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The Development Strategy Of Halal Nature Tourism Based On The Empowerment Of Bangka Belitung Coastal Community Heriyanni Mashithoh; Andy Mulyana; Rulyanti Susi Wardhani
Integrated Journal of Business and Economics (IJBE) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Integrated Journal of Business and Economics
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (431.507 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/ijbe.v5i2.363


The purpose of this research is to identify internal and external factors and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in developing halal ecotourism based on the empowerment of coastal communities in Bangka Belitung. Furthermore, a strategy for development is formulated by minimizing weaknesses and threats, maximizing utilization of opportunities and strengths. The background of this research departs from the complaints of Muslim tourists when visiting a region or country that they doubt the halalness of food and the lack of available places of worship and the trend of world tourism based on nature and environmentally friendly. The locus chosen in this study was the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. The potential of an archipelagic province with exotic beaches and one of the largest fish producers, makes fishermen and coastal communities dependent on marine products and their products. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The results obtained in this study are the need for community empowerment in the development of tourism products in accordance with local government regulations and policies as well as the values of politeness and morality, the development of marketing for halal nature tourism programs and the physical, social, cultural and economic environment of the community.
Diseminasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1A (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat- LPPM Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33830/diseminasiabdimas.v4i1A.2950


Ciwaluh Sub-Village, Wates Jaya Village, Cigombong District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province has good tourism potential, but the local community is not aware of this. Based on the problems mentioned above, community empowerment efforts are needed through community service programs in Ciwaluh Tourism Village so that they can support the slogan of Bogor Regency as a tourist city. The goal is to create a tourism village development. Training, mentoring, and implementation are carried out for 6 months from May to October 2021. Meanwhile, the partner for cooperation in the implementation of community service is the Ciwaluh Village Tourism Group, Wates Jaya Village, Cigombong District, Bogor Regency. The objectives of Community Service activities in Ciwaluh Tourism Village are: (1) Developing tourism potential through participatory planning; (2) Creating institutional governance; (3) Increasing human resource capacity; (4) Making tourism facilities in Ciwaluh village; and (5 ) The establishment of coffee agribusiness in the Ciwaluh tourist area. The method used is the analysis of tourist attraction, analysis of tourism supporters, analysis of local communities. The physical targets that have been achieved from this community service activity are optimizing tourism potential, both natural scenery and water tourism by making directions to tourist attractions, adding spots for selfies, building camping ground (campgrounds) and local coffee seed centers. The non-physical target of this activity is to increase awareness and active participation of the Ciwaluh tourist village community. Kampung Ciwaluh, Desa Wates Jaya Kecamatan Cigombong, Kabupaten Bogor Propinsi Jawa Barat memiliki potensi wisata yang baik, tetapi masyarakat setempat belum menyadari hal ini. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut di atas maka di perlukan upaya Pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui program pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Desa Wisata Ciwaluh sehingga dapat mendukung slogan kabupaten Bogor sebagai kota wisata. Tujuannya yaitu terciptanya pengembangan desa wisata. Pelatihan, pendampingan, dan implentasi dilaksanakan selama 6 bulan dari Mei sampai dengan Oktober 2021. Sedangkan Mitra kerjasama dalam pelaksanaan abdimas adalah Kelompok Wisata Kampung Ciwaluh Desa Wates Jaya Kecamatan Cigombong Kabupaten Bogor. Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di Kampung Wisata Ciwaluh adalah: (1) Pengembangan potensi wisata melalui perencanaan partisipatif; (2) Terciptanya tata kelola kelembagaan; (3) Peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia; (4) Membuat kelengkapan wisata di desa Ciwaluh; dan (5) Terbentuknya agribisnis kopi di daerah wisata Ciwaluh. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis daya tarik objek wisata, analisis pendukung pariwisata, analisis masyarakat setempat. Target fisik yang telah dicapai dari kegiatan abdimas ini adalah optimalisasi potensi wisata baik wisata pemandangan alam maupun wisata air dengan dibuatnya penunjuk arah menuju tempat wisata, penambahan spot untuk swafoto, terbangunnya camping ground (bumi perkemahan) dan pusat bibit kopi lokal. Target non fisik dari kegiatan ini adalah kesadaran dan partisipasi aktif masyarakat kampung wisata Ciwaluh meningkat.
Analisis Peranan Kepuasan Dan Komitmen Sebagai Perantara Pengaruh Kualitas Jasa Tutorial Online Terhadap Loyalitas Mahasiswa Andy Mulyana; Devi Ayuni
Ultima Management : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Vol 9 No 2 (2017): Ultima Management : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (614.768 KB) | DOI: 10.31937/manajemen.v9i2.718


This study aims to evaluate the role of satisfaction and commitment as mediating the effect of service quality on student loyalty as the user of Open University's Online Tutorial. Based on data analysis on student of Management program 229 as respondents with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), this study found the relationship between: (1) positive influence of service quality to satisfaction and loyalty of students using tuton; (2) the positive effect of satisfaction on student loyalty using tuton; (3) satisfaction is a mediator between service quality and loyalty of students using tuton. Conversely, commitment has no positive effect on student loyalty as a tuton user. In addition, commitment does not mediates the effect of satisfaction on the loyalty of tuton users. Keywords: service quality, satisfaction, commitment, loyalty
Journal of Management and Business Vol 13, No 2 (2014): SEPTEMBER 2014
Publisher : Department of Management - Faculty of Business and Economics. Universitas Surabaya.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (159.29 KB) | DOI: 10.24123/jmb.v13i2.250


South Tangerang is a new autonomous region in Banten Province that is established by Act No. 51 of 2008. The new autonomous region in Banten as expansion of Tangerang Regency has 7 districts. Based on Population Census in 2014 has 1.405.170 inhabitants. Population of male is 708.767 inhabitants and population of female is 696.403 inhabitants. Information found directly and through various media frequently reveals weaknesses of government services which reflect community dissatisfaction with the service personnel. The level of community satisfaction with the services of the community sector is still quite low, it is evidenced from several empirical studies on the quality of service in local government bureaucracy. Based on the initial observation, work motivation of goverment officials is played a role in realizing the quality of public services in the district of South Tangerang. Hence the author is interested in further researching and analyzing the impact of work motivation and service quality of apparatus to satisfaction community in the district level of South Tangerang. This study use nonprobability sampling as the sampling method. For the purposes of quantitative analysis, the determination of the score for each item questionnaire is used a Likert Scale. The processing data in this study is using SEM with support of software LISREL 8.7. The result of study shows that the motivation of civil servants apparatus district in South Tangerang is affecting the quality of service however is not affecting community satisfaction. This is due to the unfavorable work environment and leadership role in the completion of the assignment. Meanwhile the quality of service of civil servants apparatus affects people's satisfaction in districts in South Tangerang.
Pendampingan Pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Dalam Kaitannnya Sebagai Infant Organisasi Zainur Hidayah; Andy Mulyana; Minrohayati Minrohayati; Etty Susanti; Sri Lestari Puji Pujiastuti
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR) Vol 1 (2018): Prosiding PKM-CSR Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Socia
Publisher : Asosiasi Sinergi Pengabdi dan Pemberdaya Indonesia (ASPPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.196 KB)


Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMdes) “Mitra Jaya Mandiri” Desa Cinangka Kecamatan Cinangka Kabupaten Serang merupakan organisasi yang baru berdiri tahun 2016. Pembentukan BUMdes Mitra Jaya Mandiri (MJM) sebagai bentuk dari upaya pemerintah desa dalam meningkatkan pendapat asli desa serta meningkatkan tarap hidup warga Desa Cinangka. Namun demikian tanpa pengelolaan yang baik dan dukungan pemerintah serta masyarakat harapan untuk menjadikan BUMdes sebagai lokomotip perekonomian desa dapat tidak terwujud. Pada sisi lain keberlangsungan BUMds MJM sebagai infant organisasi akan sangat ditentukan bagaimana BUMdes dapat melewati tahun-tahun pertama berdirinya BUMdes yang merupakan tahapan paling kritis dengan tingkat kegagalan tertinggi dalam siklus hidup organisasi. Phenomena ini disebut liability of newness, kegagalan yang tinggi bagi organisasi baru disebabkan belum ada struktur formal dalam proses menghasilkan nilai tambah serta adanya system prosedure kerja baku dan pasti. Melalui program pendampingan pengelolaan BUMdes dengan menekankan pada profesionalisme dalam pengelolaan. Penyusunan perencanaan kerja sebagai acuan kerja dan didukung prosedure kerja yang terdokumentasi serta pembagian tugas, wewenang dan pelaporan menjadi kekuatan BUMdes MJM dalam menjamin keberlangsungan organisasi.
Optimalisasi Pemasaran Digital Kampung Ekowisata Ciwaluh, Kabupaten Bogor Ni Wayan Marsha Satyarini; Andy Mulyana; Hubertina Karolina Ngarbingan; Anisa Zahwa Akbara; Nihan Anindyaputra Lanisy; Yulita Suryantari
Jurnal Dehasen Untuk Negeri Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/jdun.v2i1.3647


Kampung Ciwaluh, terletak di Desa Wates Jaya, Cigombong, Bogor, memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang indah, mulai dari aliran sungai, air terjun, kebun kopi, dan persawahan. Sejak tahun 2001, telah dibentuk Kelompok Sadar Wisata (pokdarwis) Ciwaluh. Pokdarwis kampung Ciwaluh bertujuan menjadikan Kampung Ciwaluh sebagai kampung ekowisata. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi pokdarwis adalah kesulitan dalam pemasaran dikarenakan terbatasnya sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang memahami pentingnya literasi digital, sehingga metode pemasaran masih menggunakan metode konvensional. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka diperlukan upaya meningkatkan kemampuan SDM untuk pemasaran secara digital melalui program pengabdian masyarakat. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dari bulan Maret hingga November 2022. Metode pelaksanaan dimulai dari: 1) Tahap perencanaan dan observasi; 2) Tahap pelaksanaan; a. Pelatihan pemasaran digital dan identifikasi kebutuhan website b. Pendampingan pembuatan logo dan website c) Pelatihan pengelolaan website dan pembuatan paket wisata d) Pendampingan pengiklanan online; 3) Monitoring dan Evaluasi. Target yang telah dicapai dari abdimas ini adalah terciptanya website dengan domain dan logo branding kampung ekowisata Ciwaluh, terealisasinya iklan sebagai promosi digital melalui FB, Instagram, dan Google Ads, juga pelatihan mengenai pengelolaan website serta strategi pemasaran digital. Kedepannya, diharapkan pemasaran melalui media digital ini dapat lebih efektif efisien untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung yang datang ke ekowisata Ciwaluh.
Fiscal Policy and Resilience of the Tourism Industry Against the COVID-19 Pandemic Andy Mulyana; Ni Wayan Marsha Satyarini; Indarti Diah Palupi; Hilda Oktavana Siregar; Denny Yohanna; Nashirotun Nisa Nurharjanti
Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/reaksi.v8i2.2390


The tourism sector is encountering a global crisis as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. This article aimed to identify and analyze the implementation and impact of fiscal policy on the resilience and sustainability of tourism industry businesses in Indonesia amid the COVID-19 pandemic. An exploratory descriptive qualitative method was used in this research through in-depth interviews with tourism sector business actors in Yogyakarta City, Sleman Regency, Bantul Regency, and Magelang Regency on the implementation of fiscal policy of tax relief for relevant tourism business during the pandemic. The results of the research identified the impact of implementing fiscal policy on business resilience in the tourism sector which is more befitting for medium and large business categories, whilemicro and small businesses could only take advantage of fiscal policy in the form of tax relief, which according to participants is transparent, easy to implement, and does not have a detrimental impact on future. This research contributes to theory, practice, and policy by providing an overview of the impact of environmental factors on the sustainability of tourism sector businesses, the government's response to the crisis, the impact of fiscal policy implementation on the resilience of tourism sector businesses, and input for the government in making future policy.