Kartini Hasballah
Department Of Pharmacology, School Of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia

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Faktor Budaya Dalam Perawatan Ibu Nifas Inong Sri Rahayu; Mudatsir Mudatsir; Kartini Hasballah
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) Volume V No.1 Januari-Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

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Abstrak Di Aceh masih banyak para ibu melakukan perawatan nifas berdasarkan budaya dan adat istiadat khususnya di Kecamatan Tanah Jambo Aye Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Budaya atau kebiasaan merupakan salah satu yang mempengaruhi status kesehatan dari perawatan nifas yang dilakukan.. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi secara mendalam pengalaman ibu, manfaat, dan adat-istiadat dalam perawatan nifas di Kecamatan Tanah Jambo Aye Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Sebuah studi kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi deskriptif dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam  pada 10 orang partisipan yang didapatkan dengan purposive sampling. Transkripsi dianalisis dengan menggunakan content analisis untuk mengidentifikasi kategori dan tema. Penelitian ini menemukan pengalaman dalam perawatan nifas Madeung, Kusuk, pantang makan, dan minum ramu- ramuan proses atau cara, intensitas, durasi ,frekuensi dan manfaat dari melakukan perawatan nifas. Manfaat perawatan nifas meliputi KB tradisional, kulit menjadi cantik dan bersih, serta badan menjadi kurus. Adat istiadat dalam perawatan nifas merupakan bagian dari tradisi, keturunan dan budaya dari daerah setempat. Dimanapun mereka berada, akan ada adat istiadat tersendiri dari daerah yang sudah menjadi bagian dari budaya dalam perawatan nifas. Budaya tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan dimodifikasi atau diubah dalam praktik keperawatan tradisional yang dapat mempengaruhi terhadap budaya prilaku hidup sehat.Kata kunci: Pengalaman ibu, manfaat, adat istiadat AbstractAceh is still a lot of mothers do postnatal care based on the cultureand customs, especially in the district of Tanah Jambo Aye North Aceh District.Culture or habit is one that affects the health status of postnatal care is performed. The purpose of this study was to explore in depth experienceof the mother, benefits, and customs in postnatal care in Tanah Jambo AyeNorth Aceh District. A qualitative study with descriptive phenomenologyapproach with in-depth interviews conducted on 10 participants who wereobtained by purposive sampling. Transcription was analyzed using contentanalysis to identify categories and themes. This study found the experiencein the treatment of postpartum Madeung, muttering, to abstain from eating and drinking potions ramu- process or method, intensity, duration, frequency and thebenefits of doing postnatal care. Benefits include traditional birth postnatal care,skin to be beautiful and clean, and the body become thin. Customs in postnatal care is part of the tradition, heritage and culture of the local area. Wherever theyare, there will be separate from the local customs that have become part of theculture in postnatal care. The culture can be modified (culture care accommodation/negotiation)  or altered (culture care representing/reconstruction)in a traditional nursing practice that can influence the behavior of healthy livingculture.Key words: Mother's experience, benefits, customs
Pengaruh Relaksasi Otot Progresif Terhadap Stres dan Tekanan Darah Pada Klien Hipertensi Dedi Irawan; Kartini Hasballah; Hajjul Kamil
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) VI No.1 Januari-Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

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AbstrakRelaksasi otot progresif merupakan salah satu terapi non farmakologis untuk merilekkan otot serta menurunkan tingkat stres sehingga menyebabkan tekanan darah menurun. Tujuan dari penelitian adakah pengaruh relaksasi otot progresif terhadap stres dan tekanan darah klien hipertensi di Kota Langsa. Penelitian ini menggunakan Desain penelitian Quasi Eksperiment pre-posttest without control group design. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 22 responden. Responden mendapatkan perlakuan latihan relaksasi otot progresif selama 20 menit, dan berlangsung selama 4 kali latihan, jarak latihan pertama, kedua, ketiga dan keempat selama 2 hari. Serta mendapatkan pengukuran stres dan tekanan darah sebelum dan sesudah latihan. Hasil uji Wilcoxon test menunjukan stres sebelum dan stres sesudah latihan relaksasi otot progresif didapatkan, 21 responden (95,45%) memperoleh nilai positif dengan nilai mean rank test 11,00, hasil uji Z, dimana nilai Z hitung – 4,028 dari Z table 0,0002, dengan nilai (p value = 0,000). Dan hasil analisis latihan hari keempat relaksasi otot progresif didapatkan tekanan darah sistolik sebelum dan sesudah latihan, 17 responden (77,27%) memperoleh nilai positif, dengan nilai mean rank test 9,00, hasil uji Z, dimana Z hitung -3,695 dari Z table 0,0002, dengan nilai (p value =0,000), tekanan darah diastolik sebelum dan sesudah latihan didapatkan, 15 responden (68,18%) memperoleh nilai positif, dengan nilai mean rank test 8,00, hasil uji Z dimana Z hitung -3,873 dari Z table 0,0002, dengan nilai (p value = 0,000).  Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh relaksasi otot progresif terhadap stres dan tekanan darah klien hipertensi di Kota Langsa. Dan  diharapkan kepada perawat untuk menerapkan relaksasi otot progresif sebagai intervensi keperawatan untuk klien hipertensi.Kata Kunci : hipertensi, stres, tekanan  darah, relaksasi otot progresif AbstractProgressive muscle relaxation constitutes one of non-pharmacological therapy to relax the muscle and lower the stress level which causes blood pressure to decrease. The aim of this research is to identify the effects of progressive muscle relaxation towards stress and blood pressure of the hypertension patients in Langsa city. This research Quasi Eksperiment Pre-Posttest without control group disign. The number of samples in this research is 22 respondents. Respondents receive progressive muscle relaxation training for 20 minutes in the each time of training and getting it once a day within 4 days and also receiving stress measurement and blood pressure before and after the training. The result wilcoxon test of the research shows the stress before and after the progressive muscle relaxation training acquired, 21 respondents (95,45%) obtain positive score with the mean rank value 11,00, test result Z, in which the value of Z count – 4,208 than Z table 0,0002, with value (p value = 0,000). And the result of the fourth-day-training analysis the systolic blood pressure before and after the training are gotten, 17 respondents (77,27 %) having positive score, with the mean rank value 9,00, test result Z, in which the Z count -3,695 than Z table 0,0002, with value (p value = 0,000). So that it can be concluded that progressive muscle relaxation affects stress and blood pressure of the hypertension patients in Langsa city. And is expected to nurses implementations progressive muscle relaxation as nursing interventions for clients with hypertension.Keywords : hypertension, stress, blood pressure, progressive muscle relaxation.
Promosi Kesehatan Cuci Tangan Dan Jajanan Sehat Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Siswa Keumalasari Keumalasari; Kartini Hasballah; Imran Imran
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) Volume V No.1 Januari-Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

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AbstrakCuci tangan dan jajanan sehat merupakan salah satu solusi yang mudah dan efektif dalam pencegahan penyakit menular dan juga dapat mencegah gangguan saluran pencernaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh promosi kesehatan cuci tangan dan jajanan sehat terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap siswa MIN Lamrabo Kecamatan Kutabaro Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Intervensi promosi kesehatan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, demontrasi serta permainan menggunakan leaflet, booklet dan gambar. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan design pre experimental berupa the one gruop pretest-posttest design terhadap 153 responden yang diperoleh secara purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian dalam bentuk kuesioner dengan tehnik analisa data menggunakan uji statistik parametrik paired t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh promosi kesehatan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan dengan nilai rerata 8,398 sebelum intervensi meningkat jadi 13,99 (p=0,000) dan peningkatan sikap dengan nilai rerata 47,74 sebelum intervensi meningkat jadi 64,47 (p=0,000). Promosi kesehatan merupakan prioritas utama dan merupakan salah satu intervensi keperawatan yang efektif meningkatkan tingkat kesadaran siswa akan pentingnya cuci tangan dan jajanan sehat di sekolah. Diharapkan pendidikan kesehatan tentang cuci tangan dan jajanan sehat dapat dijadikan salah satu tindakan keperawatan pada siswa di sekolah. Kata Kunci : cuci tangan, jajanan sehat, pengetahuan, sikap Abstract                                                    Hands wash and healthy snacks is one solution that is easy and effective in the prevention of infectious diseases and also can prevent gastrointestinal disorders. This study aims to determine the effect of hand washing health promotion and healthy snacks on knowledge and attitudes of students MIN Lamrabo Kutabaro District of Aceh Besar district. Health promotion interventions carried out with lectures, discussions, demonstrations and games using leaflets, booklets and pictures. This type of research is quantitative with pre-experimental design such as the one gruop pretest-posttest design of the 153 respondents were obtained by purposive sampling. The research instrument in the form of a questionnaire with data analysis techniques using parametric statistical test paired t-test. The results showed a health promoting effect on the improvement of knowledge with a mean value of 8.398 before the intervention increased to 13.99 (p = 0.000) and improvement of attitudes with a mean value of 47.74 before the intervention increased to 64.47 (p = 0.000). Health promotion is a top priority and is one of the nursing interventions effectively improve the level of students' awareness of the importance of hand washing and healthy snacks at school. Expected health education about hand washing and healthy snacks can be one nursing actions on the students in the school.Keywords: hand washing, healthy snacks, knowledge, attitudes
Pemberian Campuran Kunyit dan Jahe dengan Tingkat Nyeri Pada Pasien Fraktur Nanda Fitria, Kartini Hasballah, Endang Mutiawati
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) Volume IV No.1 Januari-Juni 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

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AbstrakTulang merupakan kerangka kerja tubuh manusia dan fraktur (patah tulang) dapat terjadi pada tulang manapun yang membentuk tubuh. Suatu fraktur dapat menimbulkan nyeri yang ekstrim atau ringan pada area yang cedera. Walaupun obat-obat nonsteroid efektif untuk menghilangkan nyeri, obat-obat herbal dan suplemen diet bisa memberikan alternatif pengobatan untuk menghilangkan nyeri yang lebih aman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari campuran kunyit dan jahe terhadap tingkat nyeri sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan kunyit dan jahe pada pasien fraktur yang berobat pada dukun patah tulang di Kecamatan Jeumpa Kabupaten Bireuen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan eksperimental-semu (quasi-eksperimental research). Rancangan dalam penelitian ini adalah One Group Pretest-Posttest Design, dalam rancangan ini digunakan satu kelompok subjek sejumlah 48 orang responden yang diperoleh melalui teknik total sampling. Berdasarkan hasil uji normalitas data, didapatkan hasil p value=0.0000.05 baik untuk kelompok data sebelum maupun sesudah pemberian campuran kunyit dan jahe. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa data berdistribusi tidak normal. Oleh karena itu, maka selanjutnya, pengaruh pemberian campuran kunyit dan jahe pada pasien fraktur diuji dengan menggunakan rumus uji non parametrik Wilcoxon signed rank test pada derajat kemaknaan 95%. Pada bagian akhir analisa data, didapatkan nilai Z=-2.694 dan p value= 0.007 α=0.05. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat pengaruh pemberian campuran kunyit dan jahe terhadap tingkat nyeri pada pasien fraktur yang berobat di dukun patah Kecamatan Jeumpa Kabupaten Bireuen. Dianjurkan kepada dukun patah dan masyarakat luas untuk menggunakan kunyit dan jahe sebagai alternatif pengobatan untuk menghilangkan nyeri.Kata kunci: campuran kunyit dan jahe, tingkat nyeri.AbstractBone is human’s body structure and fracture may affect any bone that construct human body. A fracture can cause pain ranged from extreme to light in the affected area, swelling, cracked bone, or under skin bleeding. Even though non steroid antiimflammatory drugs effective to ease the pain, herbal remedies and food suplements can be the saver altenative treatment to cure the pain. the research was to identify the effect the effect of turmeric and ginger application to the fracture’s pain level on the pasient who cured by traditional healer in jeumpa distric Bireuen regency. This research is a quasi-eksperimental research. The design that conducted in the research is One Group Pretest-Posttest Design on one intervention group consist of 48 respondents that selected through total sampling technic. By the result of normality test, the p value result=0,000α=0.05 for pretest and posttest. It can be conclude that the data are not normally distributed. Therefore, effect of turmeric and ginger should be measured using non parametric Wilcoxon signed rank test at CI 95%. The test result z value=-2.694 and p value= 0.007 α=0.05. So that can be concluded that this research that there was the effect of turmeric and ginger application to the fracture’s pain level on the pasient who cured by traditional healer in Jeumpa distric Bireuen regency. The researcher suggest the traditional healer and public to use turmeric and ginger as the alternative treatment in curing pain.Key words: mixture turmeric and ginger, pain
Analisis Penyalahgunaan Napza Dengan Pendekatan Health Belief Model Nurjanisah Nurjanisah; Teuku Tahlil; Kartini Hasballah
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) Volume V No.1 Januari-Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

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AbstrakMasalah penggunaan Napza merupakan salah satu kontributor utama terhadap beban penyakit global yang berupa disabilitas dan mortalitas. Berbagai alasan yang menyebabkan seseorang melakukan penyalahgunaan Napza diantaranya sosial ekonomi, stresor , efek obat; relaks, peningkatan aktifitas, dan penghilangan mod depresi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi untuk mengeksplorasi persepsi penyalahguna Napza berdasarkan pendekatan Health Belief Model. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah residen dari tempat rehabilitasi ketergantungan obat yang ada di Kota Banda. Sampel terdiri atas 21 partisipan yang direkrut dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tehnik Fokus Group Discussion (FGD), mengeksplorasi persepsi penyalahguna Napza yang terdiri dari persepsi resiko, persepsi keparahan, persepsi manfaat, persepsi hambatan, tindakan, dan keyakinan diri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi resiko; resiko penyalahgunaan Napza berdampak pada fisik, psikis, sosial, spiritual dan prilaku kriminal. Persepsi keparahan; tingkat keparahan yang paling dominan mengalami halusinasi, perilaku paranoid, depresi, dan emosi tidak stabil. Persepsi manfaat program rehab; mendapatkan informasi, motivasi, kegiatan positif, komitmen berhenti menggunakan Napza. Persepsi hambatan; hambatan untuk berhenti dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan terutama teman. Tindakan; mengikuti program rehab dan didukung oleh keluarga. Keyakinan diri ; tidak semua partisipan menunjukkan keyakinan diri yang kuat untuk berhenti menggunakan Napza.Kata Kunci: Penyalahgunaan  Napza,  Rehabilitasi,  Health Belief Model. AbstractDrug abuses are one of main contribution on global diseases burden in the form of disability and mortality. Various reasons  of why somebody using drug found. Some of them are economic social factor, stress, drug effect, relaxation, activity increasing, and losing depression mode. this is a qualitative research with descriptive phenomenology method to explore drug abuse perception based on Health Belief Model Approach. Population in this research are resident of Yakita, Tabina, and Rumoh Harapan Aceh, sampling used is purposive sampling consist of 21 participants. Data collecting is used Focus Group Discussion (FGD) technic that explore perception of drug abuser which contains risk perception, severe perception, benefit perception, obstacle perception, action and self confident. The result show that Risk perception; the risk of drug abuses have affected on physic, psychic, social, spiritual and criminal behavior. Severe Perception; the most dominant effect of severe is hallucination suffering, paranoid behavior, depression, and unstable emotion. Benefit perception: rehabilitation program; getting information, motivation, positive activities, commitment of stopping using drug. Obstacle perception: the barrier of stoping using drug are surrounding influences, friends in particular. Action: participating in rehabilitation programs and supported by family. Self-confident: not all participant showed strong commitment to terminating using drug. Keywords: Drug Abuse, Rehabilitation, Health Belief Model.
Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Perilaku Diet Hipertensi Lansia Di Aceh Selatan Heriyandi Heriyandi; Kartini Hasballah; Teuku Tahlil
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK) VI No.1 Januari-Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan

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AbstrakSalah satu penyakit yang paling banyak diderita lansia adalah hipertensi. Pelaksanaan diet yang teratur yaitu dengan mengurangi makanan tinggi garam, makanan berlemak, mengkonsumsi makanan tinggi serat, dan melakukan olah raga penting bagi lansia dengan hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku diet hipertensi pada lansia. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitiani berjumlah 316 orang lansia yang mengalami hipertensi yang dipilih dengan teknik total sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil analisa uji chi-square diperoleh nilai p-Value 0,001(P0,05) bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuan dengan perilaku diet hipertensi lansia diwilayah kerja puskesmas meukek kabupaten aceh selatan. Hasil analisa uji chi-square diperoleh nilai p-Value 0,001(P0,05) bahwa ada hubungan sikap dengan perilaku diet hipertensi lansia diwilayah kerja puskesmas meukek kabupaten aceh selatan . Saran peneliti diharapkan kepada tempat penelitian dapat dijadikan acuan bagi pihak puskesmas khususnya puskesmas meukek untuk selalu memotivasi lansia agar selalu melaksanaan hidup sehat terutama yang berhubungan dengan diet hipertensi, dan melakukan monitoring lanjutan tentang pelaksanaan diet hipertensi bagi wilayah kerja puskesmas.Kata Kunci: Lansia, Hipertensi, Perilaku Diet Abstract One of the most common diseases of the elderly is hypertension. The implementation of a regular diet can normalize hypertension by reducing foods high in salt, fatty foods, consuming high-fiber foods, and exercising. This study aims to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of dietary hypertension quantitative with a cross sectional approach. The sample in this study amounted to 316 elderly people who experienced hypertension. The sampling technique used was total sampling technique. Research data collection was conducted. The results of the chi-square test analysis obtained p-Value 0.00 (P 0.05) that there is a relationship of knowledge with elderly hypertensive dietary behavior in the work area of Puskesmas Meukek, South Aceh District. The results of the chi-square test analysis showed that the p-Value value was 0.00 (P 0.05) that there was a relationship between attitudes with elderly hypertensive dietary behavior in the work area of Puskesmas Meukek, South Aceh District. Researchers' suggestions are expected to be used as a reference for health centers, especially meukek health centers, to always motivate the elderly to always live healthy lives, especially those related to hypertension diets, and carry out further monitoring of the implementation of hypertension diets for the health centers. Keywords: Elderly, Hypertension, Diet Behavior
Gambaran tingkat kepatuhan penggunaan obat antihipertensi pada penderita hipertensi di puskesmas pante raya kabupaten Bener Meriah periode bulan Agustus 2020 Chesy Oety Otawa; Kartini Hasballah; Reno Keumalazia Kamarlis
Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala Vol 21, No 3 (2021): Volume 21 Nomor 3 Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jks.v21i3.19821


Hipertensi merupakan keadaan meningkatnya tekanan kapiler darah akibat terjadi konstriksi pada pembuluh darah. Pada penanganan hipertensi perlu menggunakan obat antihipertensi yang akan efektif jika dengan meminumnya sesuai anjuran tenaga kesehatan, Berdasarkan alasan tersebut, peneliti bermaksud untuk mengetahui tingkat kepatuhan penggunaan obat antihipertensi pada penderita hipertensi di Puskesmas Pante Raya periode Bulan Agustus 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan survei deskriptif observational dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien yang telah didiagnosis hipertensi di Puskesmas Pante Raya Kabupaten Bener Meriah yang memenuhi kriteria pada periode Agustus 2020 dan diambil dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Responden berjumlah 49 orang dengan jumlah populasi 62 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8). Hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini adalah tingkat kepatuhan penderita hipertensi di Puskesmas Pante Raya periode Agustus rendah, dengan mencapai persentase 100%. Penderita hipertensi banyak diderita oleh usia 56-65 tahun sebanyak (46,9%) dengan jumlah wanita (79,6%) lebih banyak dibandingkan laki-laki (20,4%). pendidikan terakhir responden terbanyak adalah tingkat SMA/sederajat (42,9%) sedangkan responden yang bekerja (65,3%)  lebih banyak daripada yang tidak bekerja (65,3%). Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kepatuhan penggunaan obat antihipertensi pada Puskesmas Pante Raya periode bulan Agustus 2020 adalah rendah.
The uterine rupture and bladder rupture on a pregnant mother with previous cesarean section after partum management on midwife Dewi Karlina Rusly; Hilwah Nora; Kartini Hasballah
Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Life Sciences
Publisher : Syiah Kuala University

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A-case report about the process and impact of the vaginal birth after section caesarean in rural on a pregnant woman who has previous cesarean. This is the case of Mrs H, 30 years old in aterm gestational age with singleton intra partum fetal death, previous cesarean section, with suspected uterine rupture. She wasadmitted to RSUZA hospital due to unprogress labour, sent from midwife after failed of labour. In the hospital the catether was inserted and we found hematuria. She had been control for pregnancy in the hospital ofmother and baby for two times and the last 2 weeks was said the baby still in good condition. She was had the previous cesarean 5 years ago on second pregnancy due to unprogress labour and the incision was transversal,and also had the extraction vaccum history for delivered the first pregnancy. She already get information to delivered this third baby in the hospital, but she was coming to midwife due to contraction, and the orificium uretra extrenum was opened 8 cm, so the midwife try to delivered the baby for 1 hour, and because failed, the midwife sent to the hospital. After 3 hours, she was administered to the hospital the opened of orificium uteri was 10 cm and we found hematuria. During the way she was transferring to hospital she feels the movement of the baby was lost. When she administered in hospital the blood pressure was 100/70 mmHg, with the heart rate 100 times/ minute. She was complaints pain in the previous cesarean scar 3 hours later, and lost of fetalmovement since 1 hours ago. On ultrasound examination there was intrapartum fetal death. We decided to do laparotomy exploration due to suspected uterine rupture. On the operation we found 200 cc blood clot inside the layer of peritoneum, and after the peritoneum was cleaned and opened we could see the upper of the fetal head out side the uterus which intrapartum fetal death, with the large uterine rupture along the previous cesarean incision about 12 cm length. We also found the ballon of folley catheter outside the bladder, so weconfirm to urology and also found there was a bladder rupture grade IV with 14 cm lengths on the posterior bladder. After delivered the baby, The uronologist did repair bladder rupture and the bladder was inserted the spolling folley catheter with NaCl 0.9% from the upper bladder for maintenance the drainage of the bladder so it keep clean during in the ward and the folley cateter also inserted from the uretra. The procedure was continued with the obstetrician to do repairation of the uterine rupture. In the ward she was hospitalized for 14 days to maintain the bladder. From this case, we would like to assess the patophysiology of uterine rupture and bladder rupture which cause the mortality and morbidity of mother and baby. The uterine rupture has correlation withlate and false of management of delivery which result in intra partum fetal death and bladder rupture that was explained in this paper.
Administration of Dydrogesterone in first trimester of pregnancy will increase the level of PlGF (Placental Growth Factor) Dewi K. Rusly; Kanadi Sumapraja; . Rajuddin; Kartini Hasballah
Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Life Sciences
Publisher : Syiah Kuala University

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Early placental development can be determined by measuring placental growth factor or Placental growth factor (PlGF) through the mother's blood since the first trimester of pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supplementation on the development didrogesteron placenta in pregnancy by measuring the levels of PlGF. This study is a randomized double-blind clinical trial (Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial) held at the Antenatal Clinic (ANC) at the General Hospital dr. Zainoel Abidin (RSUZA), Banda Acehto women of reproductive age in the first trimester in RSUZA ANC checkup. Nonprobability sampling sampling with consecutive sampling. In this study there were two groups of women of reproductive age who are not in pairs is given didrogesteron group A while group B received placebo. Measurement of PlGF levels in both groups performed before and after treatment. PlGF levels prior to treatment in Group A 25.95 pg/ml while Group B 40.80 pg/ml. PlGF levels after the measurement results given didrogesteron in Group A for 4 weeks gainedincreasing levels of PlGF is 212.15 pg/ml, whereas in group B were given a placebo for 4 weeks was 89.60 pg/ml. Data analysis was performed using bivariate analysis between supplementation didrogesteron and PlGFlevels using SPSS 17. Analysis of data for comparative analytical numerical information unpaired two groups: Group A: the results of a PlGF levels in pregnant subjects were given didrogesteron and Group B: the results ofa PlGF levels in pregnant patients given placebo. Unpaired t-test results of the two groups showed that the group receiving didrogesteron have elevated levels of PlGF were significantly (p = 0.000 or p 0.05) compared with the placebo group were only given alone. From these results it can be concluded that the administration can trigger didrogesteron PlGF levels in women of reproductive age.
Molecular docking of two cytotoxic compounds from Calotropis gigantea leaves against therapeutic molecular target of pancreatic cancer Agnia Purnama; Vivi Mardina; Kana Puspita; Intan Qanita; Diva R. Rizki; Kartini Hasballah; Mudassar Iqbal; Murniana Sarong
Narra J Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): August 2021
Publisher : Narra Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52225/narraj.v1i2.37


The utilization of natural compounds as therapeutic agents to treat pancreatic cancer has recently focused on natural drug research. Calotropis gigantea has long been believed to be a medicinal plant that helps in treating various diseases. The bioactive compounds 9-metoxipinoresinol and isoliquiritigenin isolated from C. gigantea leaves are proven to act as therapeutic agents by inhibiting the cancer cell growth of Panc-1 cells. This study aimed to screen the potential molecular inhibition mechanisms of 9-metoxipinoresinol and isoliquiritigenin against pancreatic cancer development in-silico. We analyzed the activity of the aforementioned two compounds as inhibitors of several proteins that play a role in the growth of pancreatic cancer cells, such as GCNT3, GOT1, c-Met, PPARγ, BUB1, and NF-κβ, through molecular docking investigation. Our data suggested that 9-metoxipinoresinol and isoliquiritigenin were able to have well interaction with the target proteins, in which the predicted affinity energy ranged between -6.8 and 8.7 kcal/mol. The docking scores of 9-metoxipinoresinol and isoliquiritigenin were higher than the standard drug used (gemcitabine). Based on the binding affinity energy, GCNT3 and BUB1 are potentially to be used as target molecules for cancer therapy using 9-metoxipinoresinol and isoliquiritigenin, respectively.