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Measurement and Improvement of Employee Engagement Level , a study case in PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) Purba, Sondang Romian; Gustomo, Aurik
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract— The high turn over rate  in  Directorate of Technology and Development and the  high overtime rate in the Directorate of Production in PT Dirgantara Indonesia are few circumstances that show the need of improvement in  employee engagement level.  The study is to measure and analyze the  employee engagement and give recommendation to improve the employee engagement level in PT Dirgantara Indonesia. The survey in this study will use the WIFI model, that will show how the employees think about the Wellbeing, Information, Fairness and Involvement dimensions in the company. The study was conducted using both qualitative nd quantitative methods. Qualitative methods were in-depth interviews and focus group discussion with selected employees, and the questionnaire is the one designed based on the questionnaire from Sarah Cook using the WIFI Model.  The results of the survey shows the most significant area to improve the level of employe engagement in PT Dirgantara Indonesia is Involvement Dimension.  To produce the atmosphere of involvement and encouraging the employee to get involved in PT Dirgantara Indonesia,  the sense of involvement need to happen at three levels. The first level is involvement with employee’s direct line that can be improved by the action of coaching and facilitating and empowering skills. The second level is involvement with other team,  consist of encouraging cross functional involvement. And the third level is Involvement with organization as a whole, that consist of the activity of making senior manager as Role Models.  Keywords: Employee Engagement, WIFI Model, Involvement 
Proposed Design of Competency Based Career Path Development for Machining Job Group in PT Dirgantara Indonesia Inayah, Inayah; Gustomo, Aurik
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 3, No 10 (2014)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract. PT. Dirgantara Indonesia is a State Owned Enterprise (SOE) that was founded in 1976, has its headquarters in Bandung and provides products and services in its business lines. PT Dirgantara Indonesia has a vision to be a world-class aerospace company based on the mastery of high technology and cost competitiveness in the global market. In mid-2010, PT. Dirgantara Indonesia was trying to show the new expectations and potential growth to become a better company. PT Dirgantara Indonesia is planning new strategy related to human resources, it is trying to restructure and stabilize the regeneration of human resources. It needs to be done because lack of motivation and a lot of employees left the company led to stagnant labor productivity. This is being happened because the company has not developed structured career planning for its employees and implementation of human resources management practice also has not well integrated. The development of competency-based career paths is one of solution to resolve the issue. Career paths are designed based on competency model that defined from the values and objectives of the company's business and also based Job Family. The research methodology used in this study is a mixed method, using both qualitative, used for collecting data from in depth interviews and reading literatures, and quantitative that used as a measurement tools to define business solution by SPSS. Development of career paths in this research using hierarchical cluster analysis for the 45 job title on machining job group by Directorate of Production based on 6 core competencies, 10 functional competencies and  2 technical competencies and career path that will be developed in this research is single career path. Based on this research resulted job competency for 45 job title and grouped into three cluster on Job Family, and each job title consist of different job class. Based on three clusters will develop one cluster as whole after several stages of clustering analysis. Career path development can be implemented as part of a career management system for PT Dirgantara Indonesia’s future, so it expected to increase productivity of employee performance and succession of career planning also can be structuredKeywords: Competency, Career Path
Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia Vol 18 No 3 (2018): Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Telkom University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (924.034 KB) | DOI: 10.25124/jmi.v18i3.1736


Aon Hewitt Indonesia (AHI) as global HR consulting firm serves in Indonesia providing employee engagement survey for their clients. The survey is to assess the company's employee engagement condition and with key deliverables solutions to improve the employee engagement condition. Recently some AHI clients have expressed their dissatisfaction concerning the employee engagement model that AHI used on their survey product, as it is too focus on what client needs to provide for its employees and there is no assessment of what makes the employee become disengaged. A new employee engagement model using the complete twodimensional observations through the engagement-job burnout condition is developed as the alternative solution to overcome the deficiencies which come from AHI's survey product using the old model. From the employee engagement survey using the new model it provides several outputs to help client improve the engagement and prevent job burnout on their employees as follows; the current client's engagement and job burnout score, statistical analyses on the key area of work life to be improved corresponding to improve engagement and prevent job burnout, and the suggestion regarding actionable solutions for client to implement in space of one year after the survey has finished. Keywords—Aon Hewitt Indonesia employee engagement survey, Engagement, Job burnout, Key areas of work life, Statistical analysis. Abstrak Aon Hewitt Indonesia (AHI) sebagai perusahaan konsultansi HR dunia yang beroperasi di Indonesia menyediakan survei keterikatan pegawai kepada klien-kliennya. Survei ini untuk menilai kondisi keterikatan pegawai pada suatu perusahaan dan dengan keluaran kunci solusi-solusi untuk meningkatkan kondisi keterikatan pegawai. Belakangan ini beberapa klien dari AHI menunjukkan ketidakpuasan terhadap model keterikatan pegawai yang digunakan AHI. Masukan-masukan dari klien mengatakan bahwa model yang digunakan terlalu fokus terhadap apa yang dibutuhkan oleh klien untuk diberikan kepada pegawai-pegawainya, dan tidak adanya penilaian terhadap apa yang membuat pegawai menjadi tidak terikat. Model baru untuk keterikatan pegawai menggunakan observasi dua dimensi yang lengkap melalui kondisi keterikatan-kelelahan kerja dikembangkan sebagai solusi alternatif untuk menutupi kekurangan-kekurangan yang ada pada model lama. Dari survei keterikatan pegawai menggunakan model yang baru, memberikan beberapa keluaran untuk membantu klien dalam meningkatkan keterikatan pegawai terhadap perusahaan dan menghindarkan pegawai untuk merasa lelah dalam bekerja sebagai berikut: nilai keterikatan pegawai dan kelelahan bekerja pegawai terkini, analisa statistik terhadap area utama kehidupan kerja untuk meningkatkan keterikatan pegawai dan menghindarkan pegawai untuk merasa lelah dalam bekerja, dan saran mengenai solusi yang dapat ditindaklanjuti untuk diimplementasikan oleh klien dalam jangka waktu satu tahun setelah dilaksanakannya survei. Kata kunci—Survei keterikatan pegawai Aon Hewitt Indonesia, Keterikatan, Kelelahan kerja, Area utama kehidupan kerja, Analisis statistik.