3. For the calculation of the value of have rated the performance of Graha Jangli Indah Management services with very good value. With 7 indicators entering quadrant II so that conclusions can be drawn by the Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) method, the performance of the Graha Jangli Indah Water Management is quite satisfying.
ANALISIS REDUKSI DEBIT BANJIR DI DALAM DAS PUCANG GADING Nicko Fadhil Muhammad; Suseno Darsono; Suharyanto Suharyanto; Agus Supriyanto
Rang Teknik Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Vol. 4 No. 2 Juni 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (842.788 KB) | DOI: 10.31869/rtj.v4i2.2344


Pemerintah Indonesia menyusun kebijakan Nasional Sumber Daya Air. Undang-undang Nomor. 17 Tahun 2019 tentang Sumber Daya Air (SDA) dimaksudkan untuk mengelola SDA wilayah sungai, baik jangka pendek, menengah maupun jangka panjang secara berkelanjutan. Bencana banjir di DAS Pucang Gading terjadi di beberapa tahun terakhir. Banjir pada wilayah tersebut berakibat buruk bagi lingkungan sekitar. Kerugian tidak hanya dialami oleh masyarakat namun juga oleh pemerintah di daerah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mereduksi banjir di DAS Pucang Gading agar menjadi referensi dalam menanggulangi banjir yang terjadi di wilayah tersebut. Beberapa analisis yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis banjir kondisi eksisting dengan debit banjir kala ulang 100 tahun (skema 1), analisis untuk mereduksi banjir dengan penambahan embung dan kolam rencana (skema 2), analisis untuk mereduksi banjir dengan penambahan embung, kolam dan sudetan rencana (skema 3), serta memilih alternatif pemodelan yang sesuai pada lokasi banjir. Berdasar pada hasil analisis, alternatif yang direkomendasikan untuk berbagai lokasi banjir adalah sebagai berikut: lokasi banjir Perumahan Dinar Indah direkomendasikan 5 Embung (Kayen, Panggang Timur, Panggang, Mluweh dan Kalongan) yang mereduksi sebesar 84,20 m3/detik (13,79%), lokasi banjir jalan raya depan Kubota direkomendasikan Sudetan 1 yang mereduksi sebesar 9,60 m3/detik (80%), lokasi banjir Taman Tirto Agung direkomendasikan Sudetan 1 dan Kolam Tirto Agung yang mereduksi sebesar 31,40 m3/detik (58,26%), lokasi banjir Jl. Durian direkomendasikan Kolam KORPRI yang mereduksi sebesar 3,10 m3/detik (48,44%), lokasi banjir simpang UNPAND direkomendasikan 5 Kolam (Tirto Agung, Graha Estetika, Tirto Husodo, UNPAND dan KORPRI) dan 2 sudetan yang mereduksi sebesar 44,80 m3/detik (57,36%) dan 45,20 m3/detik (40,21%), lokasi Bendung Pucang Gading direkomendasikan 8 embung dan 5 kolam yang mereduksi sebesar 61,60 m3/detik (11,28%).