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Studi Penempatan Sumur Resapan Berdasarkan Nilai Laju Infiltrasi, Kualitas Fisik Air, dan Tekstur Tanah pada DAS Air Timbalun dan Sungai Pisang Di Kota Padang Fajar Inaqtiyo Zalaff; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. Groundwater is a vital natural resource for humans whose availability is diminishing due to population growth. Where the infiltration area located east of the city of Padang began to changes into housing, offices, etc. This causes a reduction in catchment areas, flooding and decreasing environmental quality, especially groundwater in the Air Timbalun and Sungai Pisang Watershed. To reduce flooding in the Air Timbalun and Sungai Pisang Watershed, a study of placement of absorption wells was conducted based on infiltration rate values, physical quality of groundwater, and soil texture.The study was conducted at 26 points in the alluvium area of the Air Timbalun and Sungai Pisang watershed. With the data obtained of groundwater physical quality data, soil texture, and other supporting data.Based on the data obtained the average value of infiltration rate in the study area of 0.058828 cm/minute is classified as a low absorption area (<0.5 cm/minute). After conducting research by observant statistical analysis of linear regression, physical quality of water, soil texture, lithology conditions, and land use in the Air Timbalun and Sungai Pisang Watershed. So the placement of absorption  wells is spread over 14 points in the Air Timbalun and Sungai Pisang Watershed, Padang City.  Keywords: Absorption Wells, Infiltration Rate, Physical Quality of Groundwater, Soil Texture, Lithology
Analisis Potensi Longsor pada Ruas Jalan Malalak Km 33 di Kecamatan Malalak, Kabupaten Agam, Provinsi Sumatera Barat Resty Prasuryani; Rusli HAR; Raimon Kopa
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 4 (2018): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. Based on observations made on Sicincin-Malalak street KM 33 have been found 12th failure point with various conditions and types of failure. In addition, the geometry of the slope, high intensity of the earthquake and rainfall greatly affect to the condition of slope stability. The research was done on rock  slope with many joints, steep geometry, and many rockfalls. From these problem, we need to measure the physical characteristic, compressive strength and rock mass condition in research area using Rock Mass Rating (RMR) classification. Furthermore, the analysis of potential failure in the research area doing using dips to know the type of failure and then analyzed the stability of the slope using the limit equilibrium  method.  The results of rock mass classification with RMR obtained rocks included in Group II which means rock mass in good condition. Analysis using dips in get type of failure is toppling failure with possibly 15,53% with failure stike = N 225 E - N 285 E and dip = 15° - 90°. Furthermore, slope stability analysis was performed using the equilibrium limiting method for toppling failure and obtained FK values of slope is 1,58 which means that the slope is stable but still need protection from rock fall with construction of ditch and wiremesh instalation.Keyword: Failure, limit equilibrium method, toppling, slope stability, RMR
Kajian Laju Infiltrasi Ditinjau dari Perbedaan Litologi Batuan, Kemiringan Lahan dan Sifat Fisik Tanah pada DAS Sungai Pisang Kota Padang Mendoza Mendoza; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 3 (2018): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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The problems of this research were illegal logging in waterheds areas,  as well as land conversion as residential area and other used thus, the disruption of the rain absorption area into the soil (infiltration). Highest of the rain caused of saturated soil and potential flooding. More other, infiltration influenced by several factor they are: rocks lithology condition, land slope and soil physical characteristic. Therefore  have to doing study about infiltration rate, infiltration zone mapping and calculation of water discharge that can be absorbed by soil. This study was conducted on 10 different point. The data that had been gotten from primary data was observation in the field, that is data of infiltration rate estimation by using double ring infiltrometer, handbor for rocks lithology, tensiometer and sand cone for measuring of soil physical characteristic. Based on processing of the data using Kostiakov method, got average of infiltration rate research area is 0.1303 cm/min, belong to the classification of absorption area is very low (<0.1-0.2 cm/min). Based the statistics analysis, the condition of rocks lithology, land slope and soil physical characteristic is very influenced toward infiltration rate. The infiltration zone mapping is devided into 6 zone, with lowest infiltration rate of 0,001002-0,082666 cm/min and the highest infiltration rate zone is 0.0610078-0.86868 cm/min. Furthermore the water  discharge that can be absorbed by soil in research area of 1.22 km2 is 78,000 m3/hr/km2 (very small).  Keywords: Infiltration Rate and Infiltration Zone , Kostiakov Method, Rocks Lithology, Land Slope, Soil Physical Characteristic
Kajian Laju Infiltrasi Pada DAS Air Timbalun Kota Padang Ditinjau Dari Perbedaan Lithology, Kemiringan Lahan, dan Parameter Fisik Tanah Ahmad Fauzan; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 4 (2018): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. Infilration that is disturbed in an area will affect the existing hydrological cycle and make the natural balance not met. The construction and opening of new land has led to a diversion of land use which was originally a water catchment area, so that the water catchment area was reduced, causing flooding in residential areas. Infiltration is also influenced by several factors including rock lithology conditions, land slope and soil physical condition. Therefore, it is necessary to study the infiltration rate, infiltration zoning mapping, and the calculation of water discharge that can be applied to the soil. This research was carried out at 15 different points. The data obtained are primary data which is direct observation in the field, namely the coordinates of the study location, groundwater data, lithology, land slope, soil physical properties (water content, porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil density), and infiltration rate measurement data. Based on data processing using the Kostiakov method, the average infiltration rate of the study area was 0.010565 cm/min, including the very low absorption area classification (<0.1-0.2 cm/min). based on statistical analysis, rock lithology conditions, land slope and soil physical properties are very influential on the rate of infiltration. Infiltration zoning mapping was divided into 6 zones, with the lowest infiltration rate 0.000017093-0.002509782 cm/minute and the highest infiltration rate zone 0.022775581-0.046821598 cm /minute. In addition, the water discharge that can be absorbed by the soil in the study area with an area of 14,199 km2 is 6,600 m3/hour/km2 (very low). Keywords: Infiltration Rate and Infiltration Zone , Kostiakov Method, Rocks Lithology, Land Slope, Soil Physical Characterist
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Dalam sistem penambangan bawah tanah pada lokasi Ciurug L.450 PT. ANTAM (Persero) Tbk UBPE Pongkor masalah yang sering terjadi adalah banyak air yang masuk atau tergenang. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sistem penyaliran tambang untuk menunjang jalannya aktivitas penambangan, sehingga berbagai infrastruktur yang dibuat bertujuan untuk mengendalikan air yang mengalir di area penambangan khususnya di dalam lubang bukaan. Sistem penanganan air di daerah ini lebih diperhatikan karena berhubungan langsung dengan aktivitas penambangan yang selalu bersifat mobile (bergerak), sehingga debit air yang keluar harus sesuai dengan debit air yang masuk ke dalam tambang.Pada daerah Ciurug L.450 bagian selatan mempunyai 7 mine sump, karena sistem pemompaan dilakukan dengan cara mengalirkan air dari satu mine sump ke mine sump berikutnya hingga mencapai ke mine sump utama. Jenis pompa yang digunakan Tsurumi LH637, Tsurumi LH875 dan Warman 4/3 EHH. Jumlah pompa yang digunakan saat ini berjumlah 28 unit, dikarenakan besarnya debit air tanah yang masuk. Banyaknya pemakain jumlah pompa diakibatkan belum adanya pengukuran debit air secara detail pada tambang Ciurug L.450 bagian selatan. Pengukuran debit air tanah pada tambang Ciurug L.450 bagian selatan dilakukan secara manual terbagi atas dua daerah yaitu Ramp Down A (RD A) menggunakan wadah drum dan Ramp Down B (RD B) menggunakan paritan.Berdasarkan pembahasan dan analisis data dapat disimpulkan debit air tanah pada daerah RD A XC 452 sebesar 0,317 (m3/m) dan XC 445 sebesar 0,112 (m3/m) sedangkan pada RD B debit air 9,29 (m3/m) dan jumlah unit pompa yang dibutuhkan untuk mengeringkan air berjumlah 23 unit terdiri dari 8 unit Tsurumi LH637, 3 unit Tsurumi LH875 dan 12 unit Warman 4/3 EEH serta rancangan instalasi pemompaan yang ideal dan efektif.Kata Kunci: Sistem Penyaliran, Pompa, Debit Air
Analisis Debit Air Limpasan Di Permukaan (Run Off) Pada Das Batang Kandih Dan Das Air Dingin Sebagai Penyebab Terjadinya Genangan Di Kota Padang Hero Willy Ikhsan Ordheo; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 1 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract.The Purpose of this study is to calculate rainwater discharge into the groundthrough the infiltration process and water discharge that become a inundation on thesurface, when it rains highest in on the DAS Batang Kandih and DAS Air Dingin. DAS AirDingin has an infiltration rate of around 0,10852 cm/minutes and the value of infiltration inthe DAS Air Dingin is 65.402,5331 m3/hour/km2 with catchment area 20.844 km2 and soilcatchment area on the DAS Air Dingin very low with time around 0,1 to 0,2 per minutes.Meanwhile infiltration rate on the DAS Batang Kandih is 0,128 cm/minutes and the value ofinfiltration in the study area is 76.775,58 m3/hour/km2. Form the result of this study theinfiltration value in this area as very small because it enters the VI/E zone. Calculation ofaverage daily maximum rainfall using Polygon Thiessen Method is 163,359 mm/day with areturn period of 25 years of rainfall is 277,005 mm/day. Rain intensity at DAS Air Dingin is32,760 hours and rain intensity at DAS batang Kandih is 32,935 hours. calculation of runoff discharge value at DAS Air Dingin is 811,370 m3/seconds and calculation of run offdischarge value at DAS Batang Kandih is 863,188 m3/seconds.Keywords:infiltration, rainfall, rainfall return period, rain intensity, run off
Analisis Risiko Bahaya dan Upaya Pengendalian Kecelakaan Kerja dengan Metode Hirarki Pengendalian Bahaya pada Area Penambangan Batu Gamping Bukit Karang Putih di PT. Semen Padang, Sumatera Barat Ilham Yufahmi; RUSLI HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 4 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT. Semen Padang was founded on 18 March 1910 under the name NV Nederlandsch Indische Portland Cement Maatschappid (NV NIPCM) which is the first cement factory in Indonesia. Workers are always faced with various hazards and risks in the workplace that can cause work accidents and occupational diseases. This study aims to determine the risk of harm, determine the likelihood of work accidents and their consequences, and how to carry out the necessary hazard control against these hazards. Hierarchy of hazard control method was used in this study, the level of hazard risk was determined based on the risk matrix table so that the results obtained were 11 hazard parameters with a low risk level, 14 hazard parameters with a medium risk level and 5 hazard parameters with a high risk level.
Analisis Kestabilan Lereng Studi Kasus Kelongsoran Ruas Jalan Sicincin-Malalak KM 27.6 Kecamatan Malalak, Kabupaten Agam Qiratul Aini; Raimon Kopa; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat, menyatakan sekitar 65.068 dari 519.000 warga Agam berada dan tinggal di lokasi rawan tanah longsor. Salah satu kejadian longsor di Kecamatan Malalak (2017), mengakibatkan penutupan ruas jalan alternatif Sicincin-Bukittinggi. Selain itu, terdapatnya titik yang rawan terhadap longsor yaitu pada titik S 0° 22.314' dan E 100° 17.339 dengan elevasi 1212 mdpl.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian terapan (applied research) dengan metode kuantitatif. Analisis kestabilan lereng dibantu dengan software tambang. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang terdiri dari data sifat fisik tanah yaitu: kadar air tanah, bobot isi tanah, dan spesific gravity, data kuat geser tanah dimana uji kuat geser tanah akan menghasilkan nilai kohesi (c) dan sudut geser dalam tanah (????), tinggi lereng (m), sudut kemiringan lereng (˚) dan ketebalan tiap lapisan tanah pada lereng penelitian(m). Sedangkan untuk data sekunder terdiri dari Peta Geologi, Peta Hidrogeologi, data curah hujan, Peta Topografi Kabupaten Agam dan Peta Zonasi Gempa Indonesia.Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai faktor keamanan lereng aktual tanpa memasukkan nilai getaran gempa pada kondisi kering adalah 1,388, kondisi asli adalah 1,040 dan pada kondisi jenuh adalah 0,755. Kemudian nilai faktor keamanan lereng dengan memasukkan nilai faktor getaran gempa pada kondisi kering nilainya 0,742, pada kondisi asli nilainya nilainya 0,599 dan pada kondisi jenuh 0,340. Dari hasil analisis kestabilan lereng menunjukkan bahwa pada saat lereng tidak dipengaruhi nilai faktor getaran gempa nilai faktor keamanannya pada kondisi asli dan jenuh tidak aman karena nilainya <1.25, sedangkan saat kondisi kering lereng tersebut dalam keadaan stabil. Sedangkan jika lereng dipengaruhi getaran gempa didapatkan pada semua kondisi lereng stabil. Kemudian, penulis merekomendasikan untuk perbaikan stabilitas lereng dengan mengubah kemiringan lereng dari 61˚ menjadi 42˚ pada kondisi tanpa memasukkan nilai getaran gempa dapat menaikkan nilai FK lereng nilainya yaitu 1.403, dimana menurut Joseph E. Bowles (1984) lereng tersebut sudah pada kondisi aman.Kata kunci: analisis kestabilan lereng, faktor keamanan, getaran gempa
Analisis Geometri Lereng Pada Ruas Jalan Sicincin-Malalak KM 33 Kecamatan Malalak Kabupaten Agam Provinsi Sumatera Barat Welly Handa Nuraga; Raimon Kopa; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 3 (2018): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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The slope geometry stability on the Sicincin-Malalak road section on KM 33 was analyzed using the limit equilibrium method by using mining software and then manually calculating the slope safety using the Fellenius method and testing using Hoek and Bray diagrams (1981). Type of the failure on the hill in KM 33 was an arc landslide (circular failure) because the landslide on the slope forms is a semicircle. Determination of the safe or not slope in the study location is guided by the Decree of the Minister of Public Works in 1987. Who proposes the road slope can be declared safe if it has a slope safety value without an earthquake above 1.35. As for conditions with earthquakes, the safety value of the slope must be above 1.2. Trial slope testing at the study site was carried out by slope slope every 5 ° from the slope of the 49 ° slope. The slope is then assumed under various conditions, it was dry, natural, saturated, and earthquake for slope of 44 °, 39 ° and 34 °. After analyzing and calculations using various methods, the slope with a 34 ° slope is a recommendation because it has a security value above 1.35 for conditions without earthquakes, the slope length is 31.625 m and the slope is declared safe. The results of the tests are expected to be recommendations for preventing landslides.Keywords:  Slope Stability, Safety Factor, Circular Failure,  Mining Software, Fellenius Method, Hoek and Bray Method
Studi Penempatan Sumur Resapan Berdasarkan Nilai Laju Infiltrasi, Kualitas Fisik Air dan Tekstur Tanah pada DAS Batang Arau Kota Padang Dicky Maryand; Rusli HAR
Bina Tambang Vol 4, No 1 (2019): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. The problem in this study is that there is a function change of land from forest areas, agricultural land and cultural heritage into residential land, the tendency for fast-saturated land, high rainfall intensity and frequent occurrence of inundation (flooding). Based on infiltration rate data, the average infiltration rate of the study area of 0.0914 cm/minute is included in the classification of very low recharge areas (<0.1 cm/minute). Therefore it is necessary to design infiltration wells by looking at the infiltration rate, physical quality of water and lithology of rocks. This research was conducted at 31 different points. The data obtained are primary data which are direct observations in the field, namely data on physical quality of water by using water checkers and secondary data, namely the infiltration rate and lithology of rocks.Based on statistical analysis, physical quality of water, rock lithology conditions and land use greatly affect the placement of infiltration wells. Planning placement of infiltration wells is located in residential, trading and service land areas with a number of 23 point infiltration wells that are spread downstream of the Batanng Arau Watershed, Padang City.Keywords:   Infiltration Rate, Physical Quality of Water, Lithology of Rocks, Land Use, Infiltration Wells