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Fermentasi Jerami sebagai Pakan Tambahan Ternak Ruminansia Yunus Tonapa Sarungu; Agustinus Ngatin; Rony Pasonang Sihombing
Fluida Vol 13 No 1 (2020): FLUIDA
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35313/fluida.v13i1.1852


ABSTRAK Jerami adalah limbah tanaman padi yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pakan ternak. Agar jerami tidak mengalami pembusukan, maka dilakukan proses fermentasi. Fermentasi merupakan proses pengubahan suatu zat dengan bantuan mikroorganisme dengan menghasilkan karbohidrat. Fermentasi divariasikan dengan waktu 7, 15 dan 21 hari menggunakan probiotik EM4 dan starbio. Rasio perbandingan bahan jerami dan probiotik yaitu 10:1. Dilakukan pengamatan pada hasil fermentasi untuk kandungan protein, karbohidrat sederhana, dan kadar air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jerami hasil fementasi berwarna cokelat, kadar protein dan glukosa meningkat. Kadar protein dengan penambahan probiotik EM4 naik dari 5,775% menjadi 18,06% dan penambahan starbio menaikkan kadar protein menjadi 14,07%. Fermentasi jerami dengan penambahan EM4 lebih efektif daripada starbio. Waktu fermentasi yang paling efektif adalah 15 hari. Kata kunci: Jerami, fermentasi, probiotik, EM4, starbio ABSTRACT Straw is rice crop waste which can be used as animal feed materials. To avoid straw to decay, the fermentation process is carried out. Fermentation is the process of changing a substance with the help of microorganisms to produce carbohydrates. Fermentation was varied for 7, 15 and 21 days using EM4 and starbio probiotics. The ratio of straw and probiotic is 10: 1. The results of fermentation were observed for protein, simple carbohydrates, and water content. The results showed that fermentation resulted in brown colour and icreases of protein and glucose levels. Protein levels with the addition of EM4 probiotics increase from 5.775% to 18.06% and addition of starbio increases the protein levels to 14.07%. Straw fermentation with the addition of EM4 is more effective than starbio. The most effective fermentation time is 15 days. Keywords: Straw, fermentation, probiotics, EM4, starbio,
Jurnal Kimia Riset Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga, Campus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jkr.v7i1.35712


The processing of laterite ore by pyrometallurgy requires high temperatures whereas the Atmospheric Acid Leaching (AAL) method can be performed below 100 ℃ although its nickel recovery is inconsistent. This research aims to determine the effect of sulfuric acid concentration on nickel recovery and to determine nickel recovery after extract purification by precipitation of non-nickel metals. AAL was performed with an operating temperature of 95 °C, an operating time of 5 hours, an ore-to-solvent ratio of 0.05 g/ml, a particle size of ± 200 mesh, and sulfuric acid concentration variation of 0.2–1 M. Iron precipitation was completed with a pH variation of 0.5–3.8 by the addition of ammonia. The result showed that the concentration of sulfuric acid increased nickel recovery. The nickel recovery reached 96.43% at a concentration of sulfuric acid of 1 M. Furthermore, after extract purification, nickel recovery reached 50.61%, which was achieved at an optimum pH of 3.2.
Pemanfaatan Besi Berkarat Menjadi Senyawa Besi (III) Amonium Sulfat sebagai Bahan Koagulan Agustinus Ngatin; Rony Pasonang Sihombing
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar Vol 11 No 1 (2020): Prosiding 11th Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar (IRWNS)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (624.496 KB) | DOI: 10.35313/irwns.v11i1.2006


Besi berkarat merupakan senyawa besi oksida yang mencemari lingkungan, akibat tumpukan besi yang kotor, berwarna coklat dan kurang menarik. Untuk mengurangi pencemaran ini dapat dilakukan pengubahan besi berkarat menjadi senyawa besi (III) ammonium sulfat yang bermanfaat sebagai bahan koagulan pada pengolahan limbah industri, pengikat warna pada proses pewarnaan tekstil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan besi berkarat menjadi senyawa besi (III) aonium sulfat dengan menentukan pengaruh jumlah asam sulfat 20% dan H2O2 10% sebagai oksidator Fe2+ menjadi Fe3+untuk menghasilkan % produk optimal. Sintesis besi (III) dilakukan secara batch pada suhu 80 0C dan diaduk menggunakan pengaduk magnit selama 45 menit, ditambah larutan H2O2 10% untuk mengubah Fe2+ menjadi Fe3+ dilanjutkan pemanasan sampai jenuh, didinginkan sampai terbentuk kristal. Kristalnya diamati, ditimbang dan dimanfaatkan sebagai koagulan pada pengolahan air limbah. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa kondisi operasi untuk 3,0 gram besi berkarat ditambah 50 mL larutan asam sulfat 20% dan 5 mL-10mL hidrogen peroksida 10% menghasilkan besi (III) ammonium sulfat mencapai 94 %produk. Besi (III) ammonium sulfat merupakan kristal berwarna putih terang, berbentuk rombis, dan bersifat higroskopis.
Pengaruh pH dan Suhu Presipitasi Terhadap Sintesis Katalis Hidrotalsit Mg/Al Ayu Ratna Permanasari; C. Yudha Hidayatulloh; Solehuddin Al-Ayubi; Rony Pasonang Sihombing
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar Vol 12 (2021): Prosiding 12th Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar (IRWNS)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.435 KB)


Pengaruh pH dan Suhu Presipitasi Terhadap Sintesis Katalis Hidrotalsit Mg/Al
Ekstraksi Daun Tembakau dengan Metode MAE (Microwave Assisted Extraction) dengan Variasi Jenis Pelarut dan Waktu Ekstraksi pada Daya Microwave 150 Watt Rony Pasonang Sihombing; Alfonsius Perdija Tamba; Calvin Aditya Renata; Agustinus Ngatin
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar Vol 13 No 01 (2022): Vol 13 (2022): Prosiding 13th Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.162 KB) | DOI: 10.35313/irwns.v13i01.4171


Tembakau merupakan salah satu rempah-rempah yang pertumbuhannya cukup besar di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik produksi tembakau Indonesia pada 2020 sebesar 261.011 ton. Hal tersebut adalah potensi yang sangat besar, namun pemanfaatan tembakau sejauh ini mayoritas hanya digunakan pada industri rokok. Penelitian mengenai ekstraksi tembakau diharapkan mampu mendorong peluang pemanfaatan tembakau untuk keperluan lain selain bahan baku rokok, seperti inhibitor korosi dan bioinsektisida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu ekstraksi dan jenis pelarut terhadap perolehan rendemen ekstrak tembakau. Metode ekstraksi yang digunakan adalah MAE (Microwave Assisted Extraction). Pelarut yang digunakan etanol 96% dan methanol 95%, serta waktu ekatraksi yang digunakan adalah 5,10,15, dan 20 menit. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisis rendemen, densitas, dan GC-MS. Hasil ekstrak menggunakan pelarut metanol dan etanol mencapai densitas rata-rata masing-masing 0.82 g/mL dan 0.83rendemen tertinggi yang dihasilkan masing-masing 37.74% dan 38.05% pada waktu ekstraksi 10 menit. Berdasarkan hasil GC-MS komponen tertinggi dalam ekstrak adalah nikotin dengan komposisi pada ekstrak dengan pelarut etanol dan metanol masing-masing 96.1% dan 95.5%.
Karakteristik Kadar Metoksil dan Kadar Asam Galakturonat pada Ekstrak Pektin dari Kulit Jeruk Manis Pacitan pada Suhu 90°C Ahmad Fauzan; Tiara Devita Risnandar; Vira Rizki Anisa; Rony Pasonang Sihombing
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar Vol 13 No 01 (2022): Vol 13 (2022): Prosiding 13th Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.605 KB) | DOI: 10.35313/irwns.v13i01.4174


Kulit jeruk mengandung beberapa kandungan senyawa kimia bermanfaat, salah satunya pektin. Pada industri makanan, pektin digunakan sebagai bahan pengental dan pembentuk gel. Pektin dapat diperoleh dari kulit jeruk manis pacitan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kadar metoksil dan kadar asam galakturonat terhadap hasil ekstraksi pektin dengan suhu 90°C. Pengambilan pektin dari kulit jeruk manis pacitan dilakukan dengan metode ekstraksi padat cair menggunakan pelarut asam. Variabel tetap yang digunakan yaitu pelarut asam klorida (HCl) 0,5% dengan kondisi pH 1 dan etanol 96% untuk pengendapan pektin. Variabel bebas yang digunakan yaitu waktu ekstraksi selama 1 jam; 2 jam; 3 jam. Hasil pengujian karakteristik pektin dibandingkan dengan standar mutu pektin IPPA (International Pectin Producers Association). Berdasarkan penelitian, rendemen paling tinggi didapat pada waktu 1 jam yaitu sebanyak 30,36%. Karakterisasi kadar metoksil tergolong ke dalam metoksil rendah karena berada pada rentang standar 2,5-7,12%. Karakterisasi kadar asam galakturonat yang sesuai standar didapat pada waktu 2 dan 3 jam dengan jumlah 41,30% dan 43,37%.
Pengaruh Laju Alir Terhadap Penurunan Pengotor Limbah Laundry Metode Elektrokoagulasi Kontinyu Berpengaduk Agustinus Ngatin; Adi Rizki Nugraha; Mukhtar Gozali; Ageng Priyambudi; Tri Hariyadi; Rony Pasonang Sihombing; Yusmardhany Yusuf; Retno Dwi Jayanti; Retno Indarti
Fluida Vol 15 No 2 (2022): FLUIDA
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35313/fluida.v15i2.4040


Limbah laundry dapat menjadi masalah serius bagi lingkungan jika dibuang tanpa pengolahan. Masalah yang timbul diantaranya nilai Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), fosfat, dan kekeruhan yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mempelajari pengaruh laju alir terhadap efisiensi penurunan kadar kekeruhan, COD, dan TSS, serta menentukan kondisi optimalnya dengan alat elektrokoagulasi kontinyu berpengaduk. Reaktornya adalah reaktor berkapasitas 10 L dilengkapi pengaduk 180 rpm, pompa peristaltik, rectifier dan 3 pasang elektroda Alumunium dengan ketebalan 0,3x15x15cm yang disusun secara monopolar. Percobaan variasi laju alir (115mL/menit, 170 mL/menit, 340mL/menit) dilakukan dengan rapat arus tetap (70 A/m2), dengan waktu operasi 60 menit untuk setiap variasi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pada laju tinggi (340 mL/menit) dan laju rendah (115 mL/menit) menghasilkan efisiensi penurunan pengotor yang rendah dan laju alir terbaik ditunjukkan pada 170 mL/menit. Kondisi optimal terjadi pada laju alir 170 mL/menit pada rapat 70 A/m2 menghasilkan efisiensi penurunan kekeruhan, COD, dan TSS berturut-turut 89,35%, 73,33%, dan 99,26%. Laundry waste can be a serious problem for the environment if it is disposed of without treatment. Problems that arise include the value of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), phosphate, and high turbidity. The aims of the research were to study the effect of flow rate and current density on the efficiency of reducing turbidity, COD, and TSS levels, and to determine the optimal conditions using a continuous stirred electrocoagulation device. The reaktor used is a reaktor with a capacity of 10 L equipped with a 180 rpm stirrer, a peristaltic pump, a rectifier and 3 pairs of aluminum electrodes with a thickness of 0.3x15x15cm arranged in a monopolar manner. The flow rate variation experiment was carried out with a constant current density (70 A/m2), and the current density variation experiment was carried out with a fixed flow rate (170 ml/minute) with an operating time of 60 minutes for each variation. The results of the flow rate variation showed that at a high rate (340 ml/min) and a low rate (115 ml/min) resulted in a low impurity reduction efficiency, the best flow rate was shown at 170 ml/min. The results of the current density variation show that the increase in impurity reduction efficiency occurs as the current density increases, the best results occur at a current density of 70 A/m2. Optimal conditions occurred at a flow rate of 170 ml/min at a rate of 70 A/m2 resulting in the efficiency of reducing turbidity, COD, and TSS respectively 89.35%, 73.33%, and 99.26%.
The effect of precipitation pH and temperature of Mg/Al Hydrotalcite synthesis on the glucose isomerization Ayu Ratna Permanasari; Rony Pasonang Sihombing; Cecep Yudha Hidayatullah; Solehudin Al-Ayubi; Rijal Muyasar Fahmi; Muhammad Fadly Wiryawan Kautsar,; Wahyu Wibisono
Jurnal Internasional Penelitian Teknologi Terapan Vol 3 No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Bandung State Polytechnic (Politeknik Negeri Bandung)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35313/ijatr.v3i1.55


Mg/Al Hydrotalcite as the catalyst in isomerization of glucose into fructose was made by coprecipitation of Mg(NO3)2.6H2O and Al(NO3)3.9H2O. Operating condition of precipitation including the temperature and pH was determined by Response Surface Method (RSM). The catalyst synthesis was carried out in the mole ratio of Mg/Al 3:1 for 18 h and the catalyst was activated by calcination for 3 h at 500°C. Catalyst characterization was done by FTIR, BET, and XRD. The highest mass product of Hydrotalcite Mg/Al 4.52 g, reached at the precipitation conditions of pH 9 and temperature of 45ºC. The catalytic activity of hydrotalcite Mg/Al was tested by the isomerization of Glucose into Fructose. The highest yield and selectivity were 20.14%, 62.40%, respectively. It was reached in pH 9 and 45ºC. While the highest conversion, 53.47%, was achieved in the pH 11.12 with a precipitation temperature of 45ºC. By the RSM analysis, neither the mass of catalyst product nor the catalytic activity from the isomerization (yield, conversion, and selectivity) were affected significantly by the pH and temperature precipitation.
Delaminasi Perekat Polivinil Asetat Berbasis Air Satu Komponen untuk Aplikasi Kayu Keras Ulin dan Merbau: Delamination on Polyvinyl Acetate Water Based Adhesive One Component for Ulin and Merbau Hard Wood Working Application Retno Indarti; Agustinus Ngatin; Robby Sudarman; Tifa Paramitha; Rony Pasonang Sihombing
KOVALEN: Jurnal Riset Kimia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): August Edition
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, Tadulako University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/kovalen.2022.v8.i2.15900


Water-based adhesive was one of the most important media for bonding substrates to one another because of their environmental friendly character. Previously, in the application of hardwood adhesives such as Ulin and Merbau, the type of adhesive used was a two-component system. For this reason, a one-component water-based adhesive was introduced in this study. The advantage of these was environmental friendly and high durability. In this application, delamination was one of the important parameters to determine whether the adhesive used was well penetrated or not. For this reason, delamination will be the main parameter in this study. This research includes the preparation of tools and materials, manufacture of PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) solution, polymerization of polyvinyl acetate by mixing the main raw material of vinyl acetate monomer and PVOH solution using APS (ammonium persulfate) initiator. The polymerization process was carried out at 1 atm pressure and 75oC – 80oC temperature accompanied by stirring with ±500 rpm rotation rate. Final product is a homopolymer PVAc (polyvinyl acetate) with PVOH Z-210 with AAEM (acetoacetoxy ethyl methacrylate) content having an acetoxy functional group. A delamination test was carried out on the final product with a modified test based on Japanese Agricultural Standard 1152 where the product was immersed in water for 360 minutes, then placed in an oven at 40oC for 18 hours. Samples using PVOH with AAEM content have an average delamination rate of 0.67-1.67% while existing products on the market have an average delamination rate of 45.83-52.08%.
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Inhibitor dari Eceng Gondok dalam Air Hujan dan Air Kran terhadap Laju Korosi: Effect of Water Hyacinth Inhibitor Concentration in Rain Water and Tap Water Media on Corrosion Rate Emma Hermawati; Yunus Tonapa Sarungu; Bambang Soeswanto; Rispiandi; Alfiana Adhitasari; Sudrajat Harris Abdulloh; Rony Pasonang Sihombing; Retno Indarti
KOVALEN: Jurnal Riset Kimia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): August Edition
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, Tadulako University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/kovalen.2022.v8.i2.15931


Organic inhibitors in the corrosion process could be obtained from water hyacinth plant. This plant contained antioxidants such as saponins, which could bind to protective metals from corrosion. The objective of this study was to observe the corrosion rate degradation in rainwater and tap water with saponin content of water hyacinth extract with novelty of using methanol in the maceration process. The sample: methanol ratio used in the maceration process was 1 : 9 (w/v). Steel testing was carried out for 5 days in rainwater and tap water. Based on the test results, the saponin content in the water hyacinth extract could be proven by the stability of the foam produced. The experimental results showed a corrosion rate escalation in tap water samples from 47.7% to 94.5% and samples in rainwater from 11.3% to 52.9% at 75 ppm inhibitor concentration. Based on the research, water hyacinth extract using methanol solvent could be used as a corrosion inhibitor.
Co-Authors Adi Rizki Nugraha Ageng Priyambudi Ahmad Fauzan Alfiana Adhitasari Alfiana Adhitasari Alfiana Adhitasari Alfiana Adhitasari - Alfonsius Perdija Tamba Alisya Nurbaits Alizza Asry Zafarina Althafa Muntaqin Angelina Putri Angely Luviana Angely Luviana Anisa Nidaulhusna Annisa Nurlatifah Ari Marlina Bambang Soeswanto Bambang Soeswanto Bambang Soeswanto C. Yudha Hidayatulloh Calvin Aditya Renata Cecep Yudha Hidayatullah Dava Maulana Malik Desti Fitriani Dieni Nurul Fathiyyah Emma Hermawati Emma Hermawati Muhari Emma Hermawati Muhari Faradila Anindita Fatimah Fauzan, Rizky Idham Kholid Ibrahim Ikhsan Akmal Alatif Intan Salsabila Isma Afifah Ramadhani Iva Najwa Salsabilla Jasinta Putri Alamsari Jayanti, Retno Dwi Joko Suryadi Keira Khalisha Keryanti, Keryanti Lutfiah Rahmasari Muchamad Raihan Surya Rusmana Muhammad Fadly Wiryawan Kautsar, Muhammad Zikri Ramadhan Muhari, Emma Hermawati Mukhtar Gozali Nanda Liant Kumara Naufal Alip Cahya Ramadan Ngatin, Agustinus Nidaa’ Rihhadatul ‘Aisya Komara Nina Puspita Ninik Lintang Edi Wahyuni Nurcahyo Paramitha, Tifa Permanasari, Ayu Ratna Putri Utami Dita Cahya Rafila Chika Azzahra Rahma Nurulgina Rahma Puspa Permatasari Ramadhana Suci Fajriati Randi Reynaldi Restu Adji Alif Asyari Restu Adji Alif Asyari Retno Indarti Rijal Muyasar Fahmi Rispiandi Rispiandi Robby Sudarman Salsabila Nisrina Junaedi Santy Nurhasanah Shafira Salsabila Solehuddin Al-Ayubi Solehudin Al-Ayubi Sri Puji Rahmawati Sudrajat Harris Abdulloh Suminar, Dian Ratna Suryadi, Joko Tiara Devita Risnandar Tri Hariyadi Unung Leoanggraini Vira Rizki Anisa Wahyu Wibisono Widya Fitria Nur Fauziah Wina Maulida Yulistiani, Fitria Yunus Tonapa Sarungu Yusmardhani Yusuf Yusmardhany Yusuf Yusmardhany Yusuf Yusmardhany Yusuf