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Analysis of Employee Engagement in PT Kaltim Prima Coal Indonesia Utoro, Dyta Tameswari; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) is one of largest mining company in the world, which engages in coal mining and sales for both domestic and international industrial customers. In the midst of the global competition climate, Kaltim Prima Coal recognize that it is their employee who have driven company to move forward and distinguished them from other competitors. The purpose of this research is to find out which factor that affect the employee engagement in KPC and in the end will analyze about factors that need more improvements, in order to maintain the employee engagement within employees in KPC. The result shows that there were 3 factors that really affect the employee engagement in D & E level of management in PT KPC, there were quality of work, inspiration value, and tangible rewards.Keywords: PT KPC, employee engagement, hay model, ASTD
Journal of Business and Management Vol 6, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. Background: This research aims to construct driver variables of employee value proposition, on what level each variables has an effect to employee value proposition, and what is the weaknesses of that variable of employee value proposition in PT NMH. Methods: This research used method based on exploratory study then building conceptual model of EVP and create questionnaire design afterward. In collecting the data, questionnaires distributed to 195 employees from 14 divisions in PT. NMH using sampling method. Result: The result of analysis factor Principal Component Analysis found new variables that there are seven variables which effect to employee value proposition, consists of; leadership, company image, communication and working environment, compensation and allowances, opportunity, job, and vision. Based on descriptive analysis found that job has the lowest average score, and the weaknesses of this variable is about “The job as desired” it defined that employees in PT. NMH did not get the job as they wants to get when they choose to work in the company. Conclusion: Based on the result of factor analysis and descriptive analysis that PT. NMH have to concern in Job factors especially in job demands and job resources.Keywords: employee value proposition, driver variable of employee value proposition, PT. NMH
Analysis on PT Semen Indonesia Organizational Culture Based on Organizational Cultural Assessment Instrument (OCAI) Zulfikar, Rachmat Calief; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 7 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Up until now, PT. Semen Indonesia has been dominating the cement industry competition in Indonesia. In the other sides, the South East Asia region will encounter a new phenomenon in 2015 which is ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) with the mission of making ASEAN region as a region with free movement of goods, services, investment, skilled labor, and a free flow of capital, that have the program of improving the implementation of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) which will eliminate any cost of tariff for goods trading from any ASEAN region countries. That means the competition that PT. Semen Indonesia will encounter is not only against other Indonesian private companies, but also with other ASEAN countries’ companies. This research’s objectives is to assess the current condition of PT. Semen Indonesia’s organizational culture and also the preferred organizational culture by PT. Semen Indonesia’s employees by using Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI. The result shows that the current organizational culture in PT. Semen Indonesia is balanced without any tendency to any category of organizational cultural framework. While for the preferred condition by PT. Semen Indonesia’s employees, the culture tends to Entrepreneurial and Clan Culture.Keywords: Semen Indonesia, Organizational Culture, OCAI, AEC, AFTA
A Proposal to Evaluate Training Material of Indonesia mengajar Program; Case Study: Training for Pengajar Muda Batch Fourth Yuliana, Indah; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract-PM’s workplace condition is very dynamic so IM need to evaluate the intensive training implementation periodically in order to the trained material to PM appropriate with the needs. This research aim to evaluate intensive training implementation which was gave to PM batch fourth. This research focus on evaluation of training PM batch fourth. Result from the research will be recommend to IM to be a consideration for the next training design. This research use qualitative method which use primary and secondary data. The primary data was gathered by interview and the secondary data was gathered from journal published, internet and data from IM which related with the research. Based on the data analysis, the results showed that there is a gap between the materials needed with the material that has been given at the intensive training. There are several competencies need more training, those are pedagogical understanding, knowledge about condition of the placement, survival skills, and leadership skills. To cover this gap, IM need to add the necessary materials and remove the less important training material. Keywords: education, training, competency, evaluation, IM, PM
The Influence of Employee Engagement to Employee Performance at PT Telkom Bandung Azizah, Azmi; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 4, No 7 (2015)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship about employee engagement to employee performance, and the best recommendation for the company to increase their performance. This research was taken at Service Company which is PT Telkom Bandung, one of the first state-owned monopoly companies that required providing the best service to the public in this case phone users or customers. 100 questionnaires are distributed to six departments at PT Telkom Bandung. It develop by using Gallup’s Q12 questionnaire of engagement, ASTD theory (Say, Stay, and Strive), and their relationship to employee performance. The result show that there are 5 of 12 variables indicate very good level of engagement in driver variable of employee engagement, which are: Materials and Equipment, Opportunity to Do the Best, Someone Who Cares at Work, Associates’ Committed to Quality, and Best Friend. Besides, dimension of Strive has very good level as indicator of employee performance. There are 7 of 12 variables indicate good level of engagement in driver variable of employee engagement, which are: Expectation, Recognition of Good Work, Encouraged the Development, Opinions Count, Mission/Purpose, Progress of Work, and Learn and Grow. Besides, dimension of Say and Stay has good level as indicator of employee engagement. All driver variable of employee engagement has directly influence to indicator of employee engagement and indirectly influence to employee performance, and all indicator of employee engagement has directly influence to employee performance.    Keywords: employee engagement, employee performance, performance, job performance.
Analysis of Training Evaluation Process Using KIRKPATRICK'S Traininng Evaluation Model at PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. Ikramina, Fildzah; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract- The main topic of this research is finding problems and gap using training evaluation model in PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk, then coming up with a way to reduce it. In order to know whether the training is successful or not, it is needed to evaluate the training, one of the methods is Kirkpatrick’s the four levels training evaluation model. In this research, the training evaluation program in BTN is analyzed by interviewing the learning division manager and also by comparing the existing training evaluation design used by BTN with the theory that is stated by Kirkpatrick. The training evaluation program is analyzed to see the behavioral change in behavior level of evaluation. This research will show the result of the listing problems that happened in behavior level of evaluation, and also will state the gap that occurred between the theory and the implementation in BTN current training evaluation design. Furthermore, the list of possible recommendations such as coaching and making control group which also will be stated as the end result to be proposed to BTN in order to improve future training evaluation design. Keywords: training, training evaluation program, BTN, comparison,  Kirkpatrick, gap, coachingCategory: human capital management
Analysis of Corporate Leadership Culture Internalization in Groupe Danone Indonesia Head Office Syirodj, Muhammad; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 7 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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In this globalization era, business competition will be very tight. By 2015, there will be the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community). ASEAN will become a single market and single production base where there is flow of goods, services, investment and skilled labor is free, as well as freer capital flows among ASEAN countries. Organization with strong culture is very helpful to enhance the performance of the employees that leads to the goal achievement and increases the overall performance of the organization. Danone is one of the world’s biggest and most successful food companies. Groupe Danone has leadership culture that must be implemented by all employees. This culture should go along through the behavior of employees. Employee performance affected by the corporate culture, that is why companies need to ensure that the corporate culture embraced by every employee. This research’s objective is to know Groupe Danone Indonesia corporate leadership culture condition and design also to analyze the existence condition of corporate leadership culture. Groupe Danone Indonesia has four dimension of corporate leadership culture; Committed, Open, Doer, and Empowered (CODE). From the research by questionnaire, empowered dimension is in very good category. Besides, committed, open, and doer are in acceptable category but still need to be improved.Keywords: Groupe Danone Indonesia, Organizational Culture, Corporate Culture, AEC.
Analysis of Employee Engagement in PT kartina Trisatria Fazary, Mario Herman; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 5, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. PT. Kartina Trisatria is a nationwide company centered in Tanah Abang (the head office recently moved to Tanah Kusir, Jakarta) that has 83 direct employees and also has business partners (for production) with more than 1000 employees and also had implemented the employee engagement strategy, which is a concept that became very important human resource management strategy in companies worldwide, for their daily business activity. But even with the implementation of employee engagement, the employee turnover of PT Kartina Trisatria is still quiet high averaging 11.735% in 2009-2013 (PT. Kartina Trisatria, 2014). The purpose of this research is to find out which factor that affect the employee engagement in PT Kartina Trisatria and in the end will analyze about factors that need more improvements, in order to maintain the employee engagement within employees in the company. The employee engagement model this research will use is based on the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) because it is suitable with the internal condition of the company to identify which driver variables of employee engagement needed to be improved. This research primary data was taken from questionnaire and interview with the employees in PT Kartina Trisatria. Then the questionnaire data was analyzed using the frequency test method with SPSS software. The interview was explained using narrative in the project. The analysis of the data showed this research that the driver variable that has the lowest score was the hygiene factor, which consists of resources and job salary given by the company. These researches gave suggestions about the improvement of the compensation system and also add some variables, which is position allowance, vehicle allowance, merit pay, and family allowance. Keywords: employee engagement, PT Kartina Trisatria, ASTD, compensation, Herzberg
Design Improvement of Employee Performance Appraisal Management In PT Bina Kayu Lestari Tasikmalaya Herlina, Firda; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 4, No 8 (2015)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. Performance appraisal is one of the important components in the rational and systematic process of human resources management. The Primary reason for having a performance appraisal program is to monitor employee’s performance, motivate staff and improve the company morale. In PT Mantu, the monitoring employee performance requires routine is from the attendance there is still use manual attendance, which is accomplished through completing a performance appraisal form which call “Amano”. The current performance appraisal system is not have the formal procedure so that the effect for the employees is perceived unfairness of the performance review during the performance appraisal process. This research is done using quantitative and qualitative data to know the employee performance appraisal system in current system and how to improve this system to the future in PT Mantu. The current employee performance appraisal system in PT Mantu cannot increase the employee performance and increase the employee productivity because the company not clearly criteria to appraise the employee performance. Not have the formal procedure to performance appraisal process. Not use the formal performance appraisal form. This research have the recommendation such as: design of performance appraisal, the criteria of employee performance appraisal system is, method of employee performance appraisal and period of employee performance appraisal. Keywords: Employee Performance Appraisal, Performance Appraisal
Developing Business Strategy of Tribece Urban Market Tunggadevi, Vincya; Gustomo, Aurik
Journal of Business and Management Vol 3, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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TriBeCa Urban Retreat is one of a beauty salon  that located in the heart of Bandung. The problem in TriBeCa Urban Retreat is in capturing larger market to increasing sales growth, which is the unpreparedness in capturing larger market while the competitors are increasing agressively. The internal problem in human resource, also may cause declining the standard quality of TriBeCa. The purpose of this research is to develop the business strategy to analyze the company ability to compete and help the business to grow, which supported by the functional strategy in resolving the business internal problem. This research uses Porter’s generic competitive to determine the most suitable competitive strategies for TriBeCa Urban Retreat.. To support the business strategy, the functional strategy is more focused on marketing strategy and Human Resource (HR) strategy. The primary data for this research was obtained by interviewing the owner of TriBeCa and also some of the customers by using convenience sampling, to define the business focus of TriBeCa, by adapting from SERVQUAL dimension.The result of this analysis, TriBeCa can be the product leader to capture the larger market and increase the sales growth. Based on characteristic of Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategy, the differentiation focus strategy is the most suitable and feasible for TriBeCa Urban Retreat. Horizontal integration, in opening another branch not necessarily needed because the existing place still capable in handling the expected number of customers.Keywords : TriBeCa Urban Retreat, Salon Industry, Business development, Strategic Development, Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategy