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Analysis The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Performance Through Leadership Style and Organizational Culture as A Moderator Putri, mentari adriaeni; Gustomo, Aurik
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 11, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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AbstractPerformance are the result of a complex process, which are come from the employee (internal factors), company situation (external factors) and the company strategic efforts. Performance were able to assessed of corporate achievement objectives. The purpose is to analyzed the effect of emotional intelligence on performance through leadership style and organizational culture as moderator. Using a descriptive correlational method, this research have been conducted in the company of Pertambangan and Energi (Geothermal) in Kamojang. 205 employees selected as respondents by using proportionate random sampling. Questionaire was used as a tool in data collection method. Data analysis techniques is Multiple Regression Analysis. Emotional intelligence has a positive influence on the Performance, Emotional intelligence and transformational leadership positive effect on performance, Emotional intelligence and organizational culture affect the performance, The effect of emotional intelligence with moderation transformational and transactional leadership and organizational culture affects on performance. Organizational culture is the most dominant variable affecting performance and Transformational leadership has a small effect compared to the other three variables, that transformational leadership is considered less support for enterprises to increasing performance, thus a need to develop transformational leadership is a skill.  Keyword : Emotional intelligence, Leadership style, Organizational Culture, Performance.
Pengaruh Nilai-Nilai Personal dalam Perspektif Dimensi Multikultural terhadap Kinerja Tim dengan Kepemimpinan Kolaboratif sebagai Variabel Moderator Gustomo, Aurik; Hutagaol, M. Parulian; Mangkuprawira, Sjafri; Putro, Utomo Sarjono
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 10, No 1 2011
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Perubahan lingkungan bisnis yang dinamis menuntut perusahaan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan organisasi terutama dalam kecepatan mengambil keputusan. Oleh karena itu perusahaan harus memberdayakan para pegawainya dengan membangun pendekatan organisasi organik. Karakteristik organisasi organik adalah dengan mengedepankan pengembangan tim-tim kerja. Riset ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh nilai-nilai personal berbasis dimensi multikultural terhadap kinerja tim dengan mempertimbangkan kepemimpinan kolaboratif sebagai variabel moderatornya. Riset ini sesuai dengan kondisi perusahaan di Indonesia karena adanya keberagaman etnik di antara para pegawainya.Kata kunci: nilai-nilai personal, multikultural, kinerja tim, kepemimpinan kolaboratif
Pengaruh Nilai-Nilai Personal, Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kepuasaan Kerja Karyawan Gustomo, Aurik; Silvianita, Anita
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 8, No 1 2009
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Kepuasan kerja merupakan salah satu factor dominan dalam membentuk komitmen pegawai terhadap perusahaan. Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepuasan kerja pegawai dengan faktor-faktor nilai personal, gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi. Riset ini didasari oleh keberagaman nilai-nilai personal dalam diri tiap individu sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya konflik atau sebaliknya sinergi di antara para karyawan. Masing-masing variabel riset dijabarkan dalam bentuk kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada responden dengan metode ‘simple random sampling”. Data yang terkumpul diolah menggunakan metoda “ Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)”. Hal ini karena metoda SEM mampu mengukur variabel yang tidak dapat diukur secara langsung namun saling berkaitan. Hasil riset ini menunjukan bahwa nilai-nilai personal, gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi memiliki hubungan yang positif dengan kepuasan kerja. Budaya organisasi sebagai variabel moderator ternyata dapat memperkuat hubungan yang tercipta antara gaya kepemimpinan dan kepuasan kerja. Katakunci: nilai-nilai personal, gaya kepemimpinan, budaya organisasi, kepuasan kerja
Analisis Pengaruh Total Returns terhadap Tingkat Engagement Dosen Institut Teknologi Bandung Wulandari, Purwanti; Gustomo, Aurik
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 10, No 3 2011
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Human resources aspect is one of crusial support in applying 'tridharma perguruan tinggi', includes ITB. ITB human resources management as well, especially to the lecturer as intellectual asset, will provide great added value to ITB. The establishment of the ITB lecturers' engagement must be pursued continuously. This research aims to determine the effect of total returns which includes compensation, state/recognition, and development opportunities to ITB's faculty engagement. The study used questionnaire which is spread to the lecturers in 12 Faculty/School at ITB. Respondent selected by simple random sampling method. Multiple regression analysis was used to estimate and test the model. The result of this study showed that recognition as independent variable had significantly affected the level of employee engagement. Whereas, compensation and development opportunity variables did not significantly affect ITB's lecturer engagement. The effect of moderator, age and tenure showed by as long as age and tenure increase, employee engagement was raised equally to compensation measurement. Result indicated that age and tenure positively influenced relationships between compensation and employee engagement but did not affect the relationships between recognition and development opportunity with employee engagement.Keywords: employee engagement, total returns, compensation, recognition, development opportunity,ITB.
Mapping and Improving Employee Engagement Driver Factors at PT XYZ Mahardika, Bhaskara Putra; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 4, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. PT. XYZ is a state-own oil and Gas Company of Indonesia. Founded in 13 September 2005, PT. XYZ is a company that runs an upstream business activity of oil and natural gas in Indonesia, covering exploration and exploitation. Based on PT. XYZ performance realization report, their employee engagement sector has scored 75% out of 100%. Based on that data, PT. XYZ left 25% room for improvement in Employee Engagement sector. The main point of this research is to mapping the employee engagement driver factor in the company in order to increase the employee engagement level of the company. In order to know which driver factor which have the most significant impact of the employee engagement, this research use a synthesis of employee engagement framework from ASTD, Gallup, and DDI. This research use questionnaire to gather the data and analyzed by SPSS. The result of this research was Job Fit became the most significant employee engagement driver factor in PT. XYZ. Based on that result, the suggestion plan for PT. XYZ was to apply the competency-based management and competency-based human resource to make a strong competency-based foundation in the company. Keywors : employee engagement, driver factor, employee performance, competency-based management, competency-based human resource.
Analysis of Organizational Culture and Leadership Style in RST Company Rosidah, Siti; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Culture and leadership is one of the important elements in company life, because it can make a significant contribution to the success or failure of an organization. In every company process there is a system that is not visible, but its existence makes the company different from others. The system is the organizational culture that is a characteristic that describes the characteristics of the company, because the organizational culture has a very important meaning that is used as a tool to achieve its goals. Thus with has organizational culture of high quality it will company sustain and compete with the other new companies. This final project is to analyze the organizational culture and leadership style in RST Company. The model used to assess the organizational culture is the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) by Cameron & Quinn. This model has four cultural types (clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy) and of the four cultural has 6 dimensions (dominant characteristic, organizational leadership, management of employee, organizational glue, strategic emphases, and criteria for success). While leadership style using transformational and transactional model and counted with frequency analysis. In collecting the data, the sample used is 33 people by distributing questionnaires. The results of this research is the dominant culture in RST Company are clan, market, and adhocracy culture that emphasizes family clan to be applied in the organization, and leadership style emphasizes transformational that prioritized .Keyword: Organizational culture, leadership style, Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI)
The Decisive Factors of Choosing Tutorial Institution (Bimbingan Belajar): The Case Study in Ganesha Operations and Sony Sugema College Kusuma, Rizky Aditya; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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The purpose of this research was to find the factors that become a parent consideration before choosing a Tutorial Institution (Bimbingan Belajar/bimbel). To answer that, Service Quality and Importance-Performance Analysis tool were used in this research. The Service Quality used were divided into 10 dimensions, the 10 dimensions then derived into 32 attributes. The 32 attributes then will be analyzed using Importance-Performance analysis tools that will represents the factors that parents think determine their decisions in choosing bimbel. The research was conducted in two of most recognizable bimbel in Bandung, West Java-Indonesia, the bimbel were Ganesha Operation and Sony Sugema College. There are 120 questionnaire spread using non probability sampling. The research found several important attributes in parent’s point of view. The research also founds that both of the bimbel weren’t performing well in several dimensions. In Ganesha Operations, the tangible dimension, the reliability dimension, the responsiveness dimension and the communication dimension should be improved. Meanwhile in SSC, the tangible dimension, the reliability dimension, and the credibility dimension are the dimension that they should improve. The results then can be used by any of bimbel to improve their performance as there are attributes that were important by the parent’s point of view. Meanwhile, for the bimbel that involved in this research, recommendations were available in the end of paper.Keyword: Tutorial Institution (bimbel), SERVQUAL, Importance-Performance analysis, customer satisfaction.
Identification and Analysis of Accident Causes Using Human Factors Analysis and Classification System Approach in PT X Narendradewo, Pandu; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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The research’s purpose is to reveal most intense human factor to cause accidents within PT X January to July 2012 period by using Human Factors Analysis and Classification System. Result was created  by accumulating the accident hierarchy frequency from the Body Injured Incident Data record of six months along with the Injured Body Parts Map data to find out which part could be harmed on what level. Then from the summarized contents , human factors of accident would be extracted using Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) approach, dividing each accident into specific category. To see which factor caused what, the accident hierarchy and the factors will be correlated to form a new variable,  reveals what kind of causes that appears the most and brought what type accident in result. That step will then completed by adding injured parts to the the one got found. The result overview pointed at revelation of Skill-Based Error and Physical Environment as the dominant of factors that lead to Medical Treatment accidents during the period. The result then would be a consideration to develop accident prevention program with focus on those two. Keywords; Safety,Human Factors Analysis and Classification System, Accident.Category:Human Resources Management, Safety and Health Management
Workload Analysis on CV Saswco Perdana Mayasari, Mia; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 6 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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The research aimed to find out how the workload can be evenly distributed in CV.SaswcoPerdana, so employees have clear job analysis. The methodology used is Workload Analysis. Primary data is collected by questionnaires and workload form that distributed to 12 employee and interview the management. There are several job positions are overload and under load. Overall, the most employees understand their job analysis and know their standard workload. Suggestions for CV.Saswco Perdana are company should review the job description for employee of each position and reduce some overload job to under load job. Keywords: Workload, Job Description, Human Resources Management, Workload Analysis Category: Human Resources Management, Human Resources Planning, Work System, Workload Analysis
Determining Key Performance Indicators: Case Study at School of Business and Management ITB Tria, Bella; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 4, No 10 (2015)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract- Organization is known as the most important and basic function of management. School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM-ITB), is one of the most well known business and management school in the country. Today in Indonesia, the competition between different business schools has become tighter over the years. The research objective is to determine a set of alternatives of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for SBM-ITB since SBM-ITB currently does not have a proper system to deliver incentives for the employees, a system to develop their employees, and a system to develop their employee competencies/career. Hence a proper performance appraisal system is required to create the system. In order to create performance appraisal system, certain factors must be determined. The method use to determine the Key Performance Indicator is the steps in improving Key Performance Appraisal System, narrative analysis, and conceptual framework on determining Quantitative KPIs. The sample consists of fourteen professional staff (non-academic staff) of SBM-ITB representing their different units/division. The result of this research shows the Key Performance Appraisal for fourteen professional staffs after merging their Job Profile, ISO, RENSTRA, and conducting an interview. The result of this research is the recommended example or alternative of KPIs that can be used by SBM-ITB in determining their employee KPIs in the future, which is aim to increase the performance of their employees. The recommendation for this research is to improve and update their current job description, ISO, and RENSTRA and to further expand the KPIs for other staff in SBM-ITB.  Keywords: key performance indicator, SBM-ITB, organization