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Pengaruh Campuran Baja Ringan Terhadap Kekuatan Beton Rewilla Aryanti; Eko Walujodjati
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1075


Concrete has a high compressive strength but has a low tensile strength, therefore it is necessary to have additional materials aimed at increasing the tensile strength. The use of additives in concrete technology has long been developed. Concrete has a tensile strength of 8%–15% of compressive strength. Some effort is required to increase the tensile strength. One of them is the addition of additional materials, namely pieces of mild steel. The purpose of this study was to determine the compressive strength and split tensile strength of concrete after the addition of mild steel variations of 0%, 10%, 15% and 20%. The design concrete quality is 20 MPa and the concrete age is l4 and 28 days. The specimens for compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of concrete are cylinders with a diameter of 15 cm and a height of 30 cm. The research method used was an experiment with a research time of two months. The compressive strength test results have increased and decreased. The biggest increase was in the 15% mixture with a percentage increase of 46.33% and an average compressive strength value of 12.162 N/mm2 at 14 days of concrete age, while the highest average compressive strength was in a mixture of 0% or normal concrete with a strength value compressive strength of 13.859 N/mm2 concrete aged 28 days. The largest average split tensile strength test results were in a 10% mixture with a split tensile strength value of 2,183 MPa and a percentage increase of 24.09%. The optimum addition of mild steel that produces maximum tensile strength is 10%.
Hasil Laboratorium Kelayakan Sumber Mata Air Cikoneng Kabupaten Garut Roby Ramda Nurputra; Adi Susetyaningsih; Eko Walujodjati
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1111


The source of Curug Cikoneng spring water is a type of small spring, while the type of water is a type of fractured spring, which emerges from rock fractures. So far, water from the Cikoneng waterfall has not been optimally used as a source of raw water for the people of Pasawahan village because the water has a sour taste. This study aims to determine the quality of water sourced from the Curug Cikoneng spring as a need for residents in Pasawahan Village, Tarogong Kaler District, Garut Regency, West Java Province. The method used is descriptive method with the object of research is 1 spring in the village of Pasawahan Kaki Gunung Guntur. Data collection techniques by means of observation, observation, sampling at several points, namely Jaba Tonggoh, Jaba Lebak and PLP Citiis, sample testing was carried out at the Garut Kesda Laboratory using reference to PERMENKES RI NO.492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010, analyzing samples and interviews. The results showed that for the three sources, sample 1 (Jaba Tonggoh) and sample 3 (PLP Citiis) the water is odorless, has a clear color and the turbidity level is below the maximum limit, while sample 2 (Jaba Lebak) the water is odorless but has a light yellow color and has turbidity level of 32.38 NTU, but for the three samples it has a sour taste. pH at (sample 1) 3.5, (sample 2) 6.6 and (sample 3) 3.6. Fe (Iron) levels in (sample 1) 3.49 mg/l, (sample 2) 0.63 mg/l and (sample 3) 0.61 mg/l. Manganese levels in (sample 1) 0.63 mg/l, (sample 2) 0.48 mg/l and (sample 3) 0.58 mg/l. Sulfate levels (sample 1) 800 mg/l, (sample 2) 520 mg/l and (sample 3) 790 mg/l. The number of coliform bacteria sample 1 (15), sample 2 (38) and sample 3 (≥240). From the results of research that has been done, Curug Cikoneng springs are not suitable for consumption.
Pengaruh Substitusi Sebagian Agregat Halus dengan Abu Limbah Kulit Sapi Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton Henda Riyana; Eko Walujodjati
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1210


As an alternative to fine aggregate in the concrete mix, cowhide ash was used in this study. The percentage of fine aggregate substitute material used is 10%, 20%, and 30% by weight of fine aggregate. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of the compressive strength of concrete obtained from the results of testing the compressive strength of concrete. The research method used is experimental (experiment) carried out in the laboratory of the Garut Institute of Technology. The sample used is a cylindrical shape with a size of 10x20 cm for concrete samples with the addition of cowhide ash and 15x30 cm for normal concrete samples with a compressive strength plan of 20 MPa. Materials to be used as concrete mixtures are tested beforehand, including sieve analysis, specific gravity, water absorption, water content, silt content, organic content, and wear tests. After the mixing process is complete and the concrete dries at the age of 2 days, the concrete samples are soaked in water for 28 days. The test carried out was the compressive strength test at the age of 28 days of concrete. The average value obtained from each variation of the concrete mix is ​​that normal concrete has a compressive strength of 17.78 MPa, B1 has a compressive strength of 13.85 MPa, B2 has a compressive strength of 11.19 MPa, and B3 has a compressive strength of 10. 74 MPa.
Eksperimen Pelat Beton Bertulang Bambu Ampel Rima Siti Rohimah; Eko Walujodjati
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1211


Indonesia's need for roads and access to buildings is increasing, but this is not matched by balanced economic growth. Therefore, a low cost alternative is sought to make the structure strong and light. As an alternative to steel reinforced concrete slabs, non-structural components, etc., ampel bamboo reinforced concrete slabs are an effective combination. The ampel bamboo to be used is bamboo with an age of more than one year, then this bamboo will be shaped to resemble plain iron reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm. Then the test was carried out with a treatment age of 28 days. This study aims to determine the effect of haur bamboo on the feasibility of concrete in terms of one-way flexural strength and tensile strength of ampel bamboo itself. This research was conducted using the experimental method and three specimens were made for one-way flexural strength testing with the dimensions of the specimens (10x20x60) cm. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the average tensile strength of ampel bamboo is 396.10 MPa and meets the standard of plain iron reinforcement, namely a minimum tensile strength of 350 MPa and the flexural strength capacity of concrete slabs obtained by replacing iron reinforcement using ampel bamboo is 1, 16 KNm.
Pengujian Kuat Lentur dan Geser Balok Beton dengan Bundel Tulangan Rinrin Siti Ratna Purinur; Eko Walujodjati
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1212


The beam is part of a shear system, generally a horizontal component in the moment frame, responsible for bending and shear forces with or without axial or torsional forces. In construction, problems are often encountered in obtaining structural elements with a small cross-section but having great strength, as well as small reinforcement spacing because of the large area of ​​reinforcement required. The purpose of this study is to obtain a solution for structural elements, especially beams, so that they have great strength with unreachable reinforcement spacing requirements, by knowing the ratio of shear and flexural strength in bundled 4Φ6 reinforced concrete beams and single reinforced concrete beams using the proportion of the cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforcement. the same one. The results of the average compressive strength test of cylindrical concrete for 28 days are f'c 12.68 MPa. The beam with bundle reinforcement (TP 4Φ6) has a cross-sectional area of ​​105.83 mm2 while the beam area with single reinforcement (TP Φ12) has a cross-sectional area of ​​106.80 mm2 so that the cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforcement bundle has a difference of 0.97 mm2 or 0.92 % with single reinforcement. The average flexural strength of TP 4Φ6 beam beam = 9.11 KNm, and Φ12 single beam beam = 7.61 KNm. The average shear strength value of TP bundle reinforcement beams is 4Φ6 = 58.88 KN, and that of single reinforcement beams is Φ12 = 57.94 KN. Beams with bundles of reinforcement produce a difference in flexural strength of 19.71% and a difference in shear strength of 1.62%, so beams with bundles of 4Φ6 reinforcement are stronger than beams with single reinforcement of Φ12.
Pengaruh Korosi Tulangan Secara Alami pada Balok Beton Bertulang Terhadap Kuat Lentur dan Geser Anggi Ahmad Mulyadi; Eko Walujodjati
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1213


Dalam pengaplikasian di lapangan, beton sering digunakan sebagai elemen struktur, salah satunya sering dibuat balok beton yang dikombinasikan dengan tulangan baja. Balok beton bertulang peranannya cukup besar untuk menahan beban, terutama beban lentur dan geser. Balok Beton yang memiliki kemampuan menahan gaya lentur dan geser secara maksimal .Bahan-bahan penyusun beton bertulangnya yaitu khususnya tulangan baja, banyak mengalami korosi sebelum digunakan, akibat penyimpanan yang tidak baik .Pengkorosian tulangan dilakukan ditempat terbuka terkena cahaya matahari,air hujan,suhu dan kelembaban selama 4 bulan. Selanjutnya dilaksanakan pengujian kuat tekan beton dengan umur 28 hari rata- rata 17,78 MPa,kuat tarik tulangan tidak korosi 8 (ø) 530.12 mpa,tulangan korosi 8 (ø) 517.52 mpa ,tulangan tidak korosi 10 (ø) 586.84 mpa,tulangan korosi 10 (ø) 569.00 mpa. Balok beton dengan tulangan korosi beban puncak rata -rata pada alat uji lebih tinggi 55,4 KN dari balok beton dengan tulangan tidak korosi 44,6 KN. Nilai momen kuat lentur rata -rata balok tulangan korosi adalah 4,85 KNm dan nilai momen kuat lentur rata -rata balok tulangan tidak korosi adalah 3,90 KNm ,nilai tegangan balok tulangan korosi rata - rata adalah 6,92 MPa, dan untuk balok tulangan tidak korosi adalah 5.53 MPa. Untuk nilai geser balok beton bertulang tidak korosi lebih besar dari pada balok beton bertulang korosi. Balok beton dengan tulangan tidak korosi lebih besar 90,15 KN dari pada balok beton dengan tulangan korosi 88,33 KN.
Pengaruh Korosi Tulangan Terhadap Panjang Penyaluran pada Beton Widianti Sri Anjani; Eko Walujodjati
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1214


Reinforced concrete is two materials consisting of reinforcing steel and concrete that are used together. Steel reinforcement must have the same adhesive stress as the concrete components that surround it so that there must be strong bond between the two materials. The reinforcement used must be in good condition and not corroded. The purpose of this study was to determine the ratio of bond strength based on the length of distribution between corrosion and non-corrosion reinforcement using 10 mm diameter steel reinforcement with plain reinforcement. The method used in this study is the experimental method (experiment) carried out at the Civil Engineering Laboratory. Corrosion of the reinforcement is carried out by means of the corrosion rate at open air temperature where the reinforcement is positioned to receive free air. In this study, 9 samples of specimens used corrosion reinforcement, and 9 samples of specimens used non-corroded reinforcement. The bond strength test is carried out by means of a pull-out test, in which the reinforcing steel is pulled out until slip occurs or cracks appear in the concrete. The average bond stress of corroded reinforcement with a channel length of 150 mm is 3.808 MPa while non-corroded reinforcement is 4.137 MPa. The average bond stress of corroded reinforcement with a channel length of 100 mm is 3.66 MPa while non-corroded reinforcement is 4.222 MPa. The average bond stress of corroded reinforcement with a channel length of 50 mm is 7.363 MPa while non-corroded reinforcement is 6.684 MPa. In the corrosion reinforcement there was a decrease in the length of distribution from 150 mm to 100 mm but there was an increase at 50 mm. While non-corroded reinforcement there was an increase in distribution length from 150 mm, 100 mm, up to 50 mm.
Analisis Pelat Beton Bertulang Bambu Ampel Moh Lutfi Lukman Mubaroq; Eko Walujodjati
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1222


Indonesia's need for access to roads and buildings is increasing, but balanced economic growth will not last. Therefore, we are looking for ways to realize light and strong structures at low cost. Bamboo reinforced concrete slabs for traffic lights are an effective combination as an alternative to non-structural plates and members. The Ampel bamboo that will be used is bamboo that is more than one year old, then this bamboo will be shaped to resemble plain iron reinforcement with a diameter of 8mm. Then the test was carried out with a treatment age of 28 days. This study aims to determine the effect of Ampel bamboo on the feasibility of concrete in terms of one-way flexural strength and tensile strength of the Ampel bamboo itself. This research was conducted using theoretical analysis methods with data obtained from the results of laboratory assistants who conducted experiments in the laboratory. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the average tensile strength of Ampel bamboo is 396.10 MPa and meets the standards of plain iron reinforcement, namely a minimum tensile strength of 350 MPa and the flexural strength of concrete slabs obtained by replacing iron reinforcement using Ampel bamboo is 3.64 MPa with a maximum load of 9.07 KN. Also produced ampel bamboo reinforced concrete slab deflection of 0.913 mm.
Pengujian Kuat Lentur Balok Beton dengan Tulangan Baja Ringan Dandi Fahrul Akmal; Eko Walujodjati
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1223


Reinforced concrete can be prepared in many ways to be lightweight but have high strength. One way to make an alternative to conventional steel reinforcement is to use mild steel. The use of mild steel as an alternative to reinforcement in concrete is still not very popular in the construction sector. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the flexural strength of reinforced concrete beams with mild steel, as well as the comparison of the flexural strength of reinforced concrete beams with mild steel from the results of research analysis with concrete quality fc' 22 MPa and beam size 20x10 length 90 cm. This study uses an experimental method of testing the flexural strength of concrete with a simple test beam that is loaded with one load, this is intended as a reference and guideline for carrying out flexural strength tests in the laboratory. Starting from material testing to testing compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength. With the results of the average compressive test of concrete with an age of 28 days fc' 12.07 MPa. The value of split tensile strength is usually 8% to 15% of the compressive strength of concrete, while the average value of flexural strength in concrete beams with mild steel reinforcement is 8.78 kN,m and the results of the analysis get 12,302 kN,m. So the results of the test values ​​at the Laboratory are smaller than the results of the analysis.
Evaluasi Struktur Atas Komponen Jalan Rel dalam Kegiatan Reaktivasi Jalur Cibatu Cikajang Mega Azahra Yusuf; Roestaman Roestaman; Eko Walujodjati
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-1.926


Jalur kereta Api nonaktif yang menghubungkan Stasiun Cibatu dan Stasiun Cikajang panjang lintas kurang lebih 47 kilometer, dan saat ini untuk segmen antara Cibatu – Garut Kota dengan panjang kurang lebih 19 km sedang dalan proses reaktivitasi dengan struktur atas yang melewati 3 stasiun ini dilakukan dengan pergantian rel R52 dan bantalan kayu/baja dengan rel tipe R.42 dengan bantalan beton. Evaluasi komponen perkeretapian yang dipasang pada rel dengan menghitung beban dinamis menggunakan metode berikut persamaan tablot dan di bandingkan dengan komponen jalan rel terpasang Menurut standar perencanaan perkeretapian, ini diklasifikasikan menurut nilai perkeretaapian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkeretaapian diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga kategori beban dinamis 12.745,152 Kg, Untuk analisa beban cross-bearing beton produksi WIKA sudah memenuhi persyaratan, namun untuk perkeretaapian perhitungannya didasarkan pada tegangan ijin yang muncul pada pondasi perkeretaapian. = 1.16 7,943 Kg/cm2 < 1.476,3 Kg/cm2 (memenuhi syarat), adi tidak perlu ada pergantian rel karena komponen ini sudah Sesuai dengan daya dukung perlintasan KA tersebut memenuhi standar operasional pelayanan KA.