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Agricore Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Faperta Unpad

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Peluang peningkatan perekonomian melalui kegiatan budidaya udang masih sangat terbuka bagi Indonesia, namun harus memperhatikan aspek keberlanjutan usaha budidaya maupun lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kondisi dan potensi wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Bantul sebagai sentra budidaya tambak udang berkelanjutan di pantai selatan Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus melalui observasi dan wawancara, serta analisis data secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi tambak udang dilihat dari aspek lingkungan memiliki kualitas air yang baik akibat tidak adanya pencemaran dari luar, karena kawasan tersebut bukan merupakan wilayah industri. Namun, keberadaan tambak dikawatirankan dapat merusak lingkungan apabila tidak dikelola dengan baik. Kondisi yang ada saat ini menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan tambak masih kurang baik karena tidak adanya sistem pengolahan limbah yang berdampak pada munculnya penyakit berak putih udang pada tahun 2016. Dilihat dari aspek ekonomi, keberlanjutan terjadi karena permintaan ekspor udang yang masih sangat tinggi dan belum bisa terpenuhi. Aspek sosial menunjukkan bahwa  lokasi tambak udang di wilayah penelitian menimbulkan konflik sosial dengan adanya permasalahan status kepemilikan lahan, perijinan usaha, serta benturan dengan kebijakan pemerintah setempat. 
Strategi untuk Perbaikan Manajemen Perkebunan Teh Rakyat: Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Pasirjambu dan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung Novasyurahati, Novasyurahati; Sjarmidi, Achmad; Gunawan, Wawan
Jurnal Matematika dan Sains Vol 19 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Perkebunan teh rakyat di Indonesia berpotensi untuk membangkitkan industri teh nasional karena proporsi luas area perkebunan teh rakyat yang besar (45,8%) dan pertumbuhan produksi yang cenderung meningkat rata-rata sebesar 0,77% selama 2001-2011. Meskipun demikian, produktivitas perkebunan teh rakyat masih sangat rendah dibanding perkebunan besar nasional maupun swasta. Banyak pihak telah mengadakan program bantuan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, namun tidak berhasil secara signifikan. Karena produktivitas merupakan fungsi dari efisiensi usaha, maka faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sistem input harus teridentifikasi, dan untuk memperbaiki manajemen sistem input tersebut, diperlukan langkah-langkah berupa rencana strategis. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang terkait dengan perbaikan manajemen perkebunan rakyat dan menyusun rencana strategis untuk upaya perbaikan manajemen teh rakyat. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan manajemen strategis untuk mengidentifikasi faktor kunci dan merumuskan usulan strategi sebagai solusi masalah tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan, wawancara, dan kuesioner; dan teknik analisis yang dilakukan untuk perumusan strategi adalah analisis strenght-weakness-opportunity-threat dan analytical hierarchy process (SWOT-AHP). Identifikasi faktor internal dan eksternal kunci manajemen perkebunan teh rakyat menghasilkan 5 faktor kekuatan, 3 peluang, 5 kelemahan dan 4 faktor ancaman yang perlu diperhatikan dalam upaya perbaikan manajemen teh rakyat. Dari hasil analisis SWOT-AHP, diusulkan strategi utama untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut yaitu strategi WO1: integrasi horisontal diantara petani dalam bentuk pengelolaan budidaya perkebunan teh rakyat secara berkelompok. Strategi ini mengedepankan kerjasama petani dalam satu kelompok untuk mengelola budidaya kebun yang berkesinambungan secara ekologis dan ekonomis dalam aspek pengembangan budidaya, penguatan fungsi kelembagaan dan peningkatan usaha pemasaran. Strategic Planning to Improve the Management of Small Holders tea Tea Plantations : Case Study of Pasirjambu and Ciwidey District, Bandung RegencyAbstract Tea smallhoders in Indonesia have the potential to give rise to national's tea industry as the proportion of area of the smallholders is bigger than the state and private plantations (45,8%) and as their production growth has the tendency to increase by 0.77% in 2001-2011. Despite of those facts, the productivity of tea smallholders is still very low compared to the state and private large plantations. There were a number of aid programs aimed to give rise to the tea smallholders' productivity, but they did not succeed significantly. Since productivity is an indicator of business' competitive advantage, the factors which influence management of the business of tea smallholders should be identified and in order to improve it, steps of strategic planning is needed. This study is aimed to identify the internal and external factors related to tea smallholders' management and to formulate a strategic planning to the management improvement initiatives. Method used in this study was the approach of the strategic management stages to identify key factors and to formulate a strategic planning as the recommendation of solution for the problem. Data collection for this study was conducted through observations, interviews, and questionnaires; and the analysis technique used for strategy formulation was hybrid of the strenght-weakness-opportunity-threat (SWOT) and the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) analysis. Identification of internal and external key factors of smallholders' management resulted in 5 strengths factors, 3 opportunities, 5 weaknesses, and 4 threats. From the SWOT-AHP analysis, the strategy recommended to solve the problem was WO1: horizontal integration between farmers to undertake group's collective cultivation. This strategy emphazies cooperation of farmers whithin a group to manage tea cultivation which is ecologically and economically sustainable in cultivation development, institution's fuctional strengthening, and market accruing. Keywords: Tea smallholders, Strategic planning, SWOT-AHP.
FITOFARMAKA | Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol 7, No 2 (2017): Vol.7, No.2, Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

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ABSTRAK Gout merupakan penyakit metabolik yang disebabkan oleh kadar asam urat yang tinggi dalam darah. Kandungan flavonoid yang pada tanaman suruhan diduga dapat menurunkan kadar asam urat dalam darah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pemberian ekstrak etanol 70% suruhan (Peperomia pellucida) terhadap kadar asam urat tikus Spragua Dawley yang diinduksi kalium oksonat. Kondisi hiperurisemia didapatkan dengan memberikan50 mg/200 g BB kalium oksonat (inhibitor urikase)  Sebanyak 30 ekor tikus putih jantan galur Sprague Dawley dengan berat 150-200 g dibagi secara acak kedalam lima kelompok perlakuan yaitu kelompok tikus yang diberi ekstrak   200 mg/kgBB (I), 300mg/kgBB(II), dan 450mg/kgBB(III), allopurinol 36 mg/200 g BB(V/kontrol positif) dan kelompok IV (kontrol normal ) yang hanya mengandung larutan CMC 0,5% dan tidak diinduksi kalium oksonat dan tidak diberi ekstrak.. Pemberian sediaan uji dilakukan secara oral dan induksi diberikan secara intraperitonial pada semua kelompok kecuali kelompok IV yang merupakan kontrol normal.  Sediaan uji dibuat dalam bentuk tersuspensi dalam CMC 0,5%.Pengukuran kadar asam urat dalam darah dilakukan secara POTC (Point Of Care Test). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol 70% suruhan pada dosis 200 mg/kg BB  , 300  dan 450 mg/kgBB dapat memberi pengaruh terhadap kadar asam urat sama baiknya dan tidak berbeda nyata dengan allopurinol sebagai kontrol positif, Kata kunci  : Asam urat, Hiperurisemia, Peperomia pellucida, Kaliumn Oksonat, Suruhan
Fakultas Pertanian Vol 4, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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Oil sludge is a waste palm oil processing industry that has not been widely used. One solution is the utilization of organic fertilizer. the Objective of this study to obtain a mixture of sludge and dirt proportion of goat and EM4 proper concentration and calculate the feasibility in the manufacture of organic fertilizers based on the best treatment. This study used a randomized block design with two factors, namely the composition of the mixture of sludge and goat manure (60:40, 70: 30.80: 20) as a factor of 1 and EM4 concentration (0.8%, 1%, 1.4%) as a factor of 2. The results of the research note that the given treatment produces no real influence against pH, content of N, P, and K fertilizers the organic value of pH average 9.03, N 0.85, P 1.15, and K 1.87. Results of feasibility analysis to calculate HPP, BEP, R / C ratio, NPV and IRR result HPP Rp. 800, -, BEP Rp. 109 832 727, -, R / C ratio of 1.15. NPV Rp. 2 35,446,417, - and an IRR of 34.34%. Lumpur sawit merupakan salah satu limbah industri pengolahan kelapa sawit yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Salah satu solusi pemanfaatannya adalah dengan pembuatan pupuk organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan proporsi campuran sludge dan kotoran kambing serta konsentrasi EM4 yang tepat dan menghitung kelayakan usaha pada pembuatan pupuk organik berdasarkan perlakuan terbaik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan dua faktor, yaitu komposisi campuran sludge dan kotoran kambing (60:40, 70:30,80:20) sebagai faktor 1 dan konsentrasi EM4 (0,8%, 1%, 1,4%) sebagai faktor 2. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa perlakuan yang diberikan tidak menghasilkan pengaruh nyata terhadap kandungan pH, N, P, dan K pupuk organik dengan nilai rerata pH 9.03, N 0.85, P 1.15, dan K 1.87. Hasil analisis kelayakan usaha dengan menghitung HPP, BEP, R/C Rasio, NPV dan IRR diperoleh hasil HPP Rp. 800,-, BEP harga Rp. 109.832.727,-, R/C Rasio sebesar 1,15. NPV sebesar Rp. 235.446.417,- dan IRR sebesar 34,34%.
EFISIENSI PEMASARAN IKAN KAKAP MERAH (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) DI WILAYAH KERJA TPI KARANGSONG, KABUPATEN INDRAMAYU Hasanah, Uswatun; Ambarsari, Wiwik; Gunawan, Wawan
Gema Wiralodra Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Gema Wiralodra
Publisher : unwir press

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi pemasaran Ikan Kakap Merah  (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) melalui saluran pemasaran dan fungsi-fungsi yang dilakukan oleh pelaku lembaga pemasaran Ikan Kakap Merah di wilayah kerja TPI Karangsong. Metode yang digunakan survey dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pengambilan sampel sebagai responden dilakukan secara simple random sampling (SRS), terdiri atas 23 orang nelayan. Responden lembaga pemasaran berjumlah 5 pedagang besar dan 11 pedagang pengecer yang diperoleh dari cara snowball sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat empat saluran pemasaran Ikan Kakap di wilayah kerja TPI Karangsong Kabupaten Indramayu dan dinyatakan semua saluran efisien dengan urutan nilai efisiensi pemasaran (Ep) adalah 6,05%, 5,25%, 5,87%, dan 5,05%.
Kindergartners’ morphological awareness, its instruction and guidance in the Indonesian context Solehuddin, M.; Gunawan, Wawan; Kurniawan, Eri
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 9, No 1 (2019): Vol. 9 No. 1, May 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijal.v9i1.16887


Children's language development is an arguably integral part of early childhood education. This research departs from the assumption that morphological awareness encompassing sensitivity to word units plays a critical role in ascertaining the success of children's reading skills in school. The purpose of the present study was two-fold: i) to assess the level of morphological awareness of preschool children, and ii) to reveal the types of learning and guidance activities in the classroom that facilitate the development of children's linguistic awareness and early literacy in general. Data were obtained through a set of morphological awareness tasks (a judgment task and a word analogy task) to kindergarten students aged 4-6 years, classroom observations, and interviews with the teachers. By virtue of an exploratory nature of this research, the data stemmed from one kindergarten in a North Bandung area, Indonesia. Findings reveal that the kindergarten children, in general, have demonstrated early signs of morphological awareness owing to ongoing language development. Their morphological awareness level appears to be contingent on the extent of their morphological knowledge. Pedagogically, it is found that the teachers have provided the students with various types of morphological knowledge learning and guidance activities in the school to help hone the awareness. Implicationally, explicit morphological awareness and vocabulary instruction need to be implemented in a preschool context to prepare children’s later academic success.
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 7, No 2 (2017): Vol. 7 No. 2, September 2017
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijal.v7i2.8350


This study attempts to investigate the choice of theme and thematic progression deployed in one of the considerably best undergraduate theses in a university in Indonesia. The choice of theme and thematic progression is constrained by the audience of a particular culture; therefore, the process of meaning making is culturally situated. The university, in effects, has its standard for grading academic writing, representing a culture that shapes meaning making processes. This study particularly focuses on how theme and thematic progression contributes to making meanings to meet the demands of the institution. This study employs a descriptive-qualitative research design embracing the characteristics of a case study approach. The data obtained from the best undergraduate student’s thesis were analyzed from the perspective of Halliday’s theme system and its progression. The analysis shows that the three types of theme: topical, interpersonal and textual themes, were realized in the thesis following the conventional features of good academic writings. The topical theme dominantly occupies the theme system chosen for the thesis. This study confirms that a good academic text shares its characteristics across cultures, suggesting that the teaching of academic writing in one culture could refer to the characteristics of good academic texts in other cultures. 
Recontextualising Genre-Based Pedagogy in Indonesian Context: A Case of Preservice Teachers Nurlaelawati, Iyen; Lengkanawati, Nenden Sri; Gunawan, Wawan
International Journal of Education Vol 12, No 2 (2020): Volume 12, Issue 2
Publisher : UPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ije.v12i2.23394


This study focused on how two preservice teachers applied genre-based pedagogy in their teaching practices during teaching practicum in order to help their students produce descriptive report texts.  Using a case study design, the data were collected mainly from classroom observation and students’ texts. The findings showed that the preservice teachers had considerably good knowledge of genre-based pedagogy and of its application of the first two stages of the pedagogy. In the last two stages, they needed more attention to provide opportunities for the students to practice producing the focus text. In terms of the results of students’ learning, the preservice teachers needed improvement to support and observe the students’ development more closely in writing. This study suggests some evaluative results of how teaching practicum should support and help preservice teachers develop their professionalism in the field of EFL teaching.
Recontextualisation of genre-based pedagogy: The case of Indonesian EFL classrooms Kartika-Ningsih, Harni; Gunawan, Wawan
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 9, No 2 (2019): Vol. 9, No. 2, September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijal.v9i2.20231


Genre-based pedagogy has been adapted to the Indonesian national curriculum for subject English since 2004. There has been reports of its success and it now remains as an important part of the language curriculum at schools. However, there is a couple of considerations need to be taken seriously in relation with genre-based adaptation. First, genre-based pedagogy, based on systemic functional linguistics (SFL) theory, was developed in Australia in English as a mother tongue and ESL classrooms. Indonesian classrooms are different from those in Australia, not least because they teach English as a foreign language. Secondly, the Indonesian curriculum is prescribed from the centre, and though teachers are required to follow the genre-based approach that has been adopted, it is not clear how well teachers have understood it or implemented it. This article aims to discuss critically the recontextualisation of genre-based pedagogy in the EFL classrooms in Indonesia by investigating the ways teachers interpret and implement the teaching of English under the genre-based pedagogy. The study reported here was drawn from an action research project and involved observing one teaching learning unit of the teachers trained to implement the genre-based pedagogy. The findings indicate that the genre-based pedagogy in Indonesian EFL classrooms has been recontextualised only in part, because the influence of other teaching methods tends to prevail. This is problematic to the interest of the national curriculum to improve students’ English literacy. The main goal of genre pedagogy which aims to uphold social justice through equal distribution of knowledge will not prevail if the principles of the pedagogy itself is not recontextualised properly.
The re-appropriation of ideational meanings through drawings: A case of 5-year-old child experience in learning to mean Gunawan, Wawan
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Current Issues in English Language Education: Perspectives, Directions, and Inno
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijal.v8i2.13300


During the last decades, how children make meaning of particular worlds (e.g., events) through drawings has been well-documented. To add to this growing body of research, the present study attempts to document 5-year-old child experience in exploring ideational meanings represented in drawings as part of her home literacy practices in a transition into a dominant English school discourse in a multilingual context of the United States. Empirical data were garnered from the child’s drawings made at home, informal interviews with the child, and observation field notes focusing on the child’s think-aloud practices of drawing along with the features of the drawings in comparison with the captured movie images. These data were discursively analyzed using the concept of ideational meanings anchored in systemic functional and multimodal discourse approaches to capture the expansion of ideational meanings manifested in the child’s drawings. The semiotic analysis reveals that the child re-appropriated her drawings as a multi-semiotic resource to extend her understanding of the subject matter gained from the movie series. The ideational meanings were made subjectively through the interpretation of the drawings which have meaning potentials leading to the construction of meta-knowledge. The practical implication of this study is that language teachers may make use of drawings as a multi-semiotic resource for scaffolding young learners in learning second and foreign languages (e.g., English).