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Pengaruh Informasi Sistem Penghitungan Nasional Online pada Hasil Pemilu 2019 terhadap Kepercayaan Publik Kota Medan Febrin Dwi Gloria Tampubolon; Muryanto Amin; Hendra Harahap
PERSPEKTIF Vol 10, No 2 (2021): PERSPEKTIF - July
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v10i2.4601


The election organizer is obliged to implement every principle in the election. The online National Counting System (Situng) is one of a series of election organizer activities in fulfilling the principle of openness to the public. Improving the quality of service in the General Election aims to increase public trust in the implementation of elections. According to Nunkoo, the principles of transparency and knowledge must be possessed by activity organizers in an effort to increase public trust. Research with this quantitative method looks at how much influence the online national counting system (situng) information (study of the 2019 Election results) has with a study on the people of Medan City. The findings in this study indicate that the process of transparency and increasing knowledge of the people of Medan City has significantly shaped Public Trust in the 2019 Election. The act of transparency has a bigger effect than increasing knowledge of online counting. Given the large role of transparency in shaping public trust in Medan City, this activity needs to be further enhanced to provide a better understanding to the public. And it does not rule out that online situng can increase public knowledge in the electoral field. Situng online is also expected to be an extension of the General Election Commission (KPU) in increasing public knowledge as a basis for experience in the election.
Analisis Faktor Determinan Tingkat Partisipasi Pemilih Penyandang Disabilitas Pada Pemilihan Umum 2019 Liza Noviani; Subhilhar Subhilhar; Muryanto Amin
PERSPEKTIF Vol 10, No 1 (2021): PERSPEKTIF - January
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v10i1.4074


The manifestation of democratic values in Indonesia as the actualization of power in the hands of the people is the implementation of general elections (Pemilu) and regional head elections. 2019 was a democratic party for the people of Banda Aceh City because it held regional head elections (pilkada) and 2019 simultaneous elections. The lack of impartiality for people with disabilities, including the management of election accessibility for persons with disabilities in previous elections and local elections, made researchers interested in conducting election accessibility research. for persons with disabilities in Banda Aceh City for holding regional head elections (Pilkada) and simultaneous elections 2019. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. This research requires data to conclude the research results, there are two types of data used in this study, namely primary data and secondary data. To explore data and information, researchers will conduct interviews with key informants and key informants, non-participant observation and through literature study by studying literature sourced from books, electronic journals, newspapers, regulations and documents related to research topics.
Model Sosialisasi Pemilihan Presiden 2019 di Komisi Independen Pemilihan Kota Banda Aceh Siti Hardiyanti; Muryanto Amin; Warjio Warjio
PERSPEKTIF Vol 10, No 1 (2021): PERSPEKTIF - January
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v10i1.4184


This research explains how the socialization model carried out by the Banda Aceh KIP in the 2019 Election is an effort to provide an understanding of the election to the public. the implementation of the socialization model in collaboration with various communities / organizations is greatly enhanced. The theory used is the socialization theory, S.N. Eisentadl, with the concepts used in information communication based on two models: the participatory socialization model and the repressive socialization model. This study used a qualitative method with interviews as the main technique of data collection, then the data that had been obtained were analyzed in terms of content. The results of the research on the socialization model carried out by KIP are in the form of cooperation (socialization cooperation) with various organizations / communities, which include: KIP LSM Radar, KIP GPS, KIP to BEM Unsyiah, Socialization to the family base, socialization to KPI. Information communication is carried out by KIP in the context of cooperation with working partners. When the socialization is carried out on the initiative of the organization and is present at the place of socialization voluntarily, the socialization is categorized as a participatory socialization model. Whereas the concept of information communication is tiered from political values and political feelings studied from the material presented by KIP which includes political education material, such as: citizens' rights and obligations, voting procedures, introduction of ballot papers, checking DPT, and procedures for administering Forms. A5. The implication is that the people of Banda Aceh already understand and have a pattern of awareness of the socialization material delivered by KIP
Implementasi Pemungutan Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan Perdesaan Dan Perkotaan Pada Kecamatan Medan Tembung Kota Medan Ricky Sofian Hasibuan; Badaruddin Badaruddin; Muryanto Amin
PERSPEKTIF Vol 10, No 2 (2021): PERSPEKTIF - July
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v10i2.4854


This research raises the phenomenon of Land and Building Tax Collection in Rural and Urban Areas in Medan Tembung District. In this study, researchers used implementation theory by applying the George C Edward III model implementation. This theory uses 4 variables, namely communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. If one of these variables is not met, obstacles will be found that cause the PBB-P2 collection process in Medan Tembung District to be ineffective. This study uses a qualitative approach with data observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques use data reduction, data presentation, and data collection. The results showed that the implementation of PBB-P2 collection policy in Medan was not yet effective because it did not fulfill all the factors and variables determined by George C. Edward III. Policy implementers are only able to fulfill 1 factor, namely the variable of bureaucratic structure consisting of SOPs and fragmentation only so that it has an impact on the results of realization that have not increased and have actually decreased over the last 3 years. Another obstacle is the low level of public awareness and the unfulfilled variable implementation of the George C Edward III model, such as in the communication factor, there is transmission, clarity, disposition and resources which have not been properly resolved by policy implementers.
Kinerja Kelompok Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara Pemungutan Suara Ulang pada PEMILU 2019 di Kota Tebing Tinggi Dian Husri Hurasan; Muryanto Amin; Hatta Ridho
PERSPEKTIF Vol 11, No 1 (2022): PERSPEKTIF - January
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v11i1.5503


This research was motivated by the Re-Voting (PSU) and the Election Result Dispute (PHPU) lawsuit that colored the 2019 Election in Tebing Tinggi City. The performance of the Voting Organizer Group (KPPS) for the 2019 election in Tebing Tinggi City was questioned when the two problems initially stemmed from a mistake by KPPS at the polling station. To prove the performance of KPPS in Tebing Tinggi, the researcher analyzed the performance of KPPS in Kota Tebing Tinggi with 6 (six) indicators proposed by Robbins, namely: Quality, Quantity, Punctuality, Effectiveness, Independence, and work commitment. Because the performance of the organizers is part of the integrity of the election, the researcher uses the integrity theory of Frank and Martinez i Coma, which states that the performance of the organizing body can technically improve the integrity of the election and there is recognition of independence and Pippa Norris who examines the integrity of elections from the field of public management, namely examines electoral integrity using the concepts of electoral maladministration and 'good governance' which emphasizes technical capability and efficient performance, as well as electoral processes and procedures. This study found that although the Tebing Tinggi City KPPS has tried its best in carrying out its duties, the Tebing Tinggi City KPPS's performance is not good, this is due to several factors, namely: 1. Requirements regarding restrictions on serving as KPPS twice, 2. Minimal technical guidance and ineffective, 3. The logistical chaos of the 2019 election, 4. The complexity of the administration of the 2019 election, 5. The workload of the 2019 election that causes Human Error.
Motif Aktor Lokal dalam Kuota Pencalonan 120 Persen Partai Politik Lokal pada Pemilu 2019 Nurlaina Nurlaina; Muryanto Amin; Warjio Warjio
PERSPEKTIF Vol 10, No 2 (2021): PERSPEKTIF - July
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v10i2.4604


This research explains the change in the nomination quota for members of the Provincial DPRD (DPRA) and Regency / City DPRD (DPRK) members for local political parties in the 2019 Election in Aceh Province from a quota of 100 percent to 120 percent based on the number of seats that have been assigned to each electoral district, because the provisions of the LoGA stipulated in the Aceh Qanun are different from the national provisions. The change in the quota cannot be separated from the influence of requests made by DPRA members who are cadres of one of the local political parties. As a political actor at the local level, this request is supported by various motives. To analyze motives, the researchers looked at the reasons local actors asked for changes in nomination quotas. This research is a type of qualitative research by collecting data through interviews, observation and library data, then the data that has been obtained is analyzed by content. Research findings show that actors use an integrative model to get special treatment for local political parties in the 2019 elections, actor actions in achieving preferences, interactions between institutions and instruments or institutional rules, it is found that apart from maintaining the specificity of Aceh, the request for a 120 percent quota for political parties is found. The local background is also motivated by the motive of the interests of actors and their groups, namely becoming incumbent candidates and accommodating many candidates for DPRA and DPRK candidates from the Aceh Party.
Strategi Komisi Independen Pemilihan Kabupaten Pidie dalam Meningkatkan Angka Partisipasi Pemilih Marginal pada Pemilu 2019 Zulfan Zulfan; Muryanto Amin; Arifin Saleh
PERSPEKTIF Vol 11, No 2 (2022): PERSPEKTIF - April
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v11i2.5800


This study aims to determine what steps aretaken by the Independent Election Commission (KIP) of Pidie Regency in increasing the level of marginal voter participation.  And want to know what strategy the Independent Election Commission (KIP) of Pidie Regency has done in increasing the level of marginal voter participation.  The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach.  The theory used in this research is political participation theory, election theory and strategy theory.  Where from the results of his research, it was obtained that the low level of marginal voter participation was caused by several factors, including (1) apathy, (2) lack of understanding and education on elections (3) candidates who were carried out were not in line with expectations (4) there was a promise  politics that are not fulfilled (5) prioritize daily needs, (6) there is no change and improvement in every election implementation.  Actors that can increase voter participation are community leaders, religious leaders or elders in the gampong area.  And the strategy taken by the Independent Election Commission (KIP) of Pidie Regency in increasing the participation rate of marginal voters is to increase socialization activities to the maximum and massively by involving democratic volunteers.
Analisis Penggunaan Dana Desa Berdasarkan Permendesa PDTT Nomor 16 Tahun 2018 Tentang Prioritas Penggunaan Dana Desa Tahun 2019 Panji Setiawan; Badaruddin Badaruddin; Muryanto Amin
PERSPEKTIF Vol 11, No 2 (2022): PERSPEKTIF - April
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v11i2.6175


The purpose of this study was to find out how to arrange use, implementation of use, types of proposals that developed at the village annual Musrembang forum, inhibiting factors from implementation and motives of stakeholders/related parties in encouraging the implementation of DD use based on Permendesa Pdtt. 16/2018 as a reference for Timbang Jaya Village, Bahorok District and Paluh Pakih Babussalam Village, Batang Serangan District. The method used in this research is a survey with observation techniques, in-depth interviews and literature study methods. The results of the study stated that the method of arranging the use of DD in Timbang Jaya Village, Bahorok District and Paluh Pakeh Babussalam Village, Batang Serangan District was appropriate. Implementation of the use of DD based on Permendesa Pdtt No. 16/2018 has not been fully implemented or has not become a reference for villages in carrying out development. The types of proposals that developed at the village's annual Musrembang forum became inhibiting factors from implementation, because they were dominated by proposals for infrastructure development activities that were not related to the priority provisions for the use of DD regulated by Permendesa Pdtt. 16/2018, while the motives of the stakeholders/related parties are so that there is integration between village development planning and national, provincial, and district/city development planning and so that the use of DD does not violate the provisions of applicable regulations.
Profesionalisme Penyelenggara Adhoc dalam Keberatan Saksi di Tahapan Rekapitulasi Hasil Penghitungan Suara Tingkat Kecamatan Amrullah Amrullah; Subhilhar Subhilhar; Muryanto Amin
PERSPEKTIF Vol 10, No 2 (2021): PERSPEKTIF - July
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v10i2.4426


The purpose of this research is to answer the professionalism of the District Election Committee (PPK) in carrying out the adhoc district level recapitulation in carrying out the recapitulation at the sub-district level, in particular the follow-up to the witness's objection makes it possible for various problems that cannot be resolved in the recapitulation at the sub-district level, so that they arise again. at the district level. This study uses the main theory of electoral integrity from Pippa Norris. To explain KDP's professionalism, Gregorius Sahdan's theory of professionalism is used. To see the form of resolution of the witness' objection, the theory of conflict resolution from Spiegel, Novri Susan, and Ralf Dahrendorf will be used. The research findings show that the professionalism of KDP in the recapitulation at the sub-district level is very good in terms of regulatory capacity and implementative capacity. Judging from the administrative capacity, there are still several shortcomings due to reduced accuracy as a result of the very high workload and work intensity of KDP. In addition, the witness's objection in the recapitulation at the sub-district level had been properly accommodated by the PPK based on the provisions of the law and PKPU. The model that was used by the PPK to follow up on the objections of witnesses was discussion (consolidation), recommendations from the District Panwaslu (mediation), and through a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court (arbitration). These methods are applied in stages and conditionally.
Propaganda Politik Hoaks dalam Pemilihan Presiden Tahun 2019 Rahman Tahir; Heri Kusmanto; Muryanto Amin
PERSPEKTIF Vol 9, No 2 (2020): PERSPEKTIF - July
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v9i2.3458


The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the use of hoax propaganda, material or content and patterns of its use in the 2019 Presidential Election. Qualitative methods are used in this research to seek knowledge or understanding of various related relations behind a reality in the new media era, text studies and news documentation and articles about hoax news that can influence the public and can hinder and influence the substance of democracy itself. The results showed that the purpose of hoaks political propaganda in addition to influencing the public was also done to change the negative image into positive or vice versa, in order to increase the electability and popularity of the candidates supported. material or content that is used as propaganda hoaks is material or content that contains SARA, personal, uses a pattern of nicknames, transfers, lure, popular narrative by using news / information content which is negative in nature and even sometimes contains lies using hoax propaganda patterns that are used in the 2019 presidential election. The pattern of the use of hoax propaganda is exhaled in new media by repetitive and continuous ways to change cognitive thinking and arouse the emotions of people who do not understand the deepening of politics.